

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Let's see if this makes it any smaller:


    I decided to quote this so if anyone missed the picture, they could see it.

    Michele, you look awesome.....you look great and I admire your talent and resourcefulness in creating the outfit. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks Michelle. I will ask if any have that certification. I know all of them have their pictures up on the wall with their philosophies in training so you can pick who you think would work for you. But I know I have asked 3 of them about the same aspects of strength training and gotten 3 different answers. We have commercials for "a place called 'Body makeover' that advertises that their sessions are 30 minutes. They show some nice machines and 'trainers' working with the ladies. It's a ladies only place. I am wondering if it takes Silver Sneakers or even if you join a place using Silver Sneakers whether or not you can join another one in the same year. I do know that I need to make a change in something and I think a big part of it is within myself. When I first started at the Y I tried some cardio and weight things at the same thing and failed. So I stopped. I now have a lot more endurance and hopefully that will make a difference. The one trainer that is always kind to me and asking me how I am doing and everything really emphasizes all these special diets. He lives alone and what he eats really would not work for me and my husband. I know that a lot of what I eat isn't 'clean eating' but with my non cooking skills and the fact that DH likes, well more insists, that we eat out all evening meals, I can't have the clean eating. But my diabetes is doing so well and I have lost weight I think at a healthy rate.

    I know that the .7 miles I walked was not enough for today so I walked after Dancing with the stars. I walked 1.3 miles. Yes it was 9 PM and yes I am a woman out walking the streets by myself but my husband finally accepted the fact that he was just going to have to cut the apron strings and let me do it since I was going to do it anyway. He can be way to protective. I mean WAY to protective with his family. Only a male can do some of the things us girls wanted to do. But the stars were so beautiful, that and my Pandora station on Instrumental praise, I just walked and walked. It was 54 degrees, very clear sky and wonderful. And I burned a total of the two walks of 274 calories! That's about how I do with my bike at the Y and it was more pleasant.

    As far as making plans, I usually fill in my meal diary at the beginning of the day and then do not waver. I don't eat back my exerscise calories since the dietician says I need to stay at around 1300 no matter what. If I have calories burned then all the better. Now sometimes I do fudge because I know I have burned off quite a few but not often.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    my computer still has a few glitches, but can live with it, I have to keep signing in even though I save my passwords,
    Bless you RIta, I need all the help I can get,I am about 15-20 minutes from you, we go over that way all the time to Sams Club which is in newington.
    Michelle you look wonderful.. what a figure you have, bless you..
    I havent gotten to the gym yet as I am icing my heel, but am dressed just have to get my sneakers on and I will go.
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Great Picture Michele.

    Thank you for all the kind words of support they really help.

    Very busy,busy,busy day today, have to get going, running behind already. :happy:

    Hope everyone has a blessed day. Having great confidence we can all meet our October Goals together. :flowerforyou:
  • secretchef
    secretchef Posts: 4 Member
    Im just getting going on me again after another one of my "cant get back into the swing of it" mishaps again. I've had many, but the good thing is that I keep getting back up and doing it again. That is a good thing for me. My biggest problem is my motivation. I do real good for awhile then something happens and it falls apart. This time I am going at it totally different. Instead of saying Im going to exercise .... times a week, I am simply saying I am going to be the type of person who exercises everyday. No matter what amount I do as long as I do something it will be a good start. I have rearranged my bedroom so I have room to do my dvd's and I will go from there. Good Luck everyone on your journey.
    Secretchef Nebraska
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    patceoh, I went through a plateau that lasted about 2 months. Most frustrating time in my life. I just stayed in here with these ladies and I finally got through it. Sometimes the pounds go off easier and sometimes they are glued to me.

    I sure hope my tongue feels better tomorrow. It hurts to talk, drink, I was able to eat supper OK. But it takes a whole lot to have trouble with that :laugh: :laugh:

    Next week will be a real test. We have an annual street festival here in town. Only the Mardi Gras is the larger one here in the US. We are a German rich heritage here and love to eat, fried German food. You can get two blocks from this festival and your cholesterol starts going up just because of how it smells. I'd say there are 4 blocks, both sides of the street filled with food booths. This year one of the hospitals has worked with them to have a healthier options menu at several booths but I don't know what they are. My usual is a large ham and cheese on a bun, corn on the cob, pronto pup (which is like a corn dog but instead of corn meal is dipped in pancake pix), and then I top the evening off with a Monster ear which is a large very thin pancake mix which is deep fried and then dipped in this huge amount of syrup. It's served to you in a small sack that has one side slit and it just sits and marinates itself in the syrup. And the bees follow you around :laugh: :laugh: But you get the usual bratwurst, brain sandwiches, walking tacos, deep fried Oreos or even 3 Muskateers. Of course then you go to the one block that involves a whole city block around a library that is filled with games of chance, foot long chilli cheese dogs, cotton candy, caramel apples etc. You can't find a parking place, you park blocks away and walk. Are you full yet??? So this is Monday through Saturday . Lord give me strength. That's one good thing my MS has done for me. It's hard for me to go and we usually go only one night.It's the only time you will see people sitting on a curb eating, a man with a suit right beside some one else. You don't care, you just want to eat.

