Strangers make fun of me when I'm out



  • iluvpeppers
    You are a very pretty girl. I can not believe there are sick people out there like that. I have a very bad temper, if I would have heard and or seen that (even tho I don't know you), I would be ALLLL up on their face -- my ghetto side would come out. lol That just pisses me off..

    Thank you!!! That's the thing, if I saw someone say these sorts of things to someone else, I'd have definitely said something but both times there were ample people standing around and they all stared me *me* which just made everything worse lol
  • NoleGirl0918
    NoleGirl0918 Posts: 213 Member
    i'm so sorry that you experienced this - all i can say is that some people don't have the manners that God gave a goat! i have two young sons & they have watched me lose weight, BUT i let them know that the reason for me losing weight was to be healthier, not because i thought being smaller would make me prettier or something of that nature.

    We've also had many discussions about how a person shouldn't be judged by their size, skin color, hair color, eye color, language spoken or any disability. i know it sounds very simple, but that's the best way i can think of to address it and honestly feel that we would all be better off (adults included) if we approached situations in this way.

    Best wishes to you in your fitness journey :flowerforyou:
  • Naener
    Naener Posts: 167 Member
    I was teased and picked on a lot as a kid... not for my weight, but for my ears which are a little pointy and stick out from the sides of my head some... fairly comical when i was a kid, but kids/people are mean...

    Ill say the same to you that ive always told others... Dont let people who dont KNOW you change or poison how you think of yourself.

    them being ugly to you shows the ugliness within themselves.. its not about you.

    However.. if you look at yourself in the mirror, and dont like what you see... you can change it. Dont get discouraged.
  • lynn723
    Very well said!
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Adding this thread to my list of things to share whenever people say "people are so mean on MFP, no one would ever act like that in person! internet bullies!"
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    You look really cute from your photos and absolutely nothing like a guy. I can't see your body, but from your description, you can't possibly be that big. Also, who are these people who think it is okay to say this to anyone ever? I can't believe this stuff actually happens! I know it's hard to not let it get to you, but try not to. Think of it this way, it's probably not even about you, but more about their own insecurities and just wanting to make someone else feel horrible because that lifts them up in their minds. I know this is easier said than done, but try not to let it get to you, because people like that are obviously severely mentally disturbed.
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    I'm sorry that happened to you Ali. I'm 5'9" as well and was nearly 300 pounds at my heaviest. I never heard anyone make rude comments throughout most of my heavy years. There was one time, though, when DH and I went out to breakfast with our daughter. DH was also obese. As we were leaving, an elderly woman said under her breath, though we could still hear her, "That little girl has no chance!" I'm sure she meant that because my husband and I were fat that our daughter would be too. That hurt.

    We are both thin now, but I still remember how embarrassing and painful that one comment was. People suck, sometimes.

    I am sorry that you heard that, but, having a mother in her 80's, I find that old people lose the filter that would keep what they were thinking from slipping out and also, they typically speak loader than they should because they do not hear as well as they used to. My Mother often says things, especially since I lost my wieght, about other heavy people. Mostly because she feels sorry for them, not because she is trying to be mean.
  • Elliesque
    Elliesque Posts: 156 Member
    This is why parents need to step up and teach our kids love and kindness. I challenge my kids every day to look for a way to be kind and then when I pick them up from school I ask what they did. We constantly tell our kids to be kind.

    For every mean person, there is 10 nice ones. Feel sorry for them, for their hearts are ugly, I'd much rather be nice, and kind, then thin, and ugly on the inside, they can't be happy, if they have to bring others down to get attention.

    Keep your head up, and be confident that YOU are a better person!

    Exactly. I teach my kids what I was taught growing up "if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all."
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    Next time video them being rude. Put it on Facebook; someone will know them. Eventually they'll get the ridicule they deserve or at least you'll have proof so that you can take them to court.

    And carry pepper spray so that if they get in your face you can spray them. Ha!

    Best wishes and hugs to you; you are not what they say they are.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    There was another thread like this by someone else today. It's amazing how many *kitten* there are in the world. Remember, the people who say things like that aren't saying it because you're fat. They're saying it because they want to put someone down, and if you weren't there, they'd be making fun of someone else for something else. They pick something not ideal about a person and use it to torment them.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I think of it like this. These men are kind of like men who despise homosexuals. They are very cruel to them and even have resorted to killing gay men. Well, it's these cruel homophobic men who are themselves homosexuals and harm to repress their own sexual desires.

    Men like this are fatphobic, cruel, but find themselves very sexually attracted to larger women. They go out of their way to suppress their desires, and to fit in with the boys. It's an abusive cycle, and when they see a very attractive large woman (with ample breasts and a large behind) they cant suppress their desire, and due to that feeling of control loss they turn it into rage. What perfect way to ensure your fantasy remains around then knock an innocent woman down forcing her to drown her emotions in food, and get bigger.

    The next time it happens. Smile to yourself and think "oh hell no youre never getting down my pants."

    People who dont care. Dont comment.
  • karl39x
    karl39x Posts: 586 Member
    Baby, you are young and beautiful and should invest in a "beotch face."

    You can also just turn around and kick them in the balls really hard.

