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Why am i not losing!!!!!



  • tarabole
    tarabole Posts: 166 Member
    I am wondering if you are weight training?

    If you ARE weight training is it possible that your body composition is changing but because weighs more than fat, the scale isn't going down?

    If you are NOT weight training, perhaps that would help boost your metabolism. You may have hit a plateau. Changing up your workout routine and doing some HIIT (high intensity interval training) and trying something different may help you break out of the plateau.
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    Yes ma'am !! ....I made it all the way up to 247 pounds eating 600-800 calories a day and yes I logged with food scale readings ...slowly upped my cals to 1700-1900 a day lost ten pounds added workout another 30 on my rest weeks I can count on a loss ! I burn excercise wise 300-400 a day ...not including juggling three toddlers and house work ....stepping off my soap box ;)
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    @jeffpettis Im running 7 miles daily, thats about 800 calories and eating 1,200 a day?

    I'm not disputing the fact that you are burning a lot of calories. Sounds like you are Wonder Woman when it comes to running, but the simple fact is if you are not losing weight you are not in a deficit.

    So say she was accurate in her numbers ?? How would you explain that ? 1200 calories a day - 800 excercise = 400 calories net !! Seriously dissappointed the assumption of over eating at this calorie level is even being brought up ......my advice would be get more accurate with food measuring , hrm , figure out you TDEE AND BMR and go from there ....with The numbers posted she is DEF. not over eating

    Because if those numbers were 100% accurate and she is doing that much cardio, which I'm sure she is, then the weight would be falling off of her. I'm not jumping on her, you, or anyone else. I'm just saying that something in the math is not correct. All of us have done it at one time or another.

    But are you really saying that someone can run 100 miles in a month, eat exactly 1200 calories a day, and not lose weight? She should be able to eat over maintenance and still lose weight running that much.
  • pdipoajayi
    pdipoajayi Posts: 10 Member
    I agree with jeff. Her math has to be off somewhere. Unless you're 5% body fat, starvation mode is BS. Meaning, unless you're weight lifting, a calorie deficit will ALWAYS equal weight loss.

    Edit: Except if you have weird crazy hormonal or thyroid crap which would suck. If your numbers are indeed 100% accurate you should go see a doctor :)
  • 2spamagnet
    2spamagnet Posts: 60 Member
    You are not starving and storing fat. That does not happen. 1200 NET calories is a reasonable intake depending on your height. If you were "starving" and your body was using up muscle to feed itself, you most certainly could not keep up with 7 miles of running and children every day.

    3,500 calories = 1 lb of fat. So, eat 500 cal/day more than you need, and in a week you will have 1 lb more fat stored on your body. Eat 500 cal/day less than you need, and you will burn 1 lb of fat in one week (500 x 7 = 3,500). Per research, you can keep doing that until you get to about 5% body fat, and then other (bad) things will start to happen.

    If you have your stats in MFP set up right (always good to recheck, mine don't seem to update as I lose), it will show you what your daily intake should be to stay where you are at, and how many less calories/day you should avoid eating in order to lose weight. Add your exercise in, and that allows you to eat more in a day. It's your NET calories that is shown at the bottom of your Food Diary, and you should target a balance at the end of the day (0 "remaining"). If you go in the red one day, try to balance that another day.

  • Dont listen to that starvation mode mumbo jumbo. Are you accuratley weighing and measuring your food intake. I can almost guarantee that when you do youll be pretty shocked at how small food proportions really are.
  • shell_mc
    shell_mc Posts: 109 Member
    I would agree to make sure you're eating the number of calories you think you are. Are you eating a lot or not tracking on weekends?

    Also - if you think you're really accurate in your intake calculations, I'd go to the doctor to rule out any medical issues.

    Good luck!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    WOW...a bunch of clever guys..... Eat more.....regardless of what the wiseguy trio says...
  • 2spamagnet
    2spamagnet Posts: 60 Member
    Another thought on something to check into:

    Go to your “My Home” tab and click the “Goals” tab. Hit the “Change Goals” button. Do the “Guided” method and “Continue”. Update your current weight (if needed) and goal weight. Now, this is the tricky part:

    Sedentary: Spend most of the day sitting (e.g. bank teller, desk job) – 1.2
    Lightly Active: Spend a good part of the day on your feet (e.g. teacher, salesman) – 1.375
    Active: Spend a good part of the day doing some physical activity (e.g. waitress, mailman) – 1.55
    Very Active: Spend most of the day doing heavy physical activity (e.g. bike messenger, carpenter) – 1.725

    Disregard how much you exercise for this part. You can add workout info to your dairy daily.

    I have a desk job, so I use Sedentary. My wife is a construction worker, so she would fit in under Very Active. This might need to be tweaked for you. If you checked anything more active than “Sedentary”, and you think you are doing everything else right (counting calories/portion sizes, logging exercise), then set yourself back one level and save your changes.

    This is used to adjust your BMR to tell you how many calories you need to maintain your weight. Your BMR is internally calculated by MFP and adjusted per your activity level. You will notice your daily caloric needs go down. You can find more info here: http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/

    Basically, BMR is Basal Metabolic Rate and is about the same for people of the same height, but varies with age. It is the number of calories you need to sustain your body (organs) if you stay in bed all day.

    The activity levels above have factors that are used to adjust your Daily Caloric Needs. I added those to the descriptions above. Sedentary multiplies BMR by 1.2. If you play with those numbers, you will see they make a big difference. For me, these jumps equate to about 250 calories, or 0.5 lb/week of fat. Also see http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/harris-benedict-equation/

    I found this website numbers similar to MFP calculations. Since I started, with Sedentary as my activity level, I have set my goal as 0.5 lb/week (equal to 250 cal/day deficit). But I have averaged a little more than 1 lb/week lost over 8 weeks, and my net calories have been pretty close to meet my goals. I believe that with my other activities in life, I might be able to set my activity level to Lightly Active, as that would better balance my goals.

    If you are not losing weight, your activity level may be overestimated.

  • NinjaMaid
    NinjaMaid Posts: 48 Member
    Make sure you are getting enough protein. You need to make sure you are eating enough. If you don't fuel your metabolism your body stores rather than burn.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    WOW...a bunch of clever guys..... Eat more.....regardless of what the wiseguy trio says...

    I assume I'm one of the wise guys??? If so, thank you. I'll take that as a compliment. :drinker:
  • torias
    torias Posts: 1
    I have the exact same problem - I eat between 1000 - 1200 calories a day - I'm in training for a marathon and run up to 70km a week.

    Unfortunately a lot of the posts have commented on eating too much or too little - something I would suggest to you is go to the doctors. I suffer from PCOS which means its very easy to put on weight but its is extremely hard - near to impossible to loose it.

    I think someone mentioned thyroid - you should definitely get that checked but do you suffer any of the following:

    Erratic mood swings
    Irregular periods -
    Hair growth (belly, nipples, back, bum)
    Dull aches all over body
    Severe cramps

    If you have then these could point to having PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) I was put on Metformin which treats type 2 diabetes to help with the symptoms of PCOS - I started taking the tablets in June 2012, it was at this time I started running I went from 98kg to 79kg - it has taken me 17th months to shift 19kgs. In fact I have been 79kg since January this year and with the all the exercise and NO drinking I have not lost one kg - measurements have only come down 1 inch since the beginning of the year so I definitely hear and understand the frustration!!

    My advice is go to the doctor get a check up and go from there, ''Hope it helps :)
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    WOW...a bunch of clever guys..... Eat more.....regardless of what the wiseguy trio says...

    They trying to point out that she is probably eating/ drinking more cals than she thinks that's all.
  • Hey whats up I'm Mike and if there is anything I am an expert in its losing weight and gaining it back LOL.

    You can do all the cardio you want but you have to add some weight training to it, make it a circuit workout if you like I have insanity and P90x' program on a hard drive if its possible to email it. I'm suggesting to send them because they work 100% and if you get tired of them they give you an idea of whats needed to work.

    P.S. 9 times out of 10 you'll enjoy the programs.
  • RonW956
    RonW956 Posts: 105 Member
    LOL! I'm going to be the odd man out and say you're eating too much... You are not in a deficit. If you are doing that much cardio and not losing weight either you are eating more than you think or burning less than you think.

    I'll have to also agree with this statement. I would first start by being honest and log everything you eat & drink, including the sugar that you put in your tea or coffee if you drink it.

    Eating more to lose more??? LOL!

    In order to lose weight there must be a calorie deficit meaning that you eat less than your body requires.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    LOL! I'm going to be the odd man out and say you're eating too much... You are not in a deficit. If you are doing that much cardio and not losing weight either you are eating more than you think or burning less than you think.

    agreed. your simply wrong about how much your eating or how much your burning. either your in a deficit, or your not.

    i eat 1200 calories a day, and i run. 1200 is not too low, however, you are not eating 1200, or your not burning as much as you think... your making a mistake somewhere, causing you to eat above a deficit.
  • ars1300
    ars1300 Posts: 159 Member
    Very low calories for activity and your body has probably gotten used to the running! Change up the workouts
  • ljprofitt
    ljprofitt Posts: 5 Member
    @jeffpettis Im running 7 miles daily, thats about 800 calories and eating 1,200 a day?

    You should be eating 1,200 + 800 = 2,000 calories per day. Eat back what you burn for exercise. If you are not eating it back, that means you are only getting 400 calories per day. You are starving.
    A quick google search should clear all of this up for you.
    Here is a start:
  • mommyblessed7
    mommyblessed7 Posts: 72 Member
    What are you eating? The type of food is just as important as the amount , if not more so. if its 1200 cal of chips cake and bread than it might be a problem, but I also agree with the majority you are not eating enough cals even if you dont eat all back you should eat some and still stay in deficit. Also weigh training helps with fat burn , not sure if you mentioned you did it or not, good luck!