Well, that wasn't worth the calories.



  • FrankieBenjamin
    FrankieBenjamin Posts: 61 Member
    Eggs Benedict, Sunday breakfast treat, think my tastes are actually changing to be ore healthy as I found it too rich and the sauce a bit synthetic and I used to love it. 700 cal breakfast and wish I had had something else :0(
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    One of Wendy's flat breads. I think it was the Asiago Ranch? It was bland & just plain disgusting.
    OMG..YES!!! I ate it and if I recall it was like 520 calories? That was truly depressing and I could have made my own that would have been less cals and far better...I was really pissed after that.
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    Recently a friend returned from a trip to the US and brought back Reesses Peanut Butter Cups (sp) as a treat. I had the calories to spare and tried one. OMG are they awful, cloyingly sweet, stick to the roof of your mouth sticky.......never again ! Don't understand why people rave so much about them....:o).

    I love these (and could spend my daily allotment of calories on these alone), but I agree. The milk chocolate ones are. The dark chocolate ones are MUCH better.

    Edited because of poor spelling... :(
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    If I take a bite of something, and I KNOW it isn't worth the calories, I throw it away. If I'm going to eat something that is high in calories it's going to be DELICIOUS and worth every single bite!! I choose what I eat very carefully now! :)
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    You know... I feel that between the grossness, ridiculous calorie counts/amounts, knowing how much I have to exercise to work it off, not feeling good afterward (physically and mentally) and just knowing it's fast food... I don't want it. Ugh. This confirms it, thanks :-P
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    Oh man, today a new franchise opened by my office so a few coworkers and I went because they were giving out free burritos from 11am-130pm.

    I just got a chicken fajita burrito (veggies, rice, guac, salsa, and sour cream in it) - so I had a slimfast shake for breakfast and was going to have a simple spinach salad for dinner since the burrito is somewhere between 650-800 calories ...

    ... so bland and boring. @_@

    But it was free so you better believe I ate it ... I just won't be going there again.
  • Daws387
    Daws387 Posts: 46 Member
    I went to KFC a few weeks ago to finally try the famous Double Down. I figured I would love a sandwich that consisits of a bun made out of chicken. So I planned ahead to have the 600 calories available. Just my luck, apparently KFC no longer makes the Double Down. The cashier offered me the Doublicious instead, which is a regular crispy chicken sandwich with cheese and bacon. Since I was already there and hungry I just bought one. Ughhh! It was small, bland, and the bun was soggy. Sooooooo not worth the 510 calories!!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    This is so wasteful, but I was at the mall today and decided I'd treat myself to some Pinkberry. I always get plain, and they had Pumpkin Pie, but I did a split second decision and got the hot chocolate flavor. One bite in and I knew I had chosen wrong. It was over 3 dollars, but I chucked it in the bin. Just couldn't waste the calories on something I didn't like. So annoying!
  • sugaspice999
    McDonald's pumpkin pie (not spicy or sweet enough)

    Pure bar (banana cashew) -> couldn't even taste anything

    Milky Way candy -> I just gave out the rest of the bag, but didnt really taste like chocolate or marshmallows in the middle. Heath and Reese's still win!

    Jif pb -> so used to maranatha and once again almond/peanut/sun butters, just thought it didn't taste as wholesome and was too salty

    So delicious greek yogurt (made from almond milk) -> no words to even describe, maybe like eating vegan bone marrow in a cup? I really hope nobody wastes $/cals on it. Fage and noosa still the winners!

    The strawberry cream cheese with a cow in it -> was supposed to be 1/3 lower fat and tasted horrible. Would rather have real cream cheese with strawberries mixed in.

    Arctic zero ice cream -> just no, please don't do it!

    Clif builders bar (tried all except for the mint) -> taste horrible, not to mention the fake 'healthy' ingredients. (But would rather eat than a Milky Way)
  • karmahead
    karmahead Posts: 29 Member
    lower fat PB -- might as well eat the real thing.
  • SmileCozYouCan
    SmileCozYouCan Posts: 315 Member
    Once I saved calories for a PB and J sandwich and there wasn't any peanut butter in the house but the gross kind. =(
  • redneckbettie
    redneckbettie Posts: 20 Member
    Starbucks Chocolate Chai Tea Latte. I was so excited and bleh... Definetly not worth it.
  • mundaetraversa
    Beer! I love beer. But now my gut reacts differently or something, and it makes me feel so gross. But it still tastes goooooooooood!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I am not a picky eater I like most food lol
  • grton
    grton Posts: 21 Member
    This is gonna sound stupid, but diet coke!! I know it's technically 0 cals, but it's not the best thing for you..the other day I was really craving one, so I just went for it, but it wasn't even that good!
  • 16hats
    16hats Posts: 24 Member
    Ugh, all week my boyfriend and I talked about getting IHOP. I was so excited for a huge, high-calorie breakfast filled with pancakey goodness and smothered in blueberries and bacon and ohh the hashbrowns. I ate super light the night before in preparation for the calories.

    SO. He gets IHOP to-go the other morning, comes back home with it, and.. my pancakes tasted like batter, my bacon and hashbrowns were black, and they forgot the blueberries (the guy read off the receipt and checked the bag and said it was all there :( ). Boyfriend's crepe tasted weird, and my daughter's omelette was a mound of plastic-y looking cheese. Mine was around 800 calories, but we had paid for it and IHOP is far enough away that I didn't want to make a fuss, so.. I ate it. Or tried to. I ate half of it, at least, but it was just too gross to finish. It made me very sad.

    I'm pretty sure my two year old could have made me a better breakfast, and it would have been more worth the calories I was able to stomach. :/
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    some sugar cookies from the supermarket. I was expecting something soft and chewy - instead I got something that broke apart into a million crumbs. What a pain that was to clean up. And whatever I did manage to get into my mouth ended up getting stuck on the sides of my molars!
  • PaintedSwan
    The Chinese food I ate last night:/
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I made some Korean style beef shortribs last night, from a recipe I found on the 'net. They were so salty I couldn't eat them. Complete waste of 5lbs of ribs. Since there was nothing else for dinner, I ate a serving. Today I couldn't get my wedding ring off I'm so swollen up from the water retention! I was thinking, when it say 1.5 cups of soy sauce, that it was going to be an issue. I should have listened to myself and cut the soy back to about 1/4 cup, then they would have been great.