The worst job you ever had.



  • glamasjr
    glamasjr Posts: 31 Member
    I did door-to-door sales selling cable to customers for close to two years. I walked through ghetto neighborhoods and was chased at by dogs, angry residents carrying guns and knives and was once almost arrested for "disturbing the peace." I walked in temperatures ranging from 30 to 100+ degree temperatures for 8-10 hours a day. I walked through snow and tornadic activity, my buddy and I thought an apt complex we were working on was gonna get hit by a tornado. My boss had us by the balls, I missed my brother's wedding for crying out loud.

    I then moved to working in telemarketing for about 6 months, and finally moved on to selling vacuums, Fairfax vacuums to be exact.

    Yeah my life was sad for a while, I'm actually tearing up as I type this lol! At the end of it all I was left homeless and slept in a park for about a week.

    That's a phase in my life I'd like to forget, I work in the medical field now and am light years away from the pathetic pay I was making back then.
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    Just wanted to thank OP for this thread and everyone who replied. I was kind of moping about having to get up early tomorrow morning to go to my cushy desk job where I make a ton of money. Never again :) In fact, after reading all this I am tempted to go in tonight and get a head start!!!
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    One job I worked testing radios. I had to hear the same 10 songs over and over for 8 hours. I refused to listen to music in the car for the entire time I worked there.

    Worked in a warehouse counting and packing hardware. Count out specified number of said hardware (bolts and nuts), bagged them, bag enough of those bags to make a larger bag, and then make enough larger bags to fill up the box. And you had to complete a certain number per hour.
  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    I've been in libraries for the last five years. Started off as a shelver, which was putting books back on the shelves. For hours. And the pay was lousy. But ultimately, I didn't mind the job and was only in there once a week (high school).

    I'm a library assistant now, and there have really been some less-than-charming moments. The other staff aren't keen on the student employees, and when there's nothing else to do (such as during the holidays) things get nasty. I was pretty much the only student employee during the entire summer, working 9-5 up to 7 days a week because there was no one else to cover the shifts, with the bored middle-aged women downstairs needing something or someone to complain about.

    Thing is, the people who were actually working with me are lovely. It was just the ladies in the other departments who had different ideas about the way we should be doing their job when in reality they had no authority over us. Everything was getting done, in the way we had been trained and to the standards of our team leader. But if people think I'm making a mistake, I do appreciate being TOLD so the issue can be resolved instead of having to find out through the office grapevine that I'm the world's worst employee or something.

    I get pretty angry when people question my work ethic. Things have calmed down now though, but even if they flare up again that summer more or less made me lose all emotional investiment in the job. It's just a means to an end until I get my degree. Any job doing is worth doing right, but at the end of the day I'm just using them to pay my bills.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Warning: Gross!

    I volunteered summers at a wildlife rescue and rehab place for many years. It was a dirty job - lots of cleaning poop, getting peed on, avoiding my eyes being pecked out, etc...but I loved working with the animals. However, the most disgusting thing I have ever done in my life happened there: I had to prepare a meal for an owl that was eating on its own (as opposed to force-feeding) but was not yet ready to take live food. So I had to get a white rat out of the freezer - mind you they came in slabs of a dozen so I had to snap it off the rest of them like a popsicle - then let it thaw out on a plate until it was soft, and then cut open its belly to expose the innards which would hopefully be appetizing to the owl. The tool I had for this was a pair of dull scissors. I won't go into details but it was horrific. The smell alone when I finally cut it open made me throw up a little. And I don't know exactly how the rat-sicle packers killed the rats, but they all had...never mind, too yucky. I'm getting queasy just remembering it.
  • gogoboobzilla
    gogoboobzilla Posts: 91 Member
    Working overnight shift at Tim Hortons in a shady part of town (canadians will know what im talking about :P)

    Canada has shady parts? o.O

    Um, not sure if serious. But every country has shady parts?

    Half joking. I vacationed in Toronto in a part of Etibicote that was supposed to be super shady - it was just really ethnic. (Indians/Arab/etc)
    Given I'm just a few miles out of Detroit, I think the worst part of Canada pales in comparison. But those are only by my standards, of course.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Asphalt sealcoating as a teenager.

