Saying No to Vaccinations



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I didn't have to prove I had vaccines when going to college... I didn't even have to the Hep vaccine(s) before living in a dorm... here in Texas you can fill out and have noterized an affidavit stating that your child has not recieved such and such vaccine(s)... based on either religious or philosophical reasons.
    My daughter didn't have to show anything at all about vaccines to get into college here. I don't know if it's a state thing or things have just changed. I went to college a while ago. I won't say how long, but I have a daughterin college, so ... lol
    If people don't want to get vaccinated then why should you care? If your vaccines work so well then their medical condition shouldn't affect you.

    You clearly don't understand enough about vaccinations to paticipate in this thread.

    And I have an Android.

    *shhh* I have an iPhone... but I'm still an independant thinker...
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    This thread is really zapping my productivity today. :-P
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member

    The flu pandemic of 1918 (The Spanish Flu) killed more people than WWI ( A similar virus will emerge again - it's just a matter of time.

    This version of the flu was different in that many of the people who died were otherwise healthy, young adults. Not infants or elderly. This is explained by the cytokine storm ( induced by this strain.

    Get your shots, people!

    You know this is curious to me is it possible that there could be enough recognition in the B cells that even a slightly mutated virus would still trigger an immune response? If that is the case then because of the push for more vaccination against H1N1 and the current flu strains there may not be any more of these big epidemics that killed so many people. Of course this is dependent on people getting vaccinated every year.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    What a hate-filled thread this is.

    If people don't want to get vaccinated then why should you care? If your vaccines work so well then their medical condition shouldn't affect you.

    In other words live and let live. Stop being so hateful and calling people names just because their choices are not your choices.

    Everyone who insulted those who chose to not vaccinate is completely guilty of bigoted hate. Go examine your hearts, folks. You're the worst kind of people out there for thinking that you should be able to force others to get medical treatment that they don't agree with. Whatever happened to 'getting along'?

    You would do well to read the last few pages of the thread. People get vaccinated for the benefit of themselves and everyone they interact with. I have never gotten the flu EVER, but I do it for the sake of my kid, my husband, my parents, and everyone that I work with.

    Listen, if they get the shot and it works so well, then what does it matter if you get it? How do you think that getting weakened strains of last year's flu is going to help you? It's one of the fastest changing viruses out there, aside from the common cold.

    Don't worry; I don't really care what your answers are. You won't change anyone's way of thinking and neither will I, but the original point of my post remains...

    This is what I am saying: STOP INSULTING PEOPLE WHO DON'T AGREE WITH YOU. Everyone has their reasons, and at least until ObummerCare gets fully implemented people in the US (there are those from other countries on this thread too) can choose whether or not they want to take these shots.

    Free government injections...that does not instill confidence in a lot of thinking people.

    And whierd... can you even understand how idiotic your high school level taunts are? I feel truly sorry for anyone who finds amusements throwing out insults like you do.

    Um, I don't remember calling anyone names or insulting them. I was the one that called someone anti-vaccine, but she corrected me, and I apologized. As for everyone else, I think we've been polite and civil in expressing our opinions.

    ETA: Sigh, and long story short, not everyone is ABLE to get the vaccine, so they depend on others around them to get it in order to protect them. See my boy with leukemia example earlier.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    The flu pandemic of 1918 (The Spanish Flu) killed more people than WWI ( A similar virus will emerge again - it's just a matter of time.

    This version of the flu was different in that many of the people who died were otherwise healthy, young adults. Not infants or elderly. This is explained by the cytokine storm ( induced by this strain.

    Get your shots, people!

    You know this is curious to me is it possible that there could be enough recognition in the B cells that even a slightly mutated virus would still trigger an immune response? If that is the case then because of the push for more vaccination against H1N1 and the current flu strains there may not be any more of these big epidemics that killed so many people. Of course this is dependent on people getting vaccinated every year.
    You know the worst thing about the Spanish flu of 1918? It led to Edward Cullen, which led to me having to sit through the first two Twilight movies TWICE and then led to 50 Shades of Grey.

    That is the real tragedy. I'm going to get my flu shot now.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    You know the worst thing about the Spanish flu of 1918? It led to Edward Cullen, which led to me having to sit through the first two Twilight movies TWICE and then led to 50 Shades of Grey.

  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    What a hate-filled thread this is.

    If people don't want to get vaccinated then why should you care? If your vaccines work so well then their medical condition shouldn't affect you.

    In other words live and let live. Stop being so hateful and calling people names just because their choices are not your choices.

    Everyone who insulted those who chose to not vaccinate is completely guilty of bigoted hate. Go examine your hearts, folks. You're the worst kind of people out there for thinking that you should be able to force others to get medical treatment that they don't agree with. Whatever happened to 'getting along'?

