

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. I am doing so much better today as am back at work and not home listening to the hammering alday. They said acouple more days so I am hoping that Thursday when I am off they are done. I was surprised this morning when I did my weight. I am down 3.5 for a total of 121. I keep thinking I will wake up one day and it will all have been a dream. My NSV today was a co-worker last week bought everyone a pineapple slushie from Sonic. It was so good, but when I figured out the calories I about fainted. Over 800. So today when she called to see who wanted one I told her no.

    Sandy- We all slip. Just pick yourself up and keep going. Your dedication to the Y is fantastic.

    Joyce--your walk under the star shows sounds do peaceful.

    Secretchef--Important to not give up. What part of Nebraska do you live?

    Patceon--Congrates on you and DH good doctor reports. I know at our age that is something to celebrate.

    Heather--I sure understand. I put stuff off that if I would just do them they would be done. But I will worry myself sick and put them off as long as I can. I am trying to do better. I did get my spare room cleaned out and the desk exchanged. I also got my colthes sorted and the too big stuff given away. Now I just have to make myself wear the smaller things.

    Well stay cool and log your food. See you all again tomorrow.

    Blessed! VickiL GI NE
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hi Ladies –

    I hope all of you have been enjoying (at least here on the East Coast) lovely weather. I spent the past weekend up in New York for a long weekend with hubby. We took the train up on Thursday and came back Sunday afternoon. Did a lot of walking around, which compensating for some of the rich meals I indulged in. We went to see Daniel Craig in Betrayal on Broadway on Saturday night. It was a short 3-person 1-act play. It was good, but can’t say it was one of my favorite productions. We also got to visit the Empire State Building and the 9-11 Memorial. No matter how many times I have been to New York, there is always something new to do or see. Plus, it’s the all time best place to people watch!!!

    :smile: Joyce – congratulations on the loss of another pound, the scale is moving south and that is all that counts! Also on you fitting into your size 14 jeans, how wonderful.
    :smile: Heather – love your picture with the furry boots. Just finished up Dan Brown’s Inferno, and I am hankering to get back to Florence for a visit, maybe in January.
    :smile: Meg – best wishes on you getting some control back in your life. We have to take care of ourselves in order to take care of others.
    :smile: Jenn – which cruise line are you on? We leave for our cruise out of San Juan on 11/9. I am counting down the days. Good luck in trying not to overpack, that is always my goal too.
    :smile: Sylvia – you know your body best, but 1200 is not a lot of calories. Please be sure to get your protein and water in.
    :smile: LF – I have noticed that as I get older by hair is also thinning. I work w/my hair dress to get styles that are suitable. Also, have you considered Rogaine?
    :smile: Sandy – hope your migraines ease up.
    :smile: Hi 366to266 – please don’t be too hard on yourself. Perhaps rather than thinking of this as a short term (e.g. get to a weight for vacation) think of it as a lifelong eating program. How do you create a healthy lifestyle to incorporate healthy eating and exercise. We are all here for you.
    :smile: Michelle – love the picture.

    Well my eating for October has not been as strict and I am up .5, but I'm not too worried about it. I've been doing really well with my steps and my cardio. I think I over-goaled myself when I signed up for 100 pushups, situps and squats each day. I'm at about 25. Oh well.

    Until next time
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Joyce - I started strength training nearly two years ago. My doctor gave me a "prescription" to the Y, through their Exercise is Medicine program. I do love my class. It's called beginning strength training, but most everyone has been coming for a while. Newcomers are heartily welcomed!! Most of us are probably between 55 and 90 and most have some type of physical issue. We all have individualized programs. I have had two knee replacements, so have metal-based knees and can't really kneel on anything. After two years of gradual improvement, I can do almost do full squats!!

    I started with mostly the machines and some free weights. Some were as light as 2 pounds and there are 1 pound weights too. Having a good trainer to help you set up a routine is really important - also someone who will make sure your form in good and you are breathing properly. That can be quite important. Our oldest member who just celebrated his 100th birthday uses a walker, sometimes a wheelchair. He recently stopped coming, though his wife is still at most every class. My trainers recommended doing about 10 minutes of cardio either before or after class. When I started, that was 3 minutes of cardio - had to work up to the 10 I do now.

