

  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, We made it to Friday, :bigsmile: (with the week I had that is a miracle in itself). Had a Great time with the Grand Babies after work yesterday :love: , and will have them after work today. Love being a NaNa.

    On the even better side, only one slip the week with the Fried Chicken, and didn't even have snacks with the kids yesterday, that is willpower at it's finest :laugh: .

    I hope everyone has a Wonderfully Blessed Day, I know if I can do this Anyone can do this. :flowerforyou:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning and a great morning it is. I'm starting my third day at being good. Can't exercise much yet but walking more. Wii was good to me again this morning showing a 1.1 lb loss. Yesterday was .9 I need to lose lots in case I fall off the wagon on thanksgiving day. Don't plan to at the moment. But you all know that plans and rules are made to break.

    Sitting here with my lemon water. Anyone interested should read the benefits of lemon. Pretty interesting topic.

    My wii lies to. Sometimes saying I haven't been on it for as many as four days. I'm weighing every morning of course that's when being good. Don't go near it if I think I've gained lol.
    Try cooking chicken in the crock pot with spiced tomatoes served with rice. Yummy.

    Read through all the posts but didn't take notes and my head is like a sieve. Remember what was said but by who. Well different story.

    Thank you all for the anniversary wishes.

    Today will be a good day because I will make it be.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Susan - no, I'm not an attorney, but we have gone through that trial by fire with DH's sisters' deaths and a couple of other things. To everyone, do get your affairs in order, let your family know where your key information is, etc. Even if death is not involved, like when our son had a brain injury and needed help/care for a prolonged time, someone needs to know where things are, who to contact for your affairs and be authorized to act for you if you are not able. I think this is especially difficult for younger people to get - they think they don't really have anything, nothing will happen to them, but someone needs to be able to talk with their doctors, close up apartments, get care for their pets, handle their car payments and insurance, maybe file paperwork at their office, disability, etc. (We had to petition the court in my son's case to be his guardian for a while, once again with more lawyers, court-appointed people to represent/evaluate him, etc. FYI, we also had to petition the court to undo the guardianship once he was recovered, so it is much easier to appoint someone to handle your affairs and have it in a legal document.)

    Off the soapbox now!

    Have a great day.

    Gail, metro ATL

    GEORGIA GALS – there is a get-together at my place on Saturday, 10/26/13. We’ll start with a meet and greet from 9:30a-12:30p to get to know each other better, along with a light lunch (probably soup), then, for those who wish, we’ll head off to Gibbs Gardens ($20 admission) for the afternoon. (It takes about 3 hours to see completely.) Message me if you want to come and I’ll provide more specific info -- I'm in Canton, GA, exit 14 (Holly Springs exit) off I-575, for location reference.
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello friends
    Its been a while since I posted, but have diligently read all the posts every day. In fact my family thinks I'm addicted:laugh: It takes such a while to go through all the posts I'm left with no time to post , coz first I have to type all I have to say then want to cheer all the friends I have made here. So how do u ladies manage it? Read posts first or type what u have to share?
    Thanks to all for providing nuggets of information and sharing their journey...... loved the rear view of Mt. Rushmore :bigsmile:
    Congrats to all achievers and hugs to all in need.
    as for me, am trying to stick to a daily workout and eating clean plan. I picture Barbie saying how she refuses sweets n bread, walking and dancing through the day..... thanks for the inspiration. Of late I've added Joyce and her evening walks under the stars...... if she is doing that, I jolly well get through my routines. Then there are charming pics of Michelle looking so beautiful in her murder mystery outfit.... feathers n all..... and all the cute grand children.
    Heather n her Roman Holiday...... reminded me of audrey hepburn n Gregory Peck
    Sylvia n Sandy being so strong and the upcoming get together and walk through the gardens
    Have a great day n weekend everyone
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I'm feeling better this morning. Yesterday I had a bad headache all day, and twinges of pain in my neck, but nothing like I had on Wednesday, so I guess I'll live. Last night we went out for supper at Rib Crib and I got one of their fantastic grilled chicken salads. It's less than 500 calories, but I feel like I've binged. It is a lot more sodium than I'm used to. Maybe that's what makes it delicious! The weather here is wonderful. Temps in the 60's.

