If You're doing away with Carbs....Add Me!



  • ashnich11
    ashnich11 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi :) I have type one diabetes and have been taking insulin for about 12 years (8 years old). My doctors just told me to eat what I want and cover it with insulin, which is great and everything but it doesn't really help with gaining weight. I am also a struggling college student with no medical insurance. I talked with my doctor and said I need a way to save money on insulin and he said "take less insulin?" haha who would have thought. So we came up with a plan to go "low carb" as you would say. I still have bread, dairy and good stuff. But in moderation. I have no complaints, maybe because Im used to having to say no to things I want like huge pieces of chocolate cake or all you can eat pancake breakfasts. Im not saying its for everyone, but this is how I've had success. Im open to questions and will not judge :))

    I'll add you.

    how many grams carbs do you eat a day?

    I struggle to get under 50g. and my carbs come exclusively from nuts, peanut butter and protein powder. if there were no carbs in peanut butter, i could do it for the rest of my life no problem though lol.

    I eat at least 2200 cals a day though. if i was eating less calories overall, i suppose it would be 'easier' to eat things like fruit and still not go over 50g. that was one thing that always bugged me about the keto thing. My calorie intake is based on body weight, how come bigger people can't get away with eating more carbs and still stay in ketosis?

    or can they?

    i understand your situation is different and your doing it for different reasons overall

    I eat around 30-50 grams a day.

    being type 1 diabetic, I make no insulin at all. Type 2 diabetics make insulin, their body has just built up what they call a insulin resistance. When you eat carbs, they give you energy, what isn't "burned off" or too many carbs are eaten, it is stored as fat, resulting in high blood pressure, high cholesterol, that leads to insulin resistance and eventually, type 2 diabetes.

    when I first started my doctor told me to do a carb fast, (once again, not saying this is for everyone) I ate under 20g of carbs a day for a week. this speeds up the process telling your body it cant use carbs for energy anymore and to go to using fat. During this time I had what they call a carb flu, headache, lightheaded, and tired.

    I do not count calories at all. but if I had to guess how many on average I eat a day id say about 1400-1800.

    PS- I am also a avid peanut butter eater and am quite addicted :)) hope this helped.