

  • marilynx
    marilynx Posts: 128 Member
    I don't see the point in laughing at people who are pointing out a very real, dangerous, and obvious situation. How does that help you?

    Obviously, OP, you're looking for an answer that you're not getting. If you think what you're doing right now is right, then it should be working too. However, you're bloating 2 pants sizes??? Really?? I have the inclination to think you are either exaggerating, or you're just a plain idiot when it comes to your body.

    Starvation rehabilitation starts at 1200 calories a day for ANYONE. It doesn't matter if you're skinny or fat, the medical community has generally concluded that if you are eating under 1200 calories, you're not at a sustainable level. Even gastric bypass patients are rarely recommended to eat under this amount, and they take loads of supplements to avoid malnutrition. The reason is, is that once you undercut this amount, you're risking a plethora of problems, and will ultimately guarantee that when you do eventually breakdown and start eating "normally" you will gain a ridiculous amount of weight. This is supported by facts, studies, as well as my own personal anecdotal experience.

    If you want to know what it's like to gain over 150 pounds in a year, keep doing what you're doing. When you start trying to refeed, if you don't do it right, you will balloon because you'll have shut down your body's energy centers.

    Oh, and FYI, you're supposed to have fat around your hips and belly when you're a woman.

    Stop complaining and arguing. If you really want help, take the advice and work with it. If, on the other hand, you don't actually want help, which seems to be the case... Here are some ridiculous diet tips:

    Drink water instead of eating whenever you feel hungry. If you still feel hungry, eat ice.
    Cardio doesn't really count unless you hurt after you're done, and you should be as close to 0 net calories as possible
    If you don't feel like you're losing fast enough, take water pills and laxatives to counteract what diet isn't doing alone

    FYI... Those tips are established bulimia behaviors.

    Get some help already.

    Yeah, calling someone a plain idiot who might have a potential eating disorder is a REALLY GREAT WAY to help with their negative views on their body. Oh, but nice job telling her to seek help though.

    Seriously, people who have no tact should keep their comments to themselves. There's no need to unload your personal problems onto someone who needs help.
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    I'm not disagreeing and i am very appreciative of the advice given but some people were making it seem like im purposely trying to starve myself....which im NOT that is ridiculous. If I was trying to starve myself i wouldnt be on here asking for help.

    Oh snap there's some light under the door! Okay, well then, would you consider gradually increasing your calories, by 100 or so daily, and inching your way into a healthier range for you?

    Edit to clarify: I mean increase by 100ish daily for a week, then in a week or two, increase again, not increase by 100 every day.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I'm not disagreeing and i am very appreciative of the advice given but some people were making it seem like im purposely trying to starve myself....which im NOT that is ridiculous. If I was trying to starve myself i wouldnt be on here asking for help.

    So your dietary habits are by accident?

    The reason why people think it's purposeful is because A) we as adults get to choose what goes into our bodies and B) in all of your posts you haven't acknowledged that your calorie consumption is dangerously low.
  • marilynx
    marilynx Posts: 128 Member
    I'm not disagreeing and i am very appreciative of the advice given but some people were making it seem like im purposely trying to starve myself....which im NOT that is ridiculous. If I was trying to starve myself i wouldnt be on here asking for help.

    So your dietary habits are by accident?

    The reason why people think it's purposeful is because A) we as adults get to choose what goes into our bodies and B) in all of your posts you haven't acknowledged that your calorie consumption is dangerously low.

    She may not think her caloric consumption is dangerously low because:

    She claims she's not tired or fatigued, which generally comes with not eating enough and exercising like she does.
    She's not losing weight. She may think that since she's not losing weight she might be eating too much, because calories burned/not consumed should equal a loss. Well, we know that is not always the case.

    Maybe we should direct her to some more places where she can read up on WHY she needs to eat more instead of just telling her she needs to eat more.
  • amorrowmuffin
    I didnt know it was low as I feel fine and im not educated hense why im here asking....AGAIN, as I said a lot of foods make me feel bloated.
  • amorrowmuffin
    Thank you marilynx,

    Yes im here asking for advice im not asking to be diagnosed with an eating disorder. I thought i ate a lot and i exercise because i want to not to get frail and sickly looking.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    yeah im not going to argue it LOL because like i said my cals are closer to 1100 a day. I dont eat a lot of CARBS because of how they make my stomach feel. I sit at a desk all day and the cardio i do is majority fast paced walking so everybody needs to calm down. I dont feel hungry or low on energy so i really dont think im starving myself.

    All I see in your responses are craploads of excuses and crap. I'll repeat what everyone else keeps saying: 1100 CALORIES ARE NOT ENOUGH TO FUEL YOUR BODY AND CAUSE YOU TO LOSE WEIGHT... ESPECIALLY if you're exercising and gaining back 600+ calories.

