"You're still fat"



  • Pamelawagg
    Pamelawagg Posts: 29 Member
    Don't give up...your awesome !!!
  • vickilowell
    vickilowell Posts: 37 Member
    No matter what you "look" like, you sound like a lovely and vibrant and interesting woman.....none of us would trade places to be those horrid mean hideous girls with no manners who will get their own Karma back ten-fold. YOU are still the winner. SO sorry.... and I have had something similar happen and it DOES hurt. BUT, you will forget it and use it to fuel your desire for a healthier you and let the bad part go. Thank you for sharing and may you be blessed by strangers and friends alike for having the courage to share.
  • preacherboy1
    Hang in you can do it.And as for the girls one day they will reap those words with interest !! :-)
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I found a great quote. See below and be nice to each other. =0)

    “Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power.” ~Shirley MacLaine
    You go, girl! Forget those silly skinny-*kitten* b*tches. Shallow is as shallow does.
    Your last words tell me you are already finding a way to leave those nasty people behind.
    Whenever I see any overweight person out jogging or biking or doing any exercises out in public, I tell them (in my head) "good for you!" but I never say it out loud to them. I personally know how painful it is to get out in public and exercise. Think of all the rest of the world that tells you, by their silence, "good for you" and take heart in that. You do sound like a truly lovely and interesting woman. Believe in yourself and keep your eye on the prize.
  • anonniemouse
    anonniemouse Posts: 117 Member
    Good Job! You just keep doing what you are doing!

    My dad once told me that much of life is about learning to suffer fools. When I was 12 I thought it meant putting up with a soccer coach that I didn't like. Some 30 years later I realize he was talking about all of the mean, small minded, insensitive, short sighted, hurtful, people who willfully project their own pain onto me. I have translated this bit of my fathers wisdom for my young daughter to "Don't let the turkeys keep you down."

    I love that!

    And OP, I'm so proud that you kept going. Don't worry about people like them. They're just bumps in the road to a new you.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I'm not sure why someone would be so cruel, but rest assured when I see someone who is on the heavy side exercising, I smile inside :) Best of luck to you xxx
    See? There are more like us than there are of the nasty people.
  • almostanangel21
    almostanangel21 Posts: 143 Member
    Hey, congratulations, it's great that you hit a new fitness milestone! You walked 4 miles, which means you're healthier than you were 3 months ago or 6 months ago or when you woke up this morning. That's all that matters. Haters gonna hate.
  • NancyHan77
    NancyHan77 Posts: 2 Member
    OH MY GOSH!!! 4 MILES!!! How WONDERFUL!!! You should be really proud of yourself. Oh, and, those "pretty girls", just remember this, one day you'll be way thinner than you are now, but, those "pretty girls" will still have UGLY personalities, I'd much rather be you :)
  • PatriciaTousignant
    Congrats on the 4 miles Keep up the good word... And just look at all the support you have here and the words of encouragement next time someone says something mean just think about all the nice that were said here.
  • bunnies26
    bunnies26 Posts: 149 Member
    What A__holes!:explode:
  • espchica
    A few things:

    1. Those girls and whoever said that to you are not worth spending milliseconds thinking about. The hard part about being overweight is that it is a flaw that EVERYONE CAN SEE. Everyone has something they struggle with, but most people can sort of hide it better. Those girls obviously have flaws that you could HEAR. They can't control their mouths and lack empathy. Be proud that that is not YOUR flaw. Weight can be lost; being unfeeling and unloving is almost impossible to get rid of. So, stop thinking about their rudeness and focus on your accomplishments--focusing on them is letting them win.
    2. So what if you're "still fat," you are almost down by 16 pounds! So, you are not AS fat as before! (That's how I like to think about it sometimes.)
    3. Be proud of yourself for getting to the 4 mile mark. That is quite an IMPRESSIVE feat, and I know how hard that can be.
    4. You are incredibly motivating for posting what you did.
  • starswillfly
    starswillfly Posts: 22 Member
    You go girl. :)
    I haven't encountered such a thing while losing weight, but it doesn't mean that I've done it to myself before. Even though I weigh around 130 pounds, I'm 5'1" and losing or gaining weight is easy to see on me. Whenever I've had a bad day, like I've eaten too much and haven't exercised enough, I ridicule myself and say negative things. It is only then that when I look back at all the things I've done-like doing 2 5Ks-and I realize that my body doesn't need to be judged by anyone, not even myself.
    People tell me I'm beautiful and I'd like to really believe them one day with all of my heart.
    Those girls didn't have any right to say what they did to you. It was rude and inconsiderate and one day karma will really give them a good kick in the rear. You have determination to keep on doing, and you didn't let those words get to you. I applaud you for not only that, but losing that 16 pounds. That's an amazing feat. :)
  • omsmom12
    omsmom12 Posts: 31 Member
    It makes me sad to hear that happened to you. My grandmother used to say, "Beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes clear to the bone." Those girls who said that to you are ugly on the inside. It's sad that, in this day and age, people still have a good time acting like bullies and preying on others' sensitivities.

    You keep on keepin' on! You're doing great. :)
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    I was bullied as well. Not for being overweight, just for being a nerd. I was a straight A student, violin player and I marched in the drum core marching band. So I am a little extra sensitive to being bullied as an adult.
  • yogapantsandsmiles
    yogapantsandsmiles Posts: 24 Member
    this is appalling to me. I can't believe that someone would actually do that - much less a group of people. It's amazing that people can be so awful. I think it's great that you are continuing in your journey, and that you even started in the first place. That's such a big step. I struggle with my weight and I just can't imagine someone saying that to me.. So I give you major props for continuing on.16 pounds is a big accomplishment. Keep up the good work!
  • 1dce
    1dce Posts: 238 Member
    you know I never see karma.... wonder where she is cause I want to at least chuckle at someone lol maybe a little :bigsmile:
  • livcurious
    livcurious Posts: 30 Member
    You are doing an amazing job getting yourself out there to exercise. I'm disgusted by how those girls acted toward you - it's a shame bullying is so prevalent in today's society - especially when you are obviously working out and therefore trying to improve your health. I'm glad you won't let them get you down and you kept going, you are a better person!
  • tessi1993
    tessi1993 Posts: 186 Member
    that is horrible.

    some girls can be so upsetting.. im sure they eat junk and never put on weight.. one day they will.

    Im glad you are trying to see this in a positive way. you have come so far don't give up use it as motivation

    I hope your feeling better I honestly don't know how people can be so cruel.

    don't worry, karma will kick there butts!
  • sarcathryn
    sarcathryn Posts: 21 Member
    "There's a special place reserved in hell for women who don't support other women."

    You got this girl !
  • gjenkin1
    It is mind blowing that people can be that cruel! You have inspired me! I want to be just as strong as you! Keep looking up, YOU CAN DO THIS.