    I have also spent some time with a physical therapist to find out what is safe and what is not for my knees and back (have arthritis in the upper spine). She is pretty knowledgeable about weight raining exercises. She gave me instructions on how to do seated planks, since getting up and down off the floor doesn't work that great for me.

    Hope this helps - send me a PM if you want to know about specific exercises and stuff.

    Jill in western MA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks Jill. I will look at the website and see if they have a beginners strength training. One problem I have and I know I may have to address it is that I love to sleep late. Also I have my meal designed around my late awakening. I know if I got up earlier I would have to actually change those meals which work for me. But I know I have to make some sort of change.

    Today when I went to the Y I immediately asked for Renee who is the manager in the wellness area. She is the one who has seemed to give me personal attention before instead of 'if you want to work on your abs use this machine, if you want to work on this use that machine.' She actually listened to ME. But she was not there. Si I gave them my number for her to call me. I guess Renee may be my 'Amber'.! I also got a listing of how much the personal trainers cost. $40/hour! Can't do that. I looked at he certifications of the trainers and some had just the Y certification and others had either NETA, ACE or AFAA.. But I went ahead and did my cardio which I ahve now done 3 times this week. I rode my usual bike for almost 10 miles. I forgot my headphones which meant that I had to watch HGTV with closed captioning!!!

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Yay for me! I'm finding my groove with school and have all my assignments done through Saturday, so I don't have to stress with work tomorrow and Thursday! Taking advantage of all the resources the campus has to offer! :happy: Went to Water Zumba last night and off to go to tonight's class pretty soon. Still not logging though hopefully that will change soon! Will have to catch up with everyone's posts later. Hugs to all!:flowerforyou:

    Kathy in sunny IL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    Can I ask what you all do for your strength training??? Some of you talk about as much as an hour. So what do you do? Maybe if I knew I wouldn't be so afraid of participating also.


    :flowerforyou: Joyce, I got a book called "Strong Women Stay Young" that has a lot of information about why strength training is important and includes a simple workout program that can be done without getting down on the floor, can be started without any special equipment, and can be made more challenging by buying a set of ankle weights and some dumbbells. that's how I started and I have since added planks and pushups and some other things that were suggested by other women on this thread.

    :bigsmile: I'm not willing to spend the money on a gym membership because I am away from home too much already, so I love that I can do my strength training at home and Jake can watch TV with me while I work out.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Took Violet to the pumpkin patch.I believe she picked the biggest pumpkin.
    Having trouble with groin pain,not sure if it is related to the hip.Twisted to pick up shampoo in the shower a couple weeks ago and it`s not getting better.Guess I`ll have to make appt with dr.Am scared it maybe my hip.Do not want a replacement.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Hello lovely ladies -- I'm back from the trip with my sisters, cleaned the kitchen, did some general picking up, opened the 'mail' (such as it is these days), checked the banking online, brushed the dog and have the second load of laundry going into the dryer. We did NOT cook our meals in the unit, but ate every one out so I'll have to flush my system out the rest of the week.

    In Branson we saw the SIX show, an ABBA tribute (who knew my 74 yo sister liked ABBA?!?), as well as the 'Joseph' show at the Sight & Sound theater. Now THAT is a beautiful theater! We also spent an afternoon at Silver Dollar City (and saw NO shows there!) and an afternoon at the shops around town. Silver Dollar City was all decked out with fall decorations and such a delight. ****'s 5 & 10 is such fun! Every aisle has merchandise that brings back memories. Great fun and I am very happy to be home again. [EDIT: ****'s = Richard's nickname, I didn't know I'd be censored and didn't even consider it! :laugh: ]

