Government shutdown



  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    The Democrats are 100% to blame on this.
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    Smell that?! Nice, clean Canadian Air!
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Excuse me...I'm not American. THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! So your government wants health care where the rich pay for the poor. And the other side of the government shut everything down because they said NO? Do they realize that the Americans are barely out of the housing crash, and they're preventing anyone from buying a house now? What about all the people (Like the lady who's husband HAS to show up to work regardless of pay, or else he's AWOL???) Doesn't that sound a little communist to you? I'm scared for everyone but the 1% right now, including Canadians. There's going to be serious impact on the entire world because of this strangeness. I don't remember this happening in 1994, can someone enlighten me on the consequences (besides Bill Clinton getting re-elected). What's going to happen to the US now? Things just going to crumble and fall? Are we going to see rebellion on the TV? Are we all going to wash our hands of the US and tell them "you deal with it?" I'm so confused.

    don't worry about the housing crisis. Americans are still able to secure home financing, even FHA and VA loans. however there are some delays with these programs because of the limited number of government employees still working. there also may be some complications with the government (or, really, Fannie and Freddie) insuring banked loans with note dates past 9/30. basically the housing part will be ok, there are just some delays and workarounds to be dealt with.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Smell that?! Nice, clean Canadian Air!

    American w/o a government is still way better. :)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I read a very entertaining article today about how the Australians dealt with the government shutdown they experienced.

    God I love Reddit.

    That was a good article
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    as far as i am concerned they have been shut down for a long time. not like any of those ****ing idiots do anything in congress. and they still get paid. wish i had a job like that.
    this **** is all a joke to me (meaning the government, because they are the biggest joke and always will be) and i am saving up to move to iceland.
    idgaf, i hate the country i live in. they can all go to hell.

    The problem with the shutdown is that those idiots still get paid, while civilian workers go unpaid until it's over, and then may or may not receive back pay for the time the govt was closed.

    I agree in principle, if they all somehow suffered for the govt closing, it would be something worth celebrating. Unfortunately, the only people suffering are mid-level employees along side people who depend on social programs that assist with feeding children and the disabled.

    yes. it's ****ed up. i don't even want to get into this **** anymore because it's just gonna be one huge **** storm. i work for a non profit for adults in a community residence with disabilities (some legit, others should not be receiving their benefits but thats another story), are on all sorts of public assistance. i cant wait for this **** to be one storm and make it even more difficult. i am just blessed to have a job, and only pay 30 a paycheck for full coverage pretty damn good health insurance. but yeah, this is why many people have or are giving up hope, the wrong people are in powder on either party and it will continue to be that way. someone needs to take these mother****ers out already.
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    Most people qualify for subsidies when they buy health care on the exchange. Have you checked?
    I posted this in my updates, but I thought I'd put it here, since I think it's relevant:

    A lady that works here part time for little more than minimum wage signed up for her and her 2 kids for $19/month on the ACA market site this morning. She didn't even know it had gone live today, was ecstatic when I told her and she got on the site and registered. I dunno how this all plays out over time, but seeing stuff like that makes me smile.

    8 years ago I was working for AT&T Broadband and we had a big health insurance meeting. I watched a father break into tears in an auditorium full of employees trying to determine if his son who was suffering from MD would be covered by his company insurance and being told no. It's a scene that's picture perfect in my head today, and I always think about what if that was my son or daughter, what would I do?

    I feel like ACA probably has some issues, just like any new legislation, social security and medicare weren't perfected in a day, but I think the good for people like the lady in my office far outweighs the bad. Shutting down the government for it seems extreme and selfish, and I hope this ends soon for the people who work for and are affected financially by the furloughs and lack of support they need.

    That's all touching, and I'm not being facetious I mean it, but for me and my family, because Obama thinks I'm "RICH", it'll cost my wife and children around $10k plus a year, and that's only if my company doesn't decide to ditch our insurance which word is they might and force us to go get ACH, then I'll have to add myself to to it, and who knows how much it'll cost then. I've worked hard since I was 17 to get where I am at, and now ACH just took away 8 years of raises, at least.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    I find it absolutely disgusting that Republicans would rather put 800,000 Americans out of work and stop paying the troops they so ardently support simply because they don't think poor people deserve healthcare.

    It's DISGUSTING. I guarantee you not a single Republican who caused this will ever be elected again . . . which I believe is the silver lining.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I find it absolutely disgusting that Republicans would rather put 800,000 Americans out of work and stop paying the troops they so ardently support simply because they don't think poor people deserve healthcare.

