What does your day look like? Fitting in exercise...



  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    Up at 6am, make breakfast and lunches for myself and my daughter
    7am, drop my daughter off at school
    7:30 to 4:00 work
    (my evenings vary depending on day of week)
    Monday and Thursday Gym from 4:30 to 5:30
    Tuesday straight home, (hubby's bowling night)
    Wednesday drop daughter off at Girl Scouts and I walk the near by park 5:30 to 7pm
    Friday straight home (Hubby visits his ailling mom)
    Home to make dinner
    Dishes while daughter (10yrs) finishes homework
    7pm walk the dog with daughter
    7:30pm Bath time for daughter and I pick up around the house
    8:00pm bed time for daughter, and hubby time for me
    9pm Shower
    9:30 to 10pm bedtime
  • brittvondiesel
    While I don't have a family, I do work two jobs and am away from home for a total of 14 hours Mon-Fri. My schedule, when I work out is:

    4:45am Wake up and spend 15 minutes talking myself into working out
    5:00am (when the pep talk is successful) work out at home 30 minutes (workout dvds)
    5:45-7:00 shower, get ready for work, light housework, feed the dog, leave by 7 to get to work by 7:45 (35 mile commute)
    8;00-4:45 Work, (office job) I have a 30 minutes lunch break that I use to eat and to pack my dinner for the evening
    4:45-5:15 commute to second job
    5:15- 8:30 or 9:00 work. second job is cleaning offices after hours. This requires lots of walking and bending, and I do log it as exercise every day
    8:30 ish to 9:00 or 9:30ish Commute home, 25 mile drive
    9:30-10:30 shower and get ready for bed

    Rinse and repeat for the next 5 days.

    My Saturday consists of house cleaning, errands, and grocery shopping and I try to squeeze in a 30 minute workout. My Sundays are my days to mentally unwind. I usually do something active with the boyfriend, but we have had Sundays that we don't leave the couch. LOL

    Kudos to those with these busy schedules that have committed to working out regularly. I think that if I could get it in my mind that something is better than nothing in regards to working out, I would be much more successful at it. :)