Is wheat an enemy?



  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 909 Member
    Only if you are allergic to wheat or have a gluten intolerance/Celiac Disease.

    If you think you are any of these, see a doctor.
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    Not unless you have a medical reason to avoid it, even so, it's not an enemy.. and gluten free doesn't really help you lose weight either...
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    I am gluten-free, but not by choice. Would love a good piece of bread. I did lose weight when I gave it up, but probably b/c I ate lower calorie foods and started exercising. It is like anything, don't go crazy with it and you can have wheat.

    Udi's is good bread... just throwing that out there lol, I'm gluten free as well.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    so you're saying that he actually did have symptoms his whole life.....

    But he didn't know what the cause was.

    OP has zero symptoms and specifically asked about the role in weight loss.

    plus the overwhelming majority of people that said the "felt" the difference don't site actual celiac responses to wheat. it's a lot blue sky stuff, like felt better, skin was clearer, water tasted wet, scored higher on LSATs.....

    GI symptoms aren't the only symptoms of Celiac, it also has several neurological and inflammation-related symptoms that are very often not connected to Celiac by doctors at all (arthritis, fibro, etc). A lot of people who were clinically diagnosed don't have much in the way of GI issues (or they're lower GI issues, often also associated with and misdiagnosed as IBS). I know one such person who fought with her doctors for years, because she felt like crap all the time, but her symptoms were too "general" for him to run any worthwhile tests, and would constantly refuse to run anything deeper, because she was "getting over an infection" (her white blood cell count was high). When she finally found a new doctor that tested her for Celiac, lo and behold, she tested positive.

    So yes, even if you don't get sick from eating a piece of toast, the joint stiffness, general fatigue, and brain fog, may, in fact, be connected to your eating wheat. And while you may have symptoms, they aren't so easily connected to gluten sensitivity as "I ate this thing and now I need an epi-pen because my throat is swelling up," you very well may not know that's the cause.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    so you're saying that he actually did have symptoms his whole life.....

    But he didn't know what the cause was.

    OP has zero symptoms and specifically asked about the role in weight loss.

    plus the overwhelming majority of people that said the "felt" the difference don't site actual celiac responses to wheat. it's a lot blue sky stuff, like felt better, skin was clearer, water tasted wet, scored higher on LSATs.....

    I DO NOT have a celiac response to gluten. That's why I assumed that my problem couldn't possibly be wheat. It was a VERY rude awakening for me when I discovered that wheat WAS responsible for my body's inflammatory responses which included Hypothyroidism AND arthritis. While I was never diagnosed technically by a test... the resulting remission of my hypothyroidism and arthritis are well documented by my GP.
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    Wheat has made me stronger
  • tiffany5839
    tiffany5839 Posts: 104 Member
    I cut out wheat/carbs for a long time and I felt low energy and worse then I do when i eat them. So now I eat them and I actually have LESS digestive issues than before also.
  • haunstar
    haunstar Posts: 40 Member
    okay, okay, wow!! I really put this question out because of curiosity. And I was at a party few weeks ago where someone basically told me if I stopped eating wheat I would not have a "chubby belly." I'm sure she was well intentioned. I just wanted to get input from others who are considering health a priority and may have experience that could help me. And I got that, so thanks. Along with whole bunch of randomness... Who knew! :smile:
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    So I have been hearing about wheat making a big difference in weight loss. (Or rather, not eating wheat.) What has your experience been? Should I try gluten-free??
    if you have gluten intolerance which the chances are extremely low. or if you have celiac disease
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    In response to your question about how those of us who have gone gluten free feel now: I feel fantastic. Of course, I had a myriad of issues affecting me so I can't credit it all to being gluten-free, but I can say that I feel fuller longer since I eat more protein and get more fiber. Also, I have ZERO allergies!!! That has been one of the coolest things of all. Allergies are a huge problem where I live and I have found living with allergies to really affect my quality of life, i.e.: energy levels, clarity of thought, ability to sleep, etc. I am so grateful to not have that. Its pretty easy to go without bread and pasta if I get to feel this great. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    No, no, no and fracking hell jeysus no.

    And I have read Wheat Belly.