    You would do well to read the last few pages of the thread. People get vaccinated for the benefit of themselves and everyone they interact with. I have never gotten the flu EVER, but I do it for the sake of my kid, my husband, my parents, and everyone that I work with.

    Listen, if they get the shot and it works so well, then what does it matter if you get it? How do you think that getting weakened strains of last year's flu is going to help you? It's one of the fastest changing viruses out there, aside from the common cold.

    Don't worry; I don't really care what your answers are. You won't change anyone's way of thinking and neither will I, but the original point of my post remains...

    This is what I am saying: STOP INSULTING PEOPLE WHO DON'T AGREE WITH YOU. Everyone has their reasons, and at least until ObummerCare gets fully implemented people in the US (there are those from other countries on this thread too) can choose whether or not they want to take these shots.

    Free government injections...that does not instill confidence in a lot of thinking people.

    And whierd... can you even understand how idiotic your high school level taunts are? I feel truly sorry for anyone who finds amusements throwing out insults like you do.

    You know, I was going to actually reply back to you... but then realized that there is no use in debating or conversing about anything when that person uses terms like "obummercare" which just proves to be hypocritical.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    BTW, I also never said I was anti-vaccine, only anti-flu vaccine (look at my first post). But not even that, I don't are if others take it, but don't bully anyone else that doesn't want to into thinking you're right, and everyone else is wrong.
  • dennik15
    dennik15 Posts: 97 Member

    And whierd... can you even understand how idiotic your high school level taunts are? I feel truly sorry for anyone who finds amusements throwing out insults like you do.

    Hey now, don't go off on wheird...he's the only reason I read these threads. Not just for his amusing one liners, but because he actually gives well thought out responses. The guy is my hero...well my MFP hero anyway.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I didn't have to prove I had vaccines when going to college... I didn't even have to the Hep vaccine(s) before living in a dorm... here in Texas you can fill out and have noterized an affidavit stating that your child has not recieved such and such vaccine(s)... based on either religious or philosophical reasons.
    My daughter didn't have to show anything at all about vaccines to get into college here. I don't know if it's a state thing or things have just changed. I went to college a while ago. I won't say how long, but I have a daughterin college, so ... lol
    If people don't want to get vaccinated then why should you care? If your vaccines work so well then their medical condition shouldn't affect you.

    You clearly don't understand enough about vaccinations to paticipate in this thread.

    And I have an Android.

    *shhh* I have an iPhone... but I'm still an independant thinker...

    Right?! Who would have thunk it.
  • suv_hater
    suv_hater Posts: 374 Member
    LOL @ Flu shots

    Who does that?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    Listen, if they get the shot and it works so well, then what does it matter if you get it? How do you think that getting weakened strains of last year's flu is going to help you? It's one of the fastest changing viruses out there, aside from the common cold.

    So being concerned with others who are most at risk, such as the elderly, young children, babies, and pregnant women isn't something people should care about?

    Don't worry; I don't really care what your answers are. You won't change anyone's way of thinking and neither will I, but the original point of my post remains...

    The greatest sign of ignorance is when someone says this. This means that you are so attached to your opinions that no amount of logic and reasoning can change them. A wise person is able to be swayed from their opinion in the face of greater logic and facts.
    This is what I am saying: STOP INSULTING PEOPLE WHO DON'T AGREE WITH YOU. Everyone has their reasons, and at least until ObummerCare gets fully implemented people in the US (there are those from other countries on this thread too) can choose whether or not they want to take these shots.

    Free government injections...that does not instill confidence in a lot of thinking people.

    Oh the irony!!! :laugh:
    And whierd... can you even understand how idiotic your high school level taunts are? I feel truly sorry for anyone who finds amusements throwing out insults like you do.

    How about this, I will understand how idiotic my "high school level taunts" are when you understand how idiotic your logic and reasoning is. :wink:
  • MissStatement
    MissStatement Posts: 92 Member
    What a hate-filled thread this is.

    If people don't want to get vaccinated then why should you care? If your vaccines work so well then their medical condition shouldn't affect you.

    In other words live and let live. Stop being so hateful and calling people names just because their choices are not your choices.

    Everyone who insulted those who chose to not vaccinate is completely guilty of bigoted hate. Go examine your hearts, folks. You're the worst kind of people out there for thinking that you should be able to force others to get medical treatment that they don't agree with. Whatever happened to 'getting along'?

    You would do well to read the last few pages of the thread. People get vaccinated for the benefit of themselves and everyone they interact with. I have never gotten the flu EVER, but I do it for the sake of my kid, my husband, my parents, and everyone that I work with.

    Listen, if they get the shot and it works so well, then what does it matter if you get it? How do you think that getting weakened strains of last year's flu is going to help you? It's one of the fastest changing viruses out there, aside from the common cold.

    Don't worry; I don't really care what your answers are. You won't change anyone's way of thinking and neither will I, but the original point of my post remains...