    Oh, we also had Sunday brunch at The College of the Ozarks' Dobyn's Dining Hall. It is also known as Hardwork University. All are there on scholarship and must work a set number of hours per week to keep their scholarship. The students cook, serve, etc. and they are so lovely to talk to. They will tell you their major, where they're from, etc. All so humble and appreciative of the opportunity for their education. Very well-grounded and mature young people. I was so impressed!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of a spinning downloadable workout today. Tomorrow we have the Newcomer general meeting, so I'll do a 45 minute Leslie Sansone walking DVD . After the general meeting we have senior bowling. After spinning I went to WalMart and got a few things that I needed, then came home. Vince wasn't home, I suspected he'd taken Bonnie to the vet. So I made him some brownies. I've never told him that I replace all the oil with silken tofu. He's never had a problem with it. I now remember that he likes them chewier so I used the liquid eggs so that I can put in 1/2 an egg rather than the egg they say on the box. Well, I put a note on the rest of the boxes that I have. I got this buttermilk ranch dressing to take with the baked falafels tonight. The falafels are somewhat spicy, all falafels are, so I wanted something cool to go with it. Normally, I would have made a dip but I just didn't feel like it. There was this buttermilk ranch and another ranch. The difference in the calories between the two was astounding. For the same serving, one was 110 calories and the other was 30 calories. I got the one that was the 30 calories.

    secretchef - I really like your attitude of saying "I'm going to exercise daily" and not putting a time limit on it. Wonderful! welcome! Is there a special sigificance to your name?

    Say, does anyone have any idea of something that I can do while watching TV that doesn't require any equipment (like a treadmill). I guess I can march in place.

    I used to have much larger saddlebags, but it seems that the saddlebags have gotten smalller. The bad part is that what was on my thighs I think has migrated upwards, now I have this god-awful muffin top. I absolutely, positively, and completely HATE it. I know, I know what I have to do ... watch what I'm eating and continue to exercise. The fat/weight will come off where it wants to come off. In the meantime, tho, I need to be careful of what I'm wearing so that I don't draw attention to this muffin top. I was listening to Jillian Michaels on audiobook (Master Your Metabolism) and I remember her mentioning that this happens sometimes when you go thru menopause. Oh joy.....................

    patceoh - wonderful news from the doctor! I'm so happy for you.

    barbie and all other walkers - how do you determine your pace? I know that I love to walk, but I also love "stopping and smelling the flowers" and stopping to talk to everyone.

    Rita - Vince is constantly after me to back up all my work. I believe he has the server do a total backup every other day. He's also after me to constantly "save, save, save".

    Renny - sending virtual chicken soup to you. Good luck in the 5K. Is it ALREADY Canadian Thanksgiving? How I wish the US would celebrate Thanksgiving at the same time. It's just too rushed having it so close to Christmas, the Thanksgiving holiday gets lost in the shuffle

    Sylvia - I've donated weights and balls to the Y when I no longer needed them. Just think - now that that ab roller is out of your bedroom, you'll have room for something else! Why wait for the 70 more pounds? You deserve at least one nice thing right now! Plus...that'll be great motivation

    Joyce - for strength training, I take the extremepump class. This is using a barbell (BodyPump). Then the other day (usually Thursday since the class is on Monday) I do a DVD, lots of different ones. Jillian Michaels, Jari Love are just some of them.

    Sylvia - it's good that you don't do any of the machines that put stress on your knees. Should you ever do them, be careful of the machine (I don't even know what its called) where you put your feet uover a pad and then push the bar back. Even the orthopaedic docs here don't recommend this machine because it is so very very easy for you to get your knee past a 90 degree angle.

    Suzy - I think it's OK to overgoal, as long as it doesn't frustrate you. I would have a hard time, I need to put a lower goal and then once I reach it I feel like I've accomplished so much if I add. But that's just me

    Kathy - yea for you!!! Getting things done ahead of time. I always try to do that, I'm really not good at all working under stress. I'm even not good bowling under stress. If I know that I'm working on a strike or a spare, you can be guaranteed that I'll get a gutter ball.

    Gail - sounds like such a lovely trip. I realy like that Hardwork University, it's good that the kids are working for their scholarships, makes them appreciate them more. Sounds really neat.

    Went to rummikub tonight. The lady made this pumpkin bar for dessert. Only it was such a big piece! What I really should have done was just eaten 1/4 of it and put the rest aside. But I didn't, and now I'm paying for it. My stomach is feeling "yuk". Oh well...live and learn. Next time I'll just eat a small portion. Had some of the baked falafel I made, two small bites of this chicken quesadilla she got, two mouthfuls of chicken salad and some Tarro chips (maybe about 8). But that cake really did me in, now I'm so disgusted with myself. I really should have eaten only 1/4 of it.

