Since I started "dieting" it annoys me when people ....



  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    all you have to say is that it fits your macros.

    they'll either have no idea what you're saying
    they'll preach about clean eating
    they'll gain respect for you

    Haha I am loving this! The average person doesn't know what the hell macros are, nor do they want to hear the explanation. You have made my life a little easier. :)
  • Canuname
    Canuname Posts: 182 Member
    I hate it when people take notice you are losing weight and then ask you "What made you decide to lose weight now?"
    Like you really have to have a life changing reason to want to be healthy now. You just can't be tired of how you are and want to change it for the better.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    When they tell me not to eat my own birthday cake.

    ^^^ true story.
  • MillyFleurs
    MillyFleurs Posts: 57 Member
    The phrase "Lifestyle Change", make sure what you're doing is a sustainable lifestyle change is something I've been hearing a lot of lately and it gets more annoying every. time. A healthier diet is what got this started for me, I've just refined it and still occasionally follow drinking games with some Taco Bell or WaHo with friends.
    Another things is hearing people's excuses about not working out, especially when they're the ones to bring it up. Am I supposed to say something motivating? Don't get it.
    And it bothers me that it bothers me, but when people say I was fine before. I know it comes from a good place, but it's just not true.
  • nomorepizza2
    nomorepizza2 Posts: 85 Member
    ...look at me with disbelief bordering on annoyance when they finally realise that I am in fact being serious and that I really don't intend on helping myself to a donut no not even a little one thanks very much.
  • Samthefrog
    Samthefrog Posts: 77 Member
    My dad tells me it's silly that I buy lowfat milk when he sees me "eating fried food all the time."

    Fundamental flaws in his theory: 1) He drinks whole milk daily and he is over the age of 2. And he is not underweight by any means. 2) I drink milk every single day in my coffee and sometimes with cereal, whereas I try to limit the fried food to no more than maybe once a week and it's of a reasonable serving. He also doesn't notice the other 90% of my meals are home cooked and healthy.

    Oh, and I hate when people try to stop me from eating things. "Does that fit into your count?" Oh no, it doesn't! Thank you for telling me! If only you'd been doing this the whole other part of my life instead of serving me another 2 cups of mac and cheese!!!

    I avoided telling people about my change in eating habits for so long, but they started to notice my counting and weight loss. Dammit. I need an invisibility cloak or something!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Ask me why I want to lose anymore weight I look good where I am. Okay I am still in the 220s at 5' 8" come on now. Or when people say I was meant to be big.
    How about when I was at 302 people were telling me I did not need to lose more weight too!! I am taller than you at 5'11 but still. Really!! I brought into and got comfortable and started to gain weight back. My highest weight being 611. Now when I get back down to 302 I will be ignoring these stupid comments!! My biggest goal right now is to be 299! When I get to 299 I will make a new goal!! I could go on but this was the most annoying one for me for sure!
  • Tinyfigure
    Tinyfigure Posts: 575 Member
    Im recovering from anorexia. People have the dumbest comments.

    "So, why do you still eat this" *points at salad*
    Well, a salad is still healthy.. Be glad it's no longer just lettuce!

    "So what's your goal weight? 200?"
    I have no words for this one.

    "I tried being anorexic. It's horrible..."
    You tried?

    "Why are you eating ice cream/pizza/anything"
    Because I do as I please.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    My dad tells me it's silly that I buy lowfat milk when he sees me "eating fried food all the time."

    Fundamental flaws in his theory: 1) He drinks whole milk daily and he is over the age of 2. And he is not underweight by any means. 2) I drink milk every single day in my coffee and sometimes with cereal, whereas I try to limit the fried food to no more than maybe once a week and it's of a reasonable serving. He also doesn't notice the other 90% of my meals are home cooked and healthy.

    Oh, and I hate when people try to stop me from eating things. "Does that fit into your count?" Oh no, it doesn't! Thank you for telling me! If only you'd been doing this the whole other part of my life instead of serving me another 2 cups of mac and cheese!!!

    I avoided telling people about my change in eating habits for so long, but they started to notice my counting and weight loss. Dammit. I need an invisibility cloak or something!

    I'd buy that too.
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    "Isn't that really fattening?"

    "So how much weight have you lost now?"

    The 2nd one is asked by my mother EVERY time i see her. Annoying.
  • RunBrew
    RunBrew Posts: 220 Member
    Since I started "dieting" it annoys me when people ask me how I lost 40+ lbs and before I can even answer, they cut in with 'Wait, don't tell me- diet and exercise, I guess I'm screwed then!" accompanied with some overly dramatic eye-rolling and arm flailing.

    It also annoys the hell out of me when people (typically parents or Mother-in-law) decide for me how much cheese, dressing, sour cream, syrup,etc. should go on top of my food. Nothing better (sarcasm) than being handed a bowl of reasonably healthy chili that's been totally buried under what appears to be 10 saltines and 1/2 cup of shredded cheese. That's 200 calories I didn't need.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    yeah the other day i was eating something that i knew what was in it and my bff started reminding me of what was in it, and i sorta snapped at him because its like i know what i can eat!! i dont need people telling me their ideas of what i can or cannot eat.
  • ajharries
    ajharries Posts: 59 Member
    people tell me i'm looking 'gaunt'... i'm're looking FAT!...

    now **** off
  • twinsmom03
    twinsmom03 Posts: 90 Member
    I totally agree with everything you wrote!!!
  • ChrisM32205
    ChrisM32205 Posts: 218 Member
    I think many people these days are seeing so many people overweight it is almost becoming normal.

    When people actually see someone with a healthy BMI they think they are "too skinny" or "unhealthy".
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    My dad tells me it's silly that I buy lowfat milk when he sees me "eating fried food all the time."

    Fundamental flaws in his theory: 1) He drinks whole milk daily and he is over the age of 2. And he is not underweight by any means. 2) I drink milk every single day in my coffee and sometimes with cereal, whereas I try to limit the fried food to no more than maybe once a week and it's of a reasonable serving. He also doesn't notice the other 90% of my meals are home cooked and healthy.

    The other flaw in his reasoning is that you are choosing where to "spend" your calories. Cut back a bit in the milk department (ie lowfat) so you have a bit to spare for the fried food. It's like when I get a low-calorie drink, or just water, with a bacon cheeseburger. I'm picking where I want to take the calories and where I can satisfied with the lower. :wink:

    people tell me i'm looking 'gaunt'…

    Yeah, that one drives me nuts. My brother tells me I look anorexic. Um …. what???
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I'm annoyed when there are too many ads like "5 foods you must NEVER eat for a flat stomach" with bad graphics of rotting bananas on my page. :-)
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    people tell me i'm looking 'gaunt'... i'm're looking FAT!...

    now **** off

    If you're gaunt I'd hate to see someone who really is gaunt. People are nuts.
  • CJowa
    CJowa Posts: 3
    Bump... Read for later
  • serialifter
    serialifter Posts: 791 Member
    things people say that annoy me the most:-

    1. Just eat some more, you can run an extra mile next time (if i could run an extra mile, i would!!!!!)

    2. I dont want to lift weights, it will make me a bodybuilder (yes, thats exactly what it will do. Never mind the eating correct or being a genetic goldmine.)

    3. I want a lean athletic look so I lift light with more reps (yes! that is exactly what you should be doing)

    4. If the mid section is bothering you do some ab excercises you will reduce your belly fat. (GTFO)

    sorry for the rant!!! i guess it was bottled up for a long time