

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.Had a good day.went for my labs.Met the MIL<and mom for brunch.
    Went to dr about the groin pain.Thinks it`s inflammed.Said I have good range of motion.Gave me a treatment and exercises to do at home as well as icing it.Suppose to come back in 2 weeks,if no improvement,he`ll order an xray.
    I feel the need to comment on wt loss surgery.I worked as a pct in the hospital in the 90`s.The newest thing was bariactric surgery.The people I saw had no idea what to expect.They wanted a quick fix.The 1st thing they wanted to do after surgery was eat.
    I saw people come in afterwards that could`nt keep food down.Several pts almost died.I said I`d never do this.
    maybe for others,it`s helped,but I saw people either gained the wt back and more or became very ill.
    sorry for the rant.
    Have a good night.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Continuing the discussion on bariatric surgery, it has improved through the years. I know my daughter's friend, well she is my friend to, has had extensive counseling before she was approved and it will continue well after the surgery. This is a completely different surgery than the old kind. I wish her well in this new journey although I'm not sure she can do it though since she has not given up her partying days

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: Susan, I have to eliminate a lot of foods from my eating plan because I am unable to be moderate with them……the longer I go without sugary foods or bread or cheese or several other things, the less I think about them. I am an abstainer not a moderator. I don’t understand people who can have one cookie or one spoonful of ice cream or a few chips.

    :flowerforyou: Treva, welcome……I live across the water from you on the North Olympic Peninsula where we have the same beautiful weather that you have in Seattle. You have joined a community of wonderful women who will support and encourage you on your journey to a new lifestyle….learning to eat right on your own is the key to weight loss…without that, weight loss surgery is a waste of time (I have two friends who had weight loss surgery and did well at first and then gained a lot of weight back because they had no new lifestyle to continue with healthy eating)

    :flowerforyou: Tazgirl, every time to you say no to a tempting food, the next time gets easier.

    :flowerforyou: Linda in Ontario…..keep up the good work

    :flowerforyou: Anamika, some days I write long inspired personal posts and some days I write nothing and some days I write a few self-centered paragraphs about myself and some days I write a few thoughts about health or weight loss or exercise….it’s all good.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, busy people like us need to get extra rest---good for you for getting recharged….. it’s hard to stand by and watch your children struggle with big challenges and not rush in and help.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, thanks for telling me about staking up the peonies…….all the ones I saw in my neighborhood seemed OK but I’ll be watching mine when they come up in the spring……this morning they’re getting a gentle rain.

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, we went out to breakfast this morning with a bunch of friends and when I asked the waitress for lemon for my water, the woman across the table asked me if I had lemon water every morning and I was able to tell her about you and your warm lemon water

    :flowerforyou: Drkatiebug, I read “Strong Women Stay Young” first and started with that program so by the time I read “Strong Women Stay Slim” I already had a plan but I used what I learned from both books. I love how the weight training program can be geared for anyone at any fitness level….congrats on the success on the 5K

    :flowerforyou: Meg, congratulations on your anniversary…….I do most of my dog walking before 7:30 AM when most of the neighborhood is asleep…..when we see someone walking a dog, we turn around and go in the other direction…Brandy and Sasha like to sniff at other dogs through the fence if we walk by someone’s house. It’s interesting to see how sometimes Brandy and Sasha are the quiet ones and sometimes they are the barkers.

    :flowerforyou: Puzzler, welcome……you have a busy life so you’ll have to be extra creative finding opportunities to walk and be active…simple things like walking while you talk on the phone will be a great start

    :flowerforyou: Jane, my chiropractor always tells me “ice is your friend”…..good that groin pain treatment is ice and exercise.

    :flowerforyou: This morning I had a long walk with the dogs in the rain and this afternoon I had a long walk with my friend in the sunshine

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Meg - happy anniversary. I hope you had a nice dinner

    Jane - I'm happy to hear that the groin injury isn't more serious. Make sure you take care of it.

    Treva & puzzler - welcome, it's a great bunch of ladies. I hope you find the support here that I have found.

