PALEO: pros, cons and whatever else you may think?



  • darkangel45422
    darkangel45422 Posts: 234 Member
    You know what's really funny? People who aren't Paleo/Primal/etc. trying to tell people who are how their own lifestyle works. Instead of holding yourselves up as experts who somehow know more about these plans than the people actually on them or the ones who started them, maybe realize you're not perfect and all knowing. Trying to argue a food doesn't fit on the Paleo plan when it's clearly stated as fitting is just ridiculous.

    Pot, meet kettle.

    And, a food is clearly stated as fitting Paleo by who? The guy who wrote the book? Look up clueless in the dictionary and see if there is a picture that looks familiar to you.

    Yes, generally the person who invented the lifestyle gets to decide what fits that lifestyle. So for example, I personally follow Primal - in that case, Mark Sisson would get to decide what constitutes a Primal food because he invented it. Do I have to agree with everything he says? No. But I do have to agree that when he says something is or isn't Primal, that he's right because he invented it and thus gets to decide everything about it.

    If thinking the person who invented an idea gets to say what that idea includes is clueless, then I suggest you start learning what actual words mean, cause I don't think clueless means what you think it does.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    So for example, I personally follow Primal - in that case, Mark Sisson would get to decide what constitutes a Primal food because he invented it.

    You are following the "logic" of a guy who walks the whole-foods talk by pushing supplements on his flock?

    Oh dear.

    Did you know his diet now has him taking Human Growth Hormone? All those lovely pictures of him on his website aren't from eating primal or doing sprints - the guy is Lance Armstrong-ing himself.
  • darkangel45422
    darkangel45422 Posts: 234 Member
    So for example, I personally follow Primal - in that case, Mark Sisson would get to decide what constitutes a Primal food because he invented it.

    You are following the "logic" of a guy who walks the whole-foods talk by pushing supplements on his flock?

    Oh dear.

    Did you know his diet now has him taking Human Growth Hormone? All those lovely pictures of him on his website aren't from eating primal or doing sprints - the guy is Lance Armstrong-ing himself.

    Just because he sells something doesn't mean he's pushing it; some of his older articles contained ads to his stuff, and he still does post when he has a new book our or Primal convention, but 95% of the time I don't even notice or remember that he sells anything. A lot of what he talks about makes sense, and I appreciate that he doesn't expect people to just listen to him, but rather posts food for thought ideas and provides links to studies and articles to make us think about our own approach to health. Generally I don't appreciate anything done to just make money but considering the blog gives away all the information in his books (and then some) for free, I feel a lot better about reading his site because I DON'T feel at all like he's pushing things on me. Sure, he takes supplements and sometimes does shakes, etc. I personally don't like shakes because I'd rather eat whole foods but that's just me.

    If he does take HGH then he's not really following his own plan, and that's unfortunate. Doesn't really affect the Primal Blueprint at all.

    You're making a straw man argument here, by the way; attacking Sisson instead of the plan itself.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    If he does take HGH then he's not really following his own plan, and that's unfortunate. Doesn't really affect the Primal Blueprint at all.

    Oh dear.

    Well, you enjoy yourself then. Like i told you before, MFP will be here for you when you lose this faith, too.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    So for example, I personally follow Primal - in that case, Mark Sisson would get to decide what constitutes a Primal food because he invented it.

    You are following the "logic" of a guy who walks the whole-foods talk by pushing supplements on his flock?

    Oh dear.

    Did you know his diet now has him taking Human Growth Hormone? All those lovely pictures of him on his website aren't from eating primal or doing sprints - the guy is Lance Armstrong-ing himself.
    That blows. And alas, so many diets (including iifym) are here for MONEY. Does what they profer work? I guess time will tell.
  • darkangel45422
    darkangel45422 Posts: 234 Member
    If he does take HGH then he's not really following his own plan, and that's unfortunate. Doesn't really affect the Primal Blueprint at all.

