Has anyone lost weight and then put it back on?



  • xxmestxx
    xxmestxx Posts: 21

    It's like I had a taste of the good life and threw it all away. If I don't get back to where I was in a healthier way I'll be full of all kinds of regret.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    More selective answers could be yielded by asking "has anyone lost weight and NOT put it back on?"
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    No. I slowly gained weight after 10 years and at 54 went on my first weight loss campaign. Took it off. Have kept it off a year. I am still in my 3 pound box. I hope to stay here - it makes me very happy.

    I wish I had done this 10 years ago.
  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member

    I was in normal BMI all my life until I hit 38, was overweight for a couple of year sthen came here to MFP, lost 25 pounds in 4 months and now have been maintaining rather effortlessly for 5 months.

    I don't think I'll gain that weight again!
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    I couldn't imagine the consequences if I was to put all my weight back on, if I did I don't think I'll have the same willpower as my original attempt, so no, some people will look worse than before, with all that muscle lost dieting in the first place, only to be replaced by more fat.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member

    I always weighed around 220-240 as a teenager and then my weight skyrocketed when I was a junior in college and had to be on steroids & have surgery etc, all because of a spider bite. Right after that I went through a nasty breakup as well and wound up at 299 lb.

    I basically ate nothing for a year - in all seriousness, I didn't starve myself but I ate like 1 meal per day, usually limiting myself to eggs, cheese, mushrooms and steamed rice, and 1 chocolate bar every few days. I drank Diet Pepsi like it was going out of style. In that year I lost 72 lb and was at my lowest adult weight of 227 lb. I looked weirdly hollow in the face and didn't have my usual energy level. Even though I was still very obese people told me I looked sickly and terrible.

    The MINUTE I started eating normal meals (3 per day) and dating a guy who ate lots of food, I was right back around 265-270 for many more years.

    This time I am 37 yrs old and I've slowly lost 123 lb over 5 years and am committed to keeping it off. I also don't look unhealthy IMO, even though I'm now at a much better weight of 184 lb.
  • runforestrun35
    runforestrun35 Posts: 480 Member
    I lost 30, put about 19 back on... Now that I have started tracking again, running more, and lifting 3 + days a week.... I am back Down to almost the 30 lb mark...(3 lbs shy). It is a struggle I fight daily, but it is so worth the work.
  • MattLBennett
    MattLBennett Posts: 24 Member
    Just for a bit of variety..no, i have never gained it back. I was always fit when i was younger (up to about mid 20's) but over the last decade just didn't notice how fat i had become until I hit 280. Lost 80lbs last year and have been maintaining for about 6 months (stopped logging at maintenance, just weighing). So maybe a bit early to say.

    I have found and controlled the food habits that were causing the issues and now i'm lighter i am far more active so it keeps the weight off. But i would say the most important thing was educating myself on the amount of calories in different foods and drinks. I eat what i want but am aware of the cost and the amount of exercise it takes to counteract that.

