Saying No to Vaccinations



  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member

    Just trying something.
  • MissStatement
    MissStatement Posts: 92 Member
    I'll take my chances thank you.

    "Flu Vaccines Prevent the Flu in Only 1.5% of Adults

    A new study in The Lancet Infectious Diseases reveals that the flu vaccine prevents lab confirmed type A or type B influenza in only 1.5 out of every 100 vaccinated adults … but the media is reporting this to mean "60 percent effective."

    It is estimated that, annually, only about 2.7% of adults get type A or type B influenza in the first place. The study showed that the use of flu vaccines appear to drop this down to about 1.2%. This is a roughly 60% drop, but that ignores the fact that the vaccine has no protective health benefit for 97.5% of adults.

    The researchers' own conclusions are also somewhat more lackluster in their tone than the media would have you believe:

    "Influenza vaccines can provide moderate protection against virologically confirmed influenza, but such protection is greatly reduced or absent in some seasons. Evidence for protection in adults aged 65 years or older is lacking.""

    NaturalNews is not exactly unbiased, and they misinterpreted the actual study:

    The findings from the abstract:

    We screened 5707 articles and identified 31 eligible studies (17 randomised controlled trials and 14 observational studies). Efficacy of TIV was shown in eight (67%) of the 12 seasons analysed in ten randomised controlled trials (pooled efficacy 59% [95% CI 51—67] in adults aged 18—65 years). No such trials met inclusion criteria for children aged 2—17 years or adults aged 65 years or older. Efficacy of LAIV was shown in nine (75%) of the 12 seasons analysed in ten randomised controlled trials (pooled efficacy 83% [69—91]) in children aged 6 months to 7 years. No such trials met inclusion criteria for children aged 8—17 years. Vaccine effectiveness was variable for seasonal influenza: six (35%) of 17 analyses in nine studies showed significant protection against medically attended influenza in the outpatient or inpatient setting. Median monovalent pandemic H1N1 vaccine effectiveness in five observational studies was 69% (range 60—93).
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    First off I want to say I'm not against childhood vaccinations. But, the flu "vaccine" is nothing like the ones you get as a child. It's a predicted random concoction that makes big profits for big pharma every year.

    I see a lot responding "I'll believe what the doctors/scientist tell me". Guess what; those people get generous kick backs from big pharma - you know the ones that make a fortune every year on the flu "vaccine". I had the flu vaccine once about 6-7 years ago, but never since. Guess what; never got sick. Yes, that's anecdotal but I'd rather my body fight it on it's own if I get it instead of getting some random cocktail and lining some CEOs pocket even more.

    Not to mention, the world is over populated and there needs to be a "cleansing" otherwise everyone will suffer in the end due to lack of resources. The same reason hunters have to "thin the herd" of deer and whatever else.

    This might have already been said, I'm only up to this page of the thread, but vaccines have some of the smallest profit margins for pharmacuetical companies. The prices are usually set by the government, not the company, so that the most amount of people can benefit. That's why so many companies are no longer in the vaccine business. The government sometimes has trouble getting their cache of vaccines because of this, and have to entice/bribe/guilt a company into getting back into the vaccine business.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Just confirmed on you tube there is a doctor saying this and it was on the news. There were no diesases in North America
    till the white men invaded. The natives were healthy and lived natural. So they needed vaccines then? But check you tube a doctor is saying what I said. So go argue with the doctors.

    No diseases you say? Au contrare. Many diseases:

    Iron deficiency anemia
    Venereal Diseases
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    What a hate-filled thread this is.

    If people don't want to get vaccinated then why should you care? If your vaccines work so well then their medical condition shouldn't affect you.

    In other words live and let live. Stop being so hateful and calling people names just because their choices are not your choices.

    Everyone who insulted those who chose to not vaccinate is completely guilty of bigoted hate. Go examine your hearts, folks. You're the worst kind of people out there for thinking that you should be able to force others to get medical treatment that they don't agree with. Whatever happened to 'getting along'?

    I care because we now know that people who asked for and received non-medical exemptions from the DPT vaccine are the biggest reason for the 2010 fatal outbreak of pertussis that killed 10 infants in California, that's why. That's why I care whether or not you choose not to vaccinate based on false and faulty data. There is no peer-reviewed evidence that vaccines are harmful to healthy individuals. Those who are not healthy get medical exemption.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    First off I want to say I'm not against childhood vaccinations. But, the flu "vaccine" is nothing like the ones you get as a child. It's a predicted random concoction that makes big profits for big pharma every year.