    Joyce - YAY!! Congratulations on the 10 miles. I do about 8 in 45 minutes. What a great accomplishment.

    Barbie - thank you for being my inspiration especially on those days when I just don't want to do anything.

    Well I did it. I had my first session with a personal trainer this morning. I have to get a dr's note so that I can continue working with her. All because of the arthritis in my knees and that I'm taking meds for it. She did work with me today but I have to get it before I book another session. She was amazing, we went over everything I'm doing and she was very pleased. She worked with me on doing more strength training with a weighted ball and a band. She had an entire routine set up using a chair instead of the floor. What a relief that there is more I can do that won't cause any harm to my knees.

    I've heard nothing more about my mother's estate but I don't expect to for a bit. I appreciate all the advice and support. I've sent an email to my brother about talking to the estate attorney about it. I'm not going to let it stress me out, whatever happens I will deal with it. I told both of my kids and they both said that when I go to meet up with my brother for the first time that they are coming so I'm not going alone. They are both so protective...sometimes I think overprotective. Funny how we all feel the same way about each other. I guess that's what happens when it's only been the 3 of us for most of their lives.

    Tomorrow my DS & his GF are coming for Thanksgiving dinner. I will do a roast chicken because I'm the only one that eats Turkey. I'll do aquafit first and then go grocery shopping. I do love spending time with them.

    I will try and pop in tomorrow but it will be a busy day. I'm looking forward to sleeping in on Monday and having a R & R day.

    Sleep well!

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :wink: In the spring I had signed up for a number of 10 k's. Then my back started acting up, bleh. Tomorrow is an 8k, and wouldn't u know, my back is hurting. But I am determined to particpate! Wish me luck!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member

    Happy Thanksgiving on Monday to all of you in Canada.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I’m not really a football fan, but I love the Oregon Ducks, and their game against Washington was televised today. (DH and I met there as students a LONG time ago.) Our Direct TV quit receiving signal shortly after the beginning of the game. Someone will be coming to fix things on Monday evening. Today we went next door and imposed on our neighbors. We watched the game at their house and they were good sports about it. I ought to take them a gift. Suggestions welcome.:bigsmile:

    Lin C in N Ontario: I couldn’t bake and stay disciplined, either. I can’t understand how Michele does it.:noway:

    Sylvia: Your mother was saving your life. What a wonderful woman. :heart:

    Pat (Phoo): People who don’t’ have dietary issues often don’t believe they’re really problems. I suspect they think the person with the problem is just seeking attention, but I could be being uncharitable.:frown:

    Meg: Happy Anniversary! :flowerforyou: You’re very right that it is hard to just listen to my daughter’s problems. I’m always too quick with advice, and I’m trying to stop. I think getting unwanted advice sometimes makes a person feel like you don’t think they’re competent. I fear I’ll backslide, but I’m trying to do a better job of keeping my advice to myself.:tongue:

    Heather: No wonder your DH has some issues. He’s lucky that he has you.:flowerforyou:

    Puzzler57 in WI: Welcome. This is a nice group. My exercise suggestion is to find something you think is fun and can do in the morning before work, or in the afternoon/evening when you get home. Dance for a half hour, walk, climb up and down stairs or what ever you like that involves moving more. I like to walk, do yoga, or ride my bike.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: Good luck with your 8k. Take it easy if need be.:flowerforyou:

    Happy Thanksgiving on Monday to all our Canadian friends.:smile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Hi girls!
    This paragraph is about cleaning, skip it if you don't want to read about my housekeeping adventures, lol!