    Good luck boys and girls :)
  • dj59lane
    dj59lane Posts: 52 Member
    Lost 98 lbs in past 2 years working hard at keeping it off. watching what I eat, lots of exercise
  • RobertReese12
    My weight has been going up and down over the years... Well it was mainly going up until 2006 until I decided to do something about it. I lost 6 stone (110 down to 80 kilos) then stabilized at around 85 kilos. I was into weights all these years and my eating habits had changed. So I thought there was NO WAY to put the way back on, as I was working out and eating healthily.
    Well, as I said in the other thread, during 2010 I went up to 99 kilos, because my workouts became rarer and less intense while the calorie intake remain unchanged and I was allowing myself more cheat meals than before.
    So the conclusion I have made is that you need to remain vigilant at all times. It doesn't matter whether you now do weights or eat (relatively) healthily, if you are not careful enough, the weight can go up again (in a bad way).
    This is what happened to me. I took the eye off the ball in 2010 and I paid the penalty.
    The reason can be whatever. In my case it was long working hours during the week and socializing during weekend which meant I had a lot less time to workout. This year, I am planning a lot more carefully so as to make sure I set aside enough time to achieve my goals.
  • designdoer
    designdoer Posts: 4
    Oh heck yeah - I've actually gotten about 30 lbs. off, twice, and back on they went! It's so frustrating and emotional. I started asking myself what was wrong with me... Then I realized, unless I make a real life change, and not just follow some fad diet, this is going to keep happening. So, I've let myself get accustomed to the fact that the change I'm making will be a forever change, and now I've kind of warmed up to the idea! I haven't gotten far weight wise, but, learning wise - I think I've made leaps and bounds. Keep it up - you can do it.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    I've put on 6 lbs since Easter... almost back to my starting weight of 132 lbs. All I need to do is get myself out the door to run for a couple consecutive mornings and I'll have momentum to keep working out, but it's proving hard. Taking 3 days off fitness and eating well because "It's a vacation" was a terrible idea.
  • tkdgirlms
    tkdgirlms Posts: 73
    I did! While it's not the best excuse, not long after losing the weight I had knee surgery and then 3 years later had another knee surgery. In the past year, I've taken steroids for about 6 months due to asthma flair-ups. All this contributed to my weight gain but the cold hard fact is, I like to eat!
  • Thatsdatdiva601
    Thatsdatdiva601 Posts: 209 Member
    Story of my life...I'm getting back on track starting today and I refuse to let anything stop me!
  • KarmaLaine
    KarmaLaine Posts: 37 Member
    Oh yes, I lost 25lbs in 2008. Maintained for a while, went up and down by 10lbs several times. This is the first time that I've really "lost it" since then.
  • jirwin323
    jirwin323 Posts: 40 Member
    I was always "husky" as a kid (actually I was extremely obese) and at the end of high school at age 17 I weighed 272 pounds. I went in to see a new FD and he put me on the diabetic diet. I lost 75 pounds and kept it off for the most part of college. And then I got a F/T job, did a lot of drinking, eating out, and had absolutely no self control over what I put into my mouth. By the time I was 23 I was back to 275 pds. New FD and he put me on the DD again at 1100 calories with regular weigh-ins. I gave up drinking, watched and recorded every morsel that went into my mouth, and started to walk and bike. With-in 4 months I was down to 170 pounds. I managed to go 8 years under 200 pounds (170 was really too small for my body type). And then I got a new job were I had to commute 1-1.5hrs each way each day. Started munching on the drive. Went back to drinking and eating whatever I wanted with no exercise and with-in the year I was well over 260 pounds. In between then and now I have lost many pounds only to put them back on once I stop actively controlling what goes in my mouth. This year, in January, both my wife and I made a commitment to change our eating/drinking habits and I have added a lot of exercise to my life to the point were when I do not do cardio I feel something is missing. The results are FANTASTIC. I've lost 50 pounds and I have all sorts of people stopping me here in the little village I live in to tell me how good I look. I guess I just have a body type that I can't let bad habits overtake me or I'll be back up to 288pds (the highest I have ever been - August 12th, 2013).
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    When I was 18 I lost 40 lbs in 3 months. I put it on up to 205 lbs and lost to 174, got pregnant, up to 234, had baby 204, developed hashimoto's, and I've now been yoyoing between 204-228 for years and that's including 2 more pregnancies.
  • MichelleAymond
    since i was about 15! up and down, up and down.....i had maintained around 135 for about 4 years, then this past year gained back up to 155. this time, i said screw the diets, screw starving myself. i'm focusing on clean eating, working out once every morning (small 15 mins but enuf to get the blood pumping), heavy workout later in the day, sometimes another 15 mins before bed. i'm ok at 150, if i'm solid.....im far from solid at this point! my baby just told me this morning i was fluffy....i just said thank you (because it's better than her saying fat, right?!). i'm so pissed at myself that when i lost it the last time i just quit my routine, gained it all back fast and then some.....this time, doing it right though. start the 21 day fix tomorrow! can't wait.

    let's say 135 to 160 to 115 to 160 to 205 (pregnancy) to 120 to 165 to 130 to 150 to 135 to 150 to 115 to 145 to 130 to the 155 i started this journey with.....see, alot of yoyos.... :/
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    Yup, a couple times.

    Can't slack off on exercising and logging now.
  • Siigh_duck
    Siigh_duck Posts: 161 Member
    I was 120lbs a couple weeks ago, now I'm 135
    I went on the most epic binge week , not even water weight either, that was 137 :p
    I did get dumped though so :p Ice cream is permitted, back on track now though