August ShredHeads! - 30 Day Shred 8/1 - 8/30



  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    Level 3 Day 1 CHECK! and bree I'm with you I LOVED the workout too! Level two was yucky but this one was great!
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Level 3 Day 3 Down. I'm really loving level 3, and I can't believe I'm only one week away from being done with the 30 Day Shred! I think I'm actually going to miss it!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    I am glad that L3 sound better. I only have a few days left to go on L2 and I am not loving it at all!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I just finished day3/level 2. I thought I was going to get through the whole workout with no modifications until I got to the second set of plank jacks and double jump rope. But I am getting there. I feel terrific. I'm especially loving the plank oblique twists. I can even balance during the quad stretch on the cool down without holding on to anything or tipping over.

    Thanks everyone for the love and support. And knowing that it get easier everytime. I'll definitely be on level 2 for the rest of the month. Thinking that by labor day I can move on to level 3. I didn't quite get it done in 30 days, thinking I'll continue it through September. I am more dedicated to the program and the process now. Anyone else going to continue after August?
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    L3 D4 done. My roommate comes tomorrow so hopefully that won't affect my ability to Shred. Today my protein intake is WAY low, which makes me sad because what's the point in working out if my body can't build muscle?! I've got to work out making sure I get enough protein. I'm making goals for myself for level 3: finish jumping lunges without taking any breaks, get my legs up higher for those rockstar kicks, and put more effort into the ab work.
    Does anyone else have any goals for the level they're on?
  • misstrish03
    so far i am loving L3. everything feels sooooo effective, its great!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I just finished day4/level 3. I'm feeling a little behind. I wish I was on level 3 :sad:
    But I feel great, I feel strong. I know I will get to level 3 if I continue to work hard. Thanks for all the inspiration!
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Done with L3D5. I can't believe I only have five days left! I managed to take no breaks tonight, though I did kind of half-*kitten* those jumping lunges. At least I didn't stop! I still need to work on doing the ab exercises better. I'm having a hard time keeping my stomach in the ground, or, as Jillian says, my belly button in my spine. I used to have this problem in Pilates too, I couldn't hold my stomach in while doing the exercises and breathing at the same time. I'll keep trying though!
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    I took two days off. TWO DAYS!! And I didn't even mean to. School started and it's been tough adjusting to my new routine, so I've only completed L3 D2 today. But it felt great! Today my mother-in-law commented that I look thinner. She didn't even know I had been working out.

    I'd also like to point out that all 6 pounds lost on my ticker are because of the shred. I had just joined MFP at the end of July and jumped on this challenge when I saw it (thanks sngnyrslp!!), so any success I have so far has been counting calories and shredding (almost) every day! I haven't measured since day one, though, and I'm excited to see those results.

    Keep it up, everyone! We're almost done!
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    I took yesterday off because I was so exhausted, and I knew I wouldn't have been able to give Jillian 100%. Just finished L3D6, after walking for forty minutes at the gym. All in all, I had a great workout day! I hope everyone else is doing well, too! :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Getting ready for day 5/level 3. I'm still a little behind, seeing most of you are well into level 3. I'm just trying to tough it out. Was looking for a little inspiration before I got started. Looks like the month is winding down. Where did August go? Well I am ready for September. Are any of you going to continue to shred through September? I'd love to continue to be a part of it.

    Bree, you are my ray of hope! When are you going to report your inches lost? Getting a compliment always feels good. take it with stride. you deserve it.
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    L3D7 done! Since I got the Shred out of the way so early, I might hit the gym later. we'll see! How's everyone else's monday going?
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    sngnyrslp, I feel the same way. I'm going to drop by my daughter's school and then head to the gym for about 30 to 45 minutes.
    I'm starting to get bored with level 2 shred, but I know I'm not ready to move on to level 3, maybe one more week
    Good luck everyone, we're at the home stretch, keep shredding.
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    I'm really slacking on L3. I just completed D3. I can't believe this month is practically gone. One more day. Although I didn't complete the shred in the 30 days, I'm still proud of myself for sticking to this. I'm going to continue to shred after tomorrow as well as switch it up with another at-home workout. I'm so jealous of those of you who can shred AND have time to hit the gym.

    Great work everyone! I'm anxious to see all of the positive results :-)
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    L3D8 Done!! Only two days left! I'm really looking forward to weighing and measuring myself on Friday!
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Level 3 Day 9 Done! I miss you all!! I hope everyone's doing okay and some of you are still Shredding!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Level 3 Day 9 Done! I miss you all!! I hope everyone's doing okay and some of you are still Shredding!

    You are doing really well and I really do admire your commitment and hard work. I hope you get the results you deserve.

    I have been shredding but not everyday. I finally got to L3 yesterday and it is tough. I stopped posting on here because I wasn't able to do it everyday but I read the thread everyday just to see how everyone else is doing.

    Well done! :smile:
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    I'll do measurements sometime today and post them up here. Don't quit, everyone, the feeling of accomplishment that comes with finishing the Shred is fantastic!! You can do it!
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    UGH lacking motivation after shooting pains in my right side lower back/hip/knee.... I haven't worked out in a few days... cuz I am in so much pain ..WOOF!

    I have 5 more days left.... I have a massage maybe that will help!
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Checking to see how everyone did? Is everyone done/almost done? You guys did great :smile: