Wow. You look like *kitten*....



  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    I am five feet tall. Weigh 143lbs currently. That picture was taken after I completed insanity. I have facebook for anyone who believes I am a "troll." Geez.

    If this is correct, you need to ask them to stop the harassment, and complain to HR if they don't. I'm with the others on this one.
    My only other thought is, are your eating behaviors very peculiar? I don't know. I'm trying to imagine why so many are coming at you. It seems very odd.
  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    Yes, if they won't stop go to HR.

    If they make your job because you went to HR, go back to HR.

    There are many things in place to keep people from being harassed at work, calling meetings to discuss how you look physically is not something a supervisor should ever be doing.
  • mooie70
    mooie70 Posts: 70 Member
    Your story broke my heart. You're a wee thing. I have no idea whether 64 kilos is right for a 5' tall woman, but you look incredible in your photos, and you have done such a lot of hard work on your attitude, far too much to let ANYONE affect you with their negativity. It's human nature to not only feel jealous, but threatened when someone is doing well for themselves on an area that you struggle with. You need to be aware of this, and rise above it. Refuse to let them get to you. Continue to believe in yourself, in how much work you have done to get to where you are both physically and mentally. Any rubbish they throw your way is an indication of who THEY are as a person. It has nothing to do with who you are. Keep smiling pretty lady :flowerforyou:
  • bdeezy3396
    bdeezy3396 Posts: 89 Member
    These comments come from my director of nursing, her assistant, my immediate supervisor, and a few fellow co-workers. I even told my supervisor I felt like everyone was ganging up on me, and although I appreciated their "concern," that I was pretty sure telling someone they look awful wasn't the right way to go about anything. I realize no one has ever seen me at this weight. I didn't even weigh this when I first started 8 years ago. I just want to be happy. And I want people to support me. I feel like I have no one except the amazing people I have met on here.

    You look great in your pics so I'm not sure what they are referring to? Being in the medical field you would think they would know what healthy is so it's probably just jealousy.
  • i agree that you should report it! they are treating you awful. && can i say how amazing you are for staying true to yourself with all that abuse. you look fantastic.

    && it disgusts me when people say stuff like you look like you have an eating disorder etc and then say how you look horrible, etc.. if you DID have an eating disorder.. they would no doubt be making it worse.

    those people are toxic. please report them.
  • xSirensSong
    xSirensSong Posts: 615 Member
    Your story broke my heart. You're a wee thing. I have no idea whether 64 kilos is right for a 5' tall woman, but you look incredible in your photos, and you have done such a lot of hard work on your attitude, far too much to let ANYONE affect you with their negativity. It's human nature to not only feel jealous, but threatened when someone is doing well for themselves on an area that you struggle with. You need to be aware of this, and rise above it. Refuse to let them get to you. Continue to believe in yourself, in how much work you have done to get to where you are both physically and mentally. Any rubbish they throw your way is an indication of who THEY are as a person. It has nothing to do with who you are. Keep smiling pretty lady :flowerforyou:

    ^^THIS. :heart:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I am five feet tall. Weigh 143lbs currently. That picture was taken after I completed insanity. I have facebook for anyone who believes I am a "troll." Geez.

    Don't send out your facebook to prove a point. You don't know who you are responding to. If your user name is your real name, you've already given out a lot of information. Not everyone is a creep, but don't make it easy for the ones who are.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Several months ago, I was in a very dark place in life. I hated myself. I hated my body. I let good totally control who I was. I binged on several thousand calories a night, watching my scale climb higher and higher, until one day, I looked into my mirror and decided enough was enough. I was not going to live this way any longer. I became completely focused on becoming healthy. I go I shed Insanity. I tracked what I ate. People actually started complimenting me on looking healthier and I felt so good about myself. My goal was to lose 60lbs. Once I reached the half-way point, people started making comments towards me, but honestly, I felt fine. I didn't care what they said, because I loved who I was becoming. I loved my body. I finally, for once, loved me.

    Today I am 47 pounds lighter than I began. Today, however, I no longer have support from anyone around me. I have been called into several "meetings" at work regarding my weight. "You look like ****. It's time to stop." Every time I am passed in the hallway, I hear, "Why don't you go eat a cookie?!" I've been told I look like a "corpse," a "drug addict," that I need to stop because people "think I have an eating disorder." I eat five times a day. I had began another round on Insanity to help me reach my goal and had been following the nutrition plan. I feel so alone right now. I look into my mirror and wonder why the girl I see isn't the one everyone else does. Why do all of these people look at me and say the same things... And I just can't see it for myself? I used to be so proud of myself, and I used to hold my head up. Anymore, I notice that I don't look at anyone in the eye because I am afraid they'll say something negative. I don't talk to anyone. I feel like that depression I fought so hard to get out of is consuming me again. I don't know what to do.

    Get new clothes. Smaller clothes. :) Assuming the pics in your profile are accurate you look fine. But if you are wandering around in clothes that hang off you, people will think you're anorexic. Nothing like tight clothes for making a chick look fatter. ;)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you feel consumed by depression, I hope you are seeing a counselor or a doctor to help you with this. It sounds like a lonely situation.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I am five feet tall. Weigh 143lbs currently. That picture was taken after I completed insanity. I have facebook for anyone who believes I am a "troll." Geez.

    If this is correct, you need to ask them to stop the harassment, and complain to HR if they don't. I'm with the others on this one.
    My only other thought is, are your eating behaviors very peculiar? I don't know. I'm trying to imagine why so many are coming at you. It seems very odd.

    It doesn't matter what she weighs and how tall she is, nor her eating habits. Its harassment and no justification would change that by any means. I would file a formal complaint of harassment-no doctors note needed. You need not prove anything to anyone. End of story!
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    Sorry to hear you've experience negativity, you will always have people telling you things they shouldn't say some people are concered about you and some are jealous, you look great btw, my hubby experienced this when he lost weight at first his and my mum kept telling him he needed to put on some weight and I work mate told him he looked like the walking dead (nice) he has maintained the same weight now for a year and they have stopped saying this to him now, his body has adjusted to the new weight and people have forgotten the way he used to look, the main thing you should be concerned about is are you happy with the way ou look and if you are and your healthy and fit hold your head high and ignore all those ignorant people they will soon get bored when they know your not taking any notice of them ????
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Unless my job description requires me to be a certain weight, I would never give my boss/HR a note from my doctor discussing my weight. It's none of their damned business, and you are opening Pandora's box with that. What I would do is politely tell everyone who comments on my weight that I consider their comments to be harassment and that if they continue to make such comments, I will be filing a written complaint with HR. Who cares if it makes you the office pariah? You're there to work, not to socialize, and if you're doing your job well, you'll be just fine.
  • mushroomsontoast
    mushroomsontoast Posts: 118 Member
    Your story broke my heart. You're a wee thing. I have no idea whether 64 kilos is right for a 5' tall woman, but you look incredible in your photos, and you have done such a lot of hard work on your attitude, far too much to let ANYONE affect you with their negativity. It's human nature to not only feel jealous, but threatened when someone is doing well for themselves on an area that you struggle with. You need to be aware of this, and rise above it. Refuse to let them get to you. Continue to believe in yourself, in how much work you have done to get to where you are both physically and mentally. Any rubbish they throw your way is an indication of who THEY are as a person. It has nothing to do with who you are. Keep smiling pretty lady :flowerforyou:

    ^^ Spot on :flowerforyou:
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    It is unfortunate you are going through this but I think this comes from the insecurity of the people you work with. A couple of us in my office are trying to lose weight and we are having a similar experience. I weigh over 250 pounds but one co-worker insists that I'm not fat. She just told the other dieter in my office that she looks too thin, despite the fact that she still has 40 pounds to lose before she reaches a healthy weight. I think she is worried that by reaching a healthy weight, we make her look fat.

    As long as you are within a healthy weight range I wouldn't let these people pressure me. However, you might want to turn it around on them if they are overweight. Next time they fuss at you for being too thin, mention that it wouldn't hurt if they lost a few pounds.

    Good luck
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    1. You look great, congrats.
    2. Who cares what they think, do you.
    3. Go to HR if it still bugs you.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I am five feet tall. Weigh 143lbs currently. That picture was taken after I completed insanity. I have facebook for anyone who believes I am a "troll." Geez.

    If this is correct, you need to ask them to stop the harassment, and complain to HR if they don't. I'm with the others on this one.
    My only other thought is, are your eating behaviors very peculiar? I don't know. I'm trying to imagine why so many are coming at you. It seems very odd.

    It doesn't matter what she weighs and how tall she is, nor her eating habits. Its harassment and no justification would change that by any means. I would file a formal complaint of harassment-no doctors note needed. You need not prove anything to anyone. End of story!
  • Kathy091182
    Kathy091182 Posts: 1 Member
    I agree that jealousy is the underlining issue here. Some people would love to see you fail because they are dealing with their own insecurities. Also have a positive mantra to give back to them, such as "I feel healthy and my doctor is pleased with my weight loss." Saying those words will empower you and keep you focused on your goals. Surround yourself with positive people and this should keep that negative energy far from you. Your pic looks wonderful. Stand tall and proud of your weight loss accomplishments:)
  • jardin12
    jardin12 Posts: 62 Member
    You look great. Don't let th fckrs get you down - build a wall between you and them and imagine they can never break through! Xxxx
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Sounds like my work while im cutting

    Lost 25pounds last cut and my work thought I was a drug addict

    Fk n ignorant fools. they clueless and Fat :wink: and will probably die before you .

    So keep doing what you doing.
  • Don't listen to what they're saying you look amazing! Don't let their nasty comments take away from all the hard work you have put in to loose all that weight!