    Oh the many closet cleanings sound wonderful. I'm glad it's just the two of us left here.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    patceoh, I went through a plateau that lasted about 2 months. Most frustrating time in my life. I just stayed in here with these ladies and I finally got through it. Sometimes the pounds go off easier and sometimes they are glued to me.

    I sure hope my tongue feels better tomorrow. It hurts to talk, drink, I was able to eat supper OK. But it takes a whole lot to have trouble with that :laugh: :laugh:

    Next week will be a real test. We have an annual street festival here in town. Only the Mardi Gras is the larger one here in the US. We are a German rich heritage here and love to eat, fried German food. You can get two blocks from this festival and your cholesterol starts going up just because of how it smells. I'd say there are 4 blocks, both sides of the street filled with food booths. This year one of the hospitals has worked with them to have a healthier options menu at several booths but I don't know what they are. My usual is a large ham and cheese on a bun, corn on the cob, pronto pup (which is like a corn dog but instead of corn meal is dipped in pancake pix), and then I top the evening off with a Monster ear which is a large very thin pancake mix which is deep fried and then dipped in this huge amount of syrup. It's served to you in a small sack that has one side slit and it just sits and marinates itself in the syrup. And the bees follow you around :laugh: :laugh: But you get the usual bratwurst, brain sandwiches, walking tacos, deep fried Oreos or even 3 Muskateers. Of course then you go to the one block that involves a whole city block around a library that is filled with games of chance, foot long chilli cheese dogs, cotton candy, caramel apples etc. You can't find a parking place, you park blocks away and walk. Are you full yet??? So this is Monday through Saturday . Lord give me strength. That's one good thing my MS has done for me. It's hard for me to go and we usually go only one night.It's the only time you will see people sitting on a curb eating, a man with a suit right beside some one else. You don't care, you just want to eat.

    Oh the many closet cleanings sound wonderful. I'm glad it's just the two of us left here.

    Joyce, Indiana

    Some days I fee like I have been on a plateau since I started here,tho I do think it's mostly age keeping the pounds glued on :grumble:

    Hub passed his eye exam with flying colors yesterday.Would have been a very serious situation otherwise.We are so thankful & relieved ! I came thru the stress test the same way & the Dr said "all is as it should be" & dismissed me as a patient. Was a wonderful day of good news :love:

    You surely describe the food...that's enough to make me hungry.Enjoy
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Joyce, I walk in the dark all the time.....my neighborhood is safe....it's a 55+ manufactured home neighborhood with flat even streets and a light in front of every house and street lights at the corners.....it's all private roads (no through streets to other neighborhoods) so traffic is minimal especially before daylight and after dark. Jake used to set time constraints on when I could walk and it took patient conversations to help him let go of the need to parent me. Some mornings I walk the dogs one at a time as early as 3 AM and go out with both of them at 4:30. Yesterday when the dogs were still boarded I walked by myself from 4:30 to 6:30 AM. We're far north so sunrise is at 7:15 now and will be as late as 8:10 at the end of December. In return for his not commenting on how early I go walking, I don't comment on how much time he spends in the recliner watching TV.

    :flowerforyou: Secretchef, welcome, I found that having walking as a big part of my exercise program helped me feel successful every day. Having a pedometer and carrying it all the time is a great incentive to walk more.

    :bigsmile: Breakfast is finished and dogs are staring at me wanting to go out.

    :heart: Barbie from dark NW Washington

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: “The only real freedom a human being can ever know is doing what you ought to do because you want to do it.”
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,962 Member
    I love walking the evenings, but, like most of us, have an over-protective hubby. I went for a walk last night and wanted to go without dogs to make it longer, but hubby insisted I take one of them. They are Shi-Tzus and don't do well on long walks. According to their breed books, they are not suppose to need to go on walks. Oh, well, I took the 'fat dog' because hubby made comment that Chewy needed to loose weight too :noway: :angry: :explode: and was able to do a 30 minute walk which amounted to about 1.5 miles. I felt great afterwards and Chewy, just slept and slept after. :laugh:

    Pat - I should start a pc repair business just for my Vitamin-F friends! I could travel all over to fix computers just so we can all stay friends and post on MFP! :drinker:

    Grandmallie - I will be working in Newington! You can show me the best places to shop when I get up there! We will definately have to meet. I know we will become great friends! Try to back up your pc, especially pictures and documents you want to save to a USB "thumb' drive or external hard drive just in case. You will be my first job (after moving and work of course :bigsmile: )!

