Gaining muscle while losing weight



  • LumpySpacePrincess1
    Extended repetitions of awesome over epic periods of time.

    I may be wrong in my assumption. That builds muscle.

    Humor and awesome makes you swole. Qft.

    Edit: rock on, lumpy. :drinker:
  • WhatTheFunction
    I haven't read much of the other replies but if you're in a calorie deficit you don't gain muscle. If you're new to weight-lifting you're making noob gains, basically. You can't gain muscle and simultaneously lose fat. If you've ever heard of the phrase "cutting/bulking" that is what it boils down to.

    When you're losing weight, you're losing both muscle and fat. This is why when you're eating at a deficit you need to continue to strength train. This is not because you're building muscle, but rather because you're decreasing the rate at which you lose it. To gain muscle, you need to eat at a caloric surplus while weight-training.

    Just my $.02 on the matter.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Extended repetitions of awesome over epic periods of time.

    I may be wrong in my assumption. That builds muscle.

    Humor and awesome makes you swole. Qft.

    Edit: rock on, lumpy. :drinker:

    Lumpy, I predict, is going to do very.. very well here.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Extended repetitions of awesome over epic periods of time.

    I may be wrong in my assumption. That builds muscle.

    Humor and awesome makes you swole. Qft.

    Edit: rock on, lumpy. :drinker:

    Thank you!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Extended repetitions of awesome over epic periods of time.

    I may be wrong in my assumption. That builds muscle.

    Humor and awesome makes you swole. Qft.

    Edit: rock on, lumpy. :drinker:

    Lumpy, I predict, is going to do very.. very well here.

    By the sacred beard, I think so.
  • LumpySpacePrincess1
    Extended repetitions of awesome over epic periods of time.

    I may be wrong in my assumption. That builds muscle.

    Humor and awesome makes you swole. Qft.

    Edit: rock on, lumpy. :drinker:

    Lumpy, I predict, is going to do very.. very well here.

    By the sacred beard, I think so.
    Is there an initiation process? Will you all beat me up gang-style, or are we going to do this the posh British white woman way: Stale crumpets and tea followed by cold awkward stares and stilted conversation?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Basically, we just sit around and shout "OOGA BOOGA" at each other for a while.. and a rousing game of cribbage.
  • DaneDillinger
    DaneDillinger Posts: 70 Member
    Wait, what? You lost 5.5 inches... in a week. That is a physical impossibility. Unless your wife is Lorena Bobbitt...
  • christinemadden0223
    I'm so glad you posted this today! I also am trying to lose around 20 pounds and had a great week with healthy eating and hard workouts and the scale didn't budge! But my clothes fit better and I feel better. The scale is a nice guide for long term (every month or so?) but I prefer to judge by how I feel, how much better my runs are getting, how much weight I'm adding in my lifting sessions and of course, the people in my life who can SEE the difference. Keep it up! That many inches lost is awesome and I'm hoping to get there soon myself!
  • LumpySpacePrincess1
    In total, Dane, not from one location lol. Waist and hips. I have an 8000+ deficit per week, so it's got to leave from somewhere.
    I'm a girl btw, so unfortunately for women worldwide I am sans appendage.

    Thanks, Chris :) Glad to find someone else on the same boat.
  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    You should probably try measuring yourself more then weighin in.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    In total, Dane, not from one location lol. Waist and hips. I have an 8000+ deficit per week, so it's got to leave from somewhere.
    I'm a girl btw, so unfortunately for women worldwide I am sans appendage.

    Thanks, Chris :) Glad to find someone else on the same boat.

    An 1100 calorie deficit per day? Woah.
  • LumpySpacePrincess1
    Well I was kind of overdoing it before (2700) so it's not so bad.
    I'm just eating human amounts, not...famished-gargoyle-on-speed amounts.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    How do you measure weight lost when you're putting on muscle? I put on muscle incredibly easy, specifically in my lower body. However I'm overweight and need to lose at least 20lbs, but the scale isn't really shifting.
    I've lost 5.5 inches off my body in the past week though.
    So should I ignore the scale and just measure? Bit confused here.

    Wow. Great job. It's really up to you, but I'd still use both. If you're not losing on the scale (like you are now), you'll see in the measurements that you are losing inches.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    I was reading this stuff and I was thinking "wow, this dude's legit."
    And then I looked at his profile and I was like
  • LumpySpacePrincess1
    I was reading this stuff and I was thinking "wow, this dude's legit."
    And then I looked at his profile and I was like
    I'm not sue whether you're insulting me or not, but since I'm clearly into self delusion I'm going to say you idolise me and want to be my BFF.
    Beeeffeff. :bigsmile:
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    How do you measure weight lost when you're putting on muscle? I put on muscle incredibly easy, specifically in my lower body.

    You're probably not putting on muscle.
    It's hard and creates definition. It's either muscle or hardened jello.

    It's likely swollen muscle, not new muscle tissue.


    You probably had some noob gains, but what you're seeing is the swell from water retention. Just because it's hard and has definition, doesn't mean it's new muscle. You're maintaining the mass you had before while losing the fat over top of it, making the muscle easier to see (definition).

    When you do this and maintain muscle mass, the weight you are losing is mostly fat while retaining water for muscle repair. That's why the scale doesn't move, but the inches are coming off.
    Oh my God, is it Shatter Your Dreams With The Truth Day already?

    Yes, every Monday.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    How do you measure weight lost when you're putting on muscle? I put on muscle incredibly easy, specifically in my lower body.

    You're probably not putting on muscle.
    It's hard and creates definition. It's either muscle or hardened jello.

    It's likely swollen muscle, not new muscle tissue.


    You probably had some noob gains, but what you're seeing is the swell from water retention. Just because it's hard and has definition, doesn't mean it's new muscle. You're maintaining the mass you had before while losing the fat over top of it, making the muscle easier to see (definition).

    When you do this and maintain muscle mass, the weight you are losing is mostly fat while retaining water for muscle repair. That's why the scale doesn't move, but the inches are coming off.
    Oh my God, is it Shatter Your Dreams With The Truth Day already?

    I like you already.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Late to the party, but in for Shattered Dreams. :bigsmile: (yeah, it’s Monday here, too.)

    This is the best thread of the day!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member

    You probably had some noob gains, but what you're seeing is the swell from water retention. Just because it's hard and has definition, doesn't mean it's new muscle. You're maintaining the mass you had before while losing the fat over top of it, making the muscle easier to see (definition).

    When you do this and maintain muscle mass, the weight you are losing is mostly fat while retaining water for muscle repair. That's why the scale doesn't move, but the inches are coming off.

    ^^^This is worth the price of admission…^^^

    My scale numbers have been bouncing between the same three pounds all summer, and I was kinda starting to wonder what was wrong with me, yanno, until I put on my thin clothes and they fit!

    CHUNK the scale...