    Whether you FEEL like it or not, you are starving your body (yes, STARVING).

    Say you eat 1100 calories a day... then you exercise and earn 600 calories back. Now let's do the math:

    1100 calories
    -600 calories
    = 500 calories

    So basically you're fueling your body with 500 calories a day (on a "good" day for you if you eat 1100 calories).

    Interpretation (again): you're STARVING your body.

    And to clarify, yes I'm yelling... :flowerforyou:
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I'm not disagreeing and i am very appreciative of the advice given but some people were making it seem like im purposely trying to starve myself....which im NOT that is ridiculous. If I was trying to starve myself i wouldnt be on here asking for help.

    So your dietary habits are by accident?

    The reason why people think it's purposeful is because A) we as adults get to choose what goes into our bodies and B) in all of your posts you haven't acknowledged that your calorie consumption is dangerously low.

    She may not think her caloric consumption is dangerously low because:

    She claims she's not tired or fatigued, which generally comes with not eating enough and exercising like she does.
    She's not losing weight. She may think that since she's not losing weight she might be eating too much, because calories burned/not consumed should equal a loss. Well, we know that is not always the case.

    Maybe we should direct her to some more places where she can read up on WHY she needs to eat more instead of just telling her she needs to eat more.

    We've all told her it's dangerously low and she continues to LOL and make excuses.
    Someone calculated her TDEE-20% for her, to no avail.
    Pretty much everyone here has directed her to talk to a doctor.

    Other than that, there's not much else anyone can say.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Feeling fine is not a good enough reason to eat so little. I did the same thing for a while, and then I stopped losing weight, got really bad dark circles under my eyes, and my nails looked like ****. I felt fine, but I definitely wasn't. You aren't stupid. You know you need to eat more and eat balanced. Most of your calories come from carbohydrates, which require water to be processed by the body. This could be contributing to your bloated feeling. You may also have food sensitivities, and a good way to figure out what they are is to get an allergy test. You could also try just cutting out things that commonly cause reactions (wheat, dairy) one at a time and seeing what works. But you still need to eat more if you do this.

    I know it's a little scary and seems impossible to eat more right now, I went through it. It's worth it though. I thought I felt fine, but I feel great now. Yes, you might experience a small gain for a couple of weeks after increasing your intake, but it WILL go away. Don't take that gain as a sign that you have to eat so little to lose weight. You aren't losing weight as it is. You need to try something new, and eating a reasonable amount is the best and most obvious change you could make.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    Print out your food Diary pages, go to a Doctor, admit that you do not have a healthy relationship with food and need assistance in eating in ways which are compatible with life.

    Your body is telling you what you are doing it wrong.. listen to it and seek the professional help you need.

  • marilynx
    marilynx Posts: 128 Member
    Making excuses shouldn't surprise you or anybody else. Anybody who has a weight issue has made excuses as to why they can't/won't change. She's been given advice, if she takes it, great. If not, well, that's for her to decide. I honestly don't think she's trying to make excuses though. I think she may be genuinely confused. We've all been told eat less+exercise more=weight loss. So she is doing what is the trend. How is eating more supposed to equal weight loss? That contradicts everything that most people have heard. Who here has answered this question adequately for this woman? Nobody? Oh ok. That's what I thought.
  • amorrowmuffin
    Whoaaaaa some of you need to seriously...CHILL OUT. I said im thankful for the information your giving me. I'm not educated and I honestly thought I was over eating because of the bloating feeling I get when I eat. I asked for help and once again thank you all for your input. All i'm saying is dont assume im purposely trying to eat that minimal or be anorexic. I exercise because I enjoy it and eat the foods I enjoy.....I didnt realize i was doing anything wrong so for the 3RD TIME THANK YOU! If you want to effectively help someone my advice to you is not to make them feel like an idiot and make accusations about eating disorders.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Making excuses shouldn't surprise you or anybody else. Anybody who has a weight issue has made excuses as to why they can't/won't change. She's been given advice, if she takes it, great. If not, well, that's for her to decide. I honestly don't think she's trying to make excuses though. I think she may be genuinely confused. We've all been told eat less+exercise more=weight loss. So she is doing what is the trend. How is eating more supposed to equal weight loss? That contradicts everything that most people have heard. Who here has answered this question adequately for this woman? Nobody? Oh ok. That's what I thought.

    It's going to be ok. Take a deeeep breathe. Then go online and find her an article, since that is very important to you.

    In the meantime, I'm going to stick by my advice that she should go talk to a doctor.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I don't see the point in laughing at people who are pointing out a very real, dangerous, and obvious situation. How does that help you?

    Obviously, OP, you're looking for an answer that you're not getting. If you think what you're doing right now is right, then it should be working too. However, you're bloating 2 pants sizes??? Really?? I have the inclination to think you are either exaggerating, or you're just a plain idiot when it comes to your body.

    Starvation rehabilitation starts at 1200 calories a day for ANYONE. It doesn't matter if you're skinny or fat, the medical community has generally concluded that if you are eating under 1200 calories, you're not at a sustainable level. Even gastric bypass patients are rarely recommended to eat under this amount, and they take loads of supplements to avoid malnutrition. The reason is, is that once you undercut this amount, you're risking a plethora of problems, and will ultimately guarantee that when you do eventually breakdown and start eating "normally" you will gain a ridiculous amount of weight. This is supported by facts, studies, as well as my own personal anecdotal experience.

    If you want to know what it's like to gain over 150 pounds in a year, keep doing what you're doing. When you start trying to refeed, if you don't do it right, you will balloon because you'll have shut down your body's energy centers.

    Oh, and FYI, you're supposed to have fat around your hips and belly when you're a woman.

    Stop complaining and arguing. If you really want help, take the advice and work with it. If, on the other hand, you don't actually want help, which seems to be the case... Here are some ridiculous diet tips:

    Drink water instead of eating whenever you feel hungry. If you still feel hungry, eat ice.
    Cardio doesn't really count unless you hurt after you're done, and you should be as close to 0 net calories as possible
    If you don't feel like you're losing fast enough, take water pills and laxatives to counteract what diet isn't doing alone

    FYI... Those tips are established bulimia behaviors.

    Get some help already.

    Yeah, calling someone a plain idiot who might have a potential eating disorder is a REALLY GREAT WAY to help with their negative views on their body. Oh, but nice job telling her to seek help though.

    Seriously, people who have no tact should keep their comments to themselves. There's no need to unload your personal problems onto someone who needs help.

    It's not unloading personal problems. Speaking from my own experiences, someone needs to give some tough love here. I just summed up what everyone is saying nice ways. Tact doesn't win the game all the time.

    Maybe people should consider these facts:
    1. Anger and shock motivate people to fight
    2. Listing behaviors that are established eating disorder behaviors is one of the best ways to tell a person that they have a problem, because they recognize themselves in these statements.
    3. Some people choose to approach the serious problems with a serious response, not something coddling.

    I'm not saying I'm perfect, but how many people on this thread have actually been diagnosed? How many are speaking about something they know nothing about? At least I have some idea and some information I can share.
  • jafabuNZ
    jafabuNZ Posts: 48 Member
    I repeat - I am not a doctor but I do work in the medical field - for the bloating you will need to see a gastroenterologist to find out what foods may be causing this. See your GP first for a referral. You may be intolerant to some foods especially gluten.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    yeah im not going to argue it LOL because like i said my cals are closer to 1100 a day. I dont eat a lot of CARBS because of how they make my stomach feel. I sit at a desk all day and the cardio i do is majority fast paced walking so everybody needs to calm down. I dont feel hungry or low on energy so i really dont think im starving myself.

    You do realize your diet is like 75% carbs right?
  • abac30
    abac30 Posts: 9 Member

    I would say to incorporate wieght training in your routine. Muscle burns fat. So try to build muscle. Also try your cardio in the morning on an empty stomach, like right when you wake up. When you are doing fasted cardio you are already starting the day with a caloric defecit and then burning a portion of what you eat after word.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member

    I would say to incorporate wieght training in your routine. Muscle burns fat. So try to build muscle. Also try your cardio in the morning on an empty stomach, like right when you wake up. When you are doing fasted cardio you are already starting the day with a caloric defecit and then burning a portion of what you eat after word.

    I don't disagree with adding a strength routine, and I think it's a great idea if someone isn't happy with their weight loss results, but I want to point out that's it's going to be very difficult if not impossible to build any muscle on 1100 calories. Creating any appreciable amount of muscle generally requires a calorie surplus (other than newbie gains, etc).
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    You need to track EVERY SINGLE THING you put in your mouth, as accurately as humanly possible. You also need to not rely on estimates of calories burned in exercise. Maintaining a proper calorie deficit will be the way to lose weight intelligently. Also, don't obsess over day-to-day weight fluctuations, simply track them. Also, you should measure yourself on a weekly basis, to help track your progress in other ways. If you aren't losing weight over the timescale of a month, your calorie deficit isn't a deficit, whether you realize it or not. You're getting calories from somewhere and not thinking of them as significant enough to make a difference. Maybe it's a peppermint candy after dinner, or a dollop of milk in your coffee, or some other beverage. Beverages are quite good at hiding calories from you. And realize too, that a difference of only a couple hundred calories can mean the difference between seeing results and simply maintaining your weight. You have to do the math properly, and if your data input isn't accurate, you're not going to see the results you want.
  • LadyBugLex17
    LadyBugLex17 Posts: 146 Member
    Eat More, Lift More! :):bigsmile: