Saying No to Vaccinations



  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    I can see why a lot of people are for it, and it is a wonderful invention, for the people it works for.
    But my family, me, my mother, her grandmother. Any time any of us got a flu shot. We got the flu. And when we didn't? We didn't get as sick. We still got the flu, but we weren't down-and-out like we were after the flu-shots. And the flu never lasted as long, generally a day or two with fever, and done. After flu shots, the flu would last about a week before breaking.

    Now, please don't get me wrong, Vaccines are amazing things, but again, they don't work for everyone.

    You're right, they don't work for everyone. You can blame the reason your family got the flu on other folks you were around that DIDN'T get vaccinated. This is why it's so important that EVERYONE get vaccinated.
    Guess what; if all 580 million people in north america got a predicted flu cocktail, people would still get sick BECAUSE THE COCKTAIL IS A GUESS.

    Last year they had 135 million doses available, at a cheap rate of $15 each, that's over $2 billion for big pharma - just on flu shots. Wonder how much of that the Drs got for pushing it on the weak? Makes me sick thinking about it; maybe there's a shot for that too.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    As I said earlier in the thread, I am really smart and read a lot. :tongue:

    Plus I've discussed vaccines ad nauseum so pretty much everything that has been said in this thread I've gone through a half dozen times already.

    Too bad most of the anti-vaccine people have left the discussion. Not that they were willing to change their mind.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    As I said earlier in the thread, I am really smart and read a lot. :tongue:

    Plus I've discussed vaccines ad nauseum so pretty much everything that has been said in this thread I've gone through a half dozen times already.

    Too bad most of the anti-vaccine people have left the discussion. Not that they were willing to change their mind.

    It's fine. They are only fun to point and laugh at anyway.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Wouldn't they base their prediction by what's circulating the previous year? Regardless of how the virus's are selected, I don't get it for the reason that I get flu symptoms from them and ain't nobody got time for that.

    I barely get sick anyways.

    Er, no.

    1. They predict what strain they think will be predominant over the coming months and create the vaccine based on that. It's not 100% perfect but it usually contains vaccine against more than one type that has been predicted (based on evidence earlier in the year, trends and mapping flu in other countries. For example, flu strains in Australia are often seen six months later in Britain during winter). This is one of the many reasons why the vaccine does not always work for everyone - you may have the bad luck of getting a strain that is not in the vaccine.

    2. The flu vaccine cannot give you the flu. Some people do react to it but it is usually no more than a raised temperature and feeling a little achy for 24 hours. Nothing that some ibuprofen and a good night's sleep won't sort out. Anyone who has had flu can confirm that it is a bit more serious than feeling under the weather for 24 hours.

    3. If you barely get sick, then you may well not need to consider getting the jab. However, anyone with a long-term condition, pregnant women and people who care for others should seriously consider getting the jab.

    I worked in public health for many years with a vaccination team. I used to attend the daily meetings during flu season to discuss how many deaths we had had in each of our hospitals and in the community due to flu. Deaths that, in many instances, could have been avoided.

    As for me, I am currently ill with a cold, which has set my asthma off. I had an attack last night which was really distressing. I've had flu twice and, without hesitation, I always now get my flu jab (got it booked for Monday). The risk of getting a flu and triggering serious lung problems is just too big a risk to take.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    What a hate-filled thread this is.

    If people don't want to get vaccinated then why should you care? If your vaccines work so well then their medical condition shouldn't affect you.

    In other words live and let live. Stop being so hateful and calling people names just because their choices are not your choices.

    Everyone who insulted those who chose to not vaccinate is completely guilty of bigoted hate. Go examine your hearts, folks. You're the worst kind of people out there for thinking that you should be able to force others to get medical treatment that they don't agree with. Whatever happened to 'getting along'?
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I can see why a lot of people are for it, and it is a wonderful invention, for the people it works for.
    But my family, me, my mother, her grandmother. Any time any of us got a flu shot. We got the flu. And when we didn't? We didn't get as sick. We still got the flu, but we weren't down-and-out like we were after the flu-shots. And the flu never lasted as long, generally a day or two with fever, and done. After flu shots, the flu would last about a week before breaking.

