

  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    I did it!!!! I roasted some stir fry veggies, (broccoli, mushrooms, water chestnuts, red pepper, carrots, and celery). They were really good :bigsmile: I used olive oil spray and some Italian seasoning, ummmmm good:love::love: :love:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just popped on to do a bit of catching up before I head back to my gym.

    One point that I have to make - I don't use the lift at mum-in-laws nursing home unless I'm taking her in it. She can't get out of the wheelchair, so there is no alternative, but I ALWAYS use the stairs these days. Even when my dad was in hospital and was up on the fifth floor, I still used the stairs ..... it nearly killed me, but I did it!

    Mum-in-law was extremely depressed today, but I think I lifted her spirits a little. I made her get some exercise by getting her to propel herself along all the corridors in her wheelchair. It is really hard for her to do, especially as it is such a huge wheelchair (she needs all kinds of extra supports and head rests etc). Anyway, after she'd done it we sat by the window and chatted for a while and I did some sewing for her (I'd bought her some new clothes and had to sew her name into them all). She certainly seemed perkier when I left her.

    Hi Cindy and Shirley (and any other newbies I've missed out on). You have definitely found the best thread on here.

    Robin - well done for meeting your mini-goal in record time! Enjoy your upcoming holiday.

    Birdie - I hope you manage to let go your resentment and get some decent rest.

    Donna - what a shame that you didn't enjoy your brussels! I LOVE them!! I could eat them at every meal. When I cook them in water, I even drink that. Yummy! Oh, and you would love my Aussie - he has a 'fair dinkum' accent!

    Connie - good on you for sharing the cheesecake three ways! Once upon a time I would have eaten the whole thing. I used to make an amazing Lime and Tequila Margarita Cheesecake. In fact, when we got married I gave the chef at the hotel where we held the reception, my recipe for it and had him make it for dessert. Several people commented that it wasn't as good as mine, but I think they were just being polite. Mmmm - Margarita cheesecake! What a blessing that I can no longer eat sweet things!

    Time to move!

    Amanda x
  • mynyddisamrs
    :frown: Help!! ...I seem to have missed yet another day ( I logged in the food though) and now have jumped in without reading all the posts!
    :flowerforyou: All I can say is ..."Hi ..to any Newbies" and "Hi " to every one of you luverrly people!

    :frown: Oh dear too ...the scales said 154lb today (up 1lb)and todays day out with GK's may not have helped with what they'll say tomorrow!!

    :smile: We went off to the Blue Planet Aquarium in Chester ....not overly enthusiastic about it but it was good to treat the children! then we ate lunch out with Lasagne and french fries PLUS ...Eton Mess for "afters".....if you want to know what's in Eton Mess I'll let you know another time!! Needless to say ...I really shouldn't have eaten the Eton!!
    A good day was had by all. Keep my mouth shut tonight I think!!

    :ohwell: Methinks sometimes that I shouldn't be on here with such successful "slimmers". It does though ,keep me a little focused on my eating habits but it does give me those guilty feelings when I realise I don't exercise ...not specifically anyway!
    Sorry folks for not being as committed to this as some of you . I do love to think I have like minded friends in far flung places ...is that sad?

    Anyway ...off to help mum to bed. She's tired after such an exciting day....at least I think she had a good time??

    BFN ...hoping for lesser things tomorrow!!
    :heart: Jackie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Try the Parkay spray or the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray on your brussels, and maybe a spritz of the Balsamic Vinaigrette Salad Spritzers, and see if they are more palatable

    In the post where I gave those links, I am pretty sure I mentioned putting in the name of the organization and the state to get website info. Since you are in Cali, that is where I would start, but you can certainly check Washington as well. They are both nationwide organizations.

    Welcome to a fellow sailor (although I no longer have a boat). I see you are in Ontario. What kind of a sailboat is that in your avatar?

    Welcome to other newbies that have popped up recently.

    Just here for a sec, trying to get out of here for the day.

  • mimi7grands
    It's noon and I just got through all the posts. Yikes. It's a good thing I'm retired and a lady of leisure these days. Although it's not so good to be sitting at the computer! Time to get up and at 'em.

    I've been looking at my protein intake lately. I've read that you need to combine proteins that aren't from animals so you get all the essential amino acids. Apparently, it just ain't so. The author of the book "Diet for a Small Planet" popularized the notion of combining foods to get complete protein back in the 70's. Then, in the 80's, she reversed herself. Unless you eat mostly one thing (like sweet potatoes), if you have a varied diet that includes the right amount (not combinations) of plant protein, you are getting all the quality protein you need. That's good news as I was beginning to think I should look at the combinations - and that's way too much work!

    Robin, such good news about your daughter! Congrats to her. I’m happy for you to get to visit with her. I wasn’t adventurous at her age either and wish I had been. Today, I’m wearing purple polish (and a flower!) on my toenails. Does that qualify as adventurous? Oh. Thought not. You sound so lean and fit. Wow. You are my hero when it comes to exercise. I’m getting better though, thanks to you and the other great exercisers on here. And meeting your goal to get under 145. Woo hoo!!!! That’s awesome. Yay on upping the veggies and fruits. You do such interesting things with them. I’m pretty plain Jane. Any way that works!

    Bec, when I want a quick breakfast, I have fresh fruit and yogurt (mixed with stevia and vanilla). Barbara (AuntieBK) has a good recipe for granola. You might want to add some of that or a piece of toast for staying power.

    Beer Fridays doesn’t sound so good to me. Wine Fridays sound a LOT better. I like having treats, like wine or chocolate, a few times a week. I’m even getting (I say, cautiously) so I can go to a special event and eat just a little bit of whatever’s there. I’m not cavalier about this though, I recognize it as a risky area.

    Barbara, those Brussels sprouts sound a little iffy! I like Brussels sprouts when they’re mild but cringe when they’re bitter. I read that, for some people, Brussels sprouts taste mild, for some bitter, and for other in-between. There’ve actually been studies on it. I’m in the in-between group. Funny how different our taste buds are. You are obviously in the “tomatoes don’t taste so good to me.” What? Tomatoes are delicious!

    Amanda, the new ultrasounds are amazing. I like the name your dear step-GS gave to the boy – Stinky! So apt for the first couple of years. I imagine it’s hard for him to have a brother and sister who will get to live with Mom and Dad full-time.

    I’m sad for you about your relationship with your mother. My parents both tend to be critical. (My mom’s a worrier and my dad was a cop for 9 years, which made him focus on the negative side of things.) I will never forget my dad saying my then-boyfriend (now much unlamented ex) would never marry me. Words like that go hard and deep. You sound like such a good mom, despite your relationship with your own mother. That’s a wonderful accomplishment. You are a blessing to your MIL too.

    Welcome to everyone new to this thread. You have found the most encouraging, friendliest group of women anywhere. Sounds sappy…but true.

    Donna, I break the asparagus in half where it wants to break. Then throw away the tough end. Sometimes, especially with younger asparagus, just a little breaks off. Sometimes it’s half the stalk. That seems like such a waste but there’s not way I’m going to eat that part, even if it’s “good” for me, when the tender part is so good. Yay for you on finding veggies that you like. What the HEC? Our club is getting bigger and there’s always room for one more!

    Susan, Sophie looks like a sweet little dog. I’m glad you get to keep her. You’re Before and After pictures are amazing. Doesn’t it feel good?!

    Erica, it’s rough not having enough money to go around. I’ll pray that a new job comes up soon. When you do go to the grocery store, you might find some bargains in the produce section. Lately, I’ve been roasting small portions of potatoes. You need more colorful produce too, of course, but the potatoes have some good stuff in them, they’re inexpensive, and they taste delicious.

    Laura, you are so close to your goal!! Yippeee. As a recent retiree, I can recommend it. Less stress. No commute. Freedom!!! (No money is not on the plus side!)

    Hurray for all HEClers. I love being part of the Healthy Eating Club. Until last January, I was an occasional fruit and veggie eater – mostly if someone else fixed them. Now, they’re the biggest part of my diet. I want to eat this way forever. I know I go on and on about it. But I’m still surprised at how much difference fresh produce, especially veggies, makes to booting temptation out the door. Not willpower. Not grit and determination. Just don’t have to struggle with it anymore. My only struggle sometimes is to fix the veggies. Junk and fast food is so much…faster. The secret is to be prepared. When it’s easy to eat the good stuff, the bad stuff doesn’t have a chance to sink its fangs into you.

    Elizabeth, I love hearing from you. I’m sitting here with a big smile on my face, thinking about you with your grandkids. The 2-year old sounds as cute as it gets. Warms a grandma’s heart. Continuing the thoughts about how we dressed in the 60’s and 70’s – for years, I saved a little mini-skirt. I mean little! In High School, they’d make the girls kneel to see if their skirts touched the floor. That skirt never would have made it!

    Michelle, you asked how long roasted asparagus would last in the fridge. I don’t know. I never have any left over! I just cook what I plan to eat. It takes such a short time in the toaster oven, I don’t cook ahead. I’m not a big fan of leftovers.

    Renny, we do have a good thing going! It’s great to be doing something others can look at and think, hmm, maybe I could do that too. You are a wonderful example. It’s funny how much more powerful it is to see a good example than to be told what to do. I’ve never been the “good example” before. It feels good.

    Chiclet, I’m jumping up and down. They are good. They are good! I was the same way. My daughter told me for years how great roasted vegetables were. I finally tried them and couldn’t believe it. So many people who don’t like veggies all of a sudden love them. About making lots, yes! I always make a lot and almost always eat it all. I’m embarrassed by how much I eat. Portions that size of the “old” foods would have put me way over the 300+ I weighed 5 years ago. Now, under 200 is just 5 pounds away!

    You’re seeing progress with your mom. That’s wonderful. Would she be able to get into an assisted living place in California? That sounds like it might give her a much more interesting and rewarding life… to have a variety of things to do and people to talk to.

    25 pairs of Birkenstocks? Barb, that must be a record! I had ONE pair. I think they cost over $200. (I’m still shocked that I spent that much money for shoes.) I got them 9 years ago and wore the heck out of them. I finally had to say goodbye when my feet got too small for them!

    You are right on (as usual) in your advice to Chiclet. I didn’t think about the timing of her brother’s and SIL’s vacation being perfect. It really was. You are the best researcher out there!

    Connie, you made good choices for dinner. Way to go!

    Peggy, that was interesting – about your desk being a cue to eat. I’d never thought about that. Hmmm.

    Caralyn and Shirley, I’m 60+ too. (Gads. How did this happen?) You’ll get lots of good ideas for losing weight from the women on this thread. Lots of success! Stick with it. You will be successful too. The weight loss has been good for me. I think it’s mostly due to eating lots more fruits and veggies. The so-called diet foods just didn’t cut it. I’ve started to exercise too. The cardio helps. Strength training will help even more as it builds muscle and muscle uses more calories even when we’re not working out. (There. I convinced myself!)

    Birdie, I’ll never forget you. Your example is inspiring. I know what you mean about being busy. I certainly couldn’t have hung out here as much when I was working. It’s good you’re aware of feeling resentful. Best to get it out from under the rocks where those things seem to hide not to let it take root! Hugs.

    Jackie, stick with us. We’re in this together. I love your posts and relate to your struggles. Although lasagna with French fries does sound pukey! Keep at it. Be good to yourself. You’ll get there. It’s so worth it!

    Thanks for a good start to the day. :heart: :heart: :heart: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Jackie of course you should be on this site. You have lost 7lb It just take some people a bit longer than others that's all. I'm stuck on 8lbs lost myself, and can't seem to lose any weight lately.

    I've had a busy day today, checked on Uncle and he is feeling a bit better every day thank goodness. Went on a long dog walk this afternoon, it's only 8 pm and I'm falling asleep already :yawn: :yawn: It's been a mixed day weather wise too one minute sunny and the next pouring with rain.

    :smile: Barb I'll have to look out for some type of buttery spray to spray onto my veggies. We have Can't believe it's not Butter in the UK but I've not seen any spray.

    I've had a few "bad" days, I had a take away on Tuesday and went to the pub with relatives on Wednesday and my trousers feel tight on me today. So I need to fill up on fruit and veggies and say no to the empty calories.

    I tried putting plain yogurt on my fruit today, but it was a bit too sour for my taste. I unfortunately like sweet things, so think I'll mix it with a flavoured yogurt next time and wean myself slowly onto plain yogurt. My friend Jane told me about putting flavoured yogurt onto fruit and I think its delicious.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the newbies.

    Take care everyone - tomorrow is a new day.

    :heart: Viv
  • mimi7grands
    Viv, Barbara (AuntieBK) mentioned avocado oil instead of spray butter. She likes the Hains brand. It's on my list.

    Try mixing in a little stevia or other non-sugar sweetened into your yogurt. I add a little vanilla too. It takes the tartness away and turns it into something that tastes like dessert. I like to get the less-tart yogurts (European style) if I can get them.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Viv - a quickie. Tesco sell Fry Light Better than butter spray. x
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Today has been a very humbling day:embarassed: I got into hersheys miniatures:tongue: and kept eating them and eating them!! :ohwell: I ate at least 25 of them! :noway: I have not done that in the past year! :noway: I have eaten badly on occasion but this was a binge! Now because I am not ON a program.:wink: ...I don't feel like I fell OFF the program. :wink: What I have learned is this. It always starts in the head and usually I can nip it in the bud.:bigsmile: But today...because I got ony 2 hours sleep last night :yawn: and picked in a lot of healthy.....but over my calories stuff....I woke up tired and depressed and feeling defeated befor e the day began.:angry: I was upset with myself for not handling a situation well and I ate over it!!! :mad: Why???? Because there's a little voice inside of me that STILL says........you are a bad person and should be punished.:devil: Yes, I was punishing myself.:embarassed: I know the best way to do that is to try to undo all the good that's been happening in the last year! BUT....I have YOU :blushing: and we all have each other to hang on to:love:
    So I will promise you that I will NOT pick up another unhealthy bite today (even though I can't possibly make up the calories). Think positive.:flowerforyou: Forgive myself :love: and then treat myself to "discipline". :flowerforyou: I AM worth it.....and so are all of you.!!!:smooched:
    So to these little demons in our heads that try to trip us up I say.....TOODLES!!! :laugh: We have sa NEW way of life.....and it doesn't include YOU. It's ok to get knocked down as long as we're not knocked out!!!!:wink:

    God Bless!!!!!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Chiclet, Its so hard to feel so powerless. You have nothing to apologize for, if you can't share with us, who can you share with? We are here, we care and we all send you warm thoughts. I am so glad you chose to try the meds again, at least for awhile. And you're right, sometimes you need a good cry to purge the bad chems as well as the pent up feelings. As Kackie suggests, put one foot in front of the other. And again. And again. And as Laura says, take a walk. Have a good cry. Try to sleep. Get up and take another very very very long walk. It sounds crazy but exercise can help. It's something you CAN do, it will improve YOUR health, and maybe even your outlook. It might not be a bad thing for your mom to stay in the hospital for awhile. She'll get care there. Sending you a big squeezing bear hug. and a littler one to Boo. Thanks for sharing the story about your momma and the hot guy nurse. She must be a pistol! ...

    I can sure relate to all of this. I did all of the above after Moma died and a year later realized I should have been taking anti-depressants. So please feel free to vent to us. No need to apologize! Also exercise REALLY DOES help lift your spirits. As for the hot nurse, something similar happened with her which goes to prove Moms never get too old to look or appreciate physical beauty:

    It was one of those days where one of my many errands of the day included getting Moma to the doctor's office. Long story, short, Moma got very agitated waiting ... reminded me of a hyperactive 5 year old..... Just about the time I was ready to give up ~ in walked her doctor ~ and my almost 91 year old Moma shocked us all by telling him what a good looking man she thought he was! He colored a bit and I worked hard not to laugh. (Another time she saw a magazine with a photo of George Clooney on the cover and exclaimed loud enough for everyone in the whole waiting room to hear, "Ohhh, he's pretty !)
    SuzyQ My grandfolk were gone before I was born too, one Great Gran lived to see me at 1. How old were your parents when you were born? How many sibs do you have? It is a different experience from most. So glad for DDs quick fly in. Enjoy!

    My Daddy's parents died before I was born and my Mother's parents were both in a nursing home by the time I came along. They were both gone by the time I was 4. Moma's oldest brother was 16 years her senior, so he was the closest thing to a grandparent I had. He lived about 500 miles away and we visited him many times a year. Moma and Daddy married late in life and adopted all us kids. They were 42 and 43 when they got me. Sometimes I have to remind myself when she was my age, I was only 8 years old. My baby is 27!

    Today is my son's birthday. He is 29. We had his favorite lunch today and thought of him with every bite: submarine sandwiches and coconut creme pie (which I healthied up as much as possible) Making up for it by eating tuna for supper.

    Sophie has become my new running buddy. I walk/ jog/walk/sprint from telephone pole to telephone pole. She has so much energy she makes me want to move faster. She runs on ahead then doubles back as if to ask what's taking me so long. Guess its working, cuz today my masseuse said it looked like I had lost weight. Wish someone would inform my scale! :tongue: It hasn't budged.
  • pbkfit70
    pbkfit70 Posts: 38
    Hi girls

    late evening in UK. Good day today, loving the fresh fruit and the home grown veg.

    I'm with you with the roast veg, tried to roast garlic for the first time this week ... fantastic :love:
    Asparagus are good on a griddle pan too, a smidgen of oil and straight on the griddle yum.

    What is this gut and butt?? ideas for excercise? Where can I find out more??

    Pat :smile:
  • chicletgirl
    Hi there!:smile:

    Well mom has been transfered to a rehab facility about an hour ago. She is still getting settled in. i will call her later this evening. She is actually looking forward to going there again. The food isn't the greatest but at least she will eat regularly. they lack on the fruits and veggies and pile on pasta and potatoes and such. But their physical therapy is very good and she knows this and that is the reason she wanted to go there. So stage 2 now....

    I must admit that when I made the veggies yesterday on my grill I roasted the entire bunch of asparagus. they were very thin and tender, yet crisp on the outside. We ate all of them! Iate all of the squash too. Only had 5 halves of the baby potatoes though. But you were right, I got full on them and yet had still plenty of extra calories to eat later. I ate half a peanut butter sandwich and a yogurt. Still was under calories.

    Tomorrow I am going to get some more veggies and since I can't use the barbecue myself I will roast them in the oven like you do. (Although there is a guy down on the end of my section of apartments that is by himself and likes to barbecue over there. Now if I could figure out a way to strike up a conversation with him to get to know him, then maybe we could barbecue together??:wink: But I am too shy and I think he is too. We just say hi and bye to each other. I am probably to overweight for him anyway or he probably would have said something more by now. Although I have seen him talking to another lady halfway down who chats with everybody and she is overweight. Hmmmmmm.....

  • mimi7grands
    Birdie, you have a good attitude…recognizing one day of bad eating and not letting it get you off track. That's what this is all about. Progress, not perfection. :flowerforyou: The not-so-quiet voice in our heads likes to tell us we’re failures. Not so! You’ve done a wonderful job. Getting right back to healthy eating short-circuits that voice. Isn’t the freedom great! It’s interesting that you recognized at the beginning of the day that you were having a problem with resentment. I’m trying to use healthy food to feed that needy self that pops up from time to time. Sometimes it just needs to be fed. :smile:

    Susan, you got through your son’s birthday. I’m hoping he comes around. :heart: In the meantime, you are doing lots of good things for yourself. Masseuse? You have a masseuse? I’m so jealous. :tongue:

    Pat, yep, asparagus is good almost any way you cook it! IMHO! :laugh: What did you put the roasted garlic on?

    Chiclet, I can see the wheels turning! Good for you! :wink: Let us know your new discoveries with veggies. I like new ideas. Someone mentioned sautéing zucchini with tomatoes, onions, etc. I can’t remember who??? Gotta try it.

    I got in a 1-mile walk with Leslie Sansone earlier. Will add another mile or two later, probably on the trail. Does anyone else notice that walking in place is harder than on a trail or a treadmill? Maybe it uses different muscles than I'm used to.

    Almost forgot to mention...I had a goal last month to find a walking partner or sign up for a class. Trying to expand my social horizons a bit. Well, I signed up through "Meetup" for a 2-3 mile walk on a trail not too far from here. (If anyone's not familiar with Meetup, it's an Internet deal that matches people up with other like-minded people.) I'm excited. This is a big step for me. I'm putting it on paper here because I'm committed to not just signing up, but actually going! :laugh:

  • Raynedancer
    Raynedancer Posts: 96 Member
    Hello, Ladies. I am still here. I pop in and read the posts and get much encouragement from them. Thanks so much for being you :flowerforyou:

    Mimi, I keep hearing (reading) that people have tried your roasted Veggies. I have gone backwards, reading posts to try to find where the thread started regarding the roasted veggies....in the hopes someone would explain how to make them...what veggies, etc. to use...temp.s and times...etc. I can't find it :cry: Would you please fill me in ? I would really appreciate it, as I love veggies and would like to incorporate roasted veggies into my meal plans. Thanks bunches.

    Have a good evening. I need to go do some more exercise :wink:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    A sweltering good evening to all.

