!Fruit & Veggie Substitution One-Day Challenge!



  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    Was so pleased & lost 1.5lbs in 2 days on this last week then by Friday put them back on & they have stayed!!! Am always under calories with them set at 1,000 as per doctors orders but still no loss.AAARRRGGGHHHH!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Was so pleased & lost 1.5lbs in 2 days on this last week then by Friday put them back on & they have stayed!!! Am always under calories with them set at 1,000 as per doctors orders but still no loss.AAARRRGGGHHHH!

    :flowerforyou: Hang in there! My first inclination is to think your calories are too low! No disrespect to your doctor, but 1000 calories a day will throw you into starvation mode and your body will hang on to the weight. I would question your doctor's reasoning on this and maybe seek another opinion.

    :tongue: It is sooooooooooooo hot today. It is a great day for INDOOR exercise! I have 2 video workouts planned today. Doing SlimN6 this morning and Pilates this afternoon. I am really focusing on fresh fruits and veges. Join rebelrenny in her challenge to increase our intake of fresh food. :smile: I did and am digging it! I am eating more and feeling great! Don't forget to drink plenty of water today! It would be easy to dehydrate on a day like today! Whew!:tongue:

    :heart: :heart: Jump right in there and double up! Check in and share your success! Be sure to encourage someone else and make a new friend. There is power in numbers! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we go! :heart: :heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    so I have been making sure to get three fruits in each day. It is definitely helping the scale. I am also adding more vegies to meals. I feel so much better. Thanks for challenging me Reb. Yesterday I made a wonderful roasted cauliflower puree to eat with our dinner. we had grilled asparagus too. so I didn't feel too guilty about the ribeye that went with it all:tongue:
  • dorwade
    dorwade Posts: 21 Member
    Just checking in to let you know how my Fruit and Veggie Challenge has been today....I have had an extremely stressful day, worked 7-7 and have to go back as soon as I finish supper (which is roasting in the oven right now!) and I still haven't made it to the gym but I feel great!
    BreakfastL grapefruit, blueberries, canteloupe
    AM Snack: baby carrots
    Lunch: Spinach and baby greens salad with celery, avacado, brocolli slaw, green onions & yellow tomatoes
    PM Snack: dried carrot chips
    Supper: going to be roasted veggie mix--fresh green beans, brussel sprouts, yellow squash, new potatoes, sweet potatoes, zuchinni and tomatoes (added at the end!). Just toss with a tiny bit of Olive Oil and your favorite no salt seasoning, crank up the oven to 425 and roast away!
    PM Snack: probably a frozen banana and some more blueberries

    Hooray for Fruits and Veggies!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: :drinker: Hurray for fruits and veggies indeed! Thanks for posting updates of the struggles and the victories. It helps me to keep going as well.

    Never thought I would bring fruits to work for snacks. Go figure. Now, I don't even want a snack bar. I did fall for licorice yesterday big time. Honestly logged and lesson learned.

    I'll be away from the internet for the weekend. Going away with DD for some mother/daughter time! So looking forward to it :smooched:

    Here's to good choices!

    :heart: :heart: Rebel :heart: :heart:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Can't forget about the fruits and veggies! Lots of them today! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: It is time to revive the Fruit and Veggie Substitution One-Day Challenge! One-Day = Any-Day. Or even one meal!!

    Here is a reminder of how it works:
    :flowerforyou: Does your weight loss need a kick in the you-know-what? Mine does!! Would you like to learn to like fresh fruits and veggies? I do!! Can you use some support and good ideas? Me too!! I was never that fond of fruits and veggies.

    :noway: We all know that "fresh fruits and vegetables" are good for us. But what are we doing about it?

    Here is how the challenge works:
    -EAT vegetables and fruit at every meal and snack time for a day...and/or.
    -SUBSTITUTE the starch (or meat or dairy) food portion in a meal with FRESH VEGETABLES...and/or
    -Have only a fresh fruit or vegetables for snacks...and/or
    -DRINK at least 8oz of water and no alcohol drinker....AND
    -Use common sense - Retrain your senses !! (If you can't do a whole day, do one meal)

    YOU decide to be in! YOU BENEFIT! Tell me what you are going to do and report back how you did.

    :heart: Rebel :heart:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Need that kick! Count me in!

    Today: no meat or hooch. Fruit and/or vegs at every meal. 12 x 8 oz water. 60 mins cardio. Double gutt'n'butt.

    Will check in tomorrow am with results.

    Thanks Renny!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I started eating nothing but fruits and vegetables on Feb 1, 2010 for 7 months straight, but I did eat good Chicken breasts off of the grill about 3 times a week, and I ate pinto beans with celantro for protein
    I didnt so much do portion control when I started, I only ate fruits and vegs when I was hungry, and that was it

    I will tell you, my blood pressure, cholesterol plummetted and now all my vital signs are EXCELLENT.......

