When does that negative voice inside our heads shut up?



  • xbted
    xbted Posts: 41 Member
    It took years for me to make it go away, and even at that I'm not sure if it's gone or just hiding. But the thing is, I like to tell that little voice to kiss my @$$ and yell at it in my head when I run. I use my hatred of all of those voices to propel me, and it's like I burn them and use them as rocket fuel. And when I finish my 10K or 15K races, still being 50 pounds overweight, and seeing 'fit' people standing at the sidelines, I feel justified!!!!
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Have you read, The Oatmeal - Why I run? http://theoatmeal.com/comics/running - It's a cute little comic that talks exactly about this. The voice you hear, the negativity, it will never really go away. It's up to you to make it shut up. And every time it tries to talk to you, just tell it to go away. Don't listen to it.

    The Oatmeal is awesome. He should sell a running shirt with the Blerch on the back of it.

    This is the best running comic I've ever seen and ALL of it is true.

    And he does sell the Blerch shirt, actually :) I have one. http://theoatmeal.com/blog/blerch_shirts

    Holy crap, I'm ordering one this week.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    From what I see you look GAWGEOUS! Just LOVELY!

    I had that negative voice kicking in this morning, mine is usually linked with 'you're not smart enough.'

    Then I had some coworkers tell me some jokes and had a good laugh. Had some coffeee and perked up.

    It happens to the best of us! :tongue:

    Thank you- you are very sweet. I am feeling much better today- Just some days are more tough than others... Yumm...coffee ;-)
  • PhillymomMindy
    PhillymomMindy Posts: 14 Member
    I,m asking myself the same thing. I'm glad Im not alone, I have been having a bad week and this week isnt going so well either.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    Honestly, for me it NEVER stopped. I am always telling myself to give up and that it isn't worth it anymore. I find excuses to say *kitten* it and over eat. I find excuses to say *kitten* it and skip my work outs. All from time to time. In the end, I continue doing what I am doing and so far have always found my way to get back on track. I made a goal in 2011 and I intend on achieving that goal. 25 pounds left to go.

    I can relate- I was having one of those moments when I posted on here.

    You GO! You are kicking butt! What an inspiration to see your success- and be able to relate to one anther. All the posts have really helped me realize I am not alone...
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    I think it stops when you "get it", when you stop considering this a "diet" & consider it a life long journey. I got to that place by the 6wk mark, I am now in week 35. I haven't once had the feeling of "I should just stop" or wanting to give up once I reached that point, before then? Absolutely. But this stopped feeling like a chore for me after about 4-5wks, things became a natural process, esp prepping my food, weighing it out etc it just became second nature. It felt so much apart of my life that there was no reason for the negative feelings to come up on a daily basis. The part I struggle with is looking in the mirror & often still seeing the "old me", the one that was just shy of 300lbs even though I've lost 84lbs but that comes & goes & its getting better. I find the mirror isn't a good comparison, its better to have before & after pics & put together side by side comparisons regularly, doing my measurements helps too. Good luck!

    Good for you- you must be a strong willed person.

    I def. dont think this is a diet- and I couldnt tell you how long I have been making changes to my life style- its been a couple years now at least. I do agree that seeing the before and after numbers as well as pics are interesting for me. Measurements easily pic me back up...
    ... Just honestly sometimes tho se stupid neg. thoughts still creep in... Few and far between but I just feel like they should be gone all together seeing as I KNOW i have accomplished SO SO SO much!
  • as05224
    as05224 Posts: 7 Member
    I am glad for this message board post, because that pesky voice on the inside can over power me somedays. I tell her to STFU but sometimes, she can be very negative and loud sometimes beyond annoying, epecially during a hard work out, "she yells its your fault you cant do it as well as you should", sometimes she made me cry but now I tell her "don't nobody got time for your nonesense you are a non factor and you are mad because you are still fat and i AM ON MY WAY TO FREEDM!
  • teaparty75
    Have you read, The Oatmeal - Why I run? http://theoatmeal.com/comics/running - It's a cute little comic that talks exactly about this. The voice you hear, the negativity, it will never really go away. It's up to you to make it shut up. And every time it tries to talk to you, just tell it to go away. Don't listen to it.

    The Oatmeal is awesome. He should sell a running shirt with the Blerch on the back of it.

    This is the best running comic I've ever seen and ALL of it is true.

    And he does sell the Blerch shirt, actually :) I have one. http://theoatmeal.com/blog/blerch_shirts

    Holy crap, I'm ordering one this week.

    THE OATMEAL IS AWESOME - thanks for turning me on to it !! i sooo need that magnet to go on the fridge !
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    It doesn't. My positive voice that says "OMG girl, you looked hot in them jeans last night!" just talks over it. :-D

    ^ This is it. It never shuts up for me, but you can drown it out.
  • Artaxia
    Artaxia Posts: 185
    Mine never goes away.