Nearly 100 lbs lost (& 100 more to go!) - My story



  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member
    GREAT JOB!! Keep going. It seems you have the complete mindset to accomplish this goal. Cant wait to see the complete before and after pictures!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Awesome! You are an inspiration! I'm right there with you for everything you lived. Bigest difference is that it took me into my 50's before I did something, and I needed bariatric surgery to get mine going. I waited way too long to do this as you are doing. You are so smart to be taking charge at your age! Again, you are awesome!!

    I look forward to watching the rest of your journey of weight loss. And you are 100% right, this is a lifelong change. God bless you for sharing!
  • Grin3
    Grin3 Posts: 16 Member
    Awesome job! Keep up the great work and keep us posted!
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Congrats!!! :flowerforyou:

    Keep up the good work!!!
  • dds5910
    dds5910 Posts: 11 Member
    When I read your story, I truly believed I could do it too. I'm so happy for you because I know all the pain and frustration that comes from years of dieting and being overweight. Congrats on your weight loss and thanks for sharing your story
  • gm4everme
    gm4everme Posts: 4 Member
    You are amazing and should be so proud of your efforts to get healthy! I very much enjoyed your story and am keeping you in my thoughts as you continue losing weight.I LOVE reading success stories,it truly keeps ME motivated too.Keep posting on your achievements,can't wait to hear of all your successes!!G.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Amazing progress. Thanks for sharing. :)
  • Goin4goal
    Goin4goal Posts: 129 Member
    Awesome job - well done!!! Thanks for sharing with us - this is what motivates us all. You look very happy!!!!!
  • acoustictones
    You, young lady, are AWESOME!!!
  • f1usah
    f1usah Posts: 10
    So inspiring! Thank you for sharing :D
  • tasharock
    tasharock Posts: 136 Member
    Your mindset is your power. Keep up rockin' it!
  • jenn_zimm
    jenn_zimm Posts: 57 Member
    you look awesome! keep it up!
  • law110
    law110 Posts: 43
    What an strong person you are! I'm so inspired by you. I like what you said about the rewards being greater than the effort. Well Done! You're adorable!
  • BigSnicka
    BigSnicka Posts: 151 Member
    Congrats and amazing testimony!!! Thanks for sharing!
  • aklove907
    aklove907 Posts: 118 Member
    I am on the brink of having lost 100 pounds.
    My story is not unlike many other girls growing up. I comforted myself with food (mostly sugar) since I was a child. My mom tells me stories of how I traded a banana for a piece of candy from our next-door neighbor or the time she discovered my “stash” under my pillow in bed. From as far back as my memory can reach, I was always a chubby girl. I was teased all throughout school and carried a massive amount of shame, guilt, disappointment, and anger into my young teens and on to adulthