The worst job you ever had.



  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    In high school, I delivered prescriptions for a drug store after school. After I 'graduated' from high school, I worked in the store as a cashier, full time. It was a small neighborhood store... with a weird boss, and a couple of 'older' ladies who were nice enough working there, and me. I was a drunk, a stoner, and at that point still had some imagination. Working in that place seemed so soul destroying at the time, that I only lasted a few months. One day, I just quit.

    Years later, I got a job in a paper mill, which lasted 22 years, until the place shut down. I'll never forget my first day. I was introduced to a guy, who I could tell right away, hated the @#$%^&*!? place, and his ONLY source of satisfaction was teaching new guys how much they were gonna hate it too. That first day, he taught me how to hand wrap reams of paper... yes, hand wrap, like a Xmas present. 500 sheets of 8 1/2 x 11 copy paper, each ream lovingly hand wrapped in green wrapper. I asked him if we were gonna do this all day.... he said, 'yep....' I asked him if we were gonna do this tomorrow.... he smiled and said, 'probably...' I asked him if we ever did anything else.... his smile got a little bigger, as he said.... ' sometimes we put the reams in boxes, and sometimes we put the boxes on skids.' That was the day I learned that you sell your soul for money, and I have been a wage *kitten* ever since.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    In high school, I delivered prescriptions for a drug store after school. After I 'graduated' from high school, I worked in the store as a cashier, full time. It was a small neighborhood store... with a weird boss, and a couple of 'older' ladies who were nice enough working there, and me. I was a drunk, a stoner, and at that point still had some imagination. Working in that place seemed so soul destroying at the time, that I only lasted a few months. One day, I just quit.

    Years later, I got a job in a paper mill, which lasted 22 years, until the place shut down. I'll never forget my first day. I was introduced to a guy, who I could tell right away, hated the @#$%^&*!? place, and his ONLY source of satisfaction was teaching new guys how much they were gonna hate it too. That first day, he taught me how to hand wrap reams of paper... yes, hand wrap, like a Xmas present. 500 sheets of 8 1/2 x 11 copy paper, each ream lovingly hand wrapped in green wrapper. I asked him if we were gonna do this all day.... he said, 'yep....' I asked him if we were gonna do this tomorrow.... he smiled and said, 'probably...' I asked him if we ever did anything else.... his smile got a little bigger, as he said.... ' sometimes we put the reams in boxes, and sometimes we put the boxes on skids.' That was the day I learned that you sell your soul for money, and I have been a wage *kitten* ever since.

    The only reason they didn't have a machine doing that is the machines have a better union...
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    In high school, I delivered prescriptions for a drug store after school. After I 'graduated' from high school, I worked in the store as a cashier, full time. It was a small neighborhood store... with a weird boss, and a couple of 'older' ladies who were nice enough working there, and me. I was a drunk, a stoner, and at that point still had some imagination. Working in that place seemed so soul destroying at the time, that I only lasted a few months. One day, I just quit.

    Years later, I got a job in a paper mill, which lasted 22 years, until the place shut down. I'll never forget my first day. I was introduced to a guy, who I could tell right away, hated the @#$%^&*!? place, and his ONLY source of satisfaction was teaching new guys how much they were gonna hate it too. That first day, he taught me how to hand wrap reams of paper... yes, hand wrap, like a Xmas present. 500 sheets of 8 1/2 x 11 copy paper, each ream lovingly hand wrapped in green wrapper. I asked him if we were gonna do this all day.... he said, 'yep....' I asked him if we were gonna do this tomorrow.... he smiled and said, 'probably...' I asked him if we ever did anything else.... his smile got a little bigger, as he said.... ' sometimes we put the reams in boxes, and sometimes we put the boxes on skids.' That was the day I learned that you sell your soul for money, and I have been a wage *kitten* ever since.

    Annnnnd I'm depressed
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    When my kids were little and I had to fit in jobs around their school time. I would go to peoples house and clean them from 9am to 11am...12 until 3pm I would work in a bar...then I would go get the kids from school. After 4pm people would drop bin bags full of laundry off at my house for me to iron. So once the kids were tucked up in bed I would iron until around 1am.