    It's DISGUSTING. I guarantee you not a single Republican who caused this will ever be elected again . . . which I believe is the silver lining.

    so wrong on so many levels.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I find it absolutely disgusting that Republicans would rather put 800,000 Americans out of work and stop paying the troops they so ardently support simply because they don't think poor people deserve healthcare.

    It's DISGUSTING. I guarantee you not a single Republican who caused this will ever be elected again . . . which I believe is the silver lining.

    The troops are being paid.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Excuse me...I'm not American. THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! So your government wants health care where the rich pay for the poor. And the other side of the government shut everything down because they said NO? Do they realize that the Americans are barely out of the housing crash, and they're preventing anyone from buying a house now? What about all the people (Like the lady who's husband HAS to show up to work regardless of pay, or else he's AWOL???) Doesn't that sound a little communist to you? I'm scared for everyone but the 1% right now, including Canadians. There's going to be serious impact on the entire world because of this strangeness. I don't remember this happening in 1994, can someone enlighten me on the consequences (besides Bill Clinton getting re-elected). What's going to happen to the US now? Things just going to crumble and fall? Are we going to see rebellion on the TV? Are we all going to wash our hands of the US and tell them "you deal with it?" I'm so confused.

    welcome to American logic. We've had shut downs before. The house and senate knows there will be an election soon I predict this will be short lived.
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    Smell that?! Nice, clean Canadian Air!

    American w/o a government is still way better. :)

    I did not saying Canada was better. I am born and was raised in America but am not going to say America is better also. But seriously "U Mad Bro?" :-P
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    I find it absolutely disgusting that Republicans would rather put 800,000 Americans out of work and stop paying the troops they so ardently support simply because they don't think poor people deserve healthcare.

    It's DISGUSTING. I guarantee you not a single Republican who caused this will ever be elected again . . . which I believe is the silver lining.'m just going to walk away....

  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Unfortunately those cheering the madness on fail to realize that now EITHER side can use that tactic, not just the people they agree with. Sound like a good thing now?
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Most people qualify for subsidies when they buy health care on the exchange. Have you checked?

    Yup and no...its an unaffordable act for those who have worked very hard to make a decent wage above the 400% cut off.

    I would also argue that if you really look at it anyone making about 300% to 200% would also find it expensive.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Smell that?! Nice, clean Canadian Air!

    American w/o a government is still way better. :)

    I did not saying Canada was better. I am born and was raised in America but am not going to say America is better also. But seriously "U Mad Bro?" :-P

    i did not say you said canada was better. you mad bro? :)
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    Excuse me...I'm not American. THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! So your government wants health care where the rich pay for the poor. And the other side of the government shut everything down because they said NO? Do they realize that the Americans are barely out of the housing crash, and they're preventing anyone from buying a house now? What about all the people (Like the lady who's husband HAS to show up to work regardless of pay, or else he's AWOL???) Doesn't that sound a little communist to you? I'm scared for everyone but the 1% right now, including Canadians. There's going to be serious impact on the entire world because of this strangeness. I don't remember this happening in 1994, can someone enlighten me on the consequences (besides Bill Clinton getting re-elected). What's going to happen to the US now? Things just going to crumble and fall? Are we going to see rebellion on the TV? Are we all going to wash our hands of the US and tell them "you deal with it?" I'm so confused.

    Go MeriKa!!! There is more to this than we the general public know about. If you take the time to read AHC it is quite confusing. They passed a law that is a hunk of crap, however has some good aspects as well. They tout the good and gloss over the bad or ignore it all together. I am just not sure what the Republican agenda is, is it save their CEO buddies and corp america high bonuses and salaries? Or are they really putting up a stand because it is a hunk of crap? Only time will tell....this entire government slim down will go down as Obama as President and the only one remembered.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Unfortunately those cheering the madness on fail to realize that now EITHER side can use that tactic, not just the people they agree with. Sound like a good thing now?

    Dictator Obama and Dictator Harry Reid are finding out they are not really Dictators. Hmmmmm..... sound like a good thing? Yes.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Unfortunately those cheering the madness on fail to realize that now EITHER side can use that tactic, not just the people they agree with. Sound like a good thing now?

    Dictator Obama and Dictator Harry Reid are finding out they are not really Dictators. Hmmmmm..... sound like a good thing? Yes.

    youd think they would have learned after dictator Bush.
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