Exercise for woman with naturally big shoulders?



  • TaurusV
    TaurusV Posts: 66
    i think you are focusing to much on details OP.

    But if you want to change the way you look so bad than there is no reason to give up on healthy activities you enjoy.
    Just build up your lower body to change your proportions so the wide shoulders are offset (broad shoulders can actually help women get a feminin hourglass shape.). perceived attractiveness is all about ratios not the measurements of your arms.
    but more important than all of that is that you look and feel the way you want to.
    I tried many sports/gym to thicken legs, my legs are those stick thin, specially if I am on the thinner side of the scale. They get toned but not big. It happens since I was a kid and became more disproportionate after teenage:

    You are right guys, I think is a family inbred prejudice and wrong companies that makes me think that way. I wont hide I am still afraid of getting bigger shoulders in swimming.

    squats and deadlifts. change it up in the 5-15 rep range and keep effort and weights high and your legs will grow. just be patient give it a few months.

    edit: you will also need a small caloric surplus.
    Surplus? I thought to lose fat and grow muscle, I should be in deficit for the substitution (to burn fat and improve toning)? I am trying to improve my abs, so I was doing a small minus. Maybe after I replace almost all the lower belly fat with muscle, I can change to a small surplus to focus on the legs?

    Thanks, I am trying doing lots of squats, lunges and abdominal workouts (started doing Insane and DDP yoga recently). How many sequences you recommend for squats and lunges if I do around 10 reps?
  • TaurusV
    TaurusV Posts: 66
    Awful ....just awful ....someone should tell her she look manly

    image by yanicka.hachez, on Flickr

    This may not be what the OP is talking about though. A couple of my aunts have disproportionately large shoulders. It's not about muscle, it's genetic. One was actually questioned by the police because she fit the description of a bank robbery suspect that turned out to be a man in drag!

    OP, if you want to swim, than swim. I doubt 2 days a week will make you much bigger. You might also was to consider doing thing like weighted squats, lunges, dead lifts to build up your lower body and even things out a bit.
    Thank you. I mean this exactly. I am afraid of building only the shoulder area and look even more disproportionate, but maybe I didn't express it well. If you see my childhood pics, I had those thick arms and shoulders and very thin long non muscular legs. Oh my, lol, you aunt was thought to be a man in drag :O ?! This is exactly what I was afraid of. A friend of mine said I looke like some professional swimmer that was caught on heavy doping and she definitely looks like a man (body and face) and I was kinda worried, I think this woman they posted is beautiful, but I dont know if my genetics would develop my body like that if I was a body builder/fitness model like her.
  • 0OneTwo3
    0OneTwo3 Posts: 149 Member
    i think you are focusing to much on details OP.

    But if you want to change the way you look so bad than there is no reason to give up on healthy activities you enjoy.
    Just build up your lower body to change your proportions so the wide shoulders are offset (broad shoulders can actually help women get a feminin hourglass shape.). perceived attractiveness is all about ratios not the measurements of your arms.
    but more important than all of that is that you look and feel the way you want to.
    I tried many sports/gym to thicken legs, my legs are those stick thin, specially if I am on the thinner side of the scale. They get toned but not big. It happens since I was a kid and became more disproportionate after teenage:

    You are right guys, I think is a family inbred prejudice and wrong companies that makes me think that way. I wont hide I am still afraid of getting bigger shoulders in swimming.

    squats and deadlifts. change it up in the 5-15 rep range and keep effort and weights high and your legs will grow. just be patient give it a few months.

    edit: you will also need a small caloric surplus.
    Surplus? I thought to lose fat and grow muscle, I should be in deficit for the substitution (to burn fat and improve toning)? I am trying to improve my abs, so I was doing a small minus. Maybe after I replace almost all the lower belly fat with muscle, I can change to a small surplus to focus on the legs?

    Thanks, I am trying doing lots of squats, lunges and abdominal workouts (started doing Insane and DDP yoga recently). How many sequences you recommend for squats and lunges if I do around 10 reps?

    sorry i haven't checked back in a few days. You need a surplus to significantly gain mass of any kind and a deficit too loose mass of any kind. so its advised to do one after the other if you try both at the same time you will be treading water. so first build muscle and than loose excess fat. (or the other way around)

    a good way to gain a lot of mass in a short time is to mix strength and hypertrophy rep ranges.

    say you have two different leg days:

    day1 is squats and two of these exercises of your choice :front squats, lunges, leg presses, leg extensions.
    day2 is deadlifts( or sumo-deadlifts) and two of these: glute bridges, stiff legged deadlifts, leg curls

    first week you do each of these days for 3 sets and 5 reps for the first movement (the squats and deadlifts) and 3 sets of 6-8 reps for the other two.

    the next week you do 3 sets and 10-12 reps(adjusting the weight) for each movement.

    the week after that is 3sets x 5reps again and so on.

    i would also ad one light upperbody-day every week so you don#t develop muscle imbalances.
  • beepermad
    beepermad Posts: 198
    Warning: I read zero responses to your question.