    Not a fan! Dropped asphalt on my toe and fractured it!
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I did door-to-door sales selling cable to customers for close to two years. I walked through ghetto neighborhoods and was chased at by dogs, angry residents carrying guns and knives and was once almost arrested for "disturbing the peace." I walked in temperatures ranging from 30 to 100+ degree temperatures for 8-10 hours a day. I walked through snow and tornadic activity, my buddy and I thought an apt complex we were working on was gonna get hit by a tornado. My boss had us by the balls, I missed my brother's wedding for crying out loud.

    I then moved to working in telemarketing for about 6 months, and finally moved on to selling vacuums, Fairfax vacuums to be exact.

    Yeah my life was sad for a while, I'm actually tearing up as I type this lol! At the end of it all I was left homeless and slept in a park for about a week.

    That's a phase in my life I'd like to forget, I work in the medical field now and am light years away from the pathetic pay I was making back then.

    Ugh! You win! I tried sales, door-to-door and lasted one month! I remember angry dogs, doors slammed in my face. yes, it is awful! Glad that you survived it and were able to move on!

    Oh yeah, forgot to tell you what I was selling---fire alarm systems. We had to semi-memorize a spiel and show pictures out of a book about the devastating effects of fire on property and people, including half-melted faces and graphic burns--basically scare tactics. The whole presentation was about 3 hours and one didn't get paid unless you made a sale. The economy was bad and I think most people were just going to take their chances.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Bouncer in a strip club.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I've had TONS (seriously, dozens). I never stayed on more than a couple of weeks at the worst ones, though.

    The worst job I've held for more than a month was at a law firm. The attorney in charge was a 50 yr old woman with extensive plastic surgery and a terrible temper. Imagine working for the worst of "Real Housewives...Whatever City".
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    I do customer support on the phone for Comcast ("local" cable company in the US)

    This was totally going to be my response. **HUGS**
    I worked there for 2 years, I feel your pain!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
  • AmberJewelCR
    Working for the lottery. I worked in a call center for the lottery, but our training was to take EBT (foodstamp) calls. I HATED it. People were always yelling at you for stupid stuff that was THEIR fault. On top of that, the company was very strict. 2 15 minute breaks every day and a 30 minute lunch. No more or less time or you'd be in trouble. You couldn't be late, and if you called in more than once, you got fired.

    Plus the long term employees were ALL severely overweight. And their keyboards were gross with food in them, and greasy keys. Gross.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I used to work at Pizza Pizza in high school, also a donut shop.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    When we were on maneuvers in Okinawa in 1974, we had no showers and no toilets. We had to *kitten* in barrels. Every day at noon, we had to pour diesel fuel in those barrels, burn the *kitten* (while stirring it with a shovel) and then bury the *kitten*.

    I had that duty for 14 days. It was a *kitten* job.
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    I worked for the Employment Department/Unemployment Call Center during the worst part of the US recession. I got to tell people they were out of benefits, they didn't qualify for benefits etc. I'd come home crying at least 3 times a week.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    Here's my list:

    McDonalds (no explanation needed)
    Wendy's. This one I must explain. On my last day there, we had run out of everything. Literally EVERYTHING.
    We only had big meat, little meat, large cups, straws and soda. Thats it. This was when Wendy's served fried chicken, biscuits and salads in addition to their regular meals.
    My manager refused to close the store. I worked the drive thru and my speech went like this: "thank you for choosing Wendy's. We are out of everything except meat. How can I help you?"
    "Can i have a number 1?"
    "We don't have bread, lettuce, tomato, fries or lids for the cups."
    "well, what DO you have?"
    "why are you open?"
    "ask my manager."
    "You guys suck!"
    "I agree."
    And I told my boss that this was the last time that they would see me in this raggedy mf'er. And I never went back. they got food deliveries 3 times a week. that should NEVER have happened!

    Comcast is another one (worked in billing)
    I wont explain that one either lol
  • simsburyjet
    simsburyjet Posts: 999 Member
    I worked in a glue factory where every fifteen minutes I had to refill this troph.. I would always forget and they
    had to shut the line down.
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    Working in Harvester!
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Telephone solicitor. We would have to pretend we were just taking a survey. Pure hell. Oh I and my first job was Mickey D's. This was in the seventies and the cash registers were ancient. We actually had to total up the orders and figure out the tax on a piece of paper and then just punch in the total amount in the cash register. For some strange reason my till was always off lol and I was fired. Then then forgot to tell me I was fired, so I showed up for work and everyone looked at me funny and laughed a little. Fun times.