
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Kevrit - Looking forward to meeting both of you once you get settled in and Grandmallie gets back from FLA. I'm familiar with the Italian Christmas Eve somewhat. Like the Polish, no meats but lots of seafood! We used to live in Nebraska, so being back in the land of fresh seafood in abundance is wonderful. Theoretically, there should be 12 dishes (one for each apostle) in the Polish X-Mas eve, but we're not that strict!

    Joyce - Our Y gives members 1 or 2 meetings a year with a trainer free as part of the membership benefits. You might want to talk to them about giving you a meeting with Renee as a reasonable accommodation even if they don't provide this benefit, since your disability prevents you from using all of the Y (i.e. the weight room) without proper, tailored instruction. It would also help the Y reduce the possibility of your being injured (they could be liable) because of inappropriate/lack of instruction. The Y is a public accommodation and comes under a variety of non-discrimination laws, but they may not have any training on their responsibilities or understand those laws. I'm not suggesting you go in threatening to sue, but rather make nice about how this would help them avoid liability and help you at the same time.

    My big treat was today! Once a month, I get a hour long massage, and today we even went over for about an extra 15 minutes. Man, did my back and shoulders love that :love:

    DH is grilling dinner tonight - chicken and boneless country ribs, both with different rubs (no sauce). He also loves to grill veggies, so all I need to do is get dishes ready on the table! He'll grill enough for at least two meals, so I won't need to cook for a couple of days.

    Michele - bought dried chickpeas today, but didn't see fava beans (yet). I'm really looking forward to trying those baked falafel!! Thanks so much for sending the recipe. :smile:

    Take care all and drink that water! :drinker:

    Jill in western MA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    well good evening ladies,
    just a quick note to thank you for all the well wishes, and once I am settled down there will get back to you, now dont go over 3-4 pages because it will take me forever to catch up~
    love ya all:heart:
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Bumpidity bump bump
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    Today has been a good, productive day. Gathered all things needing to go to the dry cleaners for my trip and dropped them off. Cleaned out 4 of my hubby's drawers... not sure why he feels the need to keep 40 pairs of socks; many with holes in the toes. He is such a pack-rat.

    I sent 10 resumes to some interesting jobs that just posted. I still haven't heard back from the company I interviewed with 2 weeks ago, but I received a call today from a head hunter that wanted to submit my resume for a position. It will be a challenging position doing something I do not have extensive experience doing, but I'm excited at the thought of doing something different and feel certain I can handle the job. Say a prayer for me.

    Made some great food choices today. Even went out to eat with hubby for lunch. Mooyah Burgers. I had the Turkey Iceburger. Couldn't finish it for lunch, so I took it home and had the rest as a snack. I spent the last 30 minutes pulling weeds in my flowerbeds and played fetch with my boys.

    Sandy- So happy to hear that reaching out to your brother has been a positive experience.

    It's going to be an early evening for me. Hope everyone has a great night.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Scary afternoon here, and infuriating.

    This afternoon I started feeling bad. Burning pain in my neck, ache and weakness in my left arm, pressure on the back of my chest, and I was sweating but felt cold. All that sounded very familiar, so off I went to the emergency room to get it checked out. I was scared. They processed me, took my BP, which was low, and the nurse plopped me in an exam room and said the doctor would be right with me. Over an HOUR later and nobody had even checked in on me. No doctor. No nurse. Nobody. So I got up and left. I told the clerk on the way out that I waited so long that if I was going to die I would have done it already. I still didn't feel good, but the neck pain had eased up a little, so I thought I was probably ok. But I was pretty mad. I walked past the "station" and there were at least five employees sitting around drinking coffee. There were no other patients. So I can't figure out what they were doing.

    So I came home and tried to lie down and rest, but Bruno decided to chew my face off, so it was not very restful. Then Bill came home and sat on the bed talking to me and both dogs were on the bed playing (face fighting). I still feel very tired and have a headache, but everything else is back to normal.

    I hope everybody else had a better evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today we planted the peonies in garden bed that I spent the summer preparing. Now we wait until spring to see them come up.

    :heart: Barbie from cool and beautiful NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”


    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 27,000 steps today
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    susan - what willpower! Once you get used to not having breads or desserts, it'll seem like something real strange for you when you do have it. Most likely, your stomach will object (just mildly). You go girl! Thank you so much for the lovely compliment. I WISH I was 26 years old!!!!

