"You're still fat"



  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Stupid stupid little girls, not worth your time and energy. I agree with so many others, one day you will be slim and full of energy and they will always be mean spirited losers. Enough of that.

    I read your profile and it was a familiar story. You CAN do this, you CAN be the best version of yourself and you WILL.

    It may take time, but that is ok. There isn't a winning post, right from this moment is the rest of your life that's going to have the new improved you in it. Focus on that!
  • srowe2
    srowe2 Posts: 17 Member
    Karma is not about retribution. It is all about how you learn the lessons of your life. In this case, the value compassion, empathy, common decency and respect.

    Do not let up, keeping working hard.
  • cdouglas06
    Just keep your head up! No matter what you do, and where you go, there will always be haters and naysayers! After you get the weight off, it will be something else. Just remember those people only feel the need to make others feel bad, because they are insecure themselves! Just know you have a lot of support here with your MFP family! Have a beautiful day! :flowerforyou:
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    OP, I'm sorry people were so needlessly cruel to you. I'm sure there wasn't anything out of the ordinary about you. Cruel people can just pick up on self-consciousness like sharks can smell blood. I hope you didn't let it affect you too much.

    Just remember, anyone can change their outside, but ain't much those girls can do about being so hideous on the inside.
  • Cole7612
    Cole7612 Posts: 27 Member
    OP I am so sorry you had to go through that!! One thing that people over weight tend to forget to do is love them selves as is!!! that doesn't mean excepting being over weight and don't try to change it, that just means have confidence no matter what size you are.
    I remember a week before I got married a grown man maybe twice my age called out to me to go eat another cheese burger, I thought it was funny but I my now husband ended up chasing him down and punching him in the face!! NOT something adults should be doing but he deserved it.
    I have learned to love myself as is, I still want to lose weight for myself and to be health not for ignorant people like that!

  • ClevaFeatha
    Im so sorry you had to go through that. Just remember that those girls despite skinny or whatever they are, are clearly unhappy with themselves. There is no other reason for them to be so cruel. You are a beautiful person and the hard work that you are putting in to better your self for your health and future is a lot more than they'll ever do for themselves. Keep it going your going great! Im inspired by you, I have yet to master 4 miles let alone keeping up a steady jog.
  • rz682902
    rz682902 Posts: 3 Member
    What goes around, comes around...I don't even know you and I'm INSPIRED by you! You keep it up! I have about 65 lbs. I'd like to lose so I'm right there with you!
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    well maybe they will wrap their car around a poll somewhere lol or get fat themselves , or wind up popping out a bunch of kids and living off the system.
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    You may still be "fat" now but you're working on changing that. These girls seem to be pretty "ugly" on the inside and experience has taught me that, for the most part, they will continue to be "ugly" on the inside. I know it's painful and still hurts but they seriously aren't worth any of your time or effort. You keep running!!
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Hopefully they wrecked the car around the corner.. people are rude, congrats on the 4 miles.
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    Same/similar things have happened to me. I don't think people realize how hurtful their words are. I stick to going to the gym because every time I've attempted to go out for a run on my own I get some rude comment tossed at me. I've actually had things tossed at me physically. Not fun! At least in the gym everyone there is sweaty and gross and working at being their best too.
    It's easy for some people to ignore those comments. It's not easy for me though, and call me a chicken, but I like to avoid things that make me upset.
    All the best girl, keep it up. *****es be hating! LOL Just know that one day you'll be happy and healthy and they will probably still be *****es!
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    The only people I feel sorry for are those girls! They'll realize soon enough they won't get very far in life with a poor (aka horrendous!) attitude and judgmental tendencies. YOU rock, you are the strong one!
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    You know what I think when I see a fat person running?


    Don't let the haters get you down and keep running! :drinker:
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    Dear god, some people are such a-holes! I'm sorry that happened to you. I'd have hollered back something like "You're still a b*tch!"... but then again...I'm immature. ;)
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    “Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power.” ~Shirley MacLaine


    Also: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt
    By far one of my favorite quotes. I know, it's easier said than done, but it still rings true.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Haters gonna hate. Let it roll off you like water on a duck's back! You are better than that! :flowerforyou:
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    They can only steal it if you choose to let them offend you. Take the power away from them by not playing their game and being the better person.
  • Anna_Goldman
    Embrace it. You are fat, and you won't always be. Same with me. I'd yell back, "DAMN STRAIGHT." Don't let them steal your joy.
  • Funtime358
    Just wait until those little skinny girls have life hit them. You do what your doing and hold your head up HIGH! Beauty isn't about anything with the flesh. It's about how you treat others and what those girls said shows they lack that!
  • Funtime358
    Couldn't have said it better!