    I see a lot responding "I'll believe what the doctors/scientist tell me". Guess what; those people get generous kick backs from big pharma - you know the ones that make a fortune every year on the flu "vaccine". I had the flu vaccine once about 6-7 years ago, but never since. Guess what; never got sick. Yes, that's anecdotal but I'd rather my body fight it on it's own if I get it instead of getting some random cocktail and lining some CEOs pocket even more.

    Not to mention, the world is over populated and there needs to be a "cleansing" otherwise everyone will suffer in the end due to lack of resources. The same reason hunters have to "thin the herd" of deer and whatever else.

    This might have already been said, I'm only up to this page of the thread, but vaccines have some of the smallest profit margins for pharmacuetical companies. The prices are usually set by the government, not the company, so that the most amount of people can benefit. That's why so many companies are no longer in the vaccine business. The government sometimes has trouble getting their cache of vaccines because of this, and have to entice/bribe/guilt a company into getting back into the vaccine business.

    Valid point. :-)
  • dennik15
    dennik15 Posts: 97 Member

    And whierd... can you even understand how idiotic your high school level taunts are? I feel truly sorry for anyone who finds amusements throwing out insults like you do.

    Hey now, don't go off on wheird...he's the only reason I read these threads. Not just for his amusing one liners, but because he actually gives well thought out responses. The guy is my hero...well my MFP hero anyway.


    Damnit! I'm at work and can't see the picture. BTW, sorry about the misspelling of "whierd"...I'll do better next time I defend you I promise. :flowerforyou:

    edit: because I suck at quoting (hope this fix works, lol)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Just confirmed on you tube there is a doctor saying this and it was on the news. There were no diesases in North America
    till the white men invaded. The natives were healthy and lived natural. So they needed vaccines then? But check you tube a doctor is saying what I said. So go argue with the doctors.

    No diseases you say? Au contrare. Many diseases:

    Iron deficiency anemia
    Venereal Diseases
    But did you learn that from a doctor on YouTube?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Just confirmed on you tube there is a doctor saying this and it was on the news. There were no diesases in North America
    till the white men invaded. The natives were healthy and lived natural. So they needed vaccines then? But check you tube a doctor is saying what I said. So go argue with the doctors.

    No diseases you say? Au contrare. Many diseases:

    Iron deficiency anemia
    Venereal Diseases
    But did you learn that from a doctor on YouTube?

    I am a doctor on Youtube sometimes.

    True story.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    First off I want to say I'm not against childhood vaccinations. But, the flu "vaccine" is nothing like the ones you get as a child. It's a predicted random concoction that makes big profits for big pharma every year.

    I see a lot responding "I'll believe what the doctors/scientist tell me". Guess what; those people get generous kick backs from big pharma - you know the ones that make a fortune every year on the flu "vaccine". I had the flu vaccine once about 6-7 years ago, but never since. Guess what; never got sick. Yes, that's anecdotal but I'd rather my body fight it on it's own if I get it instead of getting some random cocktail and lining some CEOs pocket even more.

    Seriously though there was a time where there was no flu vaccine and people got along without it. You either got the flu or you didn't. Now all of a sudden some scientists in some lab some where comes up with a vaccine and everyone jumps on the bandwagon to get it and blasts those who choose not to.

    I choose not to because I don't think it's necessary for me. Too much is being forced on people that is not necessary. What happened to the freedom of choice? Never mind the fact that doctors don't take the time to diagnose or look for other options when it comes to illness. They're so quick to check you out and open up their pad and scribble out an RX for you and send you on your merry little way and people take it and think it's fine because doctor knows best, right? Wrong. There are a lot of drugs out there that do far more damage to you than whatever it is that they are treating. Hell, most of those nice antibiotics that they give you -- the Z-pack comes to mind -- is toxic.

    But hey, what do I know? I'm just a little lamb who strayed from the herd.

