October 2013 Move Your *kitten* Challenge



  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member

    There I go again, @TAXMOM....I forgot to post my update. :laugh: And it was kinduva a milestone for me too...as recently as early last week, I was still only running 3 minute intervals spaced with a 1 minute walk....but over the week, I was getting lighter and feeling stronger and one day I didn't use the interval timer in Endomondo and just ran to see how far I could without walking and surprised myself how long it was....well fast forward to last night....I completed my entire 5K without walking. And only like 40 seconds slower than my fastest 5K run/walk. It has been quite a while since I have done that. I think I may have done it early this year in the Spring....but then again it might have been last year. I dunno. I lose track of time. A lot has happened in my life this year and I can't keep things straight very well. :embarassed: I won't kid, it was hard....and I really had to dig deep those last 15 minutes of it...but my determination won out over my intense desire to stop and walk. Now I may not do that every* time now right away because ...I can't lie...it took quite* a bit out of me, but it does show me that I'm making progress and tells me to...Just. Keep. Going... that it's working. :smile:


    Great job, Dave. :smile: I'm so happy for you. And, I can't believe that you went from doing three-minute intervals to doing a 5K in a week. Wow! That's impressive. Aside from your run without the Endomondo timer, how long had it been since you had run for that long? I think that you mentioned that in another of these threads, but I forgot.
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    Wow Dave! This is AWESOME!!! I'm sure it was hard, but isn't it a great feeling to just run...? :smokin:
    Here, enjoy! You deserve it! :flowerforyou:

    Awwwww, thanks Speedy!!! :blushing: It was* a good feeling....most of the time...until it wasn't...but then it was again when I got to stop running! :laugh::laugh:

  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    Great job, Dave. :smile: I'm so happy for you. And, I can't believe that you went from doing three-minute intervals to doing a 5K in a week. Wow! That's impressive. Aside from your run without the Endomondo timer, how long had it been since you had run for that long? I think that you mentioned that in another of these threads, but I forgot.

    And thank you too!!! Man, I'm trying really hard to remember myself, but can't for the life of me. I'm thinking it was either March of this year or around September of last year. But yeah, with the few pounds I've dropped in the last month and all walking over my lunch hour and cross-training on the elliptical & bike and hitting the weights...and all the running in the evenings, indoor and out...I got stronger and it got easier really fast!! I've said this before....but this Challenge here has really picked me up and carried me along! I just can't not move every day unless my legs are screaming for a rest day. It hasn't been this easy to keep at it in I don't know how long. I'll probably do a few more interval runs of maybe run a mile, walk a minute...and throw the continuous run in here and there until it gets comfortable enough to do regularly. But I don't think it'll take too much longer until that time. :happy:

  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    BUMP. Want to join this, and hope there's a November edition to come. I'll be running later today, so I'll post again after. Feel free to add me. I'm in serious need of fitness friends.

    Well, if you're serious about joining this Challenge, you do not* have to wait until November! :smile: You are absolutely welcome to hop on right now and work towards basically a 2-week goal! I'll shoot some info to you and you can decide.

  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,931 Member
    Exercise total for

    Friday 10/18

    (Exercise bike 26.14 miles & walk 2.5 miles)

    **Total 28.64 miles for today

    ***443.5 miles done and 256.50 miles to go...:happy:
  • Hey everyone! I'm new here. I'm ready to start this challenge for 1/2 of October.

    Goal for the month: 20 miles (running/walking)

    Today: 2.25

    Total: 2.25/20
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    Wow - I just looked at the spreedsheet. It always amazes me to see everyone's numbers and all the stats --- these are some awesome numbers. I was shocked to see I was in the top 30 - barely but there. Its coming up on winter so my bike riding is dropping off but I've started up a training program for Couch to 5K - on my 3rd week. I just did my first session of run 90 sec/walk 90 sec, run 3 min/walk 3 min, repeat once more. This is the first week where I'm like "I may need to repeat this week. This isn't easy now." I will also be training for my first century ride so at some point my miles are going to pick back up this winter. Cheers everyone!

    @VERDEMUJER - That's awesome! The C25K approach (or similar program of progressive Run/Walk intervals) is the absolute best way ever to build up your running!! Don't even fret for a second about having to repeat a week. Your body will totally let you know when it's ready to move up to the next one. Later on, there may be weeks you are able to breeze right past. When I've done it in the past, I've stayed at the same level for a couple weeks because my body just wasn't ready for more. Be patient. :flowerforyou:

    I've started over running enough times over the last *cough cough* years that I've tried lots of stuff...but the progressive intervals is by FAR the only way to go!!!