    Hubby is on fall break so he gets a couple of extra days off. Of course he is spending it working on a thing he is going to present at a chemistry conference next week, but I still get to see him a little more than usual. I'm going to ride along to the conference in Springfield, Missouri. The dogs are going to the vet for boarding. I'll go shopping while Bill is at the conference, and try to find their Y.

    Joyce - I love Lexington. There is a BBQ place that I can't remember the name of, which is next to a huge CarMax lot. Great food, but I doubt I could stick to my plan if I went there. They have Peach, Nehi soft drinks in glass bottles which is the only "pop" I EVER drink. I get to have one every five years or so, so it's a real treat to have one when we went to Lexington. They aren't sold in my part of the world. My favorite thing to get at Trader Joes was creamy tomato soup, which comes in a cardboard carton. It doesn't need to be refrigerated till it's opened. But sadly it has too much sodium for me now. Oh, and they have great dog treats, cheap.

    Have a really great Friday!

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Have fun at your gathering and the garden walk sounds great.

    Glad your back. Only way I can keep up is to come here often.

    Glad your feeling better. That was scary.
    And no one to care but you. That's hospitals now a day's.

    Well I had a great breakfast with very low carbs so my liver should like that. 2 eggs, 2 slices crumbled bacon, 1/2 cup red pepper and onion mixed great omelet slice of cheese was before I went out to coffee just not to get a dizzy spell with no food.
    So far so good. A comforter on the line, a load in washer. Dishwasher emptier. Now to get ready to go to cottage for how long who knows sometimes just the afternoon. Sometimes for days. That's the advantage of having it close to home. Only 7 miles away. Going to try and add some walking in my day.

    See you all Lighter.
    Linda in the beautiful sunny Northern Ontario.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    TGIF!! Went to Olive Garden with DH for lunch yesterday. I had the Venetian apricot chicken Very tasty and only 480 cals! But had 2 bowls of their salad and 1 1/2 of their bread sticks. That still is better than anything else on their menu! My poor 1 year old Shi-Tzu. She was with me a couple houses down from my place while I was talking to a friend when my DH called her to him. She took off running full out towards him, took a short cut through the front yard then disappeared in the drain hole that goes under the end of my drive where my friend and I saw her disappear then her back feet and tail were up in the air and no head to be seen. :blushing: She recovered from the flip then finished her run to my DH shaking her head. My friend and I almost died laughing! :laugh: She didn't get hurt though. My DH packed steadily all week this week.:huh: My job will be to take all the boxes to the storage unit tomorrow then pack some more. My back hurts just thinking about it.:grumble: Oh, well part of moving I guess. :ohwell:

    Vicki GI NE - prayers and hugs to you and your family. Be safe in your travels!

    LinCharpentie - Moose stew? Sounds interesting. I've had venison stew, does Moose taste like venison?

    Megblair1 - There is a lot of information on diabetes and recipes online. There are also many books on it as well. Sounds like your dietician gave you almost the same diet I have. Learn all you can!

    Margaretturk - Didn't know that particular eye problem could occur just from age! Another thing to watch for! So many ominous things can happen as we age. We just don't know what will happen next!

    Kalley1959 - Glad for you talking to your brother again. My thoughts are with you as you sort out the mess your mother left.

    Jmkmomm - In many cases, (from my job) I have found that rebooting your computer fixes about 80% of the problems that come to me. That is always my first recommendation when someone comes with a 'flakey' computer.

    barbicat - Great walk with the dogs! I can't even manage 10,000 steps a day and you did 18,000! Way to go!

    Grandmallie - Glad you made it in one piece! Get some rest while you are down there. That is the whole idea of a vacation!

    exermom - I had similar ocean experiences as a child. That and my Dad thought he was playing by dunking me but in reality, he was contributing to my fear. I always felt like I was drowning when he would grab me under my arms and throw me up and down in the water without letting go. He would laugh and I wouldn't have time to catch my breath. So to this day I panic if I can't touch bottom in any water unless I have a life jacket on.

    Treva - Welcome to the group!

    Rita from TN ( 14 days to CT!)
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~going to visit my friend Thelma in the rehab place.
    Not doing much exercise til I have this problem checked out tomorrow.
    Have a great day!!
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I worked myself pretty hard yesterday and DH was right beside me for everything but yoga. We treated ourselves to Papa Murphy’s pizza, which was yummy but I’m up a pound today. I know very well the weight is water retention from the sodium. :tongue: We ended up going to bed at 8 pm and getting up at 6 am. I can’t remember when I slept for 10 hours and wasn’t sick.:laugh: I took out my gallant tomato plant. I’ll plant Sweet Millions again. We also moved furniture around to replace burned out lights and some of that furniture is very heavy. We borrowed a ladder from DS that can be extended higher than any ladder we own, and it works very well but weighs as much as a draft horse. :grumble: I hope we don’t have an occasion to borrow it again after we finish replacing light bulbs.

    Lin in N Ontario: Happy anniversary. Congratulations! :flowerforyou: I survived Thanksgiving last year by using a food scale and dishers to measure my portions. I had a little of everything I like, and no major blowouts. The kids thought I was crazy, but tolerated my eccentricity. They don’t think I’m crazy now that I’ve lost weight. I like your comment, ”today will be a good day because I will make it be.”:happy:

    Barbie: I admire your dancing, but have never had any aptitude. I can see that practicing to Christmas and Hanukkah music in October is a little like a step out of proper time. I’ll bet you wow them at the assisted living homes during the holidays.:bigsmile:

    Grandmallie: I’m glad you made it safely to Florida and got good exercise in airports. All those long corridors have to be useful for something besides sitting around. I hope you enjoy Florida. How long do you get to stay?:flowerforyou:

    Gail: Your dinner sounds wonderful. How did you prepare the mahi-mahi?:flowerforyou:

    Treva in Seattle: Welcome to the group. I’d like to know how your surgery comes out. I’ve been taking meds for acid reflux since I was in my 30’s. No one has ever recommended surgery, though. The meds make me vulnerable to osteoporosis, so I’m very interested in your experience.:flowerforyou:

    Anamika from Mumbai: I open a word document on my desktop and type my comments as I read. I add my own comments after I’ve make all the responses I have, and put it at the top. I don’t always respond to each person because I can’t always think of something worthwhile to say. Sometimes I reply to an individual post, usually by starting with quoting their comment.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Hi all,
    Had my friend over for a yoga session today. I won't be at the class on Tuesday as I will be in Bath so wanted to get an extra one in. We had a good chat and a cup of mint tea. I shared with her that DH has been having some more panicky early mornings about my going away. She is on a similar drug to him and suffers from anxiety so she understands. He was pretty bad this morning, so I told him that if he really can't bear it he can come with me. His sister is busy so can't brothersit. He hates being like this and when he has recovered can't imagine what he was thinking. My guess is he will be fine. He is going walking with his friend on the Tuesday.

    Feel a bit tired this pm. I hope I'm not coming down with something fluey. Bit achey and not 100% with it. It could just be my usual funk before I do something I enjoy. I hope so, though I have had a little tickle in the throat which has kept me awake. We're having calves liver tonight which should boost my iron! England soccer game tonight so I will have carte blanche on the living room tv. I have a couple of things I've recorded that I'm looking forward to.
    Other than that I've been doing a bit of bill paying and have just ordered my Christmas cards! It's raining today and grey and I almost made scones, but didn't really feel up to it. I must be ill!
    I ordered a wood mounted poster for my elder son for his birthday in November. I'm a bit early, but I couldn't resist it. It's a vintage poster of a black dog with a beer balanced on his nose. Black Dog Beer. He loves beer and dogs and he has a blog called blackdogcoach, because he is a triathlon coach who suffers from depression. His logo is a black dog! Irresistible!

    Must put some washing on so everything is clean for Monday. I will be taking my furry boots and my Rome outfit for our restaurant trips. My friend hasn't got to dash off for her two friends' funeral until the Wednesday, which is good. I doubt I am going in the spa as it's not really the place for full pelt lengths. I'm not into just sitting around in warm water, even if it does come from a volcanic source,!!! I might go for a walk up the hill behind the Royal Crescent, which DH says is a good view and a nice walk. You can also walk along the canal. Or I might just stroll about among the beautiful architecture and have a coffee! That sounds like a good plan! On Wednesday morning I will look out for a card and some chocolates for DH's birthday. I have already bought him a pillow radio so he can listen to it in the night without disturbing me - I hope! He does like chocs - especially dark chocolate, cocoa dusted truffles. Yum! He also loves those Guylian seashells. I know Bath has loads of specialist chocolate shops so I am sure I will find something decadent! Joyce - good job you are not with me!

    Love to all. Sylvia - have you had your carotid artery checked ? Just a thought. One of our famous radio journalists had an episode with his earlier this year. It's worth asking. I always ask about everything as my doctor is not very good. I have to tell her how to diagnose.:laugh:

    Heather in gloomy Hampshire UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joyce - I never ever told my hubby how much I weighed because I was so ashamed. Then after I had lost about 50 pounds I sat him down and told him that I had actually been over 300. He never batted an eye. He has been nothing but sweet and supportive. I thank my lucky stars every day for him.

    Barbie - when we moved into our current house about 20 years ago, it had big beds full of peonies and mums. The mums died out about year 5, but the peonies kept going. They got so crowded that we thinned them out and replanted about 2/3rds of them in three other groupings away from the house. Now they all need to be thinned again, and for about two beautiful weeks each spring our yard is just about overloaded with big pink flowers. They are really one of my favorite flowers. The trouble with ours is that the heads are so heavy that they fall over almost as soon as they bloom. We have tried stakes, rope, tomato cages, you name it. If you have a good way to keep them upright I'd love to hear it.

    Tazgirl - it would have been more than a "slip" if it had been me with fried chicken. I would have fallen face first. It is one of my weaknesses. Our little town has so many fried chicken joints that the Food Network did a piece about it called "Chicken Wars". My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Luckily, hubby doesn't even like fried chicken, so that makes it a little easier to avoid. Also, around this region the chinese places serve a dish called "Springfield Style Cashew Chicken", which is breaded and fried chicken breast chunks served with fried rice and a brown sauce, sprinkled with cashews. No veggies anywhere on the plate. This is also one of my weaknesses. I used to have it about 3 times a week for 20 years. Haven't had it since April when I had my heart trouble. Hmmm. I wonder if there could be a connection between my heart trouble and fried chicken. And bacon, which I used to eat every day.

    Heather - My carotid had been more than 80% clogged. Two months ago they treated it with IV drugs to try to clear the clog. Just a week or so ago I had another ultrasound which showed it was down to 40%, so no surgery necessary. That was good news. Just like liquid plumber.

    I'm going swimming today but not doing the weights till after I have my stress test on Monday.

  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi Rita - Chicopee isn't far. It's about halfway between us and the Connecticut border. DH has relatives in he Berlin area - it's a pretty big Polish area.

    Had a good day yesterday in spite of an art opening (some nice goodies to munch there). I managed to stay mostly in the room with the show and away from the munchies - well, mostly :blushing:

    Have a great day, all from sunny western Mass where the foliage season is in full swing!

  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Friday –

    It is rainy and windy here in Delaware with no signs of it easing up anytime soon. I can’t complain as we have been having wonderful weather and now could use the rain. I just hope it doesn’t rain the entire weekend.

    Last night we attended a Meals on Wheels event, every year they host a sale of cookware products where the proceeds go towards seniors. I’ve been going for several years and have been quite pleased with their product offerings of Emile Henry, in addition they sell Mauviel, Rosle’ and Lekue cookware. All high end stuff you can purchase at a fraction of the retail cost. It was a fun event and I was able to add a items to our kitchen inventory.

    I have been doing well w/the exercise and steps this week. Have not been good at logging food at all, no excuses really.

    :smile: Susan in the mighty Midwest – glad you had a wonderful time in NYC and was able to stay on program. Those salads sound wonderful.
    :smile: Barbie – I agree w/you, walking and catching up w/friends makes a long walk seem so effortless.
    :smile: Meg – I can feel your frustration over your carpet fiasco. Hopefully, by now you’ve been able to pick something out that suits you.
    :smile: Katla – congratulations on the weight loss, you are doing so well.
    :smile: Sandy – I’m happy that reaching out to your brother has yielded positive results.
    :smile: Jenn – glad you have been so productive in organizing drawers. Always a great sense of accomplishment.
    :smile: Vicki – my thoughts are with you and your family, wishing the best for your father.

    Nothing much on deck for this weekend. Want to decorate the pumpkins we got a couple weeks ago, beyond that I’d like to catch up on my reading.