    Took the Wii body test today. Now I KNOW that I took it yesterday, it showed a loss. But today it said that I didn't do it yesterday. Well...no matter. It showed either a loss or the same from yesterday, I don't remember what yesterday's weight was. It's just interesting to see the trends.

    barbie - glad all is good with Jake

    Jessica just called, said she probably will be here tomorrow. She said that she is really coming to "chill out". I know that she's stressed about 1) she and Kris are looking at apartments and moving is stressful and 2) she's accepted a job at the NIH, only the place she's working at now would like her to confirm her employment. Well...with the shutdown, there isn't anyone who can confirm it, so that's stressing her out. She's basically taking this job because for one thing it's different work and for another it pays more. She's really not all that happy where she is so she's taking this job hoping to earn money for vet school. So, I certainly don't want to lose my membership in the "mom club" so I made her fudge to take back. I also had this pumpkin bread recipe that I wanted to try out. It's pretty good, but it really doesn't need the topping that the recipe calls for

    We had the Newcomer general meeeting, then senior bowling.

    Did 45 minutes of a walking DVD today. Tomorrow I'll do the Jillian Michaels Shred It With Weights DVD. Then I'm supposed to volunteer at the Green Room

    Had some of the buttermilk ranch dressing left from last night, so I put it in the salad dressing bottle for Vince. He never said a word that it was different!

    Gail - do you have an iPhone or Android? An app like you have sounds neat. I have an android

    Sylvia - don't you just hate it when you forget something that you need? I remember once I forgot my bra, I took the water class and just came home without wearing a bra. Another time that I forgot it there was no way I could go without one because after the class I was going to try on a dress, so I absolutely needed a bra. So back home I went......

    t-gal - your grandson is SOO cute. What a hard life you have....having to give him all your kisses....that's just so hard....lol

    katla - woo hoo being so close to goal. You rock! For me, maintenance has so much (if not everything) to do with continually logging food, never stop. I have my ups and downs but I don't let life be constant downs. I screw up...yup...and then go back to good habits. Just accepting what is done is done and can't be undone (short of throwing up, which I don't want to do)

    Rita - I'm Polish and our Christmas Eve is all fish, too. I don't think 7 different kinds of fish, tho. What kind do you make? (Yup, thinking about what I'm going to make for Christmas), Yes, I like "Master your Metabolism". As a matter of fact, not only do I have the audiobook but I also have a hardcopy. There are some interesting things in there. Fortunately, I really don't care for fast food. That is, except for Subway.

    yanniejannie - absolutely, go for an xray. That's what happened to me, my ankle just gave out and I assumed my foot was asleept. Turns out that I have osteoporosis.

    Heather - that is just terrible about your friend. But I can in a sense understand the wife's feeling.

    grandmalle - have a great trip!

    Sandy - that's so wonderful about your brother!

    plemmons - I also listen to audiobooks when we drive to FL. To me, this is a good time to listen to them, you also don't have to worry about the reception because it's always good

    Jill - I love to go for a massage. Only problem is that I usually get so relaxed that I wind up falling asleep!

    Jenn - whenever Vince gets a hole in his sock or his underwear, rather than giving it to him, I just throw it out. Good luck on the job front!

    After the Newcomer general meeting, Vince stopped at Subway to get something to eat. I probably would have gotten something only I was looking at their "nutritional values" and in the meantime he had ordered and so did the person behind him. I wasn't about to go to the end jof the line so I didn't get anything at Subway. Just had my carrots and grapes at bowling.

    Sylvia - what an experience you had! Hope you feel better fast.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Today had some frustrations and some good stuff.

    Good: I went in for a Yoga class with a different instructor and really enjoyed the experience. I'll go to her again, but will continue to go to my regular teacher. I called in for jury duty this evening. No trials tomorrow so that means no trials this week. My next call in is Monday. I'm free for now! :bigsmile:

    BAD: The MFP update for iphone came in.:noway: I can probably live with it but they made some stupid changes in my not at all humble opinion. :grumble: We went to Home Depot and Lowe's today looking for BBQ parts, hardware, and rubber deck tiles for our upper deck. These are made from recycled tires and look very promising. We struck out. Nothing was okay. Home Depot had some tiles, but not our color and not enough boxes anyway. Service was awful. Lowe's had better service, but no products we wanted. End of rant.:grumble:

    Good #2: The good new is that we have a free day tomorrow, and are planning to meet DDIL for lunch on Sunday.:bigsmile: Our favorite fish restaurant burned down this summer. :cry: Can anyone recommend a good place to eat in Olympia, WA? I can't eat any cream, milk or butter.:ohwell: Seafood, Mexican food, Chinese food and grilled things are safest.

    Have a great day, everybody.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, that is down right scary. Please call your doctor tomorrow. It could be something as simple as angina, which isn't really simple because it indicates an area of your heart isn't getting enough oxygen, or it could be a hiatal hernia, problems with your esophogus or your gall bladder. But God gave us pain for a reason. It makes us go to the doctor. yes, you had awful treatment at the emergency room and hopefully you won't be sent any bill. If you do then it calls for you making some phone calls and causing a hissy fit. But you are a strong person and can do a hissy fit and do it in an effective way. Please let this cardiac nurse up as to what you do.

  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Hi all,
    Grandmallie- I hope you have a very relaxing and restorative time in Florida. You're a hard worker and you deserve to Enjoy your vacay!

    Sylvia- Scary episode. I would go in to your M.D. and have an ekg just to make sure you didn't have any cardiac incident. I think it would show up. I once had an ekg and the dr asked me when I had my heart attack. I was flabbergasted. I didn't have any kind of episode but ever since, 3 mds have commented that my ekg shows a past heart attack. I have since had a cardiac catheterization, carotid study, stress test, been in the CCUfor a work-up and my blood work and all tests still come in negative except my EKG. They now say I have a left bundle branch block. No meds. Maybe a pace maker if it gets bad.

    I worked out in the weight room while my dad did his Parkinsons exercise class. I did the routine I read on this thread where someone does 12-12-12-reps per exercise. Who was that? I did that and really liked the system, resting between sets. I was mixing the exercises up before and not getting 3 sets in. This new way is a consistent method. I try to do weights a couple times a week. I did the squat challenge in July. It was good except I worried about my knees, don't want to mess them up.

    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: Everyone- How many calories do you consume in a day when you are disciplined?: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I target 1200 kcal. a day. I like the amount I am eating. It took me months to regulate my appetite as I was grazing all day. Now I am getting in my groove.

    Susan in St. Louis GO CARDS!!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Happy to say my brother is home and doing well:bigsmile: ! His surgery was 7 ½ hours:noway: , they had to rebuild his ear canal; he also had a polyp along with the tumor, they got that too. It was a very tiring day, mentally and emotionally! Thank you all for the good wishes, they were very much appreciated!

    Michele :smile: You look absolutely gorgeous!!!! I love the dress and the hat and the boa and the jewelry, what a great outfit you put together!!!

    Sylvia :smile: Please go to your Dr., those are some scary symptoms! I got up and left the ER once too, my foot and ankle was swollen and hurt terribly, I mean to the point I could have cried it hurt so bad. I waited 2 hours in a freezing little room…I also walked out and told them my Dr. would be in her office soon and I would call her, because the people here seem to have no time to help. They bent over backwards for me and told me they would get someone right away and I told them no thanks, too little too late! Turns out I had been bitten by a spider and ended up on 2 rounds of antibiotics. You symptoms sound much more serious!!!! Good luck:flowerforyou:

    Barbie :smile: I know those peonies will give you much pleasure:flowerforyou: ! They are one of my favorite flowers!

    Katla :smile: You know you can rant here all you need too!!! You`re almost at your goal…..awesome:bigsmile: :bigsmile: !!!!!

    Susan :smile: My calories vary day to day, some days as low as 900, others as high as 1500. Think I`m going to try to find the number that works for me, at the moment nothing is working:sad: !

    Grandmallie :smile: Have a wonderful time!

    My oldest granddaughters’ school is having grandparents day this Friday, last year I had a wonderful time. This year my granddaughter plays the handbells:happy: , they have a little concert for us, I`m looking forward to it. They get out half a day and she`s coming to spend the night. Now I`m trying to decide what kind of adventure we can have:laugh: !

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in beautiful chilly NC:glasses:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Susan, when I was losing, I aimed for 1200 calories plus my exercise calories. I walk my dogs for 2-3 hours every morning and again in the afternoon, go to two hour dance classes three days a week, and do strength training and yard work and go for long walks with friends so I need the exercise calories for fuel. What is really important to me is to make sure that all my calories are nutrition dense and to stay away from white flour, too many starches, dressing, sauces, and sugary foods and beverages. It takes some experimentation and trial and error to see what works for you.