    Now, please don't get me wrong, Vaccines are amazing things, but again, they don't work for everyone.

    You're right, they don't work for everyone. You can blame the reason your family got the flu on other folks you were around that DIDN'T get vaccinated. This is why it's so important that EVERYONE get vaccinated.
    Guess what; if all 580 million people in north america got a predicted flu cocktail, people would still get sick BECAUSE THE COCKTAIL IS A GUESS.

    Last year they had 135 million doses available, at a cheap rate of $15 each, that's over $2 billion for big pharma - just on flu shots. Wonder how much of that the Drs got for pushing it on the weak? Makes me sick thinking about it; maybe there's a shot for that too.

    I really think you're missing the point. No one is arguing that pharmaceutical companies don't make money off of it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Last year they had 135 million doses available, at a cheap rate of $15 each, that's over $2 billion for big pharma - just on flu shots. Wonder how much of that the Drs got for pushing it on the weak? Makes me sick thinking about it; maybe there's a shot for that too.

    I'm really sorry.
  • iamanadult
    iamanadult Posts: 709 Member
    Speaking strictly flu vaccinations, I say they are pointless. They vaccinate you only using last years viruses, not the current ones. I got flu-like symptoms from my flu shot, which is pretty common. Just not worth it for me.

    If you're talking about childhood immunization, that's a different story and I'm all for it.

    No, they vaccinate you with what they project this years virus will look like based on predicted mutation patterns.

    When I got my only flu shot the nurse told me it's last years virus's.

    Your nurse likely doesn't read up on the literature for the vaccine she is using, though I'm not saying that it couldn't be last years virus. However, most vaccines contain at least 3 or 4 different predicted strains.

    Wouldn't they base their prediction by what's circulating the previous year? Regardless of how the virus's are selected, I don't get it for the reason that I get flu symptoms from them and ain't nobody got time for that.

    I barely get sick anyways.

    They are, yes. The virus is tracked throughout the year and monitored so that any changes are noted and the new vaccine created based on the direction they believe it is heading in.

    How do you know all this stuff?! :-D

  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Just because it's a big concern to me right now. Any other pregnant ladies here is the March of Dimes site on immunization during pregnancy.

    I will be getting mine as I work in healthcare, and the idea of a sick baby scares me to death.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member

    As I said earlier in the thread, I am really smart and read a lot. :tongue:

    Plus I've discussed vaccines ad nauseum so pretty much everything that has been said in this thread I've gone through a half dozen times already.

    Too bad most of the anti-vaccine people have left the discussion. Not that they were willing to change their mind.

    It's fine. They are only fun to point and laugh at anyway.
    That's funny - that's also what I think about all the sheep that follow what everyone tells them to do. It's probably those same people that own iPhones.
  • iamanadult
    iamanadult Posts: 709 Member

    As I said earlier in the thread, I am really smart and read a lot. :tongue:

    Plus I've discussed vaccines ad nauseum so pretty much everything that has been said in this thread I've gone through a half dozen times already.

    Too bad most of the anti-vaccine people have left the discussion. Not that they were willing to change their mind.

    It's fine. They are only fun to point and laugh at anyway.

    hey that was rude and hurt my feelings.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Bump to read later. This is gonna get awesome.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    What a hate-filled thread this is.

    If people don't want to get vaccinated then why should you care? If your vaccines work so well then their medical condition shouldn't affect you.

    In other words live and let live. Stop being so hateful and calling people names just because their choices are not your choices.

    Everyone who insulted those who chose to not vaccinate is completely guilty of bigoted hate. Go examine your hearts, folks. You're the worst kind of people out there for thinking that you should be able to force others to get medical treatment that they don't agree with. Whatever happened to 'getting along'?

    You would do well to read the last few pages of the thread. People get vaccinated for the benefit of themselves and everyone they interact with. I have never gotten the flu EVER, but I do it for the sake of my kid, my husband, my parents, and everyone that I work with.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    What a hate-filled thread this is.

    If people don't want to get vaccinated then why should you care? If your vaccines work so well then their medical condition shouldn't affect you.

    In other words live and let live. Stop being so hateful and calling people names just because their choices are not your choices.

    Everyone who insulted those who chose to not vaccinate is completely guilty of bigoted hate. Go examine your hearts, folks. You're the worst kind of people out there for thinking that you should be able to force others to get medical treatment that they don't agree with. Whatever happened to 'getting along'?

    Lemme guess :laugh:
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    As I said earlier in the thread, I am really smart and read a lot. :tongue:

    Plus I've discussed vaccines ad nauseum so pretty much everything that has been said in this thread I've gone through a half dozen times already.

    Too bad most of the anti-vaccine people have left the discussion. Not that they were willing to change their mind.

    It's fine. They are only fun to point and laugh at anyway.
    That's funny - that's also what I think about all the sheep that follow what everyone tells them to do. It's probably those same people that own iPhones.

    I'm a Samsung gal myself. :-D
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    As I said earlier in the thread, I am really smart and read a lot. :tongue:

    Plus I've discussed vaccines ad nauseum so pretty much everything that has been said in this thread I've gone through a half dozen times already.

    Too bad most of the anti-vaccine people have left the discussion. Not that they were willing to change their mind.

    It's fine. They are only fun to point and laugh at anyway.
    That's funny - that's also what I think about all the sheep that follow what everyone tells them to do. It's probably those same people that own iPhones.

    I have an Android.

  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Also, if you do not have a current tetanus shot - doctors will not let you depart their office without it.
    That is not true.

    I petty much remmeber my tetanus shots based on my clumsiness.

    In 1999, I accidentally spilled boiling water on my hand and they gave me a tetanus shot in the ER.

    I didn't have another until this past June when I broke my arms rollerblading.

    Ah... I was physically prevented from leaving til I got mine that was .... well, I didn't remember the previous one. I think it was when I went to college, so it would have been more than 15 years. They told me it was state law. I seriously fought with them about it. So I should have caveated that... my bad.

    Yeah it could be based on state law. In Texas, we weren't allowed to attend school unless we had one every ten years.
    I had to prove I was vaccinated for college. I was probably in the 10 years at that point. As an adult, though, I've been a bad girl about tetanus shots. I just forget and my doctor hasn't said anything to remind me.

    But I'm good for the next 10 years now! lol

    I didn't have to prove I had vaccines when going to college... I didn't even have to the Hep vaccine(s) before living in a dorm... here in Texas you can fill out and have noterized an affidavit stating that your child has not recieved such and such vaccine(s)... based on either religious or philosophical reasons.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    What a hate-filled thread this is.

    If people don't want to get vaccinated then why should you care? If your vaccines work so well then their medical condition shouldn't affect you.

    In other words live and let live. Stop being so hateful and calling people names just because their choices are not your choices.

    Everyone who insulted those who chose to not vaccinate is completely guilty of bigoted hate. Go examine your hearts, folks. You're the worst kind of people out there for thinking that you should be able to force others to get medical treatment that they don't agree with. Whatever happened to 'getting along'?

    I think the anger comes from people putting your health and the health of a child at risk. You may only feel slightly ill, but if you pick up a baby or touch an elderly person you have just put their lives at risk. How would you feel if your child was dying because someone didnt prevent a disease that is preventable?
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    This gif made me lol. Hehe
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    What a hate-filled thread this is.

    If people don't want to get vaccinated then why should you care? If your vaccines work so well then their medical condition shouldn't affect you.

    In other words live and let live. Stop being so hateful and calling people names just because their choices are not your choices.

    Everyone who insulted those who chose to not vaccinate is completely guilty of bigoted hate. Go examine your hearts, folks. You're the worst kind of people out there for thinking that you should be able to force others to get medical treatment that they don't agree with. Whatever happened to 'getting along'?

    If hating stupid people makes me a bigot, then by golly I am a bigot!!!
This discussion has been closed.