Have my 7 year old on a "diet"



  • Gkfrkv
    Gkfrkv Posts: 120
    Have you watched the documentary too fat to toddle? It's a little extreme with some of their statements, but they have a great part about portion sizes.

  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    If you choose to feed your child ONLY whole, healthy foods prepared at home you would NOT need to limit portions. Malnourishment stimulates over-eating. Address the malnourishment and over-eating stops.

    I also hope that you are not adhering to the low fat craziness. Your child needs lots of healthy fats. Yes, saturated fats from ethically farmed animals, avocados, coconut, eggs, butter etc. Low fat is a FAIL, not just for children.

    Pretty good advice I'd say from the sciency stuff I've read. Not a parent myself, but I would be tempted to allow him treats of non-whole "naughty" food every now and again, so he doesn't crave them. Also, do you get him to help you cook? I used to love cooking with my mum, and although portion sizes have been an issue for me, I learned how to cook healthy meals. I really appreciated this when I got to uni and had to fend for myself!
  • HeavenlyBri
    Thanks for all the positive comments and recommendations. The links have been helpful as well. I appreciate the support! :)
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Have you watched the documentary too fat to toddle? It's a little extreme with some of their statements, but they have a great part about portion sizes.


    Loving this video! Watching right now...