    My whole days just sucked to be honest...except for my time spent with my kids :bigsmile:

    But I am a fantastic `ironer` lol
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    mine would be dish washer it wasn't a bad job but my boss owner was my age stuck up he was so rude i hated him. ok a different job i once did the whole put pamplet on car windos i hated it. i felt so dumb doing it
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I used to be a dishrat! I quite liked it because all the chefs were nice to me and I got lots if free food.
  • mdizzle99
    mdizzle99 Posts: 169 Member
    Door-to-door salesman.
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    My top 2 worst jobs:

    Wendy's when I was 15. They put me to work the busy drive thru full of cranky *kitten* customers, and would cash out the register in an effort to make the line go faster..which meant I had to calculate the change I gave back off the top of my head. I do not math, and eventually got fired because I stopped giving a *kitten* and just gave the customers back whatever I thought was a close estimate of change.

    Laundromat when I was 16. One customer in particular used to drop off all his underwear full of skid marks and it was my job to wash them. :sick:
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I didn't realise they had laundromats where other people wash your clothes
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    I used to be a dishrat! I quite liked it because all the chefs were nice to me and I got lots if free food.

    yeah i didn't mind it. it was more of working for a jerk that i hated. his younger brother was cool
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    I didn't realise they had laundromats where other people wash your clothes

    The majority of laundromats (at least here in the U.S) offer a drop off/pick up service for relatively cheap. It's pretty awesome if you're super busy, but not always awesome for the person doing the washing. :tongue:
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Asphalt sealcoating as a teenager.

    I hate doing my own driveway.

    It wasn't so bad on a smaller scale, but the larger parking lots and whatnot sucked *kitten*. I was a "broom guy", which meant that while someone else was running an industrial blower beside me, I had to take a stiff bristled pushbroom and scrub the hell out of dirty spots. Not bad in a small area, but it is EXHAUSTING! I threw up more than once.
  • asimmons221
    asimmons221 Posts: 294 Member
    Water proofing basements for a summer, the main thing that sucked was the 12-16 hour days.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    Mine was as a credit repair specialist. I would call people asking if they needed credit repair services. terrible job..

    You win. I always feel bad for those people who call my house and got to listen to the collection of cursing words my boyfriend has for them..,
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Lifeguard and Cleaner at the YMCA. I used to get up extra early and clean the place, then lifeguard for a few hours. Lifeguarding was fine. if you don't mind being bored out of your mind.

    Cleaning was horrible, The women's bathrooms were horrible, always had blood explosions all over it, including the walls. Sometimes the other bathrooms had fecal matter all over the walls too, like someone was jumping up and doing their business mid air. hated that.
  • _liftnlove
    My first job was the worst job I've ever had...waitress at the Hot Biscuit, working for 2 male managers whose main hobbies were sexually harassing the waitresses and snorting cocaine. Longest two months of my life.
  • amelie2011
    amelie2011 Posts: 94 Member
    <Laundromat attendant. I hate people. >LOL!
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member

    hand wrap reams of paper... yes, hand wrap, like a Xmas present. 500 sheets of 8 1/2 x 11 copy paper, each ream lovingly hand wrapped in green wrapper.

    The only reason they didn't have a machine doing that is the machines have a better union...

    They had a machine that did it all.... It often didn't work, and I think they needed more output, and only had the one machine. It's funny how much so many of us can HATE our jobs, and employers.... yet, the whining, ( including from me ) the day, they told us, to take our severances and get the @#$%^&amp;*!? out..... I am much more careful about 'how' I whine about my current employer, now. Biting the hand that feeds you, and all that....

    Lifeguard Lifeguarding was fine. if you don't mind being bored out of your mind.

    I often wonder what's going on inside the lifeguard's heads at the pool.....

  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    My worst job was just after university (needed the cash), I worked in a nightclub called "Flares" which is a 1970's themed club.
    I had to wear a huge Afro, platform boots and ridiculously skimpy outfits.the crappest part of it was that on the hour, every hour, a whistle would blow and all of the bar staff had to take to the stage and dance to the most cheesy music with the crappest choreography.

    OMG, that really IS up there as worst job ever! LOL!