Government shutdown



  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    Luckily we have a November election coming up very soon.

    Yeah! And all of the voters in the U.S. will elect the same people who are currently causing this mess.

    Everyone complains about our President, Senators and Congressmen yet elect those same people over and over again. I can't even blame politicians anymore. Our country is doomed until people start to realize that there are other options on election day than the Republican or Democrat. Everyone is so focused on hating liberals or hating conservatives that they ignore the underdogs, the people whose names they DON'T recognize.

  • samiyan05
    samiyan05 Posts: 115 Member
    Hegelian dialectic - look it up... It explains this entire mess.... Unfortunately most of the public are willfully ignorant
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    One million people will not be working and the govt. says that things will still run smoothly. How sad is that?

    Still, most people don't want real change or they would get out and vote for it.

    No they are working, like my husband an USDA meat inspector, they just won't be paid. He has to report to his duty station, but is not guaranteed a check from the government for the hours worked until the furlough is done. If he does not report to work he is considered AWOL and fired.
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    My inner-Libertarian is twitching. I had better go.

    HAHA! You and me both!
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Libertarians FTMFW...peace out thread...

    THIS!!!! Proud and loud right here.


    You got it!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    as far as i am concerned they have been shut down for a long time. not like any of those ****ing idiots do anything in congress. and they still get paid. wish i had a job like that.
    this **** is all a joke to me (meaning the government, because they are the biggest joke and always will be) and i am saving up to move to iceland.
    idgaf, i hate the country i live in. they can all go to hell.
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Hegelian dialectic - look it up... It explains this entire mess.... Unfortunately most of the public are willfully ignorant

    I am impressed. :smile:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    That's all touching, and I'm not being facetious I mean it, but for me and my family, because Obama thinks I'm "RICH", it'll cost my wife and children around $10k plus a year, and that's only if my company doesn't decide to ditch our insurance which word is they might and force us to go get ACH, then I'll have to add myself to to it, and who knows how much it'll cost then. I've worked hard since I was 17 to get where I am at, and now ACH just took away 8 years of raises, at least.

    Between myself, my wife, and 2 kids, I've been paying $850/month for health insurance here in Colorado for almost 2 years, so while I sympathize, I've already been there.

    Part of the time I worked at AT&T, insurance for my entire family was free. Within 8 years it has spiraled into the cost of 2 car payments per month. If ACA isn't the answer, I still have to believe letting health insurance companies run rampant cost wise isn't either.

    Believe me I have no love lost for corporate America and current insurance practices. But right now insurance costs me a $1 a paycheck because I work for a company that cares. My wife's cost about $90 a month for her can't remember what the kids were, but she lost that job because the company folded, and the new company (home health) doesn't offer insurance. But with the way ACH is designed, it may force my boss to drop our insurance, either that or lay people off, and ACH is funded by those who are "rich", which I think that number that defines you as rich is $94k per household, at least that is where the discounts stop. So, now I suffer. I don't mind paying taxes actually, what I do mind is the abuse of the money collected from the taxes I pay, and their lies the problem. Obamacare will be just yet another corrupt and abused federal system.

    well the other option for us "richers" is we take the tax penalty or try to shop for individual plans (good luck). There are very few options if you are above the 400% cut off.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,452 Member
    Luckily we have a November election coming up very soon.

    Yeah! And all of the voters in the U.S. will elect the same people who are currently causing this mess.

    Everyone complains about our President, Senators and Congressmen yet elect those same people over and over again. I can't even blame politicians anymore. Our country is doomed until people start to realize that there are other options on election day than the Republican or Democrat. Everyone is so focused on hating liberals or hating conservatives that they ignore the underdogs, the people whose names they DON'T recognize.

    I never, ever, vote for the imcumbent
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    They haven't done their job in 5 years. No budget. None. Nada. Zip. This is why they have to keep having these votes to "keep the government running". If they had been doing their job, then there would have been a budget and they would not have been able to shut it down. It's their own damn fault.

    If a business or individual runs their life like that, they would have long since been shut down. And these are the people who you want to be in charge of all of your healthcare too? It's all a big fat joke.
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    as far as i am concerned they have been shut down for a long time. not like any of those ****ing idiots do anything in congress. and they still get paid. wish i had a job like that.
    this **** is all a joke to me (meaning the government, because they are the biggest joke and always will be) and i am saving up to move to iceland.
    idgaf, i hate the country i live in. they can all go to hell.

    The problem with the shutdown is that those idiots still get paid, while civilian workers go unpaid until it's over, and then may or may not receive back pay for the time the govt was closed.

    I agree in principle, if they all somehow suffered for the govt closing, it would be something worth celebrating. Unfortunately, the only people suffering are mid-level employees along side people who depend on social programs that assist with feeding children and the disabled.
  • YogaLegs87
    I read a very entertaining article today about how the Australians dealt with the government shutdown they experienced.

    God I love Reddit.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Excuse me...I'm not American. THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! So your government wants health care where the rich pay for the poor. And the other side of the government shut everything down because they said NO? Do they realize that the Americans are barely out of the housing crash, and they're preventing anyone from buying a house now? What about all the people (Like the lady who's husband HAS to show up to work regardless of pay, or else he's AWOL???) Doesn't that sound a little communist to you? I'm scared for everyone but the 1% right now, including Canadians. There's going to be serious impact on the entire world because of this strangeness. I don't remember this happening in 1994, can someone enlighten me on the consequences (besides Bill Clinton getting re-elected). What's going to happen to the US now? Things just going to crumble and fall? Are we going to see rebellion on the TV? Are we all going to wash our hands of the US and tell them "you deal with it?" I'm so confused.
  • daddylawbucks
    daddylawbucks Posts: 18 Member
    Give yourself 100 points for having the balls to kick a hornet's nest on this one. No, I don't agree with your politics, but I do agree with what you said about the shut down. Now, if those 100 points could translate into extra calories you could eat today, that would be even better !!
  • hamminit
    hamminit Posts: 184 Member
    anybody have an address to send some big girl panties to?
  • samiyan05
    samiyan05 Posts: 115 Member
    Hegelian dialectic - look it up... It explains this entire mess.... Unfortunately most of the public are willfully ignorant

    I read a lil ;)

    I am impressed. :smile:
  • Quieau
    Quieau Posts: 428 Member
    I"m just going to leave this here ... HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Jeeeeeez. ....
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I read a very entertaining article today about how the Australians dealt with the government shutdown they experienced.

    God I love Reddit.

    That's awesome! Haha
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I"m just going to leave this here ... HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Jeeeeeez. ....

    wow too sad
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    The Republicans are 100% to blame on this.
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