200+ (Week 41) Getting Fit For Fall Begins!



  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just wanting to drop in and say a quick Hello to everyone...I'll post my goals and starting weight tomorrow.
    Helping my daughter paint her room today and we have a couple of cookouts to go to....hoping I can stay away from the salty snacks...since I am weighing in tomorrow morning......but it doesn't look good...my TOM cravings have began and last night I had 1/2 of a glazed doughnut....eek...gasp...that is the first one I have had in months.....I was so hoping it would make me sick :laugh: :laugh: , but nope, it went down pretty good :ohwell:

    I have had a bit of some back pain the last three days, but thankgoodness after some stretches this morning it is finally feeling better,I can stand without hunching over, I must of tweaked it Wednesday while doing insanity. I will be starting week 5 on Sunday....it will be new workouts, here I go again....
    have a great weekend everyone!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    There was a last minute decision to go out last night. thankfully i had just gotten back from my jog with lexi so at least i got a little exercise in. i had 3 blue motorcycles and i was TORN UP! lol but i burned a lot of cals dancing too. it was so much fun. i stayed at their house and now im waiting for them to wake up so amber can check her phone and see the text i sent her asking if she will let me borrow some clothes to wear home. i am not feeling having to put last nights outfitback on lol
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!!! Congrats to all that lost this challenge. Can you believe I forgot to weigh in this morning??? (sighs). I'll try tomorrow. Welcome to all the new people.

    The girls are keeping me busy. Eating has been way off but I've been even more active. We did 2 hours of yard work and caught the Matinee of Marmaduke today. It's raining or we'd be at the beach or around the campfire. This weather would be perfect for running. Maybe I'll go yet tonight or just wait
    until the morning. The girls parents and the 2 young kids arrive tomorrow. I think they'll be here until Wed. I doubt I'll have time to check-in much - sorry ladies.

    I'm off to do more laundry.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    This weekend has been worse than last week for me. I was all set to go on an adventure in the Black Forest to see cuckoo clocks and waterfalls and such and as we were getting the car gassed up & ready to go I got really, really dizzy and started shaking. So, we spent the day in the ER instead of having fun. They ran all my bloodwork and did several EKG's and the ONLY thing they are sure of is that it's not my heart (I'm pretty sure that I knew that last week when the cardiologist told me as much). So I wasted my day, felt like crap and know no more than I did when I went in. The ER doctor said maybe I was dehydrated, maybe I was overheated, maybe I had low blood sugar - but I didn't have any of those things as I drink a ton of water, it isn't actually hot here and I had eaten right before the episode hit me. Anyways, I'm feeling crappy and I'm bummed.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Oh Amy that just sucks!!! I can't even imagine what could cause that. I sure hope SOMEONE figures it out soon for you!!

    We drove to portland yesterday afternoon for a BBQ for my bf's husbands birthday. I was really not wanting to go because I've been so tired but it was nice. We didn't get home until 11:45 and then promptly went to bed, but we had a great time. Now I've got to get plans in motion for our end of summer/Gracie's birthday party on september 4th.

    I bought the wii games Rabbids last night and now we are gonna play for a bit. And then Costco and the grocery store for grocieres and home to cook up some stuff for the week.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Amy - ((((((((big hug)))))))) I hope they figure it out soon. It sucks to have your weekend ruined. Your plans sounded so fun.

    Lacey - glad you had fun.

    Right now I'm making mac and cheese and jambalya in the crock pots. We hope to have a campfire tonight with hotdogs and smores. I really should go look for the cooking sticks.

    The girls are in the shower and I'm about to go do some computer work.

    Kendal - glad you had a great time out with your friends. Camping does sound fun. Maybe we can plan something for the spring.

    To everyone else - enjoy your weekend. I'll be better about posting late next week.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I meant to tell you all that I got a nice 7 mile run in this morning and 15 miles in total for the week.

    I forgot to weigh again so I'll go with183 which is what I was Wed when I weighed. I measured again and not much loss this challenge. At least it's not going up. I'm aiming for 6 pounds again this challenge.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- 7 miles is SO impressive! Next weekend is 6 miles for me, which'll be my longest yet.

    Well ladies, I've had a complete exercise meltdown this weekend. Nothing yesterday, which was a crosstrain day. Normally on Saturdays I'll do my work walking group, but I told myself I would give myself the morning to sleep in and then I just didn't do anything. This morning, I slept in longer than planned and my planned 5-mile long run didn't happen. I was totally making excuses for myself. Like, it's too warm, my TOM began yesterday (no surprise), and it's a whammy this month. So, I'm pissed about my lack of running this past week. I need to hit all my days this upcoming week. As I didn't run today, I need to do something, so I'm thinking I'm going to do swim for an hour, which will at least add a good calorie burn for the day, even though I didn't get my run in.