    This is what I am saying: STOP INSULTING PEOPLE WHO DON'T AGREE WITH YOU. Everyone has their reasons, and at least until ObummerCare gets fully implemented people in the US (there are those from other countries on this thread too) can choose whether or not they want to take these shots.

    Free government injections...that does not instill confidence in a lot of thinking people.

    And whierd... can you even understand how idiotic your high school level taunts are? I feel truly sorry for anyone who finds amusements throwing out insults like you do.

    Obummercare? That's what you went with? And you wonder why ignorance is being called out on this thread?
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member

    And whierd... can you even understand how idiotic your high school level taunts are? I feel truly sorry for anyone who finds amusements throwing out insults like you do.

    Hey now, don't go off on wheird...he's the only reason I read these threads. Not just for his amusing one liners, but because he actually gives well thought out responses. The guy is my hero...well my MFP hero anyway.


    Who said there was hate on this thread? All I can see is a lot of :heart:
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    Get your people shots, folks. Not just for yourself, but for your community. If you get sick with something that you could have easily been immunized for and you end up getting someone else sick because they couldn't afford or obtain the vaccine themselves then that person could be seriously affected by it. If you're worried about possible issues that come with vaccines, read up on them. Don't rely on back alley whispers of autism and mercury.

    That brings up an interesting discussion.

    Do we, as individuals, have a social responsibility to protect our fellow citizens from sickness by preventing sickness within ourselves?

    Yes. And to stay the eff home when we're ill. Took little to a movie last month. During the previews the chick behind us answers the phone and tells her mom that her strep test came back positive and the doc called in a script for her that she wanted her mom to pick up. :angry: GO HOME!

    With strep you're under quarantine. Kids with strep can't go to school. Responsible people with strep don't go to the movie theater until they've been on an antibiotic for 36 to 48 hours.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Get your people shots, folks. Not just for yourself, but for your community. If you get sick with something that you could have easily been immunized for and you end up getting someone else sick because they couldn't afford or obtain the vaccine themselves then that person could be seriously affected by it. If you're worried about possible issues that come with vaccines, read up on them. Don't rely on back alley whispers of autism and mercury.

    That brings up an interesting discussion.

    Do we, as individuals, have a social responsibility to protect our fellow citizens from sickness by preventing sickness within ourselves?

    Yes. And to stay the eff home when we're ill. Took little to a movie last month. During the previews the chick behind us answers the phone and tells her mom that her strep test came back positive and the doc called in a script for her that she wanted her mom to pick up. :angry: GO HOME!

    With strep you're under quarantine. Kids with strep can't go to school. Responsible people with strep don't go to the movie theater until they've been on an antibiotic for 36 to 48 hours.
    I can't figure out how someone with strep felt well enough to go to the movies before taking meds.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    And whierd... can you even understand how idiotic your high school level taunts are? I feel truly sorry for anyone who finds amusements throwing out insults like you do.

    Hey now, don't go off on wheird...he's the only reason I read these threads. Not just for his amusing one liners, but because he actually gives well thought out responses. The guy is my hero...well my MFP hero anyway.

  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    I'll take my chances thank you.

    "Flu Vaccines Prevent the Flu in Only 1.5% of Adults

    A new study in The Lancet Infectious Diseases reveals that the flu vaccine prevents lab confirmed type A or type B influenza in only 1.5 out of every 100 vaccinated adults … but the media is reporting this to mean "60 percent effective."

    It is estimated that, annually, only about 2.7% of adults get type A or type B influenza in the first place. The study showed that the use of flu vaccines appear to drop this down to about 1.2%. This is a roughly 60% drop, but that ignores the fact that the vaccine has no protective health benefit for 97.5% of adults.

    The researchers' own conclusions are also somewhat more lackluster in their tone than the media would have you believe:

    "Influenza vaccines can provide moderate protection against virologically confirmed influenza, but such protection is greatly reduced or absent in some seasons. Evidence for protection in adults aged 65 years or older is lacking.""
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Jealous that I never been fat in my life. I only have 10 lbs to lose. I never weighed over 110 in my life.
    Oh I know yup! Thank God I have and was blessed with good genes. Ba bye! Unless somebody wants me to tell fat jokes LMFAOI

    I thought we were talking about vaccinations, not fat people. Were you dropped on the head as a child? I met somebody like you once, someone who just sort of went from thought to thought to thought without making any real connections between them. Makes it tough to carry on a conversation.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    And whierd... can you even understand how idiotic your high school level taunts are? I feel truly sorry for anyone who finds amusements throwing out insults like you do.

    Hey now, don't go off on wheird...he's the only reason I read these threads. Not just for his amusing one liners, but because he actually gives well thought out responses. The guy is my hero...well my MFP hero anyway.


    Who said there was hate on this thread? All I can see is a lot of :heart:

    Yep, love. Lots of love for people I care about. Enough so that I get vaccinated to protect them.
This discussion has been closed.