    Got up on a ladder in the room over the garage and cleaned the blades on the ceiling fans...disgusting! I do not think they had been dusted in years. I hadn't been up there in a long time and DH stashed all his mother's stuff up there after she died, so it was a hoarder's paradise. Boxes, paintings, linens, papers, papers and more papers. He kept all that stuff. Well, I Had to move some mattresses and box springs out, give the clothing to the goodwill or to whomever wanted it, gave furniture away and pretty much emptied the place. Went through drawers, removed twinkle lights the kids had put up years ago. Once I cleared it out, I had a carpet cleaning service come in, but I made sure I they shampooed the carpet first, then did the steam extraction. The gal on the telephone said the scrubber isn't usually on the service truck....really? Maybe that way they get around extra work. Well, the carpet came out cleaner than expected and I was very pleased. Scrubbed the bathroom, made the beds and polished the furniture and stocked the fridge with beverages. Reorganized whatever needed to stay, but emptied the kitchen drawers. Nothing in them now and they were washed out. Closets emptied. (no baggage now, the experts say too much clutter drags a person down...one day I will tell you about my basement). My niece and nephew are coming for their grandfather's birthday so I told them they can camp out up there. It's really a small apartment with a bedroom, bathroom, kitchenette and living room. Open rafter ceiling with some exposed brick walls. I was thinking, I really had not been up there in about a year and a half and this spring I went up there and thought, OMG, if I don't clean & organize this, we will get bugs and spiders and goodness knows what else! So it has been a project I started about 2 months ago. First thing I did before I started going through the boxes was bomb the place, I didn't want to be bitten by a brown recluse or some nasty insect. I waited a few weeks and then jumped in. What a relief, it is clean, decluttered and restored. Just like on HGTV! well, sort of. and...The carpet cleaner technician took some of the furniture!
    Planted some beautiful mums out front near the door for the fall and resurrected my fallen corn stalk cone. A storm came through and knocked it down. Love this time of year!

    Joyce- 10 miles, wow, for an hour! That's a lot of exercise. Good for you!

    Heather- I bought the cheddar cheese...the good stuff...and am going to research a great recipe for mac and cheese. I also planked for 1 minute...whew.

    Drkatiebug- I am impressed with the 5K you did. I met a runner who said he has a friend who is in her 80s and still does marathons...she started at 55 y/o.

    Puzzler- welcome to the thread! As you can see we talk about everything and no one judges. I think logging my food and then gauging my weight successes and failures with my diary...ie..what was I eating which caused me to not lose weigh or I cut out dairy and that triggered some weight loss...has been tantamount to my modest success. Observations based on what you document in your diary is an incredible source of information. At first I thought it was a pain, but over time it gets easy and it throws back a reflection of yourself...you are what you eat.

    Michelle- For my Dad's birthday I was going to bake a carrot cake. So, this morning he changed his mind...wants a chocolate cake. I have never been real good with chocolate cakes, twice they were very dry so I stopped baking them. I went to the grocery's bakery department and asked them about it. The cake decorator said they receive their cakes frozen from a vendor. Hmm? Is the chocolate cake dense or spongey? She cuts a sample for me and it was gross. So artificial! I thought, oh gosh, I think I will bake my own..(.with real chocolate, real ingredients). I would never serve that, although I cannot match their decorating. So now I am thinking I have to bake a choco cake. Ehh. Then I remembered my friend's daughter is starting out in the baking business so I have left a message for her. Maybe she will bake the cake and decorate it, but ONLY if she uses her own recipe and NOT a box.
    Take care everyone!
    Susan in Cardinal country! Go Cards!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Susan - your menu for your dad's birthday party sounds wonderful! Can I come? Wish I could help you about the mac and cheese, but it's been a LOOONNNNGGG time since I've made that. I go to a class that's held in the deep end of the pool. We basically do aaerobic-type things (jogging, bicycling, jumping jacks, etc), one of the things that I like is that in the deep end, yu can get a good workout but you don't have any impact on your knees. Yes, I wear a floation belt. We also use the "weights" in the water. They are really foam but when you add the resistance of the water, boy are they work! Sometimes we use the "noodles", for standing on (that I can't do if it's both feet on the noodle), sometimes sitting on, sometimes holding the ends and putting them together under the water (good resistance). As for the popcorn -- when I had my first Christmas tree back about 30 years ago, I couldn't afford garland so I bought a bag of popcorn and strung that. Well, I thought it looked so neat that I've done it every year since. I use it for decoration and then afterwards put it in the backyard for the birds to eat. I haven't thought about the "bite the apple" game in a long time -- thanks for the memory. I remember when the kids were in preschool they used to string donuts and that was the game.

    Last night I had 4 cups of spaghetti squash for dinner, some parmesan cheese on it and tomato sauce. I was SOO full. This morning I was rewarded with a loss. I don't have a ticker because the loss is always one pound down, then the next week its one pound up. I have found that as soon as I go over a bit on my BMI (according to the Wii), the weight seems to come off so much faster. As soon as I'm in the "that's normal" range, it takes FOREVER for any loss to show up.

    While I was stringing the popcorn yesterday, I made a big bowl for me to eat. I'm probably going to do that for Halloween. I know I did it one year and that worked out pretty well, kepot me away from most of the candy.

    Went to WalMart yesterday and they were having samples of Lindor truffle Sea Salt and chocolate. Why I had one, I don't know why. But I did. Actually, I didn't think they were that good. I won't be buying them, that's for sure. Salt and chocolate, to me is just weird.

    grandmalle - before you get rid of your bike, check Ace or Lowes Hardware, there may be some kind of rust-remover. I remember when my in-laws had a home in FL, everything in their garage got rust on it and there was nothing you could do.

    katla - hope things work our for you daughter.

    Sylvia - your experience with your mom, to me, is the most compelling reason of all not to have WLS. I know that I don't smoke because my mother died when I was so young and even at that age I related smoking with death.

    Went to Bi-Lo to get more spaghetti squash, that's my newest kick (next to grapes). I should have gotten a rain check for the ArridXX deodorant that Vince uses, it's amost never on sale. Oh well...maybe another day.

    Jessica got here last night. This morning went to Bi-Lo and then yoga then to Aldi to get a few things. Wanted to get more cukes in case Jessica wanted them with a salad. We're supposed to go see "And Then There Were None tonight". We had great seats but then when Jess decided to come with us, we got 3 seats but further back. She was going to go to the gym but instead went to the Emergency Clinic, seems she has a bladder infection. I don't know if that's what it is or not, I'm not totally convinced. Her urine is red she says. Anyway, she was saying that she had a bad night last night, up all the time going to the bathroom so she asked if we'd be mad if she didn't go to the play. Oh well.....

    Continued stringing the popcorn, should get ready for church because I'm serving. I think when I get home we'll have some dinner and then go to the play.

    drkatiebug - second place is awesome. Woo hoo for Dave! Good luck tomorrow and Thursday.

    Meg - happy anniversary!

    puzzler - welcome. Congrats on the weight loss. What class are you taking?

    Joyce - woohoo doing the 10 miles in the 60 minutes. Doing a happy dance with you.

    Sandy - good for you working with the personal trainer. Get that note and you'll on your way! That's just wonderful that your kids are going with you to meet your brother. I'm sure they're just as curious to meet their uncle.

    Renny - good luck tomorrow.

    Meg - when my kids have a problem, it is so very hard for me not to just jump in and make things right. But I know that in the long run this will only hurt them, so I try to let them learn on their own, maybe just telling them what will probably happen but letting them make the final decision as to what to do. It is SOOOO hard.

    Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian friends (and you can send me your leftovers....lol)

    Went to the play and believe it or not, I figured out who the nurderer was! I'm thinking that tomorrow I'll do some balance games on the Wii. Made a chocolate chip cake because I really wanted to try this recipe. It stuck to the pan somewhat. I'm wondering...since the recipe didn't say how long to let it cool in the pan, perhaps it should have been cooling longer in the pan. Oh well...guess I'll just have to make another one. I'll give some to Jess to take home along with the fudge that I made her. Once a mom, always a mom.

    Michele in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We came out to the lake cabin today, to spend the night. So, hubby and I were in the master bedroom upstairs trying to assemble a dog crate and we heard whimpering. We thought it was Bruno downstairs, wanting to be up with us. The whining continued and hubby went to look down the stairs and he found Bruno - 3/4 of the way to the top of the cast iron spiral stairs! He got almost all the way up and got scared. Couldn't go up or down. So hubby went down the outside deck stairs, into the great room and came up the spiral stairs to pick up poor little Bruno. He must have been stuck there for several minutes. We never dreamed he would even try it. The steps are narrow at one end and sort of pie shaped, and really slick. He could easily have fallen 8 feet. My poor little puppy! There is a nice child gate built into the stairs at the top and bottom, but we never really used it before. Now we surely will. We always take the dogs up via the outside stairs because they are safer.

    We went walking in a very wooded area near the creek tonight and disturbed two bald eagles in a tree high overhead. Later, we disturbed a whole bunch of turkey vultures. I've not heard so many feathers flapping all at one time before. It was pretty awesome.

    I hope everybody is having a great weekend.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh Sylvia, poor baby, I can't see a big dog or any kind of dog trying to go up a spiral staircase. Good idea on the baby gate. But our fur babies are our babies.

    Michelle, Sometimes I have to try a food that I have seen and always wanted just to get it out of my mind and find out I didn't like it. I think lobster always looks so succulent. So we splurged one night and got some and I hated it! So now anytime I see a commercial for it my mouth no longer waters.

    Susan, we seem to be fine with the box mixes but my Mom always added an extra egg to her cake and brownie mixes and they were more moist. I always liked the pudding in the mix box mixes.

    We went grocery shopping tonight. I find with me on my diet we do a lot more grocery shopping. For you new ladies here, we are retired. My husband has no self control at all and prefers to eat his evening meal out so there are no left overs and the serving portion is controlled for him. I fix my own meal at home for lunch and he has little or nothing but it is never of good quality. So I shop for my lunches and snacks. So i do more shopping lately. But it puts steps on my pedometer! so I have been looking at my diary and even though I am always OK on my carbs I am always over on my dietary sugars. Dieticians say don't worry about it if it's becasue of fruits but a lot of mine aren't. One of my worst meals is my late evening mini meals. For a lot of you it would be your bedtime snack but I go to bed at around 2 AM so 10 PM is my mini meal. Anyway, it is highest. So i to a good long hard look at what I am eating. I really like what I have and want to continue it but I needed to make some adjustment. My diabetic teaching has shown me that so many of the artificial flavorings add dietary sugars so I compared the plain yogurt to the vanilla flavored yogurt. WOW, about double. So I will have to eat the plain. I am hoping that the pineapple and the granola I put in it will add enough sweetening to still make it pretty good. if not, I will just have to live with it. I have had to make a lot of other adjustments these last 11 months and now just find it normal so this may have to be another one.

    Yes, it is almost a year. November 1st will be my one year being on this diabetic diet. Learned a lot, have tried to teach my husband since I know a lot of it would help his heart healthy diet he should be on after his heart attack but he thinks that between his stents and Lipitor he is covered. Does he not realize I was a cardiac nurse and know he is wrong?????

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Just a quick update as I am sitting with dad for the night. When we got here Thursday he was on the vent and was not respoding to anything. We had several doctors running tests and they all dicided he had had a massive heart attack and stroke. So it was dicided that after my sister and brother got here we would all get to say our good-bys. So arrangements were made for thier minster to be here at 0830 Saturday. He came and they turned everything off but the O2. Within 45 mintues he opened his eyes and started talking. He did not know where he was or what had happened, but knows who each of us are. As the day went on he would sleep some and talk some. The main doctor came in and when dad opened his eyes and said hello the look on his face was priceless. Then the doctor asked dad how he was feeling and dad said not bad. Then the doctor said why have you not talked to me for the last two days? Dad said because I was taking a nap. This whole thing has been a shock. So now we waite. His heart is badly damaged and he is full of infection so they tell us it is just a matter of time. I just know this last day has been a Blessing. Each one of us had a chance for one last visit and he told mom she did the right thing. So thanks for all the prayers and support. I have not logged my food last couple days and yesterday the one time I did try to eat I got sick and DH had a mess to clean up . So thanks gor everything you are all the best.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Vicki, what a wonderful gift. Hugs, thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Vicky- love to you. I bet those doctors were astonished! These moments are a gift to us. :flowerforyou:

    Chocolate cake - I always make chocolate fudge cake which is moist and delicious. I like it because there is no creaming.. I made it as a two tier for my grandson's christening (the first time I had ever attempted anything like that) and it also makes fabulous cupcakes for DH's tea. Just find a good recipe on the internet. The one I use is easier than the average sponge. It uses all good ingredients.
    For icing I filled and covered it with chocolate butter cream and then rolled out fondant. I used 2 thin layers of fondant. You can buy such terrific decorations there is no need to panic. I made my own little figures out of modelling icing and I had NEVER done anything like that before. But it is easy to buy stuff for any theme under the sun.