    Megblair - I mistyped my weight in last week and found I had a 600 pound loss! Pretty good huh? considering I only weigh 196! I couldn't figure out how to delete it so just put in my correct weight right after the mis-type and the system corrected itself.

    Rita from TN (17 days to CT!)
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Hello, Ladies, I will not be 50 for a year or so, but would love to be a part of this group if allowed. :flowerforyou:

    I do have one question for those of you who are at maintenance or are approaching your goal: are you happy with the way your face looks as you lose weight? I am VERY happy with the changes to my body, but my face is looking gaunt and my nose, ears, and chin are looking more prominent than I like. Do you get used to the new look, or do I just accept that if my body is going to be healthy, this is what my face is going to look like? Thank you!

    I'm a little late to the conversation, but I think you are on to something when you say you have to get used to the new you. I remember as a teenage being very self-conscious of my "big nose." (I guess it's always something, LOL!). As I got older and gained weight, my nose didn't seem all that big anymore. I felt more like I grew into my nose. Well, I haven't lost enough weight to tell a difference in my nose yet, but I'm willing to bet that I will. I would take the big nose if I could have my teenage figure back.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :sick: Feeling a bit under the weather. Lots of colds going around the office. :grumble: Of course, it also makes me not get my sleep. Vicious cycle. Drinking lots of water to get rid of the over-imbibing of last weekend.

    This will be a short week for me as I am taking Friday off. Will use that day to catch up on bookkeeping. Then doing an 8k on Sunday and Monday is Canadian Thanksgiving. It is a busier life than I currently want, but c'est la vie.

    :flowerforyou: Michele - love the picture

    I have been reading about making life simpler, and one of them is to reduce the number of decisions one makes each day, for example what to eat and when. Creating routines is helpful.

    :heart: Renny
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning!

    I hope everyone is well this morning. I went to bed early last night, not even staying up for the Daily Show. I slept like a log, after first listening to a doggie sing-along outside our bedroom window. Molly was having a long conversation with some dogs somewhere far away. I bet the neighbors loved it. So, I popped in my earplugs and went off to dreamland. I woke up briefly about 6:00 when Bruno was whining to go outside. I pretended to be still asleep and hubby got up to let him out. That was awful of me, I know.

    Today I'm going to the gym so that I can be in the pool from 12-1, which is when the lap swim time is. I hope it will not be full of people swimming on their lunch hour. The last two days I swam later during open swim and had trouble with so many people in the pool, not all going the same direction. It was like playing frogger. It's really hard to find a time to do my laps.

    I'm also taking an Ab-Roller to donate to the gym. It's that metal pipe contraption that you use to do crunches. Theirs is in really bad condition, and mine is fancy and has hardly been used, since I can't get down on the floor to use it. Bad knees. So, this will get it out of our bedroom and someone else can actually use it. Hubby was so happy to see it go that he even dusted it off and carried it to the car for me.

    Hubby is helping me get back into the studio by giving me an assignment every day. Yesterday it was cleaning off my potter's wheels. And I did it! It took about an hour, and it felt good. Today my assignment is to clean off my work tables, which are piled with junk.

    Yesterday I saw a lady at the Y wearing really cute shoes. It was an epiphany! When it get to my goal weight, maybe I too can have cute shoes! I've worn nothing but running shoes and flip flops for more than 25 years. And that led to thinking about getting cute clothes. I never let myself think about that sort of thing, because it wasn't going to happen. Now, just 70 more pounds and I'm going shopping!

    Well, I'd better get around. I hope everybody has a great day.

  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Had a lot of wind and rain come through last evening - not too bad, though some outlying towns lost electricity due to falling branches/trees. I talked to one of the trainers in my strength training class and he has helped me change up the exercises I have been doing. It's good to alter them every now and then. Still doing about 90 minutes strength training and 10 minutes cardio (elliptical) twice a week. The new regimen is making me stiff a bit the next day, a GOOD sign!! Means I am working hard enough but not too hard, since I'm only stiff for about a day. Still doing 5 seated planks of 75 minutes each.

    Kevrit and Granmallie - I live about 40 minutes from Connecticut, maybe 50 from Berlin area! Would love to met up with you both sometime.

    Michele - my DH is also Polish (100%),so we do a complete Christmas Eve dinner every year. Yep, I do make the pierogies from scratch too. Would love the recipe for the baked falafel!!