    Oh dear.

    Well, you enjoy yourself then. Like i told you before, MFP will be here for you when you lose this faith, too.

    Honestly, you just make yourself seem ignorant and like a jerk when you say things like this. Just because I can separate a plan from its creator and not immediately assume a personal flaw in the man equals a flaw in the plan doesn't somehow make me a blind follower. I've done my research, I take the parts of the Primal Blueprint that I like and leave the ones I don't.

    And, just to momentarily give into your ridiculousness, religion requires accepting all rules as law; breaking one is a sin. Lifestyle plans like this one full out tell you to take what you like and leave the rest, tweaking it to fit you. So all of your little jabs about equating Paleo/Primal with a religion are flawed at their very foundation. I think you'll find that those who follow these plans are probably a lot more intelligent and well researched on their lifestyles and the reasons behind it than the bulk of people on weight loss plans who regurgitate ideas about calories in calories out and everything in moderation.

    I've yet to hear most of you naysayers say a single intelligent thing about why this lifestyle doesn't work, and instead focus on extremely fringe aspects of the plan such as whether or not Mark Sisson uses HGH or if pork should be considered Paleo. If you don't think Paleo/Primal/etc. works, then say so and explain why. Otherwise, keep your mouth shut - I believe there's an old adage that says if you can't say something nice (and in this case I'll expand that to include intelligent, on topic and relevant) then don't say anything at all.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You know what's really funny? People who aren't Paleo/Primal/etc. trying to tell people who are how their own lifestyle works. Instead of holding yourselves up as experts who somehow know more about these plans than the people actually on them or the ones who started them, maybe realize you're not perfect and all knowing. Trying to argue a food doesn't fit on the Paleo plan when it's clearly stated as fitting is just ridiculous.

    It would probably be best if it changed its name from paleo, because nothing about it is paleo.
    If it changed its name you'd still be peeing yourself because "diets with names are silly" says the zealot.

    Yup. The crazy zealot with his absurd fringe belief that people should eat the foods that make them happy and not avoid foods they love because some "expert" says they're unclean. How insane.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I like the emphasis on unprocessed foods, but I think it's pretty unbalanced and unsustainable for most people, as is any diet that eliminates or severely restricts a group of foods.
  • thefragile7393
    thefragile7393 Posts: 102 Member
    Oddly most people seem to have forgotten its a way of life....not a "diet" per se. Just like eating clean isn't a diet. Just a way of eating. Atkins Diet, South Beach...whatever. THere are some really odd people around here that are so anti or pro something they just can't see anything past their own opinion. Sad. If it works for someone who cares? If it does not work for you...move on. People claim all sorts of things but interestingly things seem to work for at least some people.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    If he does take HGH then he's not really following his own plan, and that's unfortunate. Doesn't really affect the Primal Blueprint at all.

    Oh dear.

    Well, you enjoy yourself then. Like i told you before, MFP will be here for you when you lose this faith, too.

    Honestly, you just make yourself seem ignorant and like a jerk when you say things like this. Just because I can separate a plan from its creator and not immediately assume a personal flaw in the man equals a flaw in the plan doesn't somehow make me a blind follower. I've done my research, I take the parts of the Primal Blueprint that I like and leave the ones I don't.

    And, just to momentarily give into your ridiculousness, religion requires accepting all rules as law; breaking one is a sin. Lifestyle plans like this one full out tell you to take what you like and leave the rest, tweaking it to fit you. So all of your little jabs about equating Paleo/Primal with a religion are flawed at their very foundation. I think you'll find that those who follow these plans are probably a lot more intelligent and well researched on their lifestyles and the reasons behind it than the bulk of people on weight loss plans who regurgitate ideas about calories in calories out and everything in moderation.

    I've yet to hear most of you naysayers say a single intelligent thing about why this lifestyle doesn't work, and instead focus on extremely fringe aspects of the plan such as whether or not Mark Sisson uses HGH or if pork should be considered Paleo. If you don't think Paleo/Primal/etc. works, then say so and explain why. Otherwise, keep your mouth shut - I believe there's an old adage that says if you can't say something nice (and in this case I'll expand that to include intelligent, on topic and relevant) then don't say anything at all.

    The main criticism isn't that it doesn't work. It's that the diet is unnecessarily restrictive for really dumb reasons.

    Also... keep your mouth shut if you don't like paleo? In a thread where the OP asked for opinions on paleo?
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    If he does take HGH then he's not really following his own plan, and that's unfortunate. Doesn't really affect the Primal Blueprint at all.

    Oh dear.

    Well, you enjoy yourself then. Like i told you before, MFP will be here for you when you lose this faith, too.

    Honestly, you just make yourself seem ignorant and like a jerk when you say things like this. Just because I can separate a plan from its creator and not immediately assume a personal flaw in the man equals a flaw in the plan doesn't somehow make me a blind follower. I've done my research, I take the parts of the Primal Blueprint that I like and leave the ones I don't.

    And, just to momentarily give into your ridiculousness, religion requires accepting all rules as law; breaking one is a sin. Lifestyle plans like this one full out tell you to take what you like and leave the rest, tweaking it to fit you. So all of your little jabs about equating Paleo/Primal with a religion are flawed at their very foundation. I think you'll find that those who follow these plans are probably a lot more intelligent and well researched on their lifestyles and the reasons behind it than the bulk of people on weight loss plans who regurgitate ideas about calories in calories out and everything in moderation.

    I've yet to hear most of you naysayers say a single intelligent thing about why this lifestyle doesn't work, and instead focus on extremely fringe aspects of the plan such as whether or not Mark Sisson uses HGH or if pork should be considered Paleo. If you don't think Paleo/Primal/etc. works, then say so and explain why. Otherwise, keep your mouth shut - I believe there's an old adage that says if you can't say something nice (and in this case I'll expand that to include intelligent, on topic and relevant) then don't say anything at all.

    The main criticism isn't that it doesn't work. It's that the diet is unnecessarily restrictive for really dumb reasons.

    Also... keep your mouth shut if you don't like paleo? In a thread where the OP asked for opinions on paleo?

    What are your thoughts on the McDougall plan? It's restrictive, too, but would you be okay with that b/c it's not for "dumb reasons" and no cavemen are involved?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    If he does take HGH then he's not really following his own plan, and that's unfortunate. Doesn't really affect the Primal Blueprint at all.

    Oh dear.

    Well, you enjoy yourself then. Like i told you before, MFP will be here for you when you lose this faith, too.

    Honestly, you just make yourself seem ignorant and like a jerk when you say things like this. Just because I can separate a plan from its creator and not immediately assume a personal flaw in the man equals a flaw in the plan doesn't somehow make me a blind follower. I've done my research, I take the parts of the Primal Blueprint that I like and leave the ones I don't.

    And, just to momentarily give into your ridiculousness, religion requires accepting all rules as law; breaking one is a sin. Lifestyle plans like this one full out tell you to take what you like and leave the rest, tweaking it to fit you. So all of your little jabs about equating Paleo/Primal with a religion are flawed at their very foundation. I think you'll find that those who follow these plans are probably a lot more intelligent and well researched on their lifestyles and the reasons behind it than the bulk of people on weight loss plans who regurgitate ideas about calories in calories out and everything in moderation.

    I've yet to hear most of you naysayers say a single intelligent thing about why this lifestyle doesn't work, and instead focus on extremely fringe aspects of the plan such as whether or not Mark Sisson uses HGH or if pork should be considered Paleo. If you don't think Paleo/Primal/etc. works, then say so and explain why. Otherwise, keep your mouth shut - I believe there's an old adage that says if you can't say something nice (and in this case I'll expand that to include intelligent, on topic and relevant) then don't say anything at all.

    The main criticism isn't that it doesn't work. It's that the diet is unnecessarily restrictive for really dumb reasons.

    Also... keep your mouth shut if you don't like paleo? In a thread where the OP asked for opinions on paleo?

    What are your thoughts on the McDougall plan? It's restrictive, too, but would you be okay with that b/c it's not for "dumb reasons" and no cavemen are involved?

    Never heard of it. Summarize?
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    Written by a doctor and internist - been around for a long, long time. Low-fat vegan diet to reduce cholesterol and degenerative diseases - focuses on starches such as potatoes, rice, and corn and no animal products or fats. It's the anti-Paleo.

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I copied this from the McDougall site:

    The exclusion of animal foods, including red meat, poultry, dairy products, eggs, and fish – all of which provide toxic levels of fat, cholesterol, protein and, very often, infectious agents and harmful chemicals.The exclusion of all oils including olive oil, safflower oil, and corn oil. Oils are nothing more than liquid fats that increase obesity, which in turn, depresses immune function and contributes to the most common chronic diseases.

    Yes he same criticism applies. Unnecessarily restrictive for dumb reasons. Poultry contains toxic levels of fat and protein. Got it. Thanks McDougall.

    This plan appears geared around selling residential programs and books. Of course all the silly restrictive diets with names are really just marketing efforts trying to sell something.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Written by a doctor and internist - been around for a long, long time. Low-fat vegan diet to reduce cholesterol and degenerative diseases - focuses on starches such as potatoes, rice, and corn and no animal products or fats. It's the anti-Paleo.


    Paleo was created, written, whatever, by a doctor as well.

    "Loren Cordain is an American scientist who specializes in fields of nutrition and exercise physiology."
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    Eh, I like McDougall and his program has been run in major hospitals for the past 20 years. Why shouldn't he make a buck? I don't work for free either.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Written by a doctor and internist - been around for a long, long time. Low-fat vegan diet to reduce cholesterol and degenerative diseases - focuses on starches such as potatoes, rice, and corn and no animal products or fats. It's the anti-Paleo.


    Tried it. Was constantly hungry. Paleo/primal eating has changed the way my appetite works; I'm never hungry these days, and I feel full and satisfied with just one helping at meals. I don't even need to snack. It's wonderful not to be ruled by food and cravings.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Eh, I like McDougall and his program has been run in major hospitals for the past 20 years. Why shouldn't he make a buck? I don't work for free either.

    I don't care if he makes money off it. However, the profit motive tends to undermine the claims.

    When someone is trying to sell you a thing, you can't simply trust them to tell you the truth and the whole truth.
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    Written by a doctor and internist - been around for a long, long time. Low-fat vegan diet to reduce cholesterol and degenerative diseases - focuses on starches such as potatoes, rice, and corn and no animal products or fats. It's the anti-Paleo.


    Paleo was created, written, whatever, by a doctor as well.

    "Loren Cordain is an American scientist who specializes in fields of nutrition and exercise physiology."

    I did not know that. I just googled Loren Cordain and Paleo and Wikipedia said that McDougall has questioned the accuracy of the science behind it.

    I think this whole debate has illustrated nothing other than that there is more than one way to skin a cat. And, for every point, there is a counterpoint, and on and on ad nauseam.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Written by a doctor and internist - been around for a long, long time. Low-fat vegan diet to reduce cholesterol and degenerative diseases - focuses on starches such as potatoes, rice, and corn and no animal products or fats. It's the anti-Paleo.


    Paleo was created, written, whatever, by a doctor as well.

    "Loren Cordain is an American scientist who specializes in fields of nutrition and exercise physiology."

    I did not know that. I just googled Loren Cordain and Paleo and Wikipedia said that McDougall has questioned the accuracy of the science behind it.

    I think this whole debate has illustrated nothing other than that there is more than one way to skin a cat. And, for every point, there is a counterpoint, and on and on ad nauseam.

    That was kinda my point.