    And courtesy of @LEANZ and with her permission, here's the quote from her profile that I love:

    "If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run." ~John Bingham

    So, whaddya know, @VERDEMUJER, you're already* a runner! :drinker: And there are a LOT more here in this group even if they don't already consider themselves one, but they most certainly are.

  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm new here. I'm ready to start this challenge for 1/2 of October.

    Goal for the month: 20 miles (running/walking)

    Today: 2.25

    Total: 2.25/20

    @RUNTHISTOWN00 - Wonderful!! And I've got you down on "The List" now. :wink:

    @SPEEDYF - Love that door sign!! :smile:
  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 3,001 Member
    So much great stuff going on. Congrats to JenniferTSmith on the Tri. I'm working up my nerve to sign up for one. Congrats to Speedy for her big hill run. Congrats to Dave for his amazing 5k. I"m sure I'm forgetting lots more -- congrats to everyone who is out there moving it. I got in a quick 3 miler this evening.

  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Love the warm weather. Great ride today.

    10/15 - 10.0 miles biking
    10/16 - 13.0 miles biking
    10/17 - 7.0 miles biking
    10/18 - 12.0 miles biking

    Total: 181.5 miles

  • 10/1/13 3.06
    10/2/13 4.02
    10/3/13 4.35
    10/4/13 4.36
    10/5/13 4.85
    10/6/13 1.88
    10/7/13 3.76
    10/8/13 3.65
    10/9/13 3.47
    10/10/13 3.57
    10/11/13 5.06
    10/12/13 1.74
    10/13/13 6.94
    10/14/13 7.94
    10/15/13 11.54
    10/16/13 3.5
    10/17/13 2.98
    10/18/13 12.5

    Total: 89.2
  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    Got my ride in early today and went farther than originally planned. Gorgeous weather!

    Oct 18th - 25 miles
    October to date total - 274
    Miles to go - 126
    Goal 400
  • phytogurl
    phytogurl Posts: 671 Member
    Cut out from work early today, and rode my bike with a gal pal today for 20.94 miles, mtd 169.64.
  • texerus
    texerus Posts: 62 Member
    I have nothing to report for yesterday thanks to ignoring my PT’s advice and tried to sneak in a little run into my walk. Bad idea! Two replacement ACL’s, loss of cartilage, and now my Orthopedic says I have patella formal degeneration of the remaining cartilage (loss of cartilage where the knee cap runs over the formal bone).

    Anyway, I WILL run again, somehow! Never say never and never quit!

    2.1miles walk for 10/18.
  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    10/1 - swam .7 miles, rode 9 miles, ran 1.7 miles
    10/3 - ran 3.9 miles
    10/5 - rode 9 miles, walked 2 miles
    10/6 - ran 2.6 miles, walked 1 mile
    10/8 - walked 2.6 miles
    10/12 - TRIATHLON! swam .3 miles, rode 14 miles, ran 3.1 miles
    10/13 - walked 1.7 miles
    10/15 - ran/walked 2 miles
    10/17 - ran 3.1 miles
    10/18 - walked 1.6 miles

    58.4 / 75 miles done!
  • 10/1 - swam .7 miles, rode 9 miles, ran 1.7 miles
    10/3 - ran 3.9 miles
    10/5 - rode 9 miles, walked 2 miles
    10/6 - ran 2.6 miles, walked 1 mile
    10/8 - walked 2.6 miles
    10/12 - TRIATHLON! swam .3 miles, rode 14 miles, ran 3.1 miles
    10/13 - walked 1.7 miles
    10/15 - ran/walked 2 miles
    10/17 - ran 3.1 miles
    10/18 - walked 1.6 miles

    58.4 / 75 miles done!

    Great job! Looks like you did a sprint tri (which would be .465mi swam, 12.5 rode, and a 3.1mi run). That's awesome. Any plans to move to an Olympic? I'm working towards one in April.
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Thursday: 4.3 walked
    Friday: 2 miles elliptical and 5.77 walked

  • Libi_KK
    Libi_KK Posts: 572 Member
    October 1-18

    Walking: 42.16 miles
    Biking: 97.20 miles
    Total: 139.36

  • 7 miles today. 108 done