    Have a great Tuesday everyone and keep drinking that water :drinker: :drinker:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.Thanks for all your prayers.friends are on the mend.
    Hubby is off today,hoping to take Violet to pumpkin patch,weather is nice 70`s.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,362 Member
    Sylvia- I have trouble finding swim times too. I hate a crowded pool and bad lane discipline. I get "lane rage" so I had to stop going. I'm hoping to find another local one this week. I can swim well so it is all the more frustrating!

    We did two hours gardening this pm and got a lot done. Broad beans in and netted, garlic in, iris, crocus, tulips and pansies in the pots. Just a bit of hoeing for the winter left and taking down the runner bean poles. The lovely red dahlia and a bright pink geranium have a bit more life in them so we will leave them until frosts are threatening. I was feeling really tired before we started, but made myself make a call to my rental agents. They are going to see if another contractor will repair the window. I felt so relieved to have got that chore done, which has been really bothering me, that I went out into the garden with enthusiasm.
    I have noticed that, if I have something that I have been putting off or am nervous about, it makes me feel really tired and even depressed. That's the sign that it really needs tackling and cannot be put off any more. I even get into that state before something I've been looking forward to, but am worried about, like a holiday. I seem to lose energy and can't be bothered. At least I know these days it will all come right in the end. But it surprises me each time!
    Renny- for me, keeping life simple means not having those sort of undone things hanging over me. I love making decisions about food etc,, but procrastination and avoiding things is my real energy sapper. When I was at school one school report said "Heather must not procrastinate so much". Ouch! I like the Nike saying - JUST DO IT. I used to have that as a screen saver.
    That reminds me - my tax return is due end of October! Another job that I dread and then only takes me a couple of hours!

    My favourite programme tonight - The Great British Bake Off. Tonight it's gluten and dairy free.

    Love to all, Heather in Hampshire UK
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Sorry for the double post earlier.Thanks to those who asked about the stress test. We both got good medical news yesterday,so all is well.
    As some of you know,for older people,which we are,the med news can go either way.

    The sun is shining,I'm where I need to be ...calorie wise....for this day. Did 90 mins of water aerobics,have dinner planned.Now if I could lose some weight! But we can 't have it all.:grumble: One night I had a dream that I was thinner & younger.

    Can't be greedy,thinner would work for me.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Can I ask what you all do for your strength training??? Some of you talk about as much as an hour. So what do you do? Maybe if I knew I wouldn't be so afraid of participating also.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member

    I was scared to get started with weight training too. The receptionist at the Y set me up with an appointment with their girl who does orientations, Amber. Amber was very sweet, and led me through the different machines they have and told me how they work, how to position the seats and various pads, and what muscle groups they work, then she helped me decide on which ones to start with. I started with about 6 machines, with very light weights, and did that for a couple of weeks before I added more and more. Now I do 12 machines and have increased the weight on many of them to a more challenging (for me) level. My weights are still very light by anybody else's standards, but I'm just getting started. Most of the ones I use are for upper body strength. I chose not to do the machines that put weight on the knees, because I have such bad knees. And I don't do any free weights. Those look scary to me. Maybe later.

    Our machines have detailed instructions on them showing what to do, but it really helped to have Amber show me around. I bet your Y has an Amber too. Just ask for an appointment and see if you think it's something you can do. They are very helpful to people just getting started.

    And I think it has helped with my weight loss too. I had been a little stuck and lately the numbers are going down again.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Oh yes, Joyce, some more things. I got a little notebook to write down which machines I do, the dates, weights, and how many reps. I have a different machine on each page of my little notebook. Amber filled out a card with basically the same information and put it in a card file there at the Y, so I could look at that if I needed to, but I like my little notebook. She told me I could do it every day if I did one set on each machine, or every other day if I did three sets. I am doing the weight machines Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and I do 12 repetitions, rest, do 12 more, rest, and do 12 more - on each machine. So one page of my little notebook would say

    Triceps Extension, Oct 7, 25 pounds, 12/12/12, meaning three sets of 12. It takes me about 45 minutes, now that I know what I'm doing.

    I hope this helps.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks so much Sylvia. There is an office in the wellness area and a very nice woman in there. One day all the other men who are in the gym were busy and helped me. So far she has been the only one who has really showed me any compassion and wanting to individualize a work out for me and my limitations. I may try to make an appointment with her. It's taking that first step, over, again. I did them when I first started and no one told me that I needed to alternate training with cardio. They also gave me a generic workout. Well a 63 year old woman with MS is not generic. Doing some of them caused me to have a lot of nerve irritation in my neck and shoulders and my doctor told me I had to stop for a month. I really never did pick it back up again. Again, thanks so much.

    Joyce, quivering in fear, LOL, in Indiana