    Or start walking with your dog and train him to bite their **** off.
  • drizzlesugar
    I am sorry to hear that people have been rude and inappropriate to you. The problem is really with them. I once read that the last
    "unfortunately" acceptable prejudice is towards heavy people. I have experienced prejudice and rude remarks myself about my weight.
    We hear the media often making fun of celebrities who have put on a few pounds. And our media idealizes and markets "super-thin" as the ideal. This attitude destroys a lot of young girls perceptions of themselves concerning body image and self-worth. The real world problem of childhood obesity, heart disease, and diabetes never really gets addressed. We need to focus on all of our lives being healthy. Well I'll get off my soapbox. Please don't let the rude, inconsiderate, childish people ruin your day or your life. They are not worth it and are not your friends. Please keep the good work up and remember you are doing it to stay healthy and focused with your goals in life.
  • cfergusontx
    You look and seem like a lovely person. Always remember this, at least YOU don't have an ugly soul. Those people do.
  • iluvpeppers
    I haven't experienced many openly abusive people as a fat adult. The last clear situation I remember happened a few years ago. I was with my older sister at the store and we walked by a woman in the toy aisle. She muttered some rude comment under her breath (I don't even remember what it was) and I told my sister about it in one of those "Haha what's up her butt" ways since what she said hadn't really bothered me. My sister, on the other hand, got upset and doubled back to let the person know that her comment was unappreciated. We both were taken aback at her reaction--she literally started screaming at my sister and acted like I was making up stories and that she hadn't said anything. She called me a fat liar at least five times, with an emphasis on the word fat. The entire time, she didn't even look at my face. All of her attention was centered on my sister and she ranted and raved about what a fatty fat liar I was as if I wasn't even in the area, all while I was standing right in front of her. It was slightly surreal and I don't think I'll ever forget it because of how volatile it was.

    WOW. It amazes me when someone can make comments and then deny them when theyre confronted-- it confirms that they know what they did was rude and wrong. Which makes you have to question, why say rude things in the first place? Do they assume no one will call them out on it?

    Sorry you experienced that, i'd have definitely left crying or something. Then again, that woman sounds insane, so lets owe her rude comments to her not being ''with it'' to begin with =P
  • iluvpeppers
    I'm sorry this happened to you. People can really suck sometimes. I have not been called names but my friends have. One of my friends got Moo'd at when we went out one night. Thankfully she wasn't alone. She had us to go ape s**t on this guy. Either way it was horrible for her and I could tell it really hurt her feelings. Seems like other people here have started to arm you with some good come back lines, so keep those in mind when you are out and about. Don't let the idiots stop you from being who you want to be. You are gorgeous from what I can tell, so it's their loss.

    MOOING?! WHO DOES THAT??? HOW JUVENILE!! Poor thing, she must have felt awful. I'm glad she had supportive friends with her, having friends can go far in countering the actions of others. That guy though, wow, what a douche bag.
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    That is absolutely horrible. :( I am SO sorry that even happened to you!!! Don't mind them... seriously.. some people are just insensitive and rude.

    I've never had that happen to me... but I tell ya... maybe its a good thing. I can't understand why people have to be that way.
    Forget them sweetheart... no man, or woman is worth your tears or stress. :flowerforyou:
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Ah - I noticed you live in SD. I used to live there and let me tell you... I don't think I've ever come across so many friggin douche bags in my life. Seeing as how I grew u in LA, that's saying something!

    I'm so sorry you had to go through that... you don't deserve it, and I hope that a few jerks don't keep you from going outside; especially in such a beautiful city.
  • MePlus20
    MePlus20 Posts: 55 Member
    I am SO sorry people are doing this to you. Unfortunately you hear all that crap, when that might be 1% of the population. And you don't hear the other people's thoughts who are nice. People who can identify with you, or people who have some awareness of what heavy people go through, or even people who just don't think anything of your size at all one way or another. So unfortunately the douche bags get the press and you hear all of that stuff and none of the others, and the other is really the majority.

    Sending you warm thoughts. I hope some people here will have some good things to say that will help you through the hurt.
  • iluvpeppers
    That's just SO freakin' crazy and weird and I am so sorry it has been happening to you :-( I haven't had anything that blatant. I'm female, 5'8" and started MFP at 262 lb so I am still pretty close to your size. Although in the past I have been up to 307 lb for a time.

    Anyway, I think for me mostly people have made fun of my size quietly behind my back. I do remember a few rude comments in elementary school, when I was BY FAR the biggest kid in 4th grade at 5'6" and 130 lb. Mostly they would be like, "Omg how tall are you?" followed with "And how much do you actually *weigh* (giggle)?" ONCE, about 5 yrs ago when I was at my heaviest, a young (20-ish) couple, male and female, were tittering about me at Starbucks and it's unclear exactly what they were saying about me. I assumed it was about my size, but it also may have been just me in general because I'm very enthusiastic and animated a lot of the time. Either way I felt humiliated especially because my best friend, who is a wonderful person and means well, wanted us both to leave immediately when she realized they were making fun of me. That stuff stings.

    This probably won't help matters at all because it is still harassment but I've heard some men who are either very intimidated by larger size women and/or just really attracted to Amazon-types, make comments somewhat similar to what those guys said about you. A male friend of mine absolutely loves bigger women who are both tall and large/curvy, in fact he thinks I'm "too short" at 5'8" and he finds it hard not to stare when he sees a woman he would consider ideal, which is about 6' tall and 200+ lb. I'm NOT saying you should feel flattered. Those guys are completely out of line. But don't assume it's 100% negative stuff because you look super pretty in your photo.

    I doubt that helped at all, but FWIW...

    No, you totally helped. a lot. thanks for taking the time to reply, i really appreciate it. Maybe if i just go out and *pretend* i'm this ultrahot demi-amizonian it'll make me feel less bad when people comment hahaha. I'm willing to try anything at this point!

    I'm sorry for what happened to you when you were out. some people, ugh. I used to be really animated and... loud lol. Not nymore though, =/ now i just try to draw as little attention to myself as possible. But thanks for sharing your experience, it does make me feel less alone