Has anyone lost weight and then put it back on?



  • helenbroom
    helenbroom Posts: 2
    Most of my adult life (55 now) ive yo yo,d, and its taken over my life..I lost 33ibs two years ago and thought "this is it, ive done it"..Then I suffered with painfull knees through all the excercising and stopped working out and going to my class, and have gained most of the weight back :mad: Im back on track now and through this site and support I hope to lose about 2stone..
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I did. Nine years ago I lost over 100 pounds. I was even part of a main article in Prevention Magazine. I kept it off for about a year and then allowed life issues and old habits creep back in. I gained it ALL back. I was so embarrassed and pissed at myself. I finally figured it all out and I lost all the weight and then some, got in the best shape of my life and I've now kept off my 110 pound loss for 3 years. I'll never gain it back. I'm a new person.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Yes. I've actually gone up and down most of my life. When I was in grade 3 I was in the hospital and off from school for 3 weeks, and barely able to eat during that time, most of it I was on an iv. I lost a bunch of weight and it scared my dad so he kept trying to get me to over eat so I would put the weight back on. And I did. By the time I was in grade 4 my friends were telling me I was fat, and I went on my first diet. I ate much less, and lost the weight. I feel like I've been dieting ever since. I was pretty much fine (but thought I was fat) until I was 21. My friend had anorexia and didn't want anyone else to go through what she was and encouraged us to eat. So I did. And I gained. I gained up until I was 21. My one guy friend who was a pain and enjoyed picking people up and torturing them, spinning them around and stuff. He had just finished doing it to my skinny friend, and then did me, and said I was super heavy. That's when I realized I needed to lose weight. I didn't want to be the super heavy friend anymore. So I started to diet. The complete wrong way of course. I ate one meal per day consisting of 200-300 calories per day. I lost 33 pounds in 4 months. It was the only time I actually felt comfortable in my skin since I was in grade 3. I could wear anything I wanted and it felt great. Although, I was hungry all the time so I was grumpy all the time. Then when I was 23 I met the guy that would be my first husband. He became an abusive alcoholic. I was always dieting, but never losing weight because I was drinking a lot (cuz he wanted me to try and keep up with him) and because I was also sneaking food all the time cuz I was always upset. I got up to my highest weight of my life. It took until after our divorce before I was able to lose weight. The year I was with my next boyfriend I was able to lose 15 pounds without much effort. Then my next boyfriend (my wonderful husband now) came along. When together I went up and down with my weight because he loves to eat, and he loves to eat fast food and junk food most. So we would eat all kinds of bad things. But, when I realized we were getting married and I wanted to fit into my dream dress and actually be okay with the way I looked in my wedding pictures, I wanted to get serious. I lost 10 pounds doing Weight Watchers. Then I lost my job and quit. I kept doing all different kinds of diets after that. I was actually on here then, but then switched to Fat Secret. I was doing okay, and managed to lose 10 more pounds. But when I went back to work, I was finding it too hard to cook after work and ended up getting bad foods. That's when I decided to join Jenny Craig. On Jenny Craig I lost 17 pounds. I was almost at my goal weight and I was super happy. But then I lost that job (it was a temp position) I couldn't afford to pay for the expensive plan anymore. Also, I found out that every single product that they had has soy in it, which is bad for my thyroid. (I had major thyroid problems in 2010 for 9 months where I felt like a zombie and couldn't do anything. That's how I lost my job at the time). So then I was on my own. Since then I've gone up in weight. Then at the end of 2012 I went on Weight Watchers again and lost 10 pounds again. Then put more back on after I had to go off of it. Then last year I got sick at the beginning of March, and was sick on and off for most of the last year. When I get sick, I get super sick where I can barely move, and sleep most of the time. I couldn't exercise, couldn't cook, and pigged out all the time on junk food and fast food to make myself feel better. Got back up to my highest weight. I gained 39 pounds from the beginning of January until July last year. Then I went on the lemonade cleanse twice to get rid of my mono. It worked I got rid of my mono and I managed to lose 18 pounds. My mom asked my to join Weight Watchers with her, and I did. But when I went back to eating, I gained weight, and then kept going up and down between 5 pounds. Then on New Year's Day I got super sick again until the beginning of March when I started going to a Wellness Chiropractor. During that time I went back up to my highest weight ever for my 3rd time. Since getting better, I've been going up and down between the same 5 pounds until today where I got down to a 6 pound loss from my highest weight. I just hope I keep going in that direction. Sorry for the ramble!!!
  • N3rdyBird_
    N3rdyBird_ Posts: 98 Member
    Yeah. I've learned that you need to lose weight slowly and by healthy means in order to keep it off. If ya force the weight off it'll come back with extra pounds. -.- Stupid fat.