So basically I can have water



  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Some water has fluoride in it.. and chlorine.. and animals swim in it... so clearly you can't have that either...

    LOL Damn I'm screwed then hahah

    i hear oxygen is still ok.. then again.. animals fly in it.. soooo...
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    That is what I love about MFP - although people disagree on little things a lot of the time, I would say around 90% of active message board users are advocates of what everyone has been saying so a deficit, work out, try and hit your macros and as long as you are doing whatever the hell you want!

    The problem with this philosophy on the outside, media driven world is that it's not very profitable. Who is earning big bucks if you are using a free online tracker and buying regular food? Dukan, Jason Vale, The Fasting People, Mr Weight Watchers, the Herbalife pyramid schemers etc can suck it!

  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    There are no bad foods. Cottage cheese is wonderful! Eat the foods you love and do not deprive yourself of anything! I have lost 122lbs in 15 months and I eat ice cream every day!:drinker: Read these:

    Wrong! Crisco is very bad! Don't eat that!
    Oh and lard ...
    Those will not help you lose weight, promise!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    In all seriousness, avoid the obviously stupid things - like giant spoonfuls of Crisco and lard, and eat what you like.
    If carbs were bad I would be a total whale right now. The only thing that helps my morning sickness is dry carbs (i.e. dry cheerios, dry toast, ritz crackers, etc ...) and that is pretty much what I eat right now.
    But, while you can stay under your calorie limit and hit your calcium by eating ice cream all day, I don't suggest that either :p
    Eat sensibly!
  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    In all seriousness, avoid the obviously stupid things - like giant spoonfuls of Crisco and lard

    Because people sit around and eat Crisco and lard?

    What are we having tonight for dinner, honey? We're out of salad, let's hit the pantry for that delicious Crisco!

    I could sure go for a lard smoothie right now... or lardsicles. My fav.
  • sielaras
    Like many people on this site, I have found that portion control is the absolute key to weight loss.

    I have tried it all - cutting out carbs, cutting out fat, cutting out sugar, eating whatever I want but going crazy at the gym - the only thing that has ever truly worked for me is portion control. Nothing is off limits, but I make sure to eat the appropriate portion sizes. If I want creamy pasta with bacon, I get a tiny little bowl and enjoy it along side some steamed vegies or salad. Even the most indulgent, fatty, creamy, greasy pasta is going to be less than 500 calories per cup.

    The best thing I have ever done for my weight was buying small bowls and plates. They are exact replicas of our normal dinner plates and bowls (my husband is 6'5'' so he needs a big serving) so they match and don't look too silly on the table.

    If you put 1 cup of pasta in a big bowl, and it looks pathetic. Put 1 cup of pasta in a bowl that has a capacity of 1 cup, and you feel like you are pigging out.

    I believe in eating healthy foods (whole grains, healthy fats, lots of vegies) for your own health and because they keep you full when you are cutting portion sizes, but I honestly don't think they have anything to do with your weight loss. I have successfully lost weight in the past eating small amounts of junk - not very healthy, but I lost weight.

    Most importantly though, do what works for you, and ignore everyone else.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    In all seriousness, avoid the obviously stupid things - like giant spoonfuls of Crisco and lard

    Because people sit around and eat Crisco and lard?

    What are we having tonight for dinner, honey? We're out of salad, let's hit the pantry for that delicious Crisco!

    I could sure go for a lard smoothie right now... or lardsicles. My fav.

    lol, I was being completely sarcastic. Sorry, sarcasm doing come through well in text.

    Have you ever seen the show, I think it is called "My Strange Addiction?"
    On this show, people eat crap like tissue paper and laundry detergent. There is one lady on there that eats giant spoonfuls of mayonnaise all the time and another that drinks olive oil.
    So disgusting. No, there wasn't any that eat Crisco but after watching the lady eat the laundry detergent powder, I think I'd probably rather the Crisco than that, lol.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I calculated my BMR and my TDEE and I eat in between those numbers. My macros are set at 40/30/30 carbs/fat/protein and I do my best to hit the targets, but don't always, and have still had great success losing the fat. And I'm still eating pizza, burgers, ice cream, chocolate, drinking alcohol, etc. Not every day, but on a regular basis.

    This thread helped me tremendously: Lots of info, but worth it, give it a read.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    yeah, I tried a lot of crazy diets, which work but not for long because the weight comes back when you quit the diet. Portion control works for me and I ate 4 cookies today but I also ate salad, fruit, corn, chicken, 7 grain bread, and lots of water. (What's wrong with water?). I love to eat and would so FAIL on a restricted diet.
    The most important thing is logging. I myself have been over my calories by 1000 sometimes. Okay, I learn from it. Didn't know that a hamburger has 700 calories, and a bun has 140 calories. Now I know. As long as you log, you learn. Stay under your calories most of the time and you will succeed. Try to eat a balance diet if you can. I know that it is hard to do in our face paced world. Hardly anyone cooks any more.
    Cottage cheese is a wonderful food. Apples--a gift from God. How ridiculous your friend is! No wonder she keeps her diary private.
    Don't let negative people bring you down!
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    As most people have said.. its all input VS output. Eat at a deficit and you can enjoy everything! Aim to eat clean and enjoy life!
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    Eat what you want, stay within your plan, weigh everything, and be happy :)

    This^. I eat what I want lol. I may lose more slowly, but I enjoy myself and life and usually stay within my calorie goal. I believe in moderation, not deprivation.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    Don't stress out over this. Eat whatever you want. Weigh and measure it. Manage your thyroid...hopefully you're on meds. Exercise. Drink water. Have patience.

    Oh and don't listen to a good half of the crack monkeys on this site. They aren't wrapped tight. Ummm...Listen to me though. :tongue:
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    You said you lost 7 pounds so far, that means what you are doing works. So keep eating and doing what you are doing,
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I eat what i like and work it in with my calories. I don't have the cleanest diet but I'm happy and this is a relationship for life.
    Because I have lots of food allergies and intolerances ( and a coeliac) my diet is restrictive enough and when I find something i like I eat it in moderation.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    As others have said eating at a calorie deficit will mean you'll lose weight. As to what you eat to do this is your call. I can offer advise on what's worked for me but its just that - what worked for me and isn't a 'you must do' statement! For me, with a lot to lose it isn't/ wasn't just about losingthe weight its about how I'll keep the weight off so needed a lifestyle change. For me this meant reducing portion size of higher calorie food and increasing veg in particular. I don't eat clean, just cleaner than I did. I knew just eating less McD's or other junk would mean I was on a diet and not a lifestyle change so I'd go back to big protion of the wrong stuff. I changed small bits like I rarely have crisps now, I eat treat size chocolate instead of a full size bar, I weigh pretty much everything except veg (I admit I do guestimate those). I still have treats every day if it fits in my calorie goal (usually mini choclate & small packs of Haribo). I still have a drink most weekends and have some days where I go 'off plan' (eg tomorrow I have a day out on the beers and probably junk food) but these are rare and I get straight back on plan the following day. I eat things I like (lean chicken) and avoid ones I don't (I HATE cottage cheese for example!). I eat back most of my exercise calories and drink loads of water so am rarely hungry. I have a food intake that I believe is sustainable and I enjoy and rarely feel like I'm dieting even though I'm losing a steady 2lbs a week.

    These are all things that work for me. Some is stuff I've read, others are things I've just tried and I've ended up with a routine that I can stick to. All I can advice is try things and find what works for you but ultimately eating at a calorie deficit will mean you'll lose weight.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Eat it all, and add red wine to the water-based diet. ;)
  • bunnybutler29
    4 letter words r bad that includes the damn word DIET :laugh: Do not deprive yourself of the things u like. Find healthier alternitives and remember Moderation.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,206 Member
    I have been trying to lose weight and getting advice from all sorts of folks. I have come to the conclusion that I can only have water! I am so sick and tired of people saying watch calories, no carbs, cut out sugar, no fruit oh wait you can't have dairy. Oh and blah blah blah! So what diet am I supposed to follow. I have been going along good losing about 7 pounds so far. Then my friend (who btw refuses to make her MFP public so she can help me) tells me oh no you don't wanna eat apples ew gross cottage cheese is horrible for you. So I ask the great and powerful OZ WTF can I eat!!!!????? I enjoy eating the foods I eat. I also work out super hard. Is there really any thing wrong with apples and cottage cheese or an F*ing cheeseburger if I am hitting it like Arnold at the gym?? Please this is a serious ? what is the healthiest plan to follow?

    Not gonna lie hitting it hard at the gym is pretty fun. I have lost 20lbs so far, and I look at it like this...I love soda I am not going to quit therefore I drink diet. I like cheeseburgers,fries, and applebees so i am going to eat it. Just eat less than you used to have self control. When I eat I dont allow myself to intake more than 1500cals a day no matter what, so if I eat a bunch of crap early in the day then I better make it up later by eatting things like apples and low cal foods so i dont go over 1500 cals. If I dont work out I try not to go above 1200cals some days are harder than others. Try to keep salt below 2,000mg, and dont worry about your sugar fruits are going to make your sugar macros sky high anyways. Lastly do what works best for you, is your friend loosing, if your loosing then why care what she thinks
  • paulylovesme
    In all seriousness, avoid the obviously stupid things - like giant spoonfuls of Crisco and lard, and eat what you like.
    If carbs were bad I would be a total whale right now. The only thing that helps my morning sickness is dry carbs (i.e. dry cheerios, dry toast, ritz crackers, etc ...) and that is pretty much what I eat right now.
    But, while you can stay under your calorie limit and hit your calcium by eating ice cream all day, I don't suggest that either :p
    Eat sensibly!

    Congratulations and thank you!