    Mom is flying in on Friday, which I'm SUPER excited about. But, I know this weekend will not be a good food weekend, though I'm still planning on getting the long 6-miler in on Sunday and I'm thinking the 2 of us might walk through the Arb or Botanical Gardens on Saturday, which'll count for something that day.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Also, you might see that I have a new user pic... figure it's been long enough that it's time for an update. My last one was right around when I was about to get under 200. Thought it would be interesting to see how much I've changed. These aren't full body shots, but you can certainly tell in my face:

    Before (~230ish pounds)... this was right before my MSW graduation, 5/2009... about 5 months before I started losing weight

    After (182 pounds), 8/1/2010

    OMG, I'm approaching one chin!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Great pic kristina!

    Victoria yeay for 7 mile runs, that is awesome! Mmmmmmmsmoresssssss...

    So. Goal for this challenge:
    1. Stick to my cals per day of 1700 cals
    2. Log them consistently
    3. Either go swimming or walking each night mnday thru Friday
    4. Play the wii for some extra upper body exercise

    Until the weather gets ichy again I am gonna put my gym membership on hold and do the walking and swimming thing for a while. I figure I should be able to do that for at least half Way thru October. I need a change up and maybe I can do a bit of running while I'm at it. My husband is going to go too and we I'll put Gracie in her stroller and push her so we can keep up the pace.

    I'm tired tonight, looking forward to watching True Blood and hitting the hay early!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Did get my swimming in for the evening. Yes! Still pissed at myself for not running, but was able to compensate at least a little. Actually, probably burned about the same amount of calories, but I was mad at myself for not doing a long run this week. Tomorrow is supposed to be a strength and stretch day, but I really want to put the cardio in high gear this week with mom coming on Friday, so I might try and hit the rec center for a crosstraining day and maybe some weights. We'll see. I always have big plans the night before. haha. I really wanted to be down 10 pounds more before my mom saw me again (it's been 2 months), but I'm not quite there- close, but with TOM this week, I haven't even attempted stepping on the scale. Come on a nice loss this week (doubtful)! I'm getting sooo close to the 170s soooo slowly.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: Your pic is great. It's so motivating to see people's progress. You go girl!

    Lacey: I think your goals are great and I am totally envying your ability to watch True Blood. We don't have True Blood on the American Forces Network <sigh>.

    Victoria: 7 miles....you rock!!

    Well, it's Monday again and I'm doing pretty good. I vacuumed all 3 floors of the house and am gonna get back into doing Insanity starting after DH gets home from work. I've had more headaches than normal but not the dizziness. My goal for the day is to actually journal my food all day (somehow, I've gotten out of the habit in the last week or so).
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning super pals!!! Happy Monday to you all. Yep- it's super crazy with 6 guests in the house. The cats are awall and I don't blame them. I may hide too.

    Kristina - love the new pics and you've now got collar bones!!! Running with TOM is hard since the girls ache - swimming may have been a better choice.

    Amy - glad you're feeling a bit better. Insanity scares me but I may try it next year.

    Lacey - bank your gym membership money and spend it on something fitness related later. I think it's great to incorporate the whole fam into your walk/run/swims.

    Kendal - pet Lexi for me.

    Debra - how was the painting? I bet you can't wait for school to start back up so you have some free time. You are Super Mom!!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Sorry I never checked in yesterday Super Pals...the grandkids surprised me with a visit and then the day just got a way from me.

    Kristina...I love your new picture, you can so tell.....and even though you are smiling in both of them.....I can see a 'confidence" look in the second shot...way to go girl!! I didn't get my run in yesterday either...sometimes hubby makes excuses...I usually let him control the Sunday runs...and last month, we only went twice....I am thinking about going this morning, maybe just for 3 miles...I am in recovery week with insanity so I think I could handle it.

    I did weigh in...still 214.2....not a bit of loss....but on the inches, I did go down in my tummy and hip area...so I am getting smaller, so weird that the scale just doesn't move....I even have went down another pant size...I have been able to wear size 14 in several different brands??? Puzzling, I just have to get over the number and appreciate the "smallness"...:laugh:

    I'd like to loose 15 pounds this challenge...finally get under 200....but I'll just shoot for 6 pounds...and see if I can even pull that off. I'll be doing month 2 of insanity after this recovery week and I am also walking during football practice with another Mom for 3 days out of the week...and i'd love to sneak in some runs. My main thing is to get back to logging the calories...I too, got out of that habit...not sure if that could be a problem with the maintaining and not loosing......sigh, keep on keeping on!!

    Amy...you haven't by chance just received new eye glasses, have you? A friend on another group was getting dizzy and she went to the Docs too because it was scaring her....turns out it was her new glasses.....just sharing...

    Well Pals...I need to run now if I am going to...it's going to be a hot, hot week...the grandkids are coming to stay tomorrow for a few days...so I need to get some groceries and get the house back together..

