My Hot New Wife



  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Keep slapping his hand away when he tries touching you. Guys love that sh%t
    My wife never slaps my hand away. I love that sh%t.
  • midwestmixtape
    midwestmixtape Posts: 66 Member
    Way too many generalizations and projections in this topic / thread. Wow. Everyone is different y'all, not all men / women / relationships are the same.
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    I learned something yesterday and I hope this helps just one person. Most people who are obese and married think if they lose weight, it will help their marriage. They think if they lose weight they will have more energy to play with their kids, won't feel sick and tired all the time and will have more energy for the most fun extracirricular activities of marriage (wink, wink). Apparently this isn't the case, especially when it is the woman who loses the weight. Instead of the husband thinking "WOW! Look at my hot new wife!", he thinks "She's found a new man and is going to leave me." Why do you do this guys? I would think that no matter which spouse was getting healthier and happier, that the other would fully support them. No, this doesn't happen all the time, especially if you have a strong marriage to start with, but if your marriage is a little rocky, please prepare yourself in case this happens. That's my public service for the day. LOL! Carry on Healthy People! :)

    Have had the total opposite situation happen here. My husband was/is my biggest cheerleader and he absolutely loves the changes I've made. Our intimacy is the best it's ever been (in 11 years of marriage), and our marriage has really been brought to a new level. The only issue that has come up is when I mentioned wanting to look into a gym and he didn't want me going, because of the stories he's heard lol. So, instead I started walking and running, and I'm now looking at getting strength training equipment for my house (which I prefer anyways-way more convenient!). My weight loss has been incredible for my health and also my marriage :)