Doctor Says Phentermine Long Term Not a Problem....Really?



  • grentea
    grentea Posts: 96 Member
    I didn't read all of the post and maybe I'm way off base but I'm insulin resistant and prediabetic and I've never been more than 5 pounds overweight. I don't have PCOS, but I've never understood why people act like you lose weight any differently. It may be harder, but it is not impossible. Take the phentermine if you want. Several people have already said it's not a good idea and you can lose weight without it. Do what you want, but you don't need it to lose weight. There are side effects and there is no telling how you will respond to this long term.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    Cut your white carbs out and you will lose weight and feel great... no need for long term medication... whether its addictive or not, its not natural . Ive taken it before, and yes I lost weight, but gained it back once I stopped taking it... as far as long term, I would get a different doctor for a 2nd opinion as most research shows that its not a medication to be used for the rest of your life, most are prescribed it for 3-9 months.
  • PCOS_Gal
    Really, wasn't comparing Phentermine to aspirin. I was comparing how it is absurd to say I got X, Y ,Z from this drug when there is no statistically significant evidence to say otherwise. Aspirin was just a "For example"

    Thanks for all the rest of the information on Aspirin though...I am sure someone will find it useful.

    Additional Relevant to the UK and EU all surrounding the Fen-Phen (i.e bad heart valves) scare and why they pulled it...

    Ah, but it was your example that was absurd.

    If you are interested in the real reason for EU refusal of Phen - go to the source, EMA now publishes info on product reviews.

    From the Qsiva filing.
    Safety issues
    Known adverse events with the use of phentermine are palpitations, tachycardia, elevation of blood
    pressure, psychosis, CNS and gastrointestinal effects
    and with the use of topiramate paraesthesia, changes
    in taste, ocular disorders, psychiatric and cognitive disorders. Many of these adverse events were also
    reported with Qsiva as a fixed-dose combination of phentermine/topiramate in four pivotal Phase III studies
    and two supportive Phase II studies. There was a dose-dependent increase in the incidence of depression
    (3.8% in the mid dose group vs. 7.7% in the highest dose group, with 3.4% in the placebo group), anxiety
    (4.8% vs. 7.9%, respectively, with 2.6% in the placebo group), insomnia (6.8% vs. 10.8%, respectively,
    with 5.7% in the placebo group), paraesthesia (11.8% vs. 17.3%, respectively, with 1.2% in the placebo
    group) and cognitive disorders (5.0% vs. 7.6%, respectively, with 1.5% in the placebo group; mainly
    attention disturbances, memory impairment and language disorders). In the setting of long term use of this
    product in a large population, the frequency of adverse psychiatric effects and their consequences, as well as
    the cognitive effects, are unknown
    Phentermine’s mechanism of action is of concern as it has sympathomimetic properties inducing cardiac stimulation and its use is associated with an increase in heart rate. It is only being approved for short term periods of treatment (less than three months) and its long term cardiac toxicity is unknown.

    As to your claim that there are no cardio cases, I can, really as last suggestion offer, the text from the label
    there have been rare cases of PPH in patients who reportedly have taken phentermine alone.
    The possible role of phentermine in the etiology of these valvulopathies has not been established and their course in individuals after the drugs are stopped is not known. The possibility of an association between valvular heart disease and the use of phentermine alone cannot be ruled out; there have been rare cases of valvular heart disease in patients who reportedly have taken phentermine alone.

    So while I agree that it is highly unlikely to have a risk og heart disease, this is different from no cases.

    Anyway, best of luck on your weight loss and quest for a doctor.

    PS - Along with JoO there are another half dozen reputable journals around obesity and metabolism.

    It is pointless continue to debate with you as you are ignoring all facts that I have stated (as well as glossing over the facts in your own cut and paste information) as well as forgoing all reason. You even ignored point blank the stated reason Phentermine was banned in the UK via my link and began to provide your own "Truth"...but I am learning people who do not like or believe in phentermine this is a running theme.... and the ideological debate will continue and those pesky things like facts will be overlooked for more visceral information like strongly stated judgements and opinions......That is what is truly absurd.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Really, wasn't comparing Phentermine to aspirin. I was comparing how it is absurd to say I got X, Y ,Z from this drug when there is no statistically significant evidence to say otherwise. Aspirin was just a "For example"

    Thanks for all the rest of the information on Aspirin though...I am sure someone will find it useful.

    Additional Relevant to the UK and EU all surrounding the Fen-Phen (i.e bad heart valves) scare and why they pulled it...

    Ah, but it was your example that was absurd.

