"You're still fat"



  • allen_ac
    allen_ac Posts: 64 Member
    I don't know if there is a better community of loving and supportive people than you guys here at MFP. Thank you so very much for the support. For those of you who are just now reading this post for the first time, I posted this back in October. Since then, I have lost 30 pounds and completed two 5k walks. I circuit train, lift weights and started C25K. I am down about three dress sizes. I have 70 pounds to go and I expect to meet that goal this year. I did NOT let them deter me. It is because of the support that I received back then (and continue to receive today) that I have stuck with this. I am not a role model, but I am committed to doing this. Take the ride with me and together we will show all of the mean girls of the world how awesome really looks. =0)

    You lost 30lbs in 2 months? oh my gosh you are insane, awesome work!
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    ugh. You just broke my heart.

    I've been at this weight loss/weight gain/exercise thing, it seems, forever. I've given away all my size 5 and 7 jeans a long time ago....last month I gave away my size 9s...It felt good to let go.

    I know in my heart that I am healthy and strong even if I am a bigger size.

    I'd like to punch that *beep* in the face for you! *hugs*

    Keep on doing what you are doing. I'm glad you posted this...I'm still fat too, but at least I'm healthy and happy.
  • Luv2h1k3
    Luv2h1k3 Posts: 66 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss and completing the 5Ks!!! So glad you didn't let those little snots get to you! Keep up the good work!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Words have weight and meaning. They can hurt or heal. To say that words don't mean anything is to lie.
    Wars have been fought over words. People kill and die over words.
    However, do not give those girls' words more power than they deserve.
    Those girls are small.
    They are petty.
    They are mean-spirited.
    They are shallow.
    So, while the word "fat" will be associated with you (and definitely with ME) for a few more days, weeks, months and, depending upon the progress you make, years, those words above will more than likely ALWAYS apply to those girls. It is unlikely that they will find positive change without some sort of awakening.
    So let their harmful words be like them: small.
    Don't give them more power than they deserve. Let them fade away, as they will from so many people's lives.
    Don't let those girls walk around rent free in your head.
    They have moved on to another victim. Giving them space in your head only makes you a continual victim of them.
    They are not worth that. In fact, they aren't worth the second thought.

    This guy is awesome! :happy:
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I don't know if there is a better community of loving and supportive people than you guys here at MFP. Thank you so very much for the support. For those of you who are just now reading this post for the first time, I posted this back in October. Since then, I have lost 30 pounds and completed two 5k walks. I circuit train, lift weights and started C25K. I am down about three dress sizes. I have 70 pounds to go and I expect to meet that goal this year. I did NOT let them deter me. It is because of the support that I received back then (and continue to receive today) that I have stuck with this. I am not a role model, but I am committed to doing this. Take the ride with me and together we will show all of the mean girls of the world how awesome really looks. =0)

    You are awesome too! :drinker:
  • cizzawizza
    cizzawizza Posts: 69 Member
    Karma, will prevail.

    Personality transplants haven't been invented yet, so those girls are screwed! Let the haters hate.

    You are doing so well and I'm proud of you. I can't run very well and really admire anyone who can. you're a star in my eyes.:happy:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    wow OP. i'm so sorry that happened to you. what a bunch of jerks! :mad:

    and you're better than me. my crazy can come out very quickly, and it would have started with me taking down the license plate number..... :devil:

    Seriously!!! :angry:
    All types of crazy would have happened. :laugh:

    You are doing great OP! It is good that you didn't let those girls keep you from your goals. :flowerforyou:
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    I'm glad that you are doing well and continued to improve yourself after this incident! There is no perfect, just choices. You made the right one! Wishing you all the best! :flowerforyou:
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    My initial thought: selfish b**ches.

    Ignore them and keep doing what you're doing. All your hard work will pay off :)
  • samantha0832
    The only thing that can steal your accomplishments and joy are listening to what thoughtless and obviously unhappy people have to say about you. Those people don't matter or deserve to have an opinion about you. Keep your head up, keep going day after day, and keep being proud of yourself. That's something that will bring you everything and listening to other people's intentional nastiness with bring you nothing positive.
  • KarenBoehlke
    Oh, but you are a role model. Children are watching. And your my hero. Thanks.
  • kboggs6763
    kboggs6763 Posts: 35 Member
    You are doing GREAT! Keep it up!
  • PolkaDot_Princess
    PolkaDot_Princess Posts: 314 Member
    Im so glad that you didnt let that horrible comment stop you! Of course it's upseting but people are RUDE!! not always and not everyone but that was such a terrible thing to say to someone, a complete stranger, who's out there trying to make a positive change. Just horrible!! What a bunch of little B*tches, seriously, just terrible!

    Again good for you for not letting it get the better of you, try not to dwell on it, cause really who cares what a bunch of mean little girls have to say? They mean nothing and you'll never see them again.

    Keep up the good work and remember to smile, because you're beautiful!!!
  • thesimsisters
    thesimsisters Posts: 73 Member
    I'm so sorry that had happened to you and I'm glad to see you report back that you are doing so great!!! I've also experienced similar things both as a teen and into my adult life. When I first started losing my weight in 2007, I was doing most of my exercise at our university's fitness center. Walking the indoor track etc. So I'm sure you can imagine. Seeing the really fit people going flying past me on the track plus the looks and comments. It was hard at times. Working out with someone helped a lot, my husband started going with me. Stuff people say to me really stays with me, I've always took stuff to heart as some people say. But I've gotten a lot better with the weight stuff...I let it stop me for too many years! Great job and hope you meet all your goals!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    What I learned from OP's post: She is a sweet wonderful individual and those girls are stupid crappy meangirl teenagers. I feel sorry for THEM. How insecure and unhappy they must be to have done such a thing. I hope one day they will grow as people and look back on this incident and feel shame. For their sake.

    Rock on OP. :heart: :drinker:
  • smileitmakespeoplewonder
    I'm really glad to see that you didn't let those silly girls stop you from continuing on your journey! Some people just need to be negative to others and hurtful to make themselves feel better! It's their problem, not yours! You are doing what's best for you. Keep up the great work!
  • wrk2hrd
    wrk2hrd Posts: 28
    They were not trying to steal your joy, but somehow find a way to bring more joy into their lives.

    Remember, the world isn't mad at you, but at themselves. It's just easier to try and find somebody to be mad at (or poke fun at w/ mal-intent)

    You keep doing you, and I promise you are ALREADY in a better place than whomever that was, is.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    They are obviously insecure. You're doing amazing!! Karma will get them, not to worry.

    Just a note, though... Women like that will still treat you bad when you look good, too. The comments will just be different (replace "you're still fat" with "b****, she thinks she's something"). It's just who they are, and we should all feel bad for them and the sad lives they have to live, not for ourselves. Hold your head high and forget them.
  • MJ0214
    MJ0214 Posts: 36 Member
    Oh sweetie.. People can be so cruel. Those pathetic girls obviously feel inadequate in some way. In the end, you should be the one laughing because you have enough self-worth and self-esteem to not have to put others down in order for you to feel good about yourself. You're doing that from the inside :)<3
  • ScorpionQwean
    ScorpionQwean Posts: 1,013 Member
    You are beautiful inside and out ! How those girls acted make them "ugly" and... who knows, one day maybe they will all become fat! Don't let them get you down or saddened. It's not worth it !! If they only knew how much weight you lost and how you are dedicated to your well being, they would have shut their mouths. Continue on with your bad self and smile to the world and especially to the lady in the mirror!!