The worst job you ever had.

Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
What's the worst job you ever had? Was it the work, the environment, coworkers, boss?

Mine was working as a store greeter. 10 hour shifts, on your feet all day and my supervisor was a total bint. Not to mention you would cop it from rude customers all the time.


  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    My worst job was just after university (needed the cash), I worked in a nightclub called "Flares" which is a 1970's themed club.
    I had to wear a huge Afro, platform boots and ridiculously skimpy outfits.the crappest part of it was that on the hour, every hour, a whistle would blow and all of the bar staff had to take to the stage and dance to the most cheesy music with the crappest choreography.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Laundromat attendant. I hate people.
  • notdieting
    notdieting Posts: 116 Member
    8 hour shifts, sitting at a conveyor belt, picking shell out of chopped walnuts. Mind numbing, Soul destroying. £1.87 an hour.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    8 hour shifts, sitting at a conveyor belt, picking shell out of chopped walnuts. Mind numbing, Soul destroying. £1.87 an hour.

    You win :flowerforyou:
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    My worst job was just after university (needed the cash), I worked in a nightclub called "Flares" which is a 1970's themed club.
    I had to wear a huge Afro, platform boots and ridiculously skimpy outfits.the crappest part of it was that on the hour, every hour, a whistle would blow and all of the bar staff had to take to the stage and dance to the most cheesy music with the crappest choreography.

    Is it bad that it sounds kind of fun to me?
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    8 hour shifts, sitting at a conveyor belt, picking shell out of chopped walnuts. Mind numbing, Soul destroying. £1.87 an hour.

    Yeah that's pretty f*ckin awful
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    My worst job was just after university (needed the cash), I worked in a nightclub called "Flares" which is a 1970's themed club.
    I had to wear a huge Afro, platform boots and ridiculously skimpy outfits.the crappest part of it was that on the hour, every hour, a whistle would blow and all of the bar staff had to take to the stage and dance to the most cheesy music with the crappest choreography.

    Is it bad that it sounds kind of fun to me?

    Me too! Especially now with my new bod :laugh:
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    My worst job was just after university (needed the cash), I worked in a nightclub called "Flares" which is a 1970's themed club.
    I had to wear a huge Afro, platform boots and ridiculously skimpy outfits.the crappest part of it was that on the hour, every hour, a whistle would blow and all of the bar staff had to take to the stage and dance to the most cheesy music with the crappest choreography.

    Is it bad that it sounds kind of fun to me?

    The novelty wore off after about 3 hours :laugh:
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Asphalt sealcoating as a teenager.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Asphalt sealcoating as a teenager.

    I hate doing my own driveway.
  • cwilliams080676
    cwilliams080676 Posts: 118 Member
    Mine was as a credit repair specialist. I would call people asking if they needed credit repair services. terrible job..
  • Patzycakes
    Patzycakes Posts: 175 Member
    I do customer support on the phone for Comcast ("local" cable company in the US)
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    "Knocking out" at a local juice factory, during summer vacation from school.

    Picture it - hundreds of liters of rejected juice that has been left sitting around to go rotten. Often by this point it has become maggot infested. Before it can be disposed of, it has to be poured into 55 gallon barrels, lined with plastic bags. You'd pick up a juice carton in each hand, and bash it on the side of the barrel so it burst and disgorged it's contents. When full, you'd tie up the bags and move to the next barrel. The barrels were then stacked outside until the disposal truck came.

    That's when it gets fun. When the truck arrives, the bags must be opened again, and the juice emptied directly into the barrel, where the truck can suck it up. Keep in mind that at this point the bags of already rotten juice have been sat in the hot sun for several days. To open the bags, you can't just open at the top - takes too long. You take a box cutter, reach down to the bottom of the barrel, pierce the bag and then pull the knife up quickly to slit it open bottom to top. Of course, at one point, you are going to get your sleeve stuck on something, and find yourself with putrid orange juice slowly covering your arm and getting up inside your sleeve. Lovely.

    Oh, and did I mention the wasps? There were wasps.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Making my store greeter story look pretty weak guys
  • Fit_Mama84
    Fit_Mama84 Posts: 234 Member
    housekeeping at a hotel. People treated you like crap if they noticed your existence at all. Breathing in all the chemicals while cleaning the bathroom. Being accused of stealing anytime someone lost anything and not getting an appology once they found it. People destroying rooms before they left....WORST JOB EVER!
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    And on the 'soul destroying' front, at the same juice factory -

    One day we had a batch come out with the wrong barcodes. A label had to be put over them, but the labeler couldn't wrap the label around the side of the box. So machine put the label on overlapping the edge, and I sat there, for eight hours, pushing the label around the edge of the box.

    Mind you, I only worked in this place for a couple of months. I asked some of the long-termers how they could stand it, and received the answer "keeps the mind occupied". I don't mean to be an intellectual snob, but if that place could keep your mind occupied, it suddenly makes a lot of sense why you've been stuck working there for decades without promotion.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    housekeeping at a hotel. People treated you like crap if they noticed your existence at all. Breathing in all the chemicals while cleaning the bathroom. Being accused of stealing anytime someone lost anything and not getting an appology once they found it. People destroying rooms before they left....WORST JOB EVER!

    A friends mum worked in housekeeping. I heard all sorts of stories, made me obsessive about always leaving a big tip for them.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Making my store greeter story look pretty weak guys

    The grass is always browner and sh!ttier on the other side of the fence ;)
  • mayaocean
    mayaocean Posts: 355 Member
    Working overnight shift at Tim Hortons in a shady part of town (canadians will know what im talking about :P)
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I'm self-employed but during the mortgage implosion I took a part-time job working at a company that does foreclosures. Among other things I had to inspect and photograph houses and condos that were about to be foreclosed and many of them were truly disgusting. But the worst was having to deliver the "KYO" notices to the people living there (KYO stands for Know Your Options but I secretly called it the "Kick You Out" notice) and sometimes, if they didn't leave, the eviction notices. I feared for my life with some of the people, and my heart broke for others. Nothing like telling a family that they and their stuff were going to be literally tossed out on the lawn in a couple of weeks. Oh, and could you sign here to acknowledge that you understand this? Not fun