    Yes Victoria, the room painting took 4 coats, but it is complete...just wish I could say it was all put back together.....and she left for an overnight pool/camping party so it's a mess upstairs, but it is a much brighter room....maybe it will hepl her grumpy pants mood:wink:

    Talk with you soon, lets have a great week everyone.....Lacey, lets get back to loggin!!!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thanks for the compliments on the pictures gals! I really have only been able to tell a difference in my face in the past few pounds. I sort of thought when I began this journey that I would lose weight first in the places I gained last, which has not really been the case. And I'm sure you all have experienced this- you lose weight slowly, so you can't really tell you're losing it- until it hits you all of a sudden that wow- I feel tinier.

    Of course, I'm not feeling very tiny this morning, thank you TOM. Up at 186 today, up 4 pounds from Friday's weigh in. This is not a surprise. I think it's mostly TOM, but also some crappyness in the eating and lack of exercise on Saturday. I'm hoping it'll drop down at least a bit before Friday. Want to work hard this week, so maybe it'll show up in NEXT week's weigh-in. haha.

    I even thought about going to the rec center this morning before work. Even woke up on my own briefly a little after 5:30 and flirted with the idea, which my body quickly shot down. Brought my gym clothes with me to work, and plan to hit up the gym after I'm done. Trying to make good food choices this week.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Insanity core and balance complete, and even got a small 2 1/2 mile run in:laugh: , logged breakfast, so far so good!! :wink:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Deb - I'm with you! I already logged my cals for the day..what I plan to eat anyways. I have enough left for an afternoon snack an hope to burn about 220 walking so I can eat a coconut icecream bar later tonight. We can do it!

    Victoria - I seriously do not know how people with multiple kids do it!! Even taking care of two for a week would be the death of me. It is hard work!! And constant at that. My hat is off to you for doing it.

    Kristina - you can definitely tell a difference in the before and current pics! And yeah, I thought for sure that my back fat would come off first since I gained it with the pregancy..but it is barely moving. And highly frustrating. My arms are always the last part of me to slim down, so I expected that, but I'd love for the upper back fat to go away.
    Also, since I started doing heavier weights and more of them, I noticed that I slimmed down much more, so you might want to consider sticking to your weights a couple times a week. More muscle burns more cals right? I notice too that when I do weights consistently I seem to keep weight off easier and lose it more easily too. Maybe its just me though? Who knows.

    Amy - glad you are feeling better and able to get moving a bit more. That is good.

    My plan for the day:
    -logged cals and keep them updated - check!
    -driving to the pool after work which is about 1.1 miles away from my house and walking home. Then I will either walk back and get it, or if we go swimming, we will drive to get it. I figure the walk should take me about 20-25 minutes. I've not done a whole lot of walking on the pavement like that, so I will see how it goes. I am excited to get moving again, and maybe if I feel like it, I will try a bit of running.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hiya ladies! I got through my entire day without any weird symptoms (other than the headache that I've had ALL freaking day), which was fabulous. DH kind of wussed out on Insanity tonight but I got a promise to do it tomorrow and I did Week 9 Day 1 of C25K (I can't believe I'm on the last week!!!!). I kinda don't know where to go with the running once C25K is done. Is there a training program for a 10k or half marathon that anyone recommends? I'd love to run for longer distances.

    Lacey: Oooh, coconut ice cream bar sounds good. There's a gelato place near here that sells coconut gelato that is to die for. Tonight we had plain old vanilla ice cream made super special with homemade chocolate sauce.

    Debra: you are doing awesome with your exercise. Definitely an inspiration! BTW, I don't wear glasses so I don't think that is my issue. I also had my eyes checked by an ophthalmologist not too long ago, so I think my vision is ok. Thanks for the suggestion though.

    Kristina: You look great. I can't wait until I can see a difference in my appearance. I can feel a difference in my clothes and even went down a pants size but I can't "see" a difference. DH did tell me that my butt is firmer but that isn't exactly something I can "see" (not without a mirror at least). I'd like to get back down to only having one chin and seeing my collarbones (I KNOW they're in there somewhere). I'll just keep on keeping on & someday it will happen. TOM is a pain in the butt - those 4 pounds your were up will definitely drop off.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Did my walk tonight! Yeay me!
    Like 1.1 miles want to track it on mapmyrun.com but you have to also be a member of another site?? So I will do it later

    Dinner time!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Did my walk...1.29 miles according to mapmyrun.com. I walked the bulk of it, but did two short spurts of running. I can see why you guys see how its much easier to run on pavement over the treadmill. Funny how the cement/asphalt seems softer right? LOL.
    It took me 22 minutes, not bad for walking at a mid-heart rate range. Tomorrow I will try to pick it up a bit more and get my heart rate going faster earlier on. I don't want to get those shin splints where it hurts for a month, so I will take it easy...but yeay. I am glad I went.

    Overall I think I am around 1750 cals for the day, after eating back most of my exercise cals, I've got 48 left I think? I hope that is enough to eat? I will stick to what MFP tells me to eat for day to lose a lbs and see where it takes me.

    Well...I am going to color with the fam and then put G to bed and eat my coconut icecream bar!! YUMMM