    :bigsmile: DeeDee, I’m happy to hear that your brother’s surgery went well…..what an ordeal for both of you.

    :bigsmile: Katla, congrats on reaching your goal. My approach to maintenance is to keep doing what I was doing before with occasional allowances to stray from the path. I still log food and exercise and make the same smart food choices.

    :bigsmile: Michele, considering all the baking and treat making you do, it is amazing that you are able to maintain your weight and not pile on the pounds. Look around at other women your age and you’ll see how successful you are.

    :bigsmile: Sandy, that’s great news about your brother.

    :bigsmile: Today is Jake’s birthday. We already went out for his birthday celebration meal on Monday so except for opening his cards from me, the pets, and his brothers, it will be an ordinary day.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member

    Still raining and gray, flood warnings and watches with the tides, nothing unusual for this type of weather. I'm a bit better mood-wise, thanks to all those sending cheering wishes. The ankle is much better, but I took my share of aspirin and Tylenol yesterday; came down the steps w/o much difficulty this am so I'm pretty sure it's just soft tissue damage, which can still be quite bothersome but certainly not as much as a break in there.

    Sylvia...........I am disgusted by your lack of treatment in your ER; that is not protocol for cardiac patients (or anyone!!) presenting with possible cardiac related symptoms. To leave you unattended like that is simply inexcusable. Please notify your cardiologist with all the details. Like Susan, a previous M.I. was detected on my initial EKG when they found the L. bundle branch block.

    Sandy.........I'm very, very glad for the contact with your brother......best wishes for a long, friendly, loving sibling relationship to develop.

    Michele.......I already know I have severe osteoporosis in my hips; every time I have a fall, that's my main worry---that I've broken a hip.

    Dee Dee.......Have a great time at Grandparents Day, enjoy every second!!! Missed the info about your brother needing surgery,
    very best to him.

    Heather.........I had a long talk yesterday with the head of the group where I was volunteered for something that went against the grain and she explained it to me more thoroughly and I came to realize that by helping with this, I will have some control over the process and outcome so I can steer away from that which I have the most objection toward. Sorry if that sounds so convoluted; I now know her intention was for me to "put the brakes on it" from the beginning.

    Well, I got some phone calls made yesterday, need to get follow up notes out today.
    I envy those of you with sunshine,
    rainy and gloomy mid-Atlantic
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Sylvia - I can't believe your ER. When I was taken in eith a suspected heart attack (it was gall stones) I was seen immediately. I'm sure you are getting yourself properly checked out today.:huh:

    Dee dee - good news about your brother. I hope he has a good recovery. Ears sounds really tricky.

    Sandy - good luck with getting back together with your brother. I wasn't as much in touch with my brother as I would have liked when he was married to a difficult and prickly woman. Now he is married to a nice one we are back close, but I talk more to her than to him! We did have a few problems over family abuse issues - what a long shadow that causes over perfectly innocent people.

    As for calories I eat my recommended 1240 then add my exercise calories which are typically 465 a day. So I end up eating around 1700. I would be very hungry INDEED if I had to stick to 1200. My rule is that if this is forever then it is important not to feel deprived or resentful at what I can't eat. I have to be able to sustain this for the rest of my life. Therefore I have treats and an alcoholic drink, all within my 1700. On holiday when I was walking so much I ate 1900 and still lost. A very low calorie diet results in bingeing behaviour and cheating. I never have to cheat because I have so much leeway. If you exercise you can eat well, that's all there is to it.

    Salmon tonight, marinated in chipotle sauce and hickory smoke drops. Loads of veg and new potatoes for DH. Then our own stewed Victoria plums (a bit of Stevia and a bit of sugar and a bit of marsala) with home made yoghourt. Sounds very deprived doesn't it!!!:bigsmile:
    Heather in cold but sunny Hampshire UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I called the cardiologist's office and explained what had happened. The cardiologist is out of town, but the nurse practicioner ordered some blood work today and a stress test on Monday. That should be able to tell if anything happened or not. But I was told not to exercise at all today. Yesterday it all happened about an hour after I finished my workout. Not sure if it is related or not. They also said that if the symptoms return, I should go back to the ER. Yeah, right.