    Michele in NC
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Hi all,
    back from my nyc adventure. it was wonderful to be with the dds and their boyfriends. went out for dinner every night and I really was disciplined. two months ago I would have gobbled up the bread and asked for a basket refill and then ask again! This time I ate NO bread. By not eating bread, I did not have butter. I did not eat any desserts! Trust me, there were desserts on the table, dd ordered lava cake with a caramel sauce. Nope, not a bite. I know my husband was watching me. Hehe. Waiting for me to fall apart, but I didn't. Koo-kooo! I ate my granola in the mornings, which I made as soon as I arrived and even the dds liked it. Ate it with my coconut milk. That was breakfast.Made a big batch and left it behind for the dds. Went to Le Pain Quotidien for lunch EVERYDAY! Because they serve a lentil salad with avocado =430 cals quinoa salad for around the same count, and my favorite....shaved vegetable salad with a miso dressing 200 cals. You can order it with chicken or tofu. I went for the tofu and by golly, I loved it. Asked the waiter how they made the dressing and he told me so I will duplicate the salad here at home. Dinners were really good. Last night we ate a greek restaurant and the food was soooo good. I had the grilled Nigerian prawns. They're jumbo sized...sweet, fantastic texture and the grilling was perfection. I had a greek salad consisting of tomatoes, arugula and feta...olives on side. uum. Did not drink any booze. Iced tea instead. Bought some honeycrisp apples and put them in the fridge so if I got hungry and needed a snack, I would slice them and eat them cold and crisp..they were sweet, too.

    Heather...I get all bummed out if I have to do something which is not a task I ordinarily do. Like my father's taxes. I helped him file them last year and now I am fretting MONTHS in advance, it drags me down! Packing a darn suitcase for a trip....it plagues me and I usually start packing days in advance. You're so intuitive!


    Michelle...your photo is cute...a true Agatha Christie character! BTW, you look like you're 26 years old!!!

    Going to weigh myself tomorrow and see if my discipline worked. My father said I looked as though I had not gained any weight. I wish I could transfer my excess weight on him. skinny old man. He said he missed me, awwww.:love:

    It's good to be home, although I would love to have an apt in NYC and be closer to the dds.
    Susan in the mighty Midwest.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Oh, happy day……I got to walk with my friend who is so much fun to be with….we walked and talked for almost two hours on a section of the Olympic Discovery Trail that was new to me. Some of it went through an area where eagles often nest in the trees…we didn’t see any eagles but it was exciting to think that they might be there. Brandy and Sasha wanted to walk a lot and sit with us a lot and Bernie got in either my lap or Jake’s every time we sat down……they really missed us.

    :flowerforyou: Jake’s doctor’s appointment yesterday was to go over his blood test results and all was good. We were sad to find out that our doctor is going to start working exclusively with geriatric patients in nursing homes and assisted living homes and making house calls. There is a huge senior population here and compared to a lot of people, we are still babies. It has been said of our town that it is where old people go to visit their parents. There is a new woman doctor in the practice that he recommended so we’ll switch to her. I’ll see him one more time next month when I go to have my cholesterol prescription renewed.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, there are lots of things you can do with hand weights or ankle weights while watching TV……when walking I don’t worry about my pace. I just keep moving and stop when it pleases me. Unless you’re trying for a target heart rate or calculating calories burned, it doesn’t really matter. I carry a pedometer and try to get the numbers as high as possible.

    :bigsmile: Susan, your eating on your trip sounds awesome…..learning to say no to bread, butter, dessert,, fancy sauces, etc. is so freeing……..don’t panic if the scale has bad news, even the best restaurant food probably has toooooooo much sodium and you the scale may show fluid retention that might take as much as five days to eliminate.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”


    39,000 steps today
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Greetings vitamin F pals! Lots going on today. Went to work and got tons done. Then the carpet lady called and said our carpet is no longer made, so we have to pick something else for the basement. I nearly had a breakdown when we went there and nothing was similar. Plus they had no idea that the installation was Thursday and none of this carpet is in stock. We ended up taking about 15 samples home and are trying some things that are similar and some that are totally different. The basement is downstairs (well duh!) and we keep the door to it closed, plus the stairs butt up against vinyl, so it doesn’t really have to match. I think we have narrowed it down to three choices and will look at them again tomorrow in the sunlight.

