Has the Government shutdown...................



  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    affected you or someone you know personally? My DW is a civilian government worker who got to go back to work this past Monday. We're fortunate that we don't have to dig into our savings to make it now, but there are lots of people I know who will be greatly affected till it gets resolved. One isn't going to be able to pay her mortgage after being with the government 20 years.
    Others I know have had to cancel sessions with me (I'll be fine because there are other members who want my services).


    Why can't she pay her mortgage? If she's been w/ the government that long shouldn't she have some savings?

    We were affected the last time they had a shut down... and if they're still shut down come the first I guess we will be then if they cut into veterans benefits. I hope we still get disability and BAH because if not we'd be screwed.

    I am with out on this. Everyone was aware that the government shut down was in the future. This was talked about since last year. People needed to start cutting back , as someone said, no name, Starbucks, stop eating out etc. Working 20 years with the government should have more. What about saving all the raises however meager they were. Before a raise you never had the money, it should be the same thing after a raise. Wonder how many times she refinanced.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    Um just an FYI - talk to the president who is also acting like a spoiled child. Just saying. It is not just ONE party's fault. Just sayin

    Actually, nothing out there from non Fox News is saying that - the general consensus both in the media and on the Hill / around Washington is that this is a Republican hostage situation.

    I think the best article I've come across on the topic is The Economist - which is a *conservative* newspaper coming out of the U.K.


    I see it as a Republican hostage situation too. The way someone explained it to me was this:

    Husband says we need to buy a new car. Wife agrees. Husband says we can spend X amount of money on new car. Wife says no, we will spend Y, and if you do not agree to spend Y on the car, I won't allow you to make the mortgage payment either.

    Doesn't make sense now, does it?

    Yeah, pumping the breaks on spending too much is a bad idea.:wink: I don't agree with the shut down but that health bill is a monster.

    Yeah, I agree with the healthcare bill being overkill. To be honest, it just seems like no one is willing to compromise and the American people are the ones suffering. I'd be fine if everyone currently in public office didn't get reelected in the next election.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    affected you or someone you know personally? My DW is a civilian government worker who got to go back to work this past Monday. We're fortunate that we don't have to dig into our savings to make it now, but there are lots of people I know who will be greatly affected till it gets resolved. One isn't going to be able to pay her mortgage after being with the government 20 years.
    Others I know have had to cancel sessions with me (I'll be fine because there are other members who want my services).


    Why can't she pay her mortgage? If she's been w/ the government that long shouldn't she have some savings?

    We were affected the last time they had a shut down... and if they're still shut down come the first I guess we will be then if they cut into veterans benefits. I hope we still get disability and BAH because if not we'd be screwed.

    I am with out on this. Everyone was aware that the government shut down was in the future. This was talked about since last year. People needed to start cutting back , as someone said, no name, Starbucks, stop eating out etc. Working 20 years with the government should have more. What about saving all the raises however meager they were. Before a raise you never had the money, it should be the same thing after a raise. Wonder how many times she refinanced.

    Did you read this thread at all?
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member

    Um just an FYI - talk to the president who is also acting like a spoiled child. Just saying. It is not just ONE party's fault. Just sayin

    Actually, nothing out there from non Fox News is saying that - the general consensus both in the media and on the Hill / around Washington is that this is a Republican hostage situation.

    I think the best article I've come across on the topic is The Economist - which is a *conservative* newspaper coming out of the U.K.


    I see it as a Republican hostage situation too. The way someone explained it to me was this:

    Husband says we need to buy a new car. Wife agrees. Husband says we can spend X amount of money on new car. Wife says no, we will spend Y, and if you do not agree to spend Y on the car, I won't allow you to make the mortgage payment either.

    Doesn't make sense now, does it?
    You got your analogies all wrong. It doesn't even make sense in relation to what is happening. Try educating yourself on the Republic form of governance, and where the Constitution fit's into what is happening. All spending originates in The House, not from the edicts of a dictator.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Good grief. People living paycheck to paycheck may have honest to goodness reasons for doing so. Fresh out of school? elderly parents to take care of? Childcare expenses? Childcare expenses for children with disabilities? Etc. Someone may have legitimately just blown through their reserves for a perfectly good reason (like their car just died, or need a new roof). Who are you to judge them as daft?

    To call people daft for living paycheck to paycheck is passing judgement on folks you don't even know. It'a short sighted and makes you a massive d-bag.