    If you are interested in the real reason for EU refusal of Phen - go to the source, EMA now publishes info on product reviews.

    From the Qsiva filing.
    Safety issues
    Known adverse events with the use of phentermine are palpitations, tachycardia, elevation of blood
    pressure, psychosis, CNS and gastrointestinal effects
    and with the use of topiramate paraesthesia, changes
    in taste, ocular disorders, psychiatric and cognitive disorders. Many of these adverse events were also
    reported with Qsiva as a fixed-dose combination of phentermine/topiramate in four pivotal Phase III studies
    and two supportive Phase II studies. There was a dose-dependent increase in the incidence of depression
    (3.8% in the mid dose group vs. 7.7% in the highest dose group, with 3.4% in the placebo group), anxiety
    (4.8% vs. 7.9%, respectively, with 2.6% in the placebo group), insomnia (6.8% vs. 10.8%, respectively,
    with 5.7% in the placebo group), paraesthesia (11.8% vs. 17.3%, respectively, with 1.2% in the placebo
    group) and cognitive disorders (5.0% vs. 7.6%, respectively, with 1.5% in the placebo group; mainly
    attention disturbances, memory impairment and language disorders). In the setting of long term use of this
    product in a large population, the frequency of adverse psychiatric effects and their consequences, as well as
    the cognitive effects, are unknown
    Phentermine’s mechanism of action is of concern as it has sympathomimetic properties inducing cardiac stimulation and its use is associated with an increase in heart rate. It is only being approved for short term periods of treatment (less than three months) and its long term cardiac toxicity is unknown.

    As to your claim that there are no cardio cases, I can, really as last suggestion offer, the text from the label
    there have been rare cases of PPH in patients who reportedly have taken phentermine alone.
    The possible role of phentermine in the etiology of these valvulopathies has not been established and their course in individuals after the drugs are stopped is not known. The possibility of an association between valvular heart disease and the use of phentermine alone cannot be ruled out; there have been rare cases of valvular heart disease in patients who reportedly have taken phentermine alone.

    So while I agree that it is highly unlikely to have a risk og heart disease, this is different from no cases.

    Anyway, best of luck on your weight loss and quest for a doctor.

    PS - Along with JoO there are another half dozen reputable journals around obesity and metabolism.

    It is pointless continue to debate with you as you are ignoring all facts that I have stated (as well as glossing over the facts in your own cut and paste information) as well as forgoing all reason. You even ignored point blank the stated reason Phentermine was banned in the UK via my link and began to provide your own "Truth"...but I am learning people who do not like or believe in phentermine this is a running theme.... and the ideological debate will continue and those pesky things like facts will be overlooked for more visceral information like strongly stated judgements and opinions......That is what is truly absurd.

    You're arguing that *Evg* is participating in selective debating and cherry picking?

    I truly wish there was an ability to unsubscribe from threads so I could pretend like this thread doesn't exist and not see when there are updates to it.
  • PCOS_Gal
    I didn't read all of the post and maybe I'm way off base but I'm insulin resistant and prediabetic and I've never been more than 5 pounds overweight. I don't have PCOS, but I've never understood why people act like you lose weight any differently. It may be harder, but it is not impossible. Take the phentermine if you want. Several people have already said it's not a good idea and you can lose weight without it. Do what you want, but you don't need it to lose weight. There are side effects and there is no telling how you will respond to this long term.

    Because there are several different types of PCOS and obviously people lose weight differntly and I explained some posts ago why it is different/harder for some with PCOS to lose weight....not all with PCOS.

    You are in good company however of people who didn't fully read or understand the OP and of the ranks of posters who provided unsolicited advice and opinions that I didn't ask for about phentermine.
  • PCOS_Gal

    You're arguing that *Evg* is participating in selective debating and cherry picking?

    I truly wish there was an ability to unsubscribe from threads so I could pretend like this thread doesn't exist and not see when there are updates to it.

    Have at it. It is within you control not to respond or even read good luck to you with that.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    You have a baby ... You worked very hard to have said baby ... I assume you would like to be around to see said baby grow into an adult ...

    Gut if not, go ahead, ignore what everyone hear is telling you, and take what amounts to pharmaceutical meth, long-term ...

    Traditional diet and exercise, it works ... I have a thyroid condition, I have to be a bit more careful than the average person to maintain, You have PCOS, you have to be a bit more careful, too ... Boohoo, suck it up and stop complaining ...
  • PCOS_Gal
    You have a baby ... You worked very hard to have said baby ... I assume you would like to be around to see said baby grow into an adult ...

    Gut if not, go ahead, ignore what everyone hear is telling you, and take what amounts to pharmaceutical meth, long-term ...

    Traditional diet and exercise, it works ... I have a thyroid condition, I have to be a bit more careful than the average person to maintain, You have PCOS, you have to be a bit more careful, too ... Boohoo, suck it up and stop complaining ...

    Never asked if I should take Phentermine long term...never stated I wanted to take phetermine long term....never asked for anyone's advice about if i should or should not take phentermine...never....BLAH....this is hopeless.....I can't barely even type refer to the original OP anymore....just going to cut and paste from now on I think.

    I am thinking to myself people can not really be this dense...right???
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i'm still waiting for someone to pop in here with a Phen success story. All these posts and not a single one. Sure, a bunch of people, including the OP, have stated that they "lost weight while on it, but then gained it back for 'different reasons' other than just ceasing to take the drug. Tons of users, lots of bad reactions and side effects, but not one person that was like, "Yep, I took it, lost all the weight, stopped taking it and have been eating normally and not gaining back the weight for X years. Yeah, this really sounds like a drug I'd want to be on for a long time. All the side effects and none of the success.

    Can someone pop over to the Success Stories section of the site and see if there are any Phen tales in there? Damn sure aren't any over here.
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    i'm still waiting for someone to pop in here with a Phen success story. All these posts and not a single one. Sure, a bunch of people, including the OP, have stated that they "lost weight while on it, but then gained it back for 'different reasons' other than just ceasing to take the drug. Tons of users, lots of bad reactions and side effects, but not one person that was like, "Yep, I took it, lost all the weight, stopped taking it and have been eating normally and not gaining back the weight for X years. Yeah, this really sounds like a drug I'd want to be on for a long time. All the side effects and none of the success.

    Can someone pop over to the Success Stories section of the site and see if there are any Phen tales in there? Damn sure aren't any over here.

    But I thought the statistics of people regaining the weight they lost was 95% irregardless of any dietary aids. And I saw plenty of posters who stated they used it successfully. Just because they gained the weight back when they stopped means nothing in light of the general statistics IMO.
  • JavaJael
    JavaJael Posts: 43 Member
    okay I'm not going to beat the phentermine horse ....

    I have PCOS, I know it's damn hard to lose weight. It IS possible to do it though - without phen (I have once). You should be on metformin though if you're still having PCOS symptoms, and even if you're not but you're insulin resistant or showing signs of hyperinsulinaemia - then you should be on Metformin still.

    I can't speak to maintaining a loss with PCOS though - I regained weight after both my pregnancies (not during pregnant but after when I couldn't work out as hard and I didn't eat as clean). I had two babies who didn't sleep. I haven't slept more than 4 hours consistently in 9 years now. Pretty sure the sleep deprivation isn't helping my weightloss situation.

    At any rate - I just wanted to say that it IS possible to lose weight and even drop your cholesterol without meds. If you can do it without taking pills it's better (in my opinion) but you know what they say - that opinions are like *kitten* - everyone's got one.
  • PCOS_Gal
    i'm still waiting for someone to pop in here with a Phen success story. All these posts and not a single one. Sure, a bunch of people, including the OP, have stated that they "lost weight while on it, but then gained it back for 'different reasons' other than just ceasing to take the drug. Tons of users, lots of bad reactions and side effects, but not one person that was like, "Yep, I took it, lost all the weight, stopped taking it and have been eating normally and not gaining back the weight for X years. Yeah, this really sounds like a drug I'd want to be on for a long time. All the side effects and none of the success.

    Can someone pop over to the Success Stories section of the site and see if there are any Phen tales in there? Damn sure aren't any over here.

    Most people who go on a diet and lose weight gain it back....thus...not sure the relevance in your statement.

    I doubt after the treatment I have gotten talking about Phentermine any one would admit to it....people on this thread have been harsh, rude and extremely judgmental....which is surprising on a forum that I thought was suppose to be positive and encourage people.

    Again, the biggest indicator of long term success in any weight loss program is lifestyle adherence (as per the research barring psychological and medical reasons) Diets don't work because people can not stick to a diet long term.

    Thus, phentermine in it self doesn't cause people to gain weight back. If you never learned how to change your eating habits in conjunction with it use...along with most diets out will likely gain the weight back once you stop the diet...or in this case drug.
  • PCOS_Gal
    okay I'm not going to beat the phentermine horse ....

    I have PCOS, I know it's damn hard to lose weight. It IS possible to do it though - without phen (I have once). You should be on metformin though if you're still having PCOS symptoms, and even if you're not but you're insulin resistant or showing signs of hyperinsulinaemia - then you should be on Metformin still.

    I can't speak to maintaining a loss with PCOS though - I regained weight after both my pregnancies (not during pregnant but after when I couldn't work out as hard and I didn't eat as clean). I had two babies who didn't sleep. I haven't slept more than 4 hours consistently in 9 years now. Pretty sure the sleep deprivation isn't helping my weightloss situation.

    At any rate - I just wanted to say that it IS possible to lose weight and even drop your cholesterol without meds. If you can do it without taking pills it's better (in my opinion) but you know what they say - that opinions are like *kitten* - everyone's got one.

    Yes...opinions are...especially since I wasn't asking for opinions via the original OP....I was asking for people who had been on Phentermine what people had heard or their personal experience....but that hasn't stopped the opinions from coming....In has been quite fascinating.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i'm still waiting for someone to pop in here with a Phen success story. All these posts and not a single one. Sure, a bunch of people, including the OP, have stated that they "lost weight while on it, but then gained it back for 'different reasons' other than just ceasing to take the drug. Tons of users, lots of bad reactions and side effects, but not one person that was like, "Yep, I took it, lost all the weight, stopped taking it and have been eating normally and not gaining back the weight for X years. Yeah, this really sounds like a drug I'd want to be on for a long time. All the side effects and none of the success.

    Can someone pop over to the Success Stories section of the site and see if there are any Phen tales in there? Damn sure aren't any over here.

    Most people who go on a diet and lose weight gain it back....thus...not sure the relevance in your statement.

    I doubt after the treatment I have gotten talking about Phentermine any one would admit to it....people on this thread have been harsh, rude and extremely judgmental....which is surprising on a forum that I thought was suppose to be positive and encourage people.

    Again, the biggest indicator of long term success in any weight loss program is lifestyle adherence (as per the research barring psychological and medical reasons) Diets don't work because people can not stick to a diet long term.

    Thus, phentermine in it self doesn't cause people to gain weight back. If you never learned how to change your eating habits in conjunction with it use...along with most diets out will likely gain the weight back once you stop the diet...or in this case drug.

    and yet not only are you dead set on taking it, you want to start taking it long term. even tho you say yourself that you will most likely gain the weight back when you stop.

    like i said before, all the risks with none of the return. best of luck to you in your fitness journey.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    i'm still waiting for someone to pop in here with a Phen success story. All these posts and not a single one. Sure, a bunch of people, including the OP, have stated that they "lost weight while on it, but then gained it back for 'different reasons' other than just ceasing to take the drug. Tons of users, lots of bad reactions and side effects, but not one person that was like, "Yep, I took it, lost all the weight, stopped taking it and have been eating normally and not gaining back the weight for X years. Yeah, this really sounds like a drug I'd want to be on for a long time. All the side effects and none of the success.

    Can someone pop over to the Success Stories section of the site and see if there are any Phen tales in there? Damn sure aren't any over here.

    This thread has been an exercise in incredulity for me. It's becoming my daily chuckle to read at this point.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • PCOS_Gal
    i'm still waiting for someone to pop in here with a Phen success story. All these posts and not a single one. Sure, a bunch of people, including the OP, have stated that they "lost weight while on it, but then gained it back for 'different reasons' other than just ceasing to take the drug. Tons of users, lots of bad reactions and side effects, but not one person that was like, "Yep, I took it, lost all the weight, stopped taking it and have been eating normally and not gaining back the weight for X years. Yeah, this really sounds like a drug I'd want to be on for a long time. All the side effects and none of the success.

    Can someone pop over to the Success Stories section of the site and see if there are any Phen tales in there? Damn sure aren't any over here.

    Most people who go on a diet and lose weight gain it back....thus...not sure the relevance in your statement.

    I doubt after the treatment I have gotten talking about Phentermine any one would admit to it....people on this thread have been harsh, rude and extremely judgmental....which is surprising on a forum that I thought was suppose to be positive and encourage people.

    Again, the biggest indicator of long term success in any weight loss program is lifestyle adherence (as per the research barring psychological and medical reasons) Diets don't work because people can not stick to a diet long term.

    Thus, phentermine in it self doesn't cause people to gain weight back. If you never learned how to change your eating habits in conjunction with it use...along with most diets out will likely gain the weight back once you stop the diet...or in this case drug.

    and yet not only are you dead set on taking it, you want to start taking it long term. even tho you say yourself that you will most likely gain the weight back when you stop.

    like i said before, all the risks with none of the return. best of luck to you in your fitness journey.

    There are no risks for And again...never asked for people to tell me if I should or shouldn't take it nor did I state i wanted to take it long fact... I have stated just the opposite....but that hasn't stopped the barrage of statements and posts of people assuming that I want to take phentermine till the day I die...which apparently by folks on here would be none too soon since I am taking phentermine.

    Here it is in other languages for those that are OBVIOUSLY not speaking English or understand the OP....hope THIS helps...

    Nie bat um die Leute zu mir sagen, wenn ich oder sollte nicht nehmen sollte phentermine, nach ihrer Meinung noch habe ich gesagt, ich wollte es nehmen langfristig. Bitte beachten Sie die ursprünglichen OP, wenn Sie verwirrt sind.

    Nunca pidió a las personas que me dicen si debo o no debo tomar phentermine, para su opinión, ni dije que quería llevarlo a largo plazo. Por favor, consulte el OP original si está confundido.


    N'ont jamais demandé aux gens de me dire si je devrais ou ne devrais pas prendre phentermine, pour leur opinion et je n'ai pas dit que je voulais le prendre à long terme. S'il vous plaît se référer à l'OP original si vous êtes confus.

    لم يطلب قط للناس أن تقول لي ما إذا كان ينبغي أو لا ينبغي أن تأخذ فينترمين، لرأيهم ولا أنا أقول إنني أردت أن أعتبر المدى الطويل. يرجى الرجوع إلى OP الاصلي إذا كنت الخلط.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    That awkward moment when you begin to suspect other posters are actually 12.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    i'm still waiting for someone to pop in here with a Phen success story. All these posts and not a single one. Sure, a bunch of people, including the OP, have stated that they "lost weight while on it, but then gained it back for 'different reasons' other than just ceasing to take the drug. Tons of users, lots of bad reactions and side effects, but not one person that was like, "Yep, I took it, lost all the weight, stopped taking it and have been eating normally and not gaining back the weight for X years. Yeah, this really sounds like a drug I'd want to be on for a long time. All the side effects and none of the success.

    Can someone pop over to the Success Stories section of the site and see if there are any Phen tales in there? Damn sure aren't any over here.

    Most people who go on a diet and lose weight gain it back....thus...not sure the relevance in your statement.

    I doubt after the treatment I have gotten talking about Phentermine any one would admit to it....people on this thread have been harsh, rude and extremely judgmental....which is surprising on a forum that I thought was suppose to be positive and encourage people.

    Again, the biggest indicator of long term success in any weight loss program is lifestyle adherence (as per the research barring psychological and medical reasons) Diets don't work because people can not stick to a diet long term.

    Thus, phentermine in it self doesn't cause people to gain weight back. If you never learned how to change your eating habits in conjunction with it use...along with most diets out will likely gain the weight back once you stop the diet...or in this case drug.

    and yet not only are you dead set on taking it, you want to start taking it long term. even tho you say yourself that you will most likely gain the weight back when you stop.

    like i said before, all the risks with none of the return. best of luck to you in your fitness journey.

    There are no risks for And again...never asked for people to tell me if I should or shouldn't take it nor did I state i wanted to take it long fact... I have stated just the opposite....but that hasn't stopped the barrage of statements and posts of people assuming that I want to take phentermine till the day I die...which apparently by folks on here would be none too soon since I am taking phentermine.

    Here it is in other languages for those that are OBVIOUSLY not speaking English or understand the OP....hope THIS helps...

    Nie bat um die Leute zu mir sagen, wenn ich oder sollte nicht nehmen sollte phentermine, nach ihrer Meinung noch habe ich gesagt, ich wollte es nehmen langfristig. Bitte beachten Sie die ursprünglichen OP, wenn Sie verwirrt sind.

    Nunca pidió a las personas que me dicen si debo o no debo tomar phentermine, para su opinión, ni dije que quería llevarlo a largo plazo. Por favor, consulte el OP original si está confundido.


    N'ont jamais demandé aux gens de me dire si je devrais ou ne devrais pas prendre phentermine, pour leur opinion et je n'ai pas dit que je voulais le prendre à long terme. S'il vous plaît se référer à l'OP original si vous êtes confus.

    لم يطلب قط للناس أن تقول لي ما إذا كان ينبغي أو لا ينبغي أن تأخذ فينترمين، لرأيهم ولا أنا أقول إنني أردت أن أعتبر المدى الطويل. يرجى الرجوع إلى OP الاصلي إذا كنت الخلط.

    Just so we're all clear here...

    ...this doesn't appear to be English, right?
This discussion has been closed.