    The mac and cheese discussion prompted me to make my own version for supper tonight. We have loads of left over chicken so I will mix that with broccoli, mushrooms, tomatoes, spring onions, garlic, peas and a measured portion of pasta. I will use a diet version of white sauce and add some cheese. Sprinkle a few bread crumbs and a touch of parmesan and VOILA! I am aiming at 400 calories per portion so will be weighing and calculating.

    I have set DH the task of defleshing the chicken. He had a terrible night despite his new radio and the fact that I was beside him. I think he needs a higher dose of Seroxat. Very bad this morning. OK now. He might well be coming with me to Bath. In which case he will probably drive as he panics about the train. I don't like driving and was looking forward to my train trip, which is prebooked and paid for, but if it keeps him happy . . .
    To tell the truth I am beginning yo feel a bit worried about all this. I find myself avoiding talking about holidays or even me going somewhere. Not a good way to live. I really, really need to keep my own needs in mind and a huge one of those is travel. I am already a bit isolated by being in the countryside and away from friends. That was partly to keep him happy although I do like it here. If I can't go away and travel and visit people ..........
    I know it won't come to that and he just needs a bit higher dose, but as a worst case scenario ........
    Come on Heather, slap out of it!!!! I am just letting it get to me. All will be well.

    Must get on with my weights after my coffee.

    Love Heather UK
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Up extra early with a weird dream I can't shake, so out of the bed and on to my day.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning Ladies: I have been up since 4:45AM which is the time Elizabeth woke up and decided she wanted to start her day (I need more Coffee).:drinker: :drinker:

    Katla--I know I should schedule snacks but I think if I had just one, I would have to continue on (willpower NONE):embarassed:
    I used to go to Zumba, but torn meniscus in knee with 3 bone spurs put a stop to that, I do walk a lot for my job, I work for a Food Brokerage Company (ironic isn't it :laugh: ) So I walk 14 Grocery Stores a Day. Not sure if that counts as exercising or not?

    Vicky--Enjoy the time you have with your Dad, I lost my Mom suddenly 8 years ago, didn't get to say goodbye, I miss her every single Day. Prayers and Hugs to you.

    City Jane--that mac n cheese sounds wonderful.

    Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone in Canada.

    Hope everyone has a Blessed and Wonderful Sunday. :flowerforyou:

    Tina in Florida
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi everyone!
    The east coast has been ravaged by a huge cyclone. We r on the west coast, so all safe. Thanks everyone for your prayers n concern. I was touched when I received a message from Yanniejannie enquiring about my family's safety. Thanks it means a lot. I know the ladies here are great friends to have but the warmth that has spread in my heart is not easy to express.
    It’s the festival of Dusshera…… for nine nights the Goddess is worshipped for her fight over the various demons and finally She wins on the tenth day…..victory of good over evil.there r different ways of celebrating in the different parts of our country. On the whole time for introspection, prayers, community dances and merry making. Lots of sweets n good( rich) food.
    :smile: So I share season’s greetings with all of you. May all of us be blessed by Mother.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki what a beautiful gift..... u r in my prayers
    :heart: Katla keeping your daughter in my prayers too. Love your concept of planning treats within our daily meals by buying, through ex.
    :smile: Linda from N Ontario absolutely, baking n dieting don’t go together…… but u r aiming for lifestyle change, right?

    :flowerforyou: Drkatiebug that’s awesome coming second in your event and u beat your husbands time too

    :flowerforyou: Megblair happy anniversary! I have been following all u have gone through in the last few days, feel so glad u have got all the problems sorted out.

