

  • Sparkle_Princess
    I was looking for a place that many people would try to flirt with me and tell me their inner most secrets and how they are loving the attention MFP brings.

    Honestly I have some gorgeous friends and we all need to get together for one mass party :devil: :devil:

    I didnt come here to flirt I came to lose weight, but if it happens that flirting is on the cards, who am I to say no :laugh: :laugh: I love attention sometimes :wink:
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    My friend is an online trainer, and he told me about this site. So I initially came here just for the fitness aspect, but now I love the social aspect as well. I have met some really cool and hilarious people.
  • King_Of_Juicy
    OP: you did

  • King_Of_Juicy
    I came here for the same reason most did, to lose weight, but mine was in preparation for what was termed "brain surgery" even though my brain was not being operated on, only my skull. Had an infection in it that was slow growing and they wanted to cut it out. They planned the surgery for September, so I had from January till then to lose weight. Went from 205 to 135 in that time. I stay now because after the surgery I vowed to never be the same "fat" guy again. I also love the forums and advice. The people here are very entertaining and even though I only have a few friends, I cherish every one of them. I like getting and giving advice as it helps me stay on track. I really love the humor here as well!

    This is impressive! Congrats and you are a true winner..... :wink:
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    My reason was my health. I'm in end stage kidney failure, and I've been doing dialysis for three years (almost). I've been struggling with my weight for awhile and peritoneal dialysis didn't help since you can get up to 1,000 calories from the solution. I went to the transplant center earlier this year, and the doctor complained about my most recent weight gain. He told me that if I didn't show weight loss in three months, I would be taken off the list permanently and never allowed to have a kidney from that hospital. That upset and scared me. I was looking online for a way to count my calories when I found MFP and, as you can tell by my counter, it has been working. I went back to the doctor in October, and he bragged on my weight loss and said he could tell my body was changing. He even said a new kidney should be 'imminent.' I still have a ways to go to reach my ultimate goal weight, but I'm moving towards it steadily.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    I googled "nutritional information for olive garden minestrone". Been here ever since.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    What brought me here: I was using another app that is sh*tty so I was looking around for something better and found MFP.

    What keeps me here: Great app that WORKS and the social aspect also. I really like meeting and getting to know people on here. It helps a lot to have people cheering you on, and I like cheering on others.
  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
    I always ate fairly healthy I think...my weight gains came from Alcohol...I thought I could still drink after just cut back to once a week..LOL NOPE because all my hard work and pounds lost got gained right back in one night of me having some drinks SUCKS..,So after going back and forth a few times hoping to have best of both worlds I gave it up( smoking too cause going to the gym just can't smoke)I feel so much better now and am happier.Using MFP helps me stay in check...I figure I'm gonna eat what I want anyway,but use this site to remind myself to be careful on how much..I work out and want to eat and I eat fast so I have to let my body wait until it registers what I downed in 3 min lol.I LOVE FOOD AND LOVE WORKING OUT! I tend to turn fat into muscle instead of losing weight fast...oh I found this site by Google had no idea what I was looking for and then found it :happy:
  • hungrypotato
    hungrypotato Posts: 1,642 Member
    I broke my back, and I could barely walk (2 herniated discs) compressing my Spinal Chord. I was determined to lose this weight and my mom has been using this app for quite a while so I gave it a shot, and it has been extremely successful. I have no problems walking (with occasional back aches) after a little more than a year from my back surgery.

    An example of the pain I used to be in 24/7 was taking a knife and slicing it down from my lower back area all the way down the back of both my legs to my toes, while sitting on fire, and some occasional electric shocks. Also (some areas were completely numb :(. I couldn't push off my toes.

    Oh and sleep was non existent

    But that is all in the past. I can walk pretty much normally.
    I still have a belly, but nothing compared to what it used to be, and I have little to no back pain.
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,151 Member
    I was usinfg WW online, and a co-worker told me about MFP...who knew it would be so much fun?! AND free. Awesome!
  • hellakitties
    hellakitties Posts: 27 Member
    I learned about MFP from a friend about a year ago, but I didn't join since I was adamantly against counting calories. It seemed so tedious and there was no convenient way to do it accurately, so I thought it would just drive me crazy. This seemed to be fine as I lost 30 pounds just by working out and casually watching my diet (trying not to eat what felt like "too much").

    However, as I got closer to my goal, I stopped seeing results. This was really frustrating because I was working out harder and longer than I ever had before. I felt stronger than I ever had, but i couldn't break through the plateau! One day, the prospect of doing Insanity Pure Cardio was so horrible that I gave up exercising and just ate junk. French fries every day! (It was awesome.)

    After a few days of that (not too many, thankfully), I signed up for MFP on a whim. Lo and behold, counting calories isn't all that bad! I try not to let myself get too obsessed with how accurate the counts are; for now, just having a ball park figure is helping me immensely with self-control. I no longer have late nights when my stomach or emotions decide I'm hungry and deserve another meal--my brain knows what I ate that day, knows I'm not hungry, and knows that I deserve to reach my goals if I work hard.

    As for the social aspects of the site, I'm still very much a lurker. Generally, people here are so helpful and encouraging! It makes me feel like I've stumbled into the weird part of the Internet. :)
  • AcidWords21
    AcidWords21 Posts: 139 Member
    I learned about it as a recommended app from a good friend & it's turned out to be very beneficial. So it was another good recommendation. :)
    I never paid attention to how much calories I would take in & just figured I'd burn off whatever I ate from daily activities and going for walks. I've been paying a lot more attention to them as a result of joining MFP.
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    My health