    I was going to stay out of this but then I read it.
    I am certain I am going to get burned for this but so be it.
    First, I feel the same as above quoted person. The real threats, such as polio, I vaccinate for. But the flu shot? No. Not because I am lazy, not because its a waste of money, not because they don't work, not because I am a crazy hippie, just no.
    I grew up in a family that is absolutely convinced that vaccinations are sooo terrible. Claims that it "gives you Autism" and "they inject poisons" or "it would be so easy for them kill us off that way if they wanted to" and worse "they implant tracking chips in us without our knowledge using the vaccinations to do it." I don't believe any of this now. But, only because I did my own research. I found, scientifically proven facts all over the board.
    When having my first child, I studied on it a lot! I really wanted to do what was best for her and not just what my crazy family said. I decided not to vaccinate at birth, but to start at 3-6 months old. This was simply based off my feelings of not wanting to attack a child with all that right at birth. She needed time to build her system a little first/ a little stronger than a newborn anyways.
    Well, 4 months old she received a series of shots and had a severe reaction. Not really any guarantee as to which shot since she received several at once. The doctor felt it was best to give her more time, to build up her immunity again before trying any more. At 2 years old, we gave her 1 shot, 6 months later 1 shot. Continuing this way until she had them all. Never another reaction.
    Now, as I said, I have researched a ton, I am not just making an uneducated statement here. I believe that it is best to vaccinate for the really bad things. But, I feel it is better for a small child to get chicken pox, not the shot. Come 5 years old and time to go to school and she still never got the chicken pox, then she got vaccinated. Yes, I care about protecting other people's children but I still prefer that she had just gotten the pox.
    I hate doctors. Well, most doctors. They are so quick to write out a prescription or give you a shot when something much more simple and natural will suffice. I believe doctors have their place. If I have a broken leg, I need them. But if I have a cold or a flu, I do not run to the doctor's office. This is just silly. I don't want a shot, I want some garlic, goldenseal, echincea, Vitamin C, ginger, cayenne pepper, lemon and a hot bath and by noon I will be just fine.
    It is completely ridiculous that people have forgotten how to care for themselves!
    As the above quoted person said, most of those prescriptions cause more problems than they fix. The side effects include dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, ulcers, blood in stool, migraines, numbness, fainting and itching. I am sorry, but that sounds WAY worse than having a cold. I think I can treat myself very much, stay away from me.
  • lorigem
    lorigem Posts: 446 Member
    I've never gotten the flu shot and have never gotten the flu *knock on wood*. I don't see why I need to start now :ohwell: But that's just me...
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Just confirmed on you tube there is a doctor saying this and it was on the news. There were no diesases in North America
    till the white men invaded. The natives were healthy and lived natural. So they needed vaccines then? But check you tube a doctor is saying what I said. So go argue with the doctors.

    No diseases you say? Au contrare. Many diseases:

    Iron deficiency anemia
    Venereal Diseases
    But did you learn that from a doctor on YouTube?

    I am a doctor on Youtube sometimes.

    True story.

    They can't put anything on the internet that isn't true. ;-)
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    Just confirmed on you tube there is a doctor saying this and it was on the news. There were no diesases in North America
    till the white men invaded. The natives were healthy and lived natural. So they needed vaccines then? But check you tube a doctor is saying what I said. So go argue with the doctors.

    No diseases you say? Au contrare. Many diseases:

    Iron deficiency anemia
    Venereal Diseases

    <sarcasm> You're citing the NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH? What do THEY know?!? Her data is from YOUTUBE! And it was ON THE NEWS! Seriously, dude, the best you can do is NIH?!? </sarcasm>
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    I'll take my chances thank you.

    "Flu Vaccines Prevent the Flu in Only 1.5% of Adults

    A new study in The Lancet Infectious Diseases reveals that the flu vaccine prevents lab confirmed type A or type B influenza in only 1.5 out of every 100 vaccinated adults … but the media is reporting this to mean "60 percent effective."

    It is estimated that, annually, only about 2.7% of adults get type A or type B influenza in the first place. The study showed that the use of flu vaccines appear to drop this down to about 1.2%. This is a roughly 60% drop, but that ignores the fact that the vaccine has no protective health benefit for 97.5% of adults.

    The researchers' own conclusions are also somewhat more lackluster in their tone than the media would have you believe:

    "Influenza vaccines can provide moderate protection against virologically confirmed influenza, but such protection is greatly reduced or absent in some seasons. Evidence for protection in adults aged 65 years or older is lacking.""

    NaturalNews is not exactly unbiased, and they misinterpreted the actual study:

    The findings from the abstract:

    We screened 5707 articles and identified 31 eligible studies (17 randomised controlled trials and 14 observational studies). Efficacy of TIV was shown in eight (67%) of the 12 seasons analysed in ten randomised controlled trials (pooled efficacy 59% [95% CI 51—67] in adults aged 18—65 years). No such trials met inclusion criteria for children aged 2—17 years or adults aged 65 years or older. Efficacy of LAIV was shown in nine (75%) of the 12 seasons analysed in ten randomised controlled trials (pooled efficacy 83% [69—91]) in children aged 6 months to 7 years. No such trials met inclusion criteria for children aged 8—17 years. Vaccine effectiveness was variable for seasonal influenza: six (35%) of 17 analyses in nine studies showed significant protection against medically attended influenza in the outpatient or inpatient setting. Median monovalent pandemic H1N1 vaccine effectiveness in five observational studies was 69% (range 60—93).
    This doesn't disprove what I originally posted. It still shows a sucky effectiveness. You also forgot the last part;

    "Influenza vaccines can provide moderate protection against virologically confirmed influenza, but such protection is greatly reduced or absent in some seasons. Evidence for protection in adults aged 65 years or older is lacking. LAIVs consistently show highest efficacy in young children (aged 6 months to 7 years). New vaccines with improved clinical efficacy and effectiveness are needed to further reduce influenza-related morbidity and mortality."
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    But if I have a cold or a flu, I do not run to the doctor's office.

    I know they can treat the flu now, but if you ran to the doctor with a cold, a GOOD doctor who knows his or her stuff would tell you to go home, drink fluids and rest. They can't do anything for a cold but make you more comfortable by treating the symptoms.

    And sometimes the flu leads to some serious complications that will kill you without medical intervention.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    You really think Big Farma and the FDA has everyone's best interests at hear?

    I don't give a crap who makes money but when there's kickbacks going around to the pharmaceutical companies for writing out prescriptions that aren't needed then I have a problem with that. When the FDA approves drugs, puts them on the market and has a whole list of side effects -- 'FATAL EVENTS MAY OCCUR' -- then yes, I have a problem with it.

    One should not die, get cancer, TB, or any other disease because they took a medication to stop a disease.
    At least there's someone else with common sense in here.

    Oh goodie, what's a post about disease treatment/prevention without some good fear mongering thrown in?
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I've never gotten the flu shot and have never gotten the flu *knock on wood*. I don't see why I need to start now :ohwell: But that's just me...

    To protect those around you.
    I am like you. I've never gotten the flu, and I never got the shot until I was forced to in the military. Now I get the vaccine every year because I educated myself on why it's important.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    I'm ready for my flu shot now.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I can see why a lot of people are for it, and it is a wonderful invention, for the people it works for.
    But my family, me, my mother, her grandmother. Any time any of us got a flu shot. We got the flu. And when we didn't? We didn't get as sick. We still got the flu, but we weren't down-and-out like we were after the flu-shots. And the flu never lasted as long, generally a day or two with fever, and done. After flu shots, the flu would last about a week before breaking.

    Now, please don't get me wrong, Vaccines are amazing things, but again, they don't work for everyone.

    You're right, they don't work for everyone. You can blame the reason your family got the flu on other folks you were around that DIDN'T get vaccinated. This is why it's so important that EVERYONE get vaccinated.
    Guess what; if all 580 million people in north america got a predicted flu cocktail, people would still get sick BECAUSE THE COCKTAIL IS A GUESS.

    Last year they had 135 million doses available, at a cheap rate of $15 each, that's over $2 billion for big pharma - just on flu shots. Wonder how much of that the Drs got for pushing it on the weak? Makes me sick thinking about it; maybe there's a shot for that too.

    I really think you're missing the point. No one is arguing that pharmaceutical companies don't make money off of it.
    Actually I think you are. My point is, if there was no money to be made (people would stop taking the flu shot), they wouldn't produce it no matter how effective it was. Or to simplify even further- they only do it for the money. They don't care about your health.

    It's nice to see the benefits of Capitalism at work isn't it? Beats living in Sub-Saharan Africa where hundreds of thousands die of African Sleeping Sickness because it is not profitable to find either a vaccine or a decent treatment for it.
This discussion has been closed.