    It wasnt pleasant at times to STOP EATING PROCESSED foods, thats for sure, but I gotta tell you, I love the way I now feel

    I also am now up to 6 days at the gym, but Im doing that to finish off my weight loss for medical reasons......I want to be off of my blood pressure medicine by December, and the only way that I am going to do that , is to finish off my last 35 lbs

    I have lost 88 lbs since I made my life style change ,and gone from a 51 inch waist to 39 in the waist pants and lots lots of fat, thank you Mr Treadmill

    The fruits and vegs are the best thing to put in your mouth............My medical test results prove that, and the Dr said that by doing what I did, I saved my life.........My original blood pressure was 160s, / 100...........really high

    now its 110s over 65s.........so not only do you lose weight eating vegs and fruits, your health improves.....................Im 55, and instead of feeling 65 like I did last year, I feel 35 now.......and Im looking pretty good, lol

    Fruits and vegtables are your friends..........they can save your life.............Good luck................LLoyd
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Woo HOO!

    no meat or hooch. check:drinker:
    Fruit and/or vegs at every meal. check:bigsmile:
    12 x 8 oz water. :noway: only made 9 but add 1 cup herb tea and 2 cups green tea and it comes close
    60 mins cardio. :huh: 30 min dogwalk, 10 min bicycle around the block (had to walk the last few yards up to the corner) and over 2 hrs prepping all those fresh-from-the-farmers'-market vegs (beets, carrots, corn, cucumbers, green beans, peppers, radishes, and the best turnips you ever ate).
    Double gutt'n'butt. :tongue: YAY ME!

    [drum roll] Down FOUR pounds!!! Back to where I was before vacation. Won't update ticker til weigh-in Friday, IF it sticks.

    Thank YOU RENNY!

    Skinny Tuesdays, anyone?
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: W2G Lloyd and Auntiebk. That is what it's all about. YOU INSPIRE ME!

    I am off for a 3 day weekend, so hope to get in some more of the fruit&veggie feasts myself!!

    :drinker: :drinker: Here is to our health!! :drinker: :drinker:

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Startin' off second Skinny Tuesday right, with double gutt'n'butt before tea. Yay me!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: It is time I challenge myself again, or someone should!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Barbara, my sista. You rock!!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    More like roll.... :laugh:

    After a great start last week, it all went south when I had a beer at a going away party.

    Today will be different:

    Double gutt'n'butt. already done, YAY ME!
    no meat or hooch.
    Fruit and/or vegs at every meal.
    12 x 8 oz water.
    60 mins cardio on gazelle tonight watching Biggest Loser.

    Will check in tomorrow to keep me honest!

    Thanks Renny!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Last week did everything promised except checking in Wednesday. Down 2 lbs to offset the weekend.

    Double gutt'n'butt. already done, YAY ME!
    no meat or hooch.
    Fruit and/or vegs at every meal.
    12 x 8 oz water.
    60 mins cardio on gazelle tonight watching Biggest Loser.

    Will check in tomorrow to keep me honest!

    Thanks Rebel!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Checking in:
    Double gutt'n'butt :happy:
    no meat or hooch. :laugh:
    Fruit and/or vegs at every meal. :smile:
    12 x 8 oz water. :noway:
    60 mins cardio on gazelle tonight watching Biggest Loser. :wink:

    Even counting the herbal tea only got up to 10 glasses of water.

    Down 1.1 lbs this morning, not as much as hoped but better than the unexpected blip UP Tuesday morning. . .
    Have 2 more days til weigh in, can I get back into the 141s?
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Checking in:
    Double gutt'n'butt :happy:
    no meat or hooch. :laugh:
    Fruit and/or vegs at every meal. :smile:
    12 x 8 oz water. :noway:
    60 mins cardio on gazelle tonight watching Biggest Loser. :wink:

    Even counting the herbal tea only got up to 10 glasses of water.

    Down 1.1 lbs this morning, not as much as hoped but better than the unexpected blip UP Tuesday morning. . .
    Have 2 more days til weigh in, can I get back into the 141s?

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Barbara! You are inspiring. And you are doing great on the weight loss.

    I did 2 spin classes this week. It is such an amazing workout. I can barely make it through the hour. Haven't lost anymore weight though, but at least staying steady. Am having crazy busy days at work and at home.

    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • dorwade
    dorwade Posts: 21 Member
    I've been doing the Fruit and Veggie day at least once a week since I first saw the posting about it, and I have to say that it has made a big difference for my weight loss! Some weeks I think I would have GAINED if it hadn't been for that day. And every day I am getting more and more fruits and vegetables into my diet, expecially raw ones. I have tried new food that I didn't eat before-mango, leeks, red pears, blood oranges, just to name a few--and have found some new favorites---butternut squash, red peppers (love them raw all by themselves or with hummus), frozen bananas whirled in the food processor for "ice cream", roasted cauliflower, and Greek salads. Okay, I already loved Greek salad, fell in love with it on a trip to Greece, but now I have it a lot more!

    Thank you for posting this challenge!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I've been doing the Fruit and Veggie day at least once a week since I first saw the posting about it, and I have to say that it has made a big difference for my weight loss! Some weeks I think I would have GAINED if it hadn't been for that day. And every day I am getting more and more fruits and vegetables into my diet, expecially raw ones. I have tried new food that I didn't eat before-mango, leeks, red pears, blood oranges, just to name a few--and have found some new favorites---butternut squash, red peppers (love them raw all by themselves or with hummus), frozen bananas whirled in the food processor for "ice cream", roasted cauliflower, and Greek salads. Okay, I already loved Greek salad, fell in love with it on a trip to Greece, but now I have it a lot more!

    Thank you for posting this challenge!

    :flowerforyou: Dorwade, this is awesome. You are a great example for me. I also found trying new fruits and veggies opened up a whole new world. Love your sense of adventure. Keep up the good work.

    :heart: Rebel :heart: