Is the Nasty sweet stuff being manipulated



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    The food manufacturers research until they find the "sweet spot" - just the right combination of sugar, salt and fat to keep you eating even though you have already had a serving and maybe are feeling full. It isn't just the sweet stuff, salty stuff, fatty stuff (peanut butter has sugar added) and all the processed foods are affected. I eat nothing that is processed. It's junk. If you don't believe me, look around and you'll see tons of overweight people eating and drinking junk.

    Umm, excuse me *clears throat* ahem, pardon me . . .


    Have you ever tasted all natural, no sugar added peanut butter? It's straight up nasty. It's oily, gross, thick, horribad paste. It's like someone already chewed my perfectly decent jar peanuts, spit them back in the jar, and said, 'here ya go, sport!'

    Added sugar and salt is not a conspiracy it's primarily to preserve food and make it go from BLARGH to Yumz! Yes, they have people test food products until it tastes good. I guess that's finding 'the sweet spot'. However, that's a real job for real people. And it's not so Americans get fat. It's so their food product sells.

    No one is going to buy food they do not like the appearance, smell, mouthfeel or taste of, the end.
    Actually, no sugar added peanut butter AKA real peanut butter is awesome. "Peanut Butter Spread" or whatever jiff and skipp are taste yummy too. But they aren't peanut butter. If you'd never had "peanut butter spread" you'd likely love actual peanut butter.