    Then interestingly, DD#1 called to ask if she could pick up DD#2 and so she did and took her out for a little snack and dropped her off. Her BF was out with some friends pulling up some carpet, so she stayed for dinner and just left at about 9. Very pleasant.

    Michele: you are so creative! I loved reading about how you put your costume together

    Barbie: you’re right about obsessing over food. I was doing so well until the diabetes diagnosis now I obsess and think about how many carbs in this, what should I have for my snack, do I really need a snack. It drives me crazy but I’m sure I will figure it out.

    Joyce; I had to smile when I read that sometimes you have fudge; I remember the story about you buying fudge on sale not too long ago!

    Secretchef: where in NE are you? I am in Papillion and Vicki is from Grand Island. Were you in the tornadoes the other night?

    Rita; 600 pound loss! Way to go! Actually the tech staff emailed me back and gave me directions to edit entries…pretty easy…so I just edited it and gave away my 100 pound loss!

    Renny: hope you feel better soon. Barbie talks about limiting decisions too!

    Sylvia: I think your dog was talking to our neighbors last night!

    Jfenner: my daughters from Russia love their pierogies but I have fooled them with Mrs. Smiths’ frozen ones!

    Janemartin; glad to hear your friends are doing better.

    Heather: lane rage??? I had to smile! We do our taxes in October too, but here in the US we are supposed to have them done in April!

    Patceoh: glad your medical reports were good!

    Joyce: we have a bowflex weight machine in our gym at home. I do their 30 minute “better body” workout three times a week.

    Vicki: great nsv!!!

    Suzy; I love nyc too!

    Well I’m getting sleepy so I know I have missed people, but I’m going to head to bed. Take care everyone. Meg from Omaha
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: Feeling a lot better today, and hope even better tomorrow after a better night sleep. SLEEP. What an amazing gift. I have been learning that sleep deprivation contributes significantly to weight gain. No wonder. All I want to do is eat ! when I am tired.

    :flowerforyou: Michele - thanks so much for your lovely good wishes. I admire your approach to life so much and how you describe all your ups and downs. I just want you to know that, because I know things are not always easy for you.

    :flowerforyou: Heather - procrastination. I saw a book on that once. then I did not buy it due to procrastination. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I wish I could say I was happy in my work but I am not really. I was downright bored today, because I can produce so much more than anyone else. I know management is so much more in line with my personality, but wth. Life is what life gives sometimes.

    I visited my DD today. Lil toddler was having a nap so we had nice little visit with just the 2 of us at lunch time.

    Later tonight son#2 is coming home. So, who knows how long we'll be up.

    Last Saturday my mom had a wee little "episode". She's 90 and the "episodes" are getting more frequent. Some day I will get the call. Yet that is life too, isn't it.

    :heart: g'night for now
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I did my walk again tonight, against my husbands wishes but did it. I am hoping that the more times I walk and come home safely he will feel better about it. All of the blocks in our subdivision back up to one street so none of them are actually through streets. There about 5 blocks I think and our street is the first one. So I walk down to the end of my street, all the way down the one that we all back up on and then back up. I do it twice. It's 1.3 miles. Yesterday it was 43 minutes and tonight 38 minutes!!!! I checked my pedometer and combined with the steps that the bike registers as steps I did a total of 13,129. Now I know what I ride on the bike isn't actually steps but according to where I set the seat at the pedometer registers them as steps. Last week my weight was 189 pounds but most of this week I have been at 192! I absolutely do not want to have to register a gain this week. I have worked so hard at getting less than 189. One thing I have wondered about ia that I don't eat back my calories. My dietician,and she is a diabetic dietician and not jsut a nnutritionist, says to keep what I take in at around 1300 and what I exercise off is just icing on the cake. But the way I see it is that since I exercised off well over 700 calories off today and I take in 1300 calories then I only have a net of 600. And I know that is starvation. Maybe I need to have another conference with her. I think she said Medicare pays for 4 a year.