    Still hot and steamy in the midwest. The poor birds were just resting in the trees today. The great thing was that the mosquitos did not come out until late. Too hot for them as well. I did walk down to one of our ponds and encountered horse flies the size of B52 bombers, fast walk and much arm waving as we headed for shelter.

    Set up a new trellis for my Mandevilla today, it is growing so fast that it is climbing itself and making quite a tangle. Now it can head up the side of the house. Cleaned the patio by the front door and pulled weeds in the lovely heat until something I did not see, bit me on the hand. Really stung at first and then I forgot about it, until I looked down at my hand which was quite swollen.

    End of gardening for the day. A soda pack took the bite down and I am no worse for wear. I had really spent quite enough time working in the heat.

    Tommorrow is dedicated to the removal of more " things" from my life. I am still overwhelmed with "stuff " St. Vincents, here I come.

    I am so glad to read of all the problems that have been resolved this week. Prayers for those that are in ongoing situations.

    I was wondering, how many of us are retired, unemployed, actively employed, self employed. Just curious. I know we run the gamut of employment activities.

    I know that every one on this thread is a fountain of knowledge, what a treasure this group is.

    Nite all, Alice
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Susan, you got through your son’s birthday. I’m hoping he comes around. :heart: In the meantime, you are doing lots of good things for yourself. Masseuse? You have a masseuse? I’m so jealous. :tongue:

    Its not so glamorous as it sounds, but yes, I have a masseuse. I first discovered him about a year ago when I had a numbness from my neck to my elbow and the chiropractor was out sick. I had to have some relief! It took him about a month going weekly before my neck stopped hurting altogether (for the first time since I got whiplash riding a roller coaster back in high school.) So now instead of paying for a monthly prescription of muscle relaxers, I visit him every 3 weeks for a back/neck massage and am pain free. His rates are so reasonable, it ends up costing about the same. A couple of times after along roads trip I've treated myself to a full body massage. He's also a licensed fitness trainer, so I get lots of good tips from him while he's working my knots out.

    I got to talk to my son this morning for a few minutes while he was on his way to work. When I asked him when we might see him again, his reply was, "Don't know Mom." All I know to do is keep loving from a distance and keep praying.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good evening, all,

    Just quickly read posts.
    Mimi: I am SO happy to hear that you are putting yourself "out there" by signing up for some exercise partners. Keep us posted!

    Alice: Way to go on "tossing the STUFF". I always feel so much better when I clear out extra STUFF! To answer your question regarding retirement: I "retired" some years ago because my DH's career keep us moving every few years. Because we never lived near family and my DH traveled so much, my career became taking care of everything. (I was a teacher before my "retirement") DH retired 3 years ago and we moved back to our home state. It has been a strange adjustment that I am still working on! We spend about 4 months in MT...and I think the coming and going is great but something I haven't gotten used to altogether. Sorry for such a long response...but that is where I am!

    SuzyQ: Yeah you!.... for getting a massage every 3 weeks! We lived in Bangkok for 4 years when our children were younger and I had my first massage there. The Asian cultures value "BALANCE" far more than we seem to --- and part of that is what we would consider indulgence in a massage. Almost all of the Thai people we knew got massages very often as a matter of keeping that "balance". (Of course, it is every inexpensive there.) Still...I learned the value of prevention and keeping balance in one's life. After reading your post I am going to book a massage for the next couple of days. Thank you!

    Took DH to get a shot in his neck...he has compressed disk there. Hope that it works. It is causing him lots of discomfort.

    All of you have a great evening and thanks for being here. All best, Kackie:heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: have to get up early tomorrow so DH can pick up a friend at 7:30 to play golf.......we get up early enough so we can do yoga and walk dogs and eat breakfast before he goes...so do I post or do I ride the exercise bike now??????

    :flowerforyou: I still know very little about Medicare and supplemental insurance and Medicare Advantage except that the plan we thought would be affordable is not accepted by DH's cardiologist

    :flowerforyou: I have three pairs of Birks (two are identical) that I've had for at least 10 years and can't imagine life without them.

    :flowerforyou: my roasted veggie recipe----cut up a bunch of favorite fresh veggies (zucchini, cauliflower, sweet onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli ).....i put foil in my oven baking pan, spray with a bit of PAM, shake garlic powder and more PAM, put it under the broiler for 10 minutes then put on the regular oven for 10 minutes at 450 F...I shake more garlic powder and I Can't Believe It's not butter spray and enjoy.

