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Why am i not losing!!!!!



  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    @jeffpettis Im running 7 miles daily, thats about 800 calories and eating 1,200 a day?

    I'm not disputing the fact that you are burning a lot of calories. Sounds like you are Wonder Woman when it comes to running, but the simple fact is if you are not losing weight you are not in a deficit.

    Of course someone will eventually starve to death if they are continually under-eating... but I have seen many examples, including myself, where undereating does cause a slowed metabolic rate. I have an aunt that is so sick and obese (over 300) who is under-eating (about 800 cals per day) for years, avoids fat like the plague, and lost about 15 pounds in 6 months this year. But the doctors always tell her to eat less and avoid fat (which are a necessary macro!).

    So by your reasoning should the OP try eating 800 calories with all the exercise she is getting? Because it's ONLY ever calories in and calories out. Our bodies are not at all a complex system designed to survive in times of famine. yeah, right, whatever.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,312 Member
    I didn't believe in eating more to lose but after netting around 800 for a few months (very bad idea) I slowly upped my cals to 1400 and continued to lose weight. I think in the 2 weeks it took to increase my food intake I lost 3lbs going from 115lbs to 112lbs. Being at the lower end of a healthy weight I wasn't aiming to lose anymore but it came off anyway :)

    But even though you started eating more you were still eating less than your maintenance calories and still in a calorie deficit. What most people mean when they say "eat more to lose weight" is to eat more than maintenance and the fat just magically falls off. You can't eat more than your body can use and still lose weight.

    I would hope not since all the posts concerning how to do it such as In Place of a Road Map, make it clear that is not the case. Perhaps it is just you who thinks that.
  • marleniap
    marleniap Posts: 120 Member
    You are not starving and storing fat. That does not happen. 1200 NET calories is a reasonable intake depending on your height. If you were "starving" and your body was using up muscle to feed itself, you most certainly could not keep up with 7 miles of running and children every day.

    3,500 calories = 1 lb of fat. So, eat 500 cal/day more than you need, and in a week you will have 1 lb more fat stored on your body. Eat 500 cal/day less than you need, and you will burn 1 lb of fat in one week (500 x 7 = 3,500). Per research, you can keep doing that until you get to about 5% body fat, and then other (bad) things will start to happen.

    If you have your stats in MFP set up right (always good to recheck, mine don't seem to update as I lose), it will show you what your daily intake should be to stay where you are at, and how many less calories/day you should avoid eating in order to lose weight. Add your exercise in, and that allows you to eat more in a day. It's your NET calories that is shown at the bottom of your Food Diary, and you should target a balance at the end of the day (0 "remaining"). If you go in the red one day, try to balance that another day.


    Finally said so I can understand. Thanks OP and thank you Robert. :-)
  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    really u think, when i entered height and weight that's what it said, 1,200... :(

    In your goals /profile you add your stats....so if it gave you 1200, more likely this was without all the running/calories you are doing. Use the recommended feature, and perhaps eat more calories.
    Also, you can always figure out your TDEE, then slash that number so you have at the least a 500 calorie deficit, and NOT eat back your exercise calories as they are already included. I am by far no expert, and it won't hurt to try.

    (EDIT) I forgot the link....www.fitnessfrog.com
    Best Wishes
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    LOL! I'm going to be the odd man out and say you're eating too much... You are not in a deficit. If you are doing that much cardio and not losing weight either you are eating more than you think or burning less than you think.

    I am glad I read your post before I put fingers to the key board....lol. I agree with you 100%.
    This " you need to eat more to lose " is a myth. If that were true than the tens of thousands of people i dealt with in over 30 plus years in underdeveloped countries that starved to death or almost to death from lack of calories would still all be alive, because " we all know that not eating enough will force the body to hang onto fat ". Not eating enough ( eating at a deficit ) will make the body lose fat and muscle until there is nothing more to lose, then it will affect organ function......and then one dies.
    There is however one thing I agree to.....
    Many people could eat more and feel better and still lose. Probably due to a smaller calorie deficit they would lose less or slower, but they would lose. But as long as the body is in deficit, the body will lose....a.l.w.a.y.s.
  • I have been running sooo much I average 100 miles a month training for runs, I have been staying under my calorie count of 1,200 , I cant seem to drop one pound!! I'm feeling frustrated, what could the problem beeeee!!! My mother who really doesn't work out has dropped 10 pounds in two weeks, how is this possible :(

    1ST -- every body is completely different in what it needs to lose/maintain/gain.

    2ND - you probably aren't in a deficit. you're either not burning as much as you think you are, or your eating more than you think that you are.

    3RD - you probably aren't paying enough or any attention to your macros. its not just about calories. since you are running, you should be aiming for between 40-50% carbs, 30% fat, and 20-30% protein. keep in mind the 1st observation, every body is different -- play with your numbers to get your ideal macro percentage
  • For every calorie you burn running you have to add that to the amount of calories you are eatting everyday to stay at the 1200 calorie/day allowance. So if you burn 100 calories exercising, than you need to eat 1300 calories that day. Otherwise you are not eatting enough, because 1200 calories a day is the bare minimum your body can run on without going into starvation mode. Once your body goes into starvation mode, it will store everything and actually counteract your weight loss efforts. Another thing you have to consider is changing your routine. Your body does get used to your workouts, which is why it is important to switch it up, in order to invigorate other muscles of your body. The more muscles in your body that are strong, the higher your metabolism. So instead of running tomorrow, weight train and do calisthenics (pushups, situps, lunges, etc), and maybe invest in a jump rope (which is actually more effective at burning calories than running). Don't stop running, but just don't do it everyday. Jumping jacks, jumping rope, swimming, riding a bike, and climbing stairs (go to a local high school football field) are all great alternatives for you! Good luck!
  • Where did you learn this from? Just curious. :smile:
  • You should have your thyroid checked by a doctor-many people gain/can't lose weight because of hormonal imbalances
  • SPeffer1
    SPeffer1 Posts: 74 Member
    I messaged you this morning, but I finally got around to reading these responses. I personally definitely do not believe in "starvation mode". When I was at my heavier weight after having my son I joined WW (which I do love), and I was training for half marathons. I ran a lot (though not your 100 miles a month - it was a goal but didn't happen). I was also pretty strict with my diet, and didn't eat any of my "activity points" (didn't eat the calories I burned). I am 5'3" and went down to 102 lbs that way. I upped my calorie intake after that b/c I didn't want to go lower. But the point is - while I don't think that kind of calorie defecit is healthy - I didn't stop losing b/c I was "starving".

    I would say make sure your portions/intake are what you think they are. Also, I don't know if you use things like Gatorade, gels, etc but if you do - make sure you are counting those calories too. Some of my runner friends follow WW but never count the points/calories in them while they are racing - you still take in those calories, so count them (not saying you don't - just trying to think of reasons you may be taking in more than you realize). I don't use those products b/c for me they have unpleasant consequences while running but I know a lot of people do.

    While I do think weight training is so important - I don't think it will necessarily help you to lose more. Lots and lots of runners are very thin and they....run. They don't change up their routine. Overall though I do think weight training is extremely important for everyone, but that's just a side note.

    Also some people mentioned a HRM, and I do think if you don't have one and are running that much - it's a great investment. If I used the estimates for calories burned they seriously overestimate. And calories burned will likely change as you lose weight. For instance, at the last race I wore my HRM for - I ran 13.2 miles (give or take a tenth or so) and I burned just under 1000 calories. Sad day for me. :)

    So that's a long way of saying: Make sure you are tracking accurate serving sizes, make sure you tracking actual excercise calories, and while you DO need a defecit to lose weight - you also do need to give your body some fuel to keep running.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    @jeffpettis Im running 7 miles daily, thats about 800 calories and eating 1,200 a day?

    You should be eating 1,200 + 800 = 2,000 calories per day. Eat back what you burn for exercise. If you are not eating it back, that means you are only getting 400 calories per day. You are starving.
    A quick google search should clear all of this up for you.
    Here is a start:

    What I got out of that article is that you can't be in starvation mode with > 0% bodyfat.

    And several small meals a day may exacerbate the problem.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    LOL! I'm going to be the odd man out and say you're eating too much... You are not in a deficit. If you are doing that much cardio and not losing weight either you are eating more than you think or burning less than you think.

    I am glad I read your post before I put fingers to the key board....lol. I agree with you 100%.
    This " you need to eat more to lose " is a myth. If that were true than the tens of thousands of people i dealt with in over 30 plus years in underdeveloped countries that starved to death or almost to death from lack of calories would still all be alive, because " we all know that not eating enough will force the body to hang onto fat ". Not eating enough ( eating at a deficit ) will make the body lose fat and muscle until there is nothing more to lose, then it will affect organ function......and then one dies.
    There is however one thing I agree to.....
    Many people could eat more and feel better and still lose. Probably due to a smaller calorie deficit they would lose less or slower, but they would lose. But as long as the body is in deficit, the body will lose....a.l.w.a.y.s.

    That is the point I have been trying to make! But people think they are right even when it goes against everything that science has proven.

    So let me try this one more time.

    NO, the OP or anyone else for that matter does not automatically need to eat more calories to lose weight. She and anyone else that is having a problem losing weight need to take a very close look at their intake. They might "think" they are eating whatever amount of calories but most of the time they are not. If the number of calories they are consuming is below their maintenance level there is absolutely no possible way they would not lose weight.

    Yes, if that same person is actually eating 800 or 900 or whatever amount it was then absolutely that person needs to eat more. But still keep their intake below their maintenance level in order for weight loss to occur.

    So everyone here that has bashed my opinion has automatically assumed that I told someone to eat a ridiculously low amount of calories. No that is not what I am doing. If you would stop and think about it for a few minutes you would realize what I am saying is that this person is not eating the amount of calories she thinks she is or is eating back calories that were not burned in the first place. Either way it is a mathematical error. And either way the first thing that they should do is make absolutely sure the number of calories that has been entered is correct.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    @jeffpettis Im running 7 miles daily, thats about 800 calories and eating 1,200 a day?

    I'm not disputing the fact that you are burning a lot of calories. Sounds like you are Wonder Woman when it comes to running, but the simple fact is if you are not losing weight you are not in a deficit.

    So by your reasoning should the OP try eating 800 calories with all the exercise she is getting? Because it's ONLY ever calories in and calories out. Our bodies are not at all a complex system designed to survive in times of famine. yeah, right, whatever.

    I never said the OP should eat that few calories. That is a ridiculous statement.

    For weight loss it is calories in - calories out. Period.

    So are you suggesting that someone can eat so few calories that they will get to a point that their body will stop using fat for energy? Wait you're probably right, most people who starve to death are obese when they die... :frown:
  • @jeffpettis Im running 7 miles daily, thats about 800 calories and eating 1,200 a day?

    I'm not disputing the fact that you are burning a lot of calories. Sounds like you are Wonder Woman when it comes to running, but the simple fact is if you are not losing weight you are not in a deficit.

    You have made this statement more than once and it may NOT be true. You've made your point.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Here's some reference: when I needed to lose my last 3lbs, my TDEE was 1787. To lose 2lbs a week, I was to eat 1287 per day (500 under TDEE). I was very good at hitting this mark consistently, but for two weeks got stuck. Then I decided to move it to 1lb a week, bringing my calories up to 1537 per day (250 under TDEE). The last three pounds came off in three days and I'm consistently weighing in at my goal weight. This is what we mean by eating more to weigh less.

    You can absolutely starve to death. Starving absolutely does not cause you to gain weight. But not eating enough can definitely slow your weight loss enough to appear to be stopped.
  • From what I know about diet and exercise the only conclusion I know of is that you are starving your body.You are running alot which is great and you are eating 1200cal.You should get a doctor to measure you,get your BMI and find what your calorie intake should be.You are running on low fuel and that puts your body in starve mode which causes your body to hold onto that fat and store it.Having one day a week to "pig out" will not only help you lose weight but also keeps you from stressing.Your mother not exercising or dieting and still losing weight is probably from not worrying about it.My mother did this as well but gained it back plus more while I was still losing weight.It is best not to worry and let your body tell you what it needs.Craving a candy bar?Eat a mini and only ONE.That should help you and doing different exercises every two weeks will also help your body.
  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    Unless you weigh everything, know the absolute peak as to when a vegetable or fruit was picked, and log every bite as you are eating it, I doubt greatly that anyone on this site absolutely tracks their food without error. Even when you preplan, there is a margin for error. Not every McDonald's cheeseburger has the same number of calories even though they may appear to have been made the same.

    Most of us choose a time of day to do our logging. By that time, we have invariably forgotten something we had eaten or just how many or how much of something we ate. We eyeball it, we guesstimate, we use all those little tricks about sizing up a portion. In reality we over portion and under report. I can hear it now, "Oh no not me! I weigh everything." Well that's a start, but it does not eliminate over portioning or that piece of this or that that we eat while we are making our dinner. And they all add up.

    The OP says she runs 7 miles a day. Great. How fast does she run? Does she run on a track? Are there uphills and downhills? Is the route free of street crossings and stop lights? Is she running on a treadmill? How hot or cold is it? How much does she weigh. Was she hydrated before beginning? You do not burn the same number of calories every time you run 7 miles. If you doubt that, think about your car and how many miles to a gallon you get. It depends on a whole variety of factors. Well so does any exercise we do.

    In regards to losing weight, Math is most definitely involved, and so is Science, Logic, Common Sense and Honesty.
  • Here's some reference: when I needed to lose my last 3lbs, my TDEE was 1787. To lose 2lbs a week, I was to eat 1287 per day (500 under TDEE). I was very good at hitting this mark consistently, but for two weeks got stuck. Then I decided to move it to 1lb a week, bringing my calories up to 1537 per day (250 under TDEE). The last three pounds came off in three days and I'm consistently weighing in at my goal weight. This is what we mean by eating more to weigh less.

    You can absolutely starve to death. Starving absolutely does not cause you to gain weight. But not eating enough can definitely slow your weight loss enough to appear to be stopped.

    If your TDEE was 1787 then you'd have to eat 787 Calories and to lose 1 pound 1287. Losing 1/2 a pound would require 1537.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    1200 is way too low for your level of activity! Your body has entered starvation mode and is holding onto fat stores! The more active you are, the more you're meant to eat. Do the calculations again, and be honest. Take the advice this site gives you.

    no, no, and no ...

    yes, OP may not be eating enough but OP is not in starvation mode. Starvation mode occurs when you eat nothing for 72 hours or greater...

    If you are running that much then you may need to eat a little bit more per day maybe 100 cals a day..

    Also, it may be water retention or some other issue. How long have you been on this program for? Do you do any lifting?