    But I'm feeling much better today so I doubt it was anything serious.

    On the plus side, I am down another pound today and am officially below my husband's weight for the first time ever! Happy dance!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    Morning Ladies
    I am sitting at the Ft Lauderdale airport with a delay for our next flight granted it is only 1/2 hr,so we wont be leaving here for about 2 1/2 hrs:noway:
    to say the hubby isn't pleased is an understatment,but at least the flight went well.
    On an interesting note, I am sitting in the airport this morning and I look across the way, and who is sitting in the Jet Blue waiting,none other than Mr Bill Cosby, I went over and said hello, it was early and just told him I enjoyed his work..a fact I didn't know he is legally blind, think It might be glacuoma,but he was very nice.. that sorta made my morning.. doing well already have 8,000 + stpes because I was walking at Hartford airport and will walk some more here.. will check in when we finally get to the house xoxoxox.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good morning! Well, how about just "Morning!" Not having the best day, and it is self-inflicted, I think.

    I decided that I wanted peanut butter and banana on toast for breakfast (comfort food, ya know.) I think it is the banana giving me rolling stomach pains. If it is, they will go away in a while. If it isn't, then I haven't a clue what is causing them.

    Sylvia- I am so sorry for your treatment at the ER, but I am glad that you spoke to the cardiologist's office. If it happens again, do you have a different ER that you could access? If not, go back to the first one and do not be a "perfect lady", MAKE them pay attention. Ask for the duty nurse, nurse manager, Dr. in charge of Everybody or the Pope, but do not let them ignore you. (I am a pushy devil, sometimes)

    My mission for today is to get some cards and envelope-albums in the mail. Since my energy level is at about zero, and the pains are still rolling, I don't think my mission will be completed until later this afternoon.

    Have a good day.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.
    Sylvia,how horrible the way you were treated.Glad you called a dr.
    Taking it easy today,still having pain,is the worst at night.Hope to get answers on sat.
    My oldest daughter is 36 today(4 oct bdays in our family)wish I could spend it with her.She lives in IN>
    Have a good day!!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Kaley1959 - Good luck with your brother.

    Plemmons84 - I love audiobooks!

    Mollywhippet - I wish I could swim. I panic in water over my head. I've tried to break that fear but short of taking diving lessons, I have not been able to.:frown:

    Pat (Phoo) I don't binge when reading, mostly when I get bored, tired, or stressed. Been really fighting the stress eating (and drinking) with this whole move thing. Tough one! I can't eat bananas, at least not a whole one at once, causes 'flatulence' I don't need! :ohwell:

    Jfenner141 - My DD lives in Chicopee, is that near you? My DD#2 is a massage therapist here in TN. She 'gifts' me massages for special occasions. Its about time for another gift! I am glad you called the Dr. My BFF here did not and almost died :noway: because she waited to long. Thankfully she is ok now, but they found she needed a quad-bypass and a stent. Take care of yourself! And that's an order!!

    JennInTx - My DH is a pack rat/hoarder too. :explode: Good thing is, he is realizing how much he really is now that he is packing while I'm at work. About time he believes me about that bad habit!

    Barbicat - I love Peonies! I will have to plant some at my new home if they don't have any. I'll have to wait until spring to find out.

    Michelle in NC - Some of the seafood: squid (stuffed in tomato sauce), shrimp (fried and boiled, counts as 2), haddock, oysters, sardines, cod (either baked or fried, whatever the haddock is not). Sometimes, snail salad but not since we moved to TN. I can't eat the oysters or snails (I've tried them but am allergic).:huh:

    Susan in St. Luis - I target 1400 cals when I try to lose. I find that I am starving if I only get 1200 and can't stay at that level.

    Grandmallie - WOW! Bill Cosby! How cool is that! Have a safe trip!:laugh:

    As for me, my sugar count was at 178 this morning fasting. Too high for my liking. I'm really going to have to buckle down once the stress of moving is over. I can't get sick now. Must pay attention! ! :grumble:

    Rita from TN ( 15 days to CT!)
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,868 Member
    Just a quick post to ask for prayers. My sister just called and my dad colased and the flew him to North Platte. He is on a vent and unrespontive, so they called all the kids home. Going to leave here soon as DH gets home. Thanks, everyone for your support.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE sorry about the spelling.