    :flowerforyou: there were so many posts that i got a good upper body workout with my three pound weights while I read.
    hugs to all :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • mimi7grands
    Cathy (Iowamama), you know you’ve asked about one of my favorite subjects! (Everyone who’s heard this before, close your ears, this is a repeat.)

    I use a toaster oven to make great roasted veggies. You can also grill them on the BBQ with delicious results. I was never a veggie eater until I tried roasting them. Now, I love them. Eating a plate of veggies stops the munchies before they can get started. I usually start dinner with them and sometimes have them in the afternoon.

    Here's what I do:



    Snap the tough ends off asparagus.
    Snap the ends off the green beans.
    Cut onions, squash, broccoli, etc. into wedges, chunks, or rounds.
    Cut potatoes (red, white, blue, sweet) into wedges (about 4 wedges for fingerling potatoes, 6-8 for small potatoes).

    Coat the veggies with a little olive oil (I use a Misto sprayer. It works equally well to put them in a bowl with a half-teaspoon of oil and toss them with a couple of forks.)

    Season with salt, pepper, seasoning salt, etc. (to taste)



    Adjust the temp according to your oven and your preference. The asparagus is done when it’s green, crisp, and tender (never stringy; that means you’ve overcooked it). The other veggies should be browned and, depending on the veggie, a little crisp on the outside but soft on the inside when pierced with a fork. (When I'm in the mood for something sweet, I like the butternut squash with a teaspoon of real maple syrup drizzled over it.)

    Asparagus --- Bake at 450º - 475º F (232º - 246º C) for 9-10 minutes.
    Potatoes --- Bake at 350º - 400º F (177º - 204º C) for 25-30 minutes. If you like them really crisp (I do), crank the heat up.
    Butternut squash --- Bake at 350º F (177º C) for 30 minutes.
    Everything else --- Bake at 450º - 475º F (232º - 246º C) for 15 minutes.

    Wraps are another favorite of mine. They fill me up, have lots of good stuff in them, and are easy.


    Whole wheat lavash (the ones I use are 110 calories for a half piece) or whole wheat tortillas
    1 oz of hot-smoked salmon (like Honey-Smoked - not lox)
    1 oz feta cheese
    1 Campari tomato, diced
    Optionally, basil / spinach / avocado
    Over medium heat, toast the lavash/tortilla in a pan on one side until slightly brown, turn it over, and turn the heat to low.
    Put the feta and diced tomatoes on it and let the cheese melt a little.
    Put every thing else on top, fold it, and eat.

    Reasonable calories, delicious, and good for you.

    Enjoy! :flowerforyou:
  • Erica_q
    Erica_q Posts: 41
    Good very early morning!

    Yes, I know I shouldn't be up, but we are leaving for Las Vegas this morning, and I needed to get some laundry done. DS was using the washer when I got home from work, so I had to wait. It's okay, though. I can sleep in the car. It's a 4 hour drive, and I can't read in the car, so there's really not much else to do. My DS is playing in his last basketball tournament for his F.O.R. basketball team. We have made an annual trek every August for the past few years. DD#2 used to play in this tournament, as well. It will be HOT, HOT, HOT!!!!:ohwell: Don't know that I'll get any exercise in, but I will do my best to keep my eating under control. We will be back Monday afternoon, so I won't be online for a few days. Wish me luck!

    Jackie - I, too, am not as dedicated as some of the other ladies. I have never been able to give up anything I love for any great length of time, with the exception of soda. We all know our limitations and what we're capable of. While I would love to eat mainly veggies, I have a very strong sweet tooth that I still satisfy every night. Make sure you log all your food and plan ahead whenever possible. That's what works best for me. I'm less likely to overeat if I plan my meals the day before.

    Chiclet - Thanks for the info on EBT and Angelfoodministries (my favorite cake :bigsmile: ) We did look into food stamps awhile back, but because we work 10 months out of the year, and my husband had retirement income, we actually make too much money to qualify. It's just August and September that are difficult, this year especially. I will check into the other when I get back from Las Vegas. I'm glad you're mom is better. Hopefully, she will be able to move closer to you.

    Well, my last load of laundry is done, so I need to put it away. Have a great weekend, everyone. :happy: I'll check in when I get back.