    I also have a big ribcage/shoulders, and I was also a competitive swimmer when I was younger. Unless you're eating surplus calories and actively trying to build your shoulders, you aren't going to become "manly." I just started lifting for weight about three months ago, and the added tone to my upper body coupled with my bone structure just kind of adds to an overall athletic appearance. Which I dig...personally...


    Me ^

    I'm 5'3". Almost.
  • BrandNewFabulousMe
    But mine are big shoulder and arms, the things that grow more in me are them and the legs become thin. Would swimming worsen it? Do you swim regularly?

    I guess you are right, is a very sexist world. but I feel kinda bad when I see me and hubby together and realize I have bigger shoulders than him :(

    You feel ok with it? Nobody ever bullied you out of it? I went all my high school without wearing tanks and sleeveless.

    I'm very broad shouldered myself... never able to wear tanks or strapless either. i have the same issue as u. it would be better if my hips were bigger to even myself out but I'm not soooo I just embrace these broad shoulders of mine :)
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Uh-oh, another bulking/anti-bulking thread.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    OP, don't worry about swimming a couple of days a week turning your body into that of an elite swimmer. It's just not gonna happen.

    I also have broad shoulders, but like some of the other women posting in this thread, I love them! I love looking athletic and strong. My shoulders are broader than my husband's, too.

    I agree with the person suggesting you work on building your lower body. But at the same time, don't neglect strengthening your upper body because you're afraid of getting "too big". I highly recommend you find a full body strength building program and follow it--whether it is bodyweight, barbell, dumbbell, whatever. Swim if you love swimming. Get back to martial arts if you can. Just enjoy your body as it is, and improve the parts you want to improve rather than hating things about it that are never going to change, such as your bone structure.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    My ex always commented on my shoulders and arms and how if I kept strength training/kept doing martial arts would make me look like a man for example. I am not saying everybody is like this. But this idea that the woman has to be delicate to be beautiful. Many men and women I know still think like this.

    Hmm, sounds like your ex was a bit of an A-hole, at least he's an EX!

    Please try not to worry about what people say, I have broad shoulders too, can't say it's ever bothered me. Had an ex tell me I had a 'mans' back, told him it was impossible as I wasn't a man...you see there are lots of idiots about, they are to be ignored!
  • TaurusV
    TaurusV Posts: 66
    i think you are focusing to much on details OP.

    But if you want to change the way you look so bad than there is no reason to give up on healthy activities you enjoy.
    Just build up your lower body to change your proportions so the wide shoulders are offset (broad shoulders can actually help women get a feminin hourglass shape.). perceived attractiveness is all about ratios not the measurements of your arms.
    but more important than all of that is that you look and feel the way you want to.
    I tried many sports/gym to thicken legs, my legs are those stick thin, specially if I am on the thinner side of the scale. They get toned but not big. It happens since I was a kid and became more disproportionate after teenage:

    You are right guys, I think is a family inbred prejudice and wrong companies that makes me think that way. I wont hide I am still afraid of getting bigger shoulders in swimming.

    squats and deadlifts. change it up in the 5-15 rep range and keep effort and weights high and your legs will grow. just be patient give it a few months.

    edit: you will also need a small caloric surplus.
    Surplus? I thought to lose fat and grow muscle, I should be in deficit for the substitution (to burn fat and improve toning)? I am trying to improve my abs, so I was doing a small minus. Maybe after I replace almost all the lower belly fat with muscle, I can change to a small surplus to focus on the legs?

    Thanks, I am trying doing lots of squats, lunges and abdominal workouts (started doing Insane and DDP yoga recently). How many sequences you recommend for squats and lunges if I do around 10 reps?

    sorry i haven't checked back in a few days. You need a surplus to significantly gain mass of any kind and a deficit too loose mass of any kind. so its advised to do one after the other if you try both at the same time you will be treading water. so first build muscle and than loose excess fat. (or the other way around)

    a good way to gain a lot of mass in a short time is to mix strength and hypertrophy rep ranges.

    say you have two different leg days:

    day1 is squats and two of these exercises of your choice :front squats, lunges, leg presses, leg extensions.
    day2 is deadlifts( or sumo-deadlifts) and two of these: glute bridges, stiff legged deadlifts, leg curls

    first week you do each of these days for 3 sets and 5 reps for the first movement (the squats and deadlifts) and 3 sets of 6-8 reps for the other two.

    the next week you do 3 sets and 10-12 reps(adjusting the weight) for each movement.

    the week after that is 3sets x 5reps again and so on.

    i would also ad one light upperbody-day every week so you don#t develop muscle imbalances.
    Thank you so much. I like your series and the mix makes sense. :) Will try to implement this! Thanks a lot again.