    We well ladies,
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Treva, I wish you all the luck in your esophogeal surgery. I agree with you about the bariatric surgery. My sister in law had the lap band done a good many years ago. Did very well at first, was very strict on adhering to her diet. Then she totally went off the wagon. Stopped her supplements and ate only junk food. She was actually proud of how much weight she ahd lost when in fact she looked liked a very old lady that had to much make up on. My husband is 65 now and she is about 12 years younger than him. So this would have been when she was somewhere in her 40s and looked 70. She eventually weighed less than 7- pounds and in very critical condition, several open sore that wouldn't heal, she had no protein stores in her body to support the healing. When they got her healthy enough to undergo another surgery, they reversed the surgery and took off the band. She now weighs more than she did before the surgery. My daughter's best friend in having a sleeve surgery next week. I have read about it and it is permanent but the stomach is only 30% reduced. I still wish she wouldn't do it, the doctor has made her lose weight as proof that he can lose some on her own. She loses it to make the doctor happy and then gains it back. She is grossly overweight but from being here for almost a year I know that it can be done. Takes a long time and yes can be tough at times. It's a marathon and not a sprint.

    I heard something the other day that really hit me and I will have to always remember it. 'When it's done it will be very good. If it isn't good yet then it isn't done'.

    Have a good day, Joyce
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    Hello to all: Well I have been to the pools this morning and was able to swim 15 minutes straight alternating breast stroke and side stroke. Then did my shoulder exercises with resistance gloves. Boy that makes a difference!:ohwell: Had to come home and ice my shoulder but things are good now. Hoping to get the house cleaned this weekend before going back to work next Monday. Got the bookcase in the sitting room cleaned off yesterday. It is amazing how much stuff one accumulates over the years. I also got quite a bit of old wall paper off in the office. I would like to paint this room but there are about eight layers of wall paper on the walls. Oh well scraping must burn calories, right?:laugh: Hoping to go out and ride my horse this weekend if the weather will cooperate.

    Sending healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Hapy Friday, everyone! I am feeling pretty good today (after being stupid yesterday!) Started the day with a banana and ended with popcorn for supper! Needless to say, my tum punished me all night. Geez....... I am my own worst enemy :huh: .

    I am sitting out in my craft room with the sun beaming in the window, and it feels wonderful! :happy: We are having cool Fall days here in Green Valley, and I love it! The sunshine (without the +100 degrees!) makes me want to curl up in the window and sleep beside the cat! (If only I could fit in the widow sill like he does!)

    I had boullebaise at a restaurant up in Tucson yesterday. It was awesome, and I think I am going to try to make it myself. They did not have fish it in, only seafood and not a whole lot of that. I think, if I could have gotten a calorie count from the restaurant, it should have been lower in calories than the one I found in the data base, but I couldn't find one from the restaurant. The data base is frustrating sometimes. Anyway, if any of you have a good recipe, would you share?

    Rita- I can eat bananas in the afternoon or evening, but if I do it first thing in the morning, I will be in pain. For some reason, I just do not think about it until the banana is half gone. (very short memory)

    Vicki- Certainly, prayers for your Dad and your family.

    Tazgirl- I really like your picture!

    Meg- We don't get the Habboobs here in Green Valley; they start here! :laugh: When the winds come northwest from this area, they push the sand/dust/smog all the way up to Phoenix. They suffer through the dust! I just try to stay off the highways when they are predicting the winds because it is really dangerous to drive in them.

    Sandy- Step 1- breathe! Step 2- don't take on any debts until you speak to a lawyer. I don't know what the laws are in Canada, but, over the last few months, we have found out that we do not have to assume the debts for my family home if my sister defaults on the taxes. They will/may/could take the house and land, but they would not come after us other children for the debt. And, truthfully, you are more important than any home or land...... if your alcholic stepfather wants it all, let him have it. You keep your health, sanity, and, most of all, your serenity. Take care, my friend, and remember that all of this is just my humble opinion.

    Michele- I always make ribs in the crock pot because it is the only way that they get tender enough for me to eat w/o difficulty. (dry foods get stuck.) Cooking them to "drop off the bone" state works wonders and tastes awesome!

    Susan- Try this as a sentence: "Driving through a habbood is a terrifying experience!" It is a completely true sentence.

