5 Weeks into Strong Lifts and No Results!



  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    I don't give a hoot who is sick and tired of my questions and i DID take the advice from the people after all the questions. I took the advice and have been DOING it for the last 5 weeks. And I AM consistent with lifting and I AM consistent with my eating - how consistent can u be while calorie cycling???

    Anyways, since I took the advice and followed it for 5 weeks I really thought I would see something more but now ive figured out that getting stronger is really progress then this is gonna be what keeps me going "ya! I got stronger in the last 5 weeks" "Im gonna keep going to see if fat loss will happen cuz that's all i really want...."

    It was about 3 months before I noticed any change in the way my body looked. And even then, there were only very, very small changes.

    Why are you calorie cycling?

    Calorie cycling helps to not go over weekly calorie intake.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Well I'm not sure what to tell you. If you are SURE you are being very accurate with your logging and measuring, then maybe you should trying not doing the calorie cycling. Or try to lower you goal by about 100-200 calories a day. I saw a lot of days with lower protein and higher carbs, being diabetic you might have more success with lower carbs (if you medication allows for it).

    The lack of fat loss is a function of diet, not your lifting program.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Well I'm not sure what to tell you. If you are SURE you are being very accurate with your logging and measuring, then maybe you should trying not doing the calorie cycling. Or try to lower you goal by about 100-200 calories a day. I saw a lot of days with lower protein and higher carbs, being diabetic you might have more success with lower carbs (if you medication allows for it).

    The lack of fat loss is a function of diet, not your lifting program.

    U are right! i haven't done the calorie cycle for that long though so im gonna give it a bit longer but as for the carbies, yes i will cut back by on my higher cals days, cals will come from other things instead. Big fat bbq steak mmmmmmmm
  • kiykiy79
    kiykiy79 Posts: 177
    I have been doing SL since April and have seen gains in both strength and muscle which was my ultimate goal. I have been questioning myself as to how long I was going to do the program. I LOVE it and feel I can do it until infinity, but I know my body will get immune to it and the gains will decline. Note - I have had a few deloads and switched the program up here and there to continue to be effective.

    I suscribe to Elliot Hulse Youtube channel and this video helped me decide where to go with SL... I think this might help you out as well. I ENCOURAGE you to check it out...


    Good luck!!!
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    I'll bite. In the past 7 days, according to your diary, you consumed 11,844 calories. If your TDEE is 2034, as your profile states, than TDEE calories are 14,238. Your deficit is 2394 for one week. General rule of thumb, 3500 calories in deficit will lose approx 1 pound. So theoretically speaking, you should have lost 0.684 pounds over the past week. I challenge anyone here to state they can visually see a 2/3 pound weight loss in the mirror (since you don't provide accurate weights or measurements I can only assume you are going off of visuals).

    1. Be consistent with your caloric intake. You are still trying to understand the basics of TDEE, deficits, and how your body responds. Why are you complicating things with calorie cycling? My guess is you keep blowing your target so you have to eat less the next day to "compensate". Or are you cycling deliberately?

    2. Patience patience patience. 5 weeks is nothing.

    3. Weigh, or preferably measure, yourself regularly. Otherwise how can you possibly know if you are making progress.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    I'll bite. In the past 7 days, according to your diary, you consumed 11,844 calories. If your TDEE is 2034, as your profile states, than TDEE calories are 14,238. Your deficit is 2394 for one week. General rule of thumb, 3500 calories in deficit will lose approx 1 pound. So theoretically speaking, you should have lost 0.684 pounds over the past week. I challenge anyone here to state they can visually see a 2/3 pound weight loss in the mirror (since you don't provide accurate weights or measurements I can only assume you are going off of visuals).

    1. Be consistent with your caloric intake. You are still trying to understand the basics of TDEE, deficits, and how your body responds. Why are you complicating things with calorie cycling? My guess is you keep blowing your target so you have to eat less the next day to "compensate". Or are you cycling deliberately?

    2. Patience patience patience. 5 weeks is nothing.

    3. Weigh, or preferably measure, yourself regularly. Otherwise how can you possibly know if you are making progress.

    Thanks for this post! As for my TDEE, ya it says on my profile 2048 but i think it's really supposed to be around 2200 because ive done the research on TDEE and my level of activities. BUT some days are slower than others and dah dah dah..... so im unsure. Either way, im confident that im at a deficit at the end of the week. And yes sometimes i calorie cycle cuz i blew it the day before but for the most part it's so i can save up for a cheat day. Like thanksgiving dinner this weekend!!! Yum!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I'll bite. In the past 7 days, according to your diary, you consumed 11,844 calories. If your TDEE is 2034, as your profile states, than TDEE calories are 14,238. Your deficit is 2394 for one week. General rule of thumb, 3500 calories in deficit will lose approx 1 pound. So theoretically speaking, you should have lost 0.684 pounds over the past week. I challenge anyone here to state they can visually see a 2/3 pound weight loss in the mirror (since you don't provide accurate weights or measurements I can only assume you are going off of visuals).

    1. Be consistent with your caloric intake. You are still trying to understand the basics of TDEE, deficits, and how your body responds. Why are you complicating things with calorie cycling? My guess is you keep blowing your target so you have to eat less the next day to "compensate". Or are you cycling deliberately?

    2. Patience patience patience. 5 weeks is nothing.

    3. Weigh, or preferably measure, yourself regularly. Otherwise how can you possibly know if you are making progress.

    Thanks for this post! As for my TDEE, ya it says on my profile 2048 but i think it's really supposed to be around 2200 because ive done the research on TDEE and my level of activities. BUT some days are slower than others and dah dah dah..... so im unsure. Either way, im confident that im at a deficit at the end of the week. And yes sometimes i calorie cycle cuz i blew it the day before but for the most part it's so i can save up for a cheat day. Like thanksgiving dinner this weekend!!! Yum!

    You can research your TDEE on whatever website using whatever calculator you want, but your body knows its actual TDEE and, if you are eating near or above it, you won't lose anything.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    I'll bite. In the past 7 days, according to your diary, you consumed 11,844 calories. If your TDEE is 2034, as your profile states, than TDEE calories are 14,238. Your deficit is 2394 for one week. General rule of thumb, 3500 calories in deficit will lose approx 1 pound. So theoretically speaking, you should have lost 0.684 pounds over the past week. I challenge anyone here to state they can visually see a 2/3 pound weight loss in the mirror (since you don't provide accurate weights or measurements I can only assume you are going off of visuals).

    1. Be consistent with your caloric intake. You are still trying to understand the basics of TDEE, deficits, and how your body responds. Why are you complicating things with calorie cycling? My guess is you keep blowing your target so you have to eat less the next day to "compensate". Or are you cycling deliberately?

    2. Patience patience patience. 5 weeks is nothing.

    3. Weigh, or preferably measure, yourself regularly. Otherwise how can you possibly know if you are making progress.

    Thanks for this post! As for my TDEE, ya it says on my profile 2048 but i think it's really supposed to be around 2200 because ive done the research on TDEE and my level of activities. BUT some days are slower than others and dah dah dah..... so im unsure. Either way, im confident that im at a deficit at the end of the week. And yes sometimes i calorie cycle cuz i blew it the day before but for the most part it's so i can save up for a cheat day. Like thanksgiving dinner this weekend!!! Yum!

    You can research your TDEE on whatever website using whatever calculator you want, but your body knows its actual TDEE and, if you are eating near or above it, you won't lose anything.

    Yes! We can only guestimate and figure it out ourselves with trial and error and if something changes in our lives, then we are back to square one to figure TDEE out all over again. Yippee!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    so you know that you haven't lost weight over the last 5 weeks. Take your average cals/day and that is your TDEE.