Why did you gain weight in the first place?



  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I ate too many calories and did too little exercise.

    Yeah, this. I have no idea what a "trigger food" is, and there aren't any excuses for my starting weight, just too much food and wine and not enough movement :flowerforyou:
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    Moved states to be with my sweetheart. We wined and dined a whole lot. The first year I maintained a little but fluctuated between 5-8 pounds. Then 8 turned to 12 and so on. Here I am now...45+ lbs and two years of lusciousness later. Wowsers.
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    It's as simple as me eating whatever I want whenever I want and eating when I'm not hungry. I don't like wasting food and will eat everything on my plate even if I felt sick afterwards. It took a while to adjust this mentality, but I have!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I used to be pretty active...growing up I was always involved in sports/athletics...then I went into the military out of high school. When I got out i was still in the neighborhood of 10% BF. Being out of the military and going back to school, I remained generally active but not nearly as active as I was and slowly put on a little weight because I was eating more or less the same as I was before...it was no biggie really...I bumped up to about 15% - 16% BF and stayed there for quite awhile and was pretty comfortable in my own skin.

    I didn't really start packing on the pounds until I was 30 and started working a desk job and lots of hours and traveling a lot for business. From 30 - 38 y.o. I went from about 170 - 220 @ 5' 10". It was pretty slow and gradual at first and sort of easy to just ignore and brush off as "getting older" or whatever...but really, from 35 - 38 things couldn't be ignored. In those three years I put on a whopping 35 of those 50 lbs and my health really took a dive. My health is what ultimately got me off my *kitten* and moving again...I was heading down a path that ends no where good to be sure...

    1 year later and I've turned things around considerably...I've dropped 40 lbs and am down to around 180ish. I'd still like to drop another 10 - 15 and get back to my pre "real job" body and I'm working on that very, very slowly. My primary mission has been accomplished and that is to reverse all of my bad blood work with diet and exercise. I'm significantly more fit than I've been in years...probably right around where I was at 28 y.o. Now I'm in for the detail work of sculpting my body and working that spare tire.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I got ran over by an 18 wheeler on my 21st birthday and couldnt walk anymore and got depressed and stopped living.


    (Okay getting run over by a truck seems legit. Nvm)


    i DID stop! and lost a backstreet boy!

    Which one? I hope it was that dude with the aviator sunglasses. He annoyed me.

    erm... it was the skinny one - wait no - that was lindsay lohan. yeah - i lost her.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I've got a couple of factors.

    First off, I've always been chubby, since the moment I was born, all through childhood and teenage years. Not necessarily obese, but husky. Thick. Just teetering on the edge of overweight. When I graduated high school, I was 5'5" (well, still am, lol) about about 145-150, and I actually had leaned out a noticeable amount due to sports and such. So, I started out with a slight disadvantage (no excuses, just a factor that's in play).

    Then, in the first part of college, I just went through some...stuff. You know, boy problems, loss of direction in school, etc. Nothing earth shattering but absolutely a mild to moderate depression on and off. Food made me feel better - still does, but I'm fighting it. I'm a grown up and should be able to control myself, but I recognize that my mom comes into play here - that's how we were raised. She had a hard time showing affection, but "treats" and stuff were how she told us that she loved us. It, again, isn't an excuse, but it ingrained that emotional response and impulse into me and added another disadvantage that I need to overcome. Crappy day? Nachos will help. Doesn't matter if I'm actually hungry or not. I don't know how much I really realized it back then, but I sure notice it now. By about 5 or 6 years after high school, that 145 was about 245.

    At some point I regained control of myself, and over the course of a year I lost 85lbs and got back down to 160. I was ok with that weight. Very soon after I got there, I met my (then future) husband. After we met, I yo-yoed up and down a bit, ultimately putting on about 25-30lbs of happy fat, and then got pregnant with my son, and due to quitting smoking plus the sudden license (in my head) to stop the dieting I put on another 60 while pregnant with him. I managed to not really lose any of it before I got pregnant with my daughter 18 months later (just laziness, plus breastfeeding actually made it harder for me, rather than easier, as some say), and while I didn't put much more on with her, I ended up at 242 when it was all said and done. Now she's 2, and I'm finally on my way back down.
  • tula1980
    Bed rest whilst very ill during pregnancy, spent the whole 9 months vomiting. Almost bled to death during c-section. As a result of being so depleted I was both 'skinny fat' and absolutely starving. I spent 5-6 months just eating and (over all from pre preg) put on ~40lb fat and lost a lot (~10lb ish) of muscle.
  • An8888
    An8888 Posts: 24 Member
    The first time I gained too much weight is it's own story, but the second time, and what brought me here, was pretty much a relationship with a lazy guy. In retrospect, it wasn't a very healthy relationship in a lot of ways. He ended up being a very different guy than who I thought he was, and had anger issues that caused me a lot of depression and anxiety. On top of everything else, we were always getting fast food. Usually, he was buying the food for me, too. So I was like, hey! It's free and I feel crappy. Why not? It's funny how much easier it is to eat fattening food when you have a loved one's "permission", so to speak. When they're offering it to you almost as a gift, or an apology. Now I'm here, starting over in more ways than one.
  • Confucius08
    Confucius08 Posts: 2 Member
    Like everyone else: stress, boredom and a little depression that has led to mindless and/or emotional eating. I will beat this!
  • StormSparks1994
    StormSparks1994 Posts: 50 Member
    My parents wouldn't say no when I'd ask for more food combined with a lazy teenager. and here i am.
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    I've answered this a few times myself already. I've always been big from birth to adulthood. Bigger than norm and always considered overweight. Drs say it's a mixture of genetics, health issues, stopping my exercising and unhealthy eating.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Well, the first time it was because I was lazy. I was on my computer all day and ate 2 meals, lunch and dinner, and then ate other 'junk' until I went to bed. I also ate the wrong kind of foods. Mostly frozen dinners, pizza, ice cream, canned soups, etc.
    I lost 40 pounds by walking 2-4 miles per day, and eating mostly 'normal' food.

    Then, I went on prednisone for chronic hives/cluster migraines and had a bad reaction to it, that lasted for weeks. I was in pain 24/7 and my appetite was insane. All I wanted was.. well, everything I could eat. I gained 20 of it back over summer.

    Now I'm 1 1/2 weeks back into my 'lifestyle' and I've lost 2lbs and am starting to feel better already. :)