  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I have a friend who is out of work currently. I feel for those people. What do you do all day? You don't want to go out and spend money on things/activites because who knows when you will be paid next? And you don't want to waste your savings on movies or clothes when you still have bills to pay. I think I'd be very bored after 2-3 days, which my friend is.

    This! My dad is having a really hard time not going out and spending money, but he hates just sitting inside watching TV all day. It's awful.

    Tell me about it. :ohwell:
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    Um just an FYI - talk to the president who is also acting like a spoiled child. Just saying. It is not just ONE party's fault. Just sayin

    Actually, nothing out there from non Fox News is saying that - the general consensus both in the media and on the Hill / around Washington is that this is a Republican hostage situation.

    I think the best article I've come across on the topic is The Economist - which is a *conservative* newspaper coming out of the U.K.


    I see it as a Republican hostage situation too. The way someone explained it to me was this:

    Husband says we need to buy a new car. Wife agrees. Husband says we can spend X amount of money on new car. Wife says no, we will spend Y, and if you do not agree to spend Y on the car, I won't allow you to make the mortgage payment either.

    Doesn't make sense now, does it?
    You got your analogies all wrong. It doesn't even make sense in relation to what is happening. Try educating yourself on the Republic form of governance, and where the Constitution fit's into what is happening. All spending originates in The House, not from the edicts of a dictator.

    Your right on one thing. I should have said, "Wife says no, we will spend Y, and if you do not agree to spend Y on the car, I won't make the mortgage payment or allow you to make the mortgage payment either." There, that should fix it.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member

    Um just an FYI - talk to the president who is also acting like a spoiled child. Just saying. It is not just ONE party's fault. Just sayin

    Actually, nothing out there from non Fox News is saying that - the general consensus both in the media and on the Hill / around Washington is that this is a Republican hostage situation.

    I think the best article I've come across on the topic is The Economist - which is a *conservative* newspaper coming out of the U.K.


    I see it as a Republican hostage situation too. The way someone explained it to me was this:

    Husband says we need to buy a new car. Wife agrees. Husband says we can spend X amount of money on new car. Wife says no, we will spend Y, and if you do not agree to spend Y on the car, I won't allow you to make the mortgage payment either.

    Doesn't make sense now, does it?
    You got your analogies all wrong. It doesn't even make sense in relation to what is happening. Try educating yourself on the Republic form of governance, and where the Constitution fit's into what is happening. All spending originates in The House, not from the edicts of a dictator.

    Your right on one thing. I should have said, "Wife says no, we will spend Y, and if you do not agree to spend Y on the car, I won't make the mortgage payment or allow you to make the mortgage payment either." There, that should fix it.

    aaaaaaaaactually, it's more like this:

    husband wants new car. wife does not. husband asks their child if they should get a new car. child agrees with husband. 2 votes against 1 means they're getting a new car. but now, it's time for the husband and wife to figure out their family's budget for the next year. wife says they can't afford the new car. husband says too bad it's already being delivered and there's no returns. household shuts down until husband and wife can agree on what to spend money on and how much money they have to spend, despite pretty much having the same income as last year.
  • Blondiegrl11
    Blondiegrl11 Posts: 458 Member

    Um just an FYI - talk to the president who is also acting like a spoiled child. Just saying. It is not just ONE party's fault. Just sayin

    Actually, nothing out there from non Fox News is saying that - the general consensus both in the media and on the Hill / around Washington is that this is a Republican hostage situation.

    I think the best article I've come across on the topic is The Economist - which is a *conservative* newspaper coming out of the U.K.


    I see it as a Republican hostage situation too. The way someone explained it to me was this:

    Husband says we need to buy a new car. Wife agrees. Husband says we can spend X amount of money on new car. Wife says no, we will spend Y, and if you do not agree to spend Y on the car, I won't allow you to make the mortgage payment either.

    Doesn't make sense now, does it?
    You got your analogies all wrong. It doesn't even make sense in relation to what is happening. Try educating yourself on the Republic form of governance, and where the Constitution fit's into what is happening. All spending originates in The House, not from the edicts of a dictator.

    Your right on one thing. I should have said, "Wife says no, we will spend Y, and if you do not agree to spend Y on the car, I won't make the mortgage payment or allow you to make the mortgage payment either." There, that should fix it.

    aaaaaaaaactually, it's more like this:

    husband wants new car. wife does not. husband asks their child if they should get a new car. child agrees with husband. 2 votes against 1 means they're getting a new car. but now, it's time for the husband and wife to figure out their family's budget for the next year. wife says they can't afford the new car. husband says too bad it's already being delivered and there's no returns.

    This :happy:
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member

    Um just an FYI - talk to the president who is also acting like a spoiled child. Just saying. It is not just ONE party's fault. Just sayin

    Actually, nothing out there from non Fox News is saying that - the general consensus both in the media and on the Hill / around Washington is that this is a Republican hostage situation.

    I think the best article I've come across on the topic is The Economist - which is a *conservative* newspaper coming out of the U.K.


    I see it as a Republican hostage situation too. The way someone explained it to me was this:

    Husband says we need to buy a new car. Wife agrees. Husband says we can spend X amount of money on new car. Wife says no, we will spend Y, and if you do not agree to spend Y on the car, I won't allow you to make the mortgage payment either.

    Doesn't make sense now, does it?
    You got your analogies all wrong. It doesn't even make sense in relation to what is happening. Try educating yourself on the Republic form of governance, and where the Constitution fit's into what is happening. All spending originates in The House, not from the edicts of a dictator.

    Your right on one thing. I should have said, "Wife says no, we will spend Y, and if you do not agree to spend Y on the car, I won't make the mortgage payment or allow you to make the mortgage payment either." There, that should fix it.
    Then it sounds as if a negotiation of sorts is needed. Who is it that says "I will not negotiate"? The House holds all of the cards, and the guy who "won't negotiate" is in a weakened position. The government is a marriage with a prenup. That prenup is the Constitution.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    ... I'm thinking you don't know how much government workers make. Also, a lot of people's savings are in 401ks/IRAs/other assets that are not liquid because they have a steady job and know there will be a paycheck coming. That is, unless the government gets shut down, and who expected that?

    Sorry but anyone who doesn't have a savings or any amount of money stashed away some where that is liquid, available and accessible because "they have a steady job and know there will be a paycheck coming" is rather daft. I had a steady job and a paycheck coming and yet I still had my 401(k) and a savings account because I don't believe in living paycheck-to-paycheck (which if you have nothing saved that's what you're doing) for one and two I didn't live in a fantasy bubble where I believed "it can't happen to me" because guess what? It CAN! (Thankfully it didn't and I quit my job to start my own business but believe me that savings came in very handy when my husband struck out on his own fifteen years ago).

    And Romney expected the Government shutdown. I believe he said that if Obama was reelected that people should be prepared for a Government shutdown.

    This exactly. Everyone should have at least 3mo pay saved up. We don't because we've been struggling after my husband UNEXPECTEDLY got out of the Army and Veterans disability benefits are a joke. If you've had a steady job for 20 years you SHOULD be able to have enough money in savings to pay your bills. I know we would have.. Shoot my husband was in the Army for 6 years.. We had 10k in savings (not as much as we wanted) and lived off that for quite a while.

    What about those who have only been working for the government for 2 years? 5 years? 1 year? Not every gov't employee has been working for 20+ years. I am failing to see why you keep talking about that. Also, yes. It is wise and prudent for everyone to have savings. However, I know people who are being furloughed currently who don't because they lost their savings when there were medical bills that they had to pay for an unexpected illness. Not to mention that earlier this summer, they were expected to take a large number of furlough days as were many government employees, so they already had a 20% reduction in their pay this year which was compensated for by using savings.

    So, yes they have been living paycheck to paycheck, and are now worried about where their mortgage will come from.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member

    Um just an FYI - talk to the president who is also acting like a spoiled child. Just saying. It is not just ONE party's fault. Just sayin

    Actually, nothing out there from non Fox News is saying that - the general consensus both in the media and on the Hill / around Washington is that this is a Republican hostage situation.

    I think the best article I've come across on the topic is The Economist - which is a *conservative* newspaper coming out of the U.K.


    I see it as a Republican hostage situation too. The way someone explained it to me was this:

    Husband says we need to buy a new car. Wife agrees. Husband says we can spend X amount of money on new car. Wife says no, we will spend Y, and if you do not agree to spend Y on the car, I won't allow you to make the mortgage payment either.

    Doesn't make sense now, does it?
    You got your analogies all wrong. It doesn't even make sense in relation to what is happening. Try educating yourself on the Republic form of governance, and where the Constitution fit's into what is happening. All spending originates in The House, not from the edicts of a dictator.

    Your right on one thing. I should have said, "Wife says no, we will spend Y, and if you do not agree to spend Y on the car, I won't make the mortgage payment or allow you to make the mortgage payment either." There, that should fix it.

    aaaaaaaaactually, it's more like this:

    husband wants new car. wife does not. husband asks their child if they should get a new car. child agrees with husband. 2 votes against 1 means they're getting a new car. but now, it's time for the husband and wife to figure out their family's budget for the next year. wife says they can't afford the new car. husband says too bad it's already being delivered and there's no returns.

    This :happy:
    Succinct. Thank you.
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    Accctuallyy... It's more like....

    those idiots are still getting full pay with benifits while, we the people suffer because they can't agree on anything and play thier little power trip games at the expense of the working man/women... and we sit and argue about it on the internet while they aren't doing what they get paid to do.

    :laugh: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :cry:
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I am a contract employee paid BY THE MILITARY. i can tell you i make far from $200K a year. Try 30K.

    You cannot compare deployed civilian contractors to the rest of the federal government employees because they do make a ridiculous amount of money. There is also more to the federal government than deployed soldiers.

    Not to mention they aren't government emplyees at all, but contractors. They aren't paid on any governement scale.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    It's really idiotic to say what people should or shouldn't do with their money or to assume you know what they do with it just because you've been given one teeny tiny detail about them.

    Judgey Wudgey was a Bear....

    I'm not judging. I'm stating simple facts that you'd think they'd have enough savings to cover their mortgage. If not, If they're military most loaners are helping them out.

    I know USAA gave us our paycheck last time the gov shut down.

    You've mentioned this a couple times. How hard were you hit during the last shut down? In 95/96 you were what...5? Or when you say government shutdown, of which this is the first since then, are you referring to something else?
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    It's really idiotic to say what people should or shouldn't do with their money or to assume you know what they do with it just because you've been given one teeny tiny detail about them.

    Judgey Wudgey was a Bear....

    I'm not judging. I'm stating simple facts that you'd think they'd have enough savings to cover their mortgage. If not, If they're military most loaners are helping them out.

    I know USAA gave us our paycheck last time the gov shut down.

    You've mentioned this a couple times. How hard were you hit during the last shut down? In 95/96 you were what...5? Or when you say government shutdown, of which this is the first since then, are you referring to something else?

    I wondered the same thing.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    The next time you have a thought...

    ...let it go
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    I work right next door to Johnson Space Center (NASA) and every one of my contacts has had to stay home. My roommate's mother was deemed Mission Critical, though, so she is still working and getting paid. However, my roommate herself is paid by government grants and without being able to get the grant renewed by November 1st, she may be out of a job.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member

    2008-now, maybe? blew chunks financially. Maybe this woman has had this job for 20 years, but had a spouse laid off for some/much/all of the recession. Maybe one or both were furloughed. Maybe he had pay cuts. Or maybe they live beyond their means and only have themselves to blame. Really, no one here knows and it's kind of pointless to speculate and throw stones.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member

    Um just an FYI - talk to the president who is also acting like a spoiled child. Just saying. It is not just ONE party's fault. Just sayin

    Actually, nothing out there from non Fox News is saying that - the general consensus both in the media and on the Hill / around Washington is that this is a Republican hostage situation.

    I think the best article I've come across on the topic is The Economist - which is a *conservative* newspaper coming out of the U.K.


    I see it as a Republican hostage situation too. The way someone explained it to me was this:

    Husband says we need to buy a new car. Wife agrees. Husband says we can spend X amount of money on new car. Wife says no, we will spend Y, and if you do not agree to spend Y on the car, I won't allow you to make the mortgage payment either.

    Doesn't make sense now, does it?

    Yeah, pumping the breaks on spending too much is a bad idea.:wink: I don't agree with the shut down but that health bill is a monster.

    More like:

    Wife: We make 50,000 a year, and are $1,000,000 in debt. I want to buy a new car.
    Husband: Well, I guess we can.
    Wife: We're buying a Lamborghotti Fasterossa for $350,000
    Husband: No. We need something small and practical, like a Yaris.
    Wife: Lamborhotti Fasterossa!!! It's okay, because it doesn't cost US any money. The price of medium to nice cars will just go up 25-50% and that will pay for our car. Then, we'll tell people who can't afford cars that they get free cars! That isn't exactly true, but they won't know better until it's too late. You see, they will be forced to buy cars and won't be able to afford the gas. It's a perfect plan.
    Husband: All right, that's it. I'm cutting up your credit cards.
This discussion has been closed.