    Thanks for all your suggestions on what you do for strength training. I hope to get mine started soon. The wellness manager never called me back today so I guess I need to take the bull by the horns and see what I can get done.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I went to yoga today, and DH and I went grocery shopping. This evening I had a city advisory committee meeting and I still need to call in to see if I have jury duty tomorrow. The committee meeting was interesting, but I’m new and I have a LOT to learn about how things are done and also about the other committee members. I made my jury duty call in, but there wasn’t a new message. It was still yesterday's message, so I guess there is no trial tomorrow.

    Vick1157: I haven’t decided whether I like the new meds. Still evaluating. Thanks for asking.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: Regarding crock-pot stew, I add water only if I think it is needed near the end of the process. Generally I don’t need to add very much, if any. It is really too easy to end up with soup.:wink:

    Secretchef: Trying again and again is the best way to be successful. I think you have what it takes.:flowerforyou:

    Patceoh: Congratulations of positive test results for both you and your DH.:bigsmile:

    Renny: Your comments about wanting to eat when you’re tired helps me understand how I gained so much weight while working full-time plus and commuting 2 hours a day.:tongue:

    Sylvia: You’re past the halfway point according to your ticker. You can start to plan any time. :bigsmile:

    Gail: I think you could get away with D*ck’s. We’ll see if this posts.:laugh:

    Michele: I am always impressed that you’re able to cook fabulous things without gorging on them.:huh:

    Barbie: I think it is wonderful that you live in a place where old people go to visit their parents. :laugh: It must be a very healthy place to live.

    Joyce: I’m impressed with your walking. Good for you!:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    morning all,
    Oh all I can say is:grumble: :grumble: :angry: ,My laptop turns on and all but the internet wont connect,so I am guessing I have a virus, ate way under my calories yesterday, was just not feeling great,and all this and we leave tomorrow morning.. I am on the hubby's computer and I dont like it..
    I should go to the gym this morning, but I haver tons of laundry to do, find a recipe and make my brother stuff, and somehow call Dell Support and see if they can fix it.. and all this before noon as I have to go to work then...so making this short, and I probably wont be able to check in until we are in Florida, so everyone have a sparkly day, and wish Rita was up here to help me ,I am deeply depressed....:frown:
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning Ladies. Yesterday was beyond busy up and out the door early and didn't get home till almost 8pm. :yawn: So instead of cooking dinner, it was the drive thru at Fish n Chix for Chicken with the fixings (I had 2 pieces with the skin :embarassed: ) But today is another day and I will be back to it. Hope everyone has a Blessed and Wonderful Day. :flowerforyou:

    Tina in Fla
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    well now it is working, but still going to call Dell support and find out why its giving me issues,did 2 loads of laundry,put fresh sheets on both beds,got the rest of my stuff packed, have my outfit for tomorrow,and made a cheeseburger pie for my brother and sil,didn't get to the gym to busy here, but will try and get a walk in before work.. my heel has been hurting so have been icing it every morning and night and will do so down in florida too:frown:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Michele – I have an metronome app on my phone to keep my walking pace. Back to the races today!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. I hope everybody is doing well this morning.

    Gail - My mother went to the College of the Ozarks in the early 40's when it was called the School of the Ozarks. Then it was for mostly Indian kids (she was half Cherokee), and she thought it was more like a forced labor camp than a school. It was during WWII and I think they produced canned goods and things like that for the war. She said there was very, very little schooling going on. She did not have good memories of that place. It has improved greatly in the last 60 years. I go there sometimes for ceramic workshops and lectures and it's a really nice facility. Beautiful area too.

    I got all the way up to the Y yesterday and discovered that I had forgotten my swim bag, so I didn't have my suit. Rather than go all the way home and back again (about 20 miles) I just stayed and did extra cardio on the machines. And I ate way over my 1200 calories yesterday - 1355. It was within my exercise calories, but this morning I was up .6 pounds. Grrr.

    Bruno's foster mom sent me a funny picture yesterday of him trying to climb over her shoulder in the car to get to her lap. That is so like him! He has not changed a bit since we brought him home. Silly little guy. So determined to find a lap.

    Have a great day, ladies.