    :bigsmile: Joyce will u ever cease impressing us? Hope not ;) wonderful cycling 10 mph

    :bigsmile: Sandy wonderful about the personal trainer. Thumbs up!

    :smile: Barbie thanks ! You r probably the only person I know who acknowledges some of us have to keep our weaknesses at arm.s length. That is more sensible than trying just one spoon and then going downhill.
    I remember all u wonderful peeps n how u stick to plan, so have learnt to say no to sweets..... thanks! Its true after some time they do not look as tempting.
    Have a great day.
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning friends, just a quick hello, we havent gotten the wifi up and running yet, so I am over at the pool using the wifi, did over 16,000 steps yesterday and had a ball, went to my friends house the next town over and we went for a boat ride out to dinner, over to a beach to watch the sunset, and then tootled around the canals with there 2 little dogs in the boat, didnt get to bed util after 11, that is REAL late for me... well off I go have to get back to the house, my DH has projects for me to do.. will check in later xoxo
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    I have at last put a photo of me nearly at my biggest on my profile. It is the last one in the set.. That was March 2012 and I got bigger until I started my diet in June 2012. I thought it might encourage those of you who are at the early stages of their journey.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning! It isn't even 8 a.m., and I have two pans of bars cooling in an already re-cleaned kitchen! This is just not like me! I need to take the gluten free bars to a memorial celebration this afternoon, and I didn't dare bake them last night- - too much temptation, ya know?- - so I had to get up early this morning to get it done before church. I am feeling just a little bit prideful about this ;) I just do NOT like early mornings and alarm clocks! :tongue:

    I do cheat when I back now. It takes so many different types of flours and ingredients to bake gluten free foods, that I have become a huge fan of "semi-homemade". Today I took the chocolate chip cookie mix and made it into Coffee-Mocha Brownies. Then I took the white cake mix and made that into Pumpkin Pecan Bars. Hopefully, they will both taste good. :laugh: After church all I will have to do is frost them and get them back up to the church for the memorial service. It's going to be a long and busy day.

    I was very frustrated at the JoAnne's store yesterday. I am trying to make some Christmas cards and ran out of the beautiful, deep red card stock. JoAnne's does not have their Christmas stuff out, yet. Now, I think it is very ironic that this upsets me because I do not like the fact that Target, WalMart, Sears, etc are already decked out for Christmas! I do, however, think that a craft store should realize that we need some lead time to get cards, gifts and decorations made before Christmas! I know, I am a little bit two-faced about the issue, I guess! :tongue:

    Sandy- Let your children protect you now; it will feel wonderful to see what a great job of teaching them to be responsible, caring, loving adults you did. They need to be able to help, and, right now, you need them, too.
    Have a great Thanksgiving dinner!

    Puzzler- Welcome! Wisconsin is a beautiful state, especially at this time of the year. Where in Wisc do you live? I was raised right across the bridge in Duluth, MN.

    Meg- Yes, I would like the soup recipe, you can just email me (pmh13@cox.net). Thank you!

    Renny- Good luck with the race today; do not overstrain your back, please.

    Katla- You are right, food issues are just like other health issues; some people will not understand because they have not experienced. I can almost understand that about food issues, but I have run into people who think that things like Tourret's Syndrome and migraine headaches and panic attacks are just "crying for attention". (issues w/ kids at school, long ago) Those people are either truly stupid or truly cruel, IMHO.

    Sylvia- Poor Bruno! I don't like those staircases, either!

    Joyce- I will eat your lifetime portion of lobster for you! :happy: You can eat all of the nasty greens in my honor! :bigsmile:

    Vicki- Miracles happen! Amen! What a Blessing you have been granted with this time with your Father.

    Tina- I really liked calling you TazGirl, may I continue? That is such a strong name! As for your job and the walking, get yourself a pedometer, steps do count. Grandmallie uses one, you can ask her how they are counted into the exercise counts.

    Anamika- I am very glad you are safe! Enjoy your festival, and thank you for the Blessings.

    Ok- It is off to get ready for church. Have a wonderful and Blessed Sunday, my Friends!

    Pat (Phoo in Az)