    Treva- I am trying to respond to your statement about weight loss surgery, but am having trouble getting my thoughts out clearly. I have had wls, and I have regained weight, and I have some 'forever' negative consequences from the surgery, but I think I am still glad I did it. It gave me immediate and positive weight loss when I was close to or over 300 lbs. (I wouldn't get on the scale) BUT- You really need to have your head in the right place to have the surgery successfully. If you are at all skeptical, then you are right not to do it. Doctors can't always know what is right for you. I support your decision to fix that hernia and to use other methods to lose the weight because you seem most comfortable with that decision. :flowerforyou:

    LinCharpentie- Moose Stew! :tongue: I want some!!! :love: I love wild game (if processed correctly and cooked well) Haven't had moose for about 3 years, and you just made me drool! :laugh:

    Well, I supposed I had better go and do something productive. At the retreat I finished the other envelope-album for my niece and nephew, so I had better get them out in the mail. They will probably think they are silly, but I think they are cute, so I am sending them, anyway. I should spend sometime cleaning, too, but what fun is that? Playing with paper and scissors just sounds like more fun! :laugh:

    Have a great day everyone!

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Sandy - I just wany to jump in and lend my thoughts to Pat's (phoo)
    If your stepfather is going to get what is left of the estate then I would just do nothing. Let the state sort out the mess. It is none of your problem. If a lot of left over money is involved then you might want to fight for it. It sounds as if he might get what is left after the debts are paid. In England the kids get the money after a certain amount goes to the husband/wife. If it's a second marriage. If it's not a lot then it's not worth the hassle. You are not obliged to get involved.
    Sorry to interfere, but that is my humble opinion. :flowerforyou: :love: :heart: ( meant in a loving way )
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    afternoon ladies, usually i check in early am, but have been to busy, went over to the gym here, very nice ,and has a tv and everything,went out for breakfast ,had a new breakfast at Bob Evans- called BE fit, and had scrambled egg substitute, multi grain hotcakes with canberries,let,tomato on the side and a small serving of fresh fruit, and it was 357 calories, very yummy, went and took the rental car back, and bought a scale that doesnt work:grumble: ,
    and we came back and went to the pool for a few hrs, it was glorious, i walked for about 20 min, in the water and then swam for a bit... and now we are home, going to take a shower and then out for dinner, but have my handy dandy nutrtion guide with me for calories and will be under tonday, and will go for a nice walk tonight.
    I love Florida!!!! check in later
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies. The Grand Babies are doing homework and having their snacks (KEEBLER COOKIES :sad: ) But I must prevail.

    Sylvia--My Hubby and I love Chinese Food too, but that is a definite NO NO :brokenheart: .

    Pat (Phoo in AZ) -- Thank you for the compliment.

    Grandmallie-- Sounds like a Great time in Florida.

    I have read Every Ones post it is hard to reply to them all, but I so enjoy them,. they are so motivating and Supportive, it feels great to have other women who understand the struggles of losing weight.

    Thank you,

    Tina in Florida :flowerforyou:
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    TGIF!!! there's just something abut Fridays that make them special; it used to be paychecks...lol.:laugh:

    Tina, wow, you are surrounded by lakes in Florida, awesome...no alligators! ::bigsmile: I lived in Key West for a little less than a year back in the 70"s - Navy wife. We were there when they closed the Naval base.

    Grandmallie, what's not to like about Florida, huh?!

    Pat, I tend to be my worst enemy all too frequent. AZ is pretty country too; I've been to Phoenix, Sedona, Flagstaff and Grand Canyon.

    Joyce, here, here I vote to stay away from all those lap bands and other surgeries.

    Suzy, looks as though we both are in for a rainy weekend only Texas has a drought so we really need it.

    Jill, I can only imagine how beautiful your area must be in the fall. Good Lord willing one day I will see it.

    Heather, I sure hope you have a grand time away; DH will there waiting for you with happy smiles.

    To all those that commented on the Mt. Rushmore/Gov't Shutdown so glad you liked. Sounds like there is no end in sight (no pun intended!) for the shutdown. Praying for a quick resolution.

    And Michelle, it is a good life with all those kisses for my grandson. I have 7 grandchildren but he's the only baby and I do enjoy him. :love: Last Wednesday he learned how to make a pop with his mouth - he's a big boy now (6 mos old).

    Today was a good day with laundry, vacuum and mopping done. Step-daughter will be here for a visit Wednesday so I have to get started now so I can have it done by Wednesday. :laugh: Those were the days when I could pack up and move my entire house in a day.

    But it does give me my 3rd day of activity for the week so I am on-board with my October goals.

    Blessings to one and all; peace and goodwill.

    T-gal (Plano) :flowerforyou: