

  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    I'm a misanthropic pessimist atheist whom consumes pills by the handful and occasionally considers making cats into stew.


    Not sure whether to laugh or run away skeered :flowerforyou:
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    I'm a misanthropic pessimist atheist whom consumes pills by the handful and occasionally considers making cats into stew.


    FTW!! ^^This^^ = Best response EVA!! (I was yelling the eva!)
  • JeniferEverx3
    JeniferEverx3 Posts: 219 Member
    I'm good, thanks anyways. Every now and then I like to whine. Every now and then I will make an occasional excuse. It's called I'm human. I still seem to be doing ok. You don't strike me as being my type. Good luck to you though!

    You sound a lot like me! Maybe we could be friends LOL
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member

    From what I did manage to skim, you are waaaaay too self-absorbed for my tastes. Good luck anyways.

    Uh, yeeeaaahhh. ^^This. I'm going to have to pass; thanks anyway.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
  • harleigh67
    OP I'm truly sorry about that MS diagnosis...It is a sucky disease

    I would however recommend you practice some empathy, with you trying to find your spiritual side. You say no excuses yet you list quite a few in your profile

    There is a difference, I don't use mine as an excuse which all my friends would tell you, Yes MS sucks, it's tiring, it's painful, and today I spent 5 hours in a neurology office and an hour in an MRI machine , I could have used that or how exhausted I was to not have worked out but I I did not I still did an hour workout. I could have also used it as a reason to just eat crappy(fast food ) on the way home I didn't do that either. i did skip a meal which is not healthy,but that was by choice of not packing something to take with me!
    I have empathy for unforeseen .things that happen or someone who suffers something traumatic happen. That is a Reason not an Excuse!
    My one friend had knee surgery,and was down for awhile, she kept apologizing to everyone about it, and complaining every time she got on about gaining weight . I have no clue why she felt the need to apologize for taking care of her knee. I understand, she would be in a wheelchair & on crutches for a long while and could not walk or run,( that is as far as my empathy went) Why because I had to remind she didn't break her arms, and rolling yourself around in a wheelchair is exercise in my opinion! and being that way does not give you a reason to eat crappy! I So I sent her ideas for exercises she could do and reminded her watching her diet do to lack of movement!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
  • Silvermist16
    Silvermist16 Posts: 34 Member
    'Godspeed ghost rider! I don't impose rules on my friends, I take them as they are; crappy and unmotivated' (Linzchapates) I like this reply!
  • Silvermist16
    Silvermist16 Posts: 34 Member
    Harleigh, because of the comments you just got on here, is the reason I stay away from here. I don't think ANYONE read the part where you stressed that when you all cap it, you're not yelling. I've come to learn many of the people on here either can't read, or comprehend... You are doing a great job motivating, working out, and eating right. Keep up the great work!

    Seriously? But, she made it so easy! I also believe she edited her post after some of us had already read it (the disclaimer in regards to all caps). I have nothing against her, her approach just seemed a bit harsh....... I wish her only the best. Harleigh, no hard feelings! :happy:
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Can I handle it? yes.

    Do I want to? not even a little.

    yep, this
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Harleigh, because of the comments you just got on here, is the reason I stay away from here. I don't think ANYONE read the part where you stressed that when you all cap it, you're not yelling. I've come to learn many of the people on here either can't read, or comprehend... You are doing a great job motivating, working out, and eating right. Keep up the great work!

    Seriously? But, she made it so easy! I also believe she edited her post after some of us had already read it (the disclaimer in regards to all caps). I have nothing against her, her approach just seemed a bit harsh....... I wish her only the best. Harleigh, no hard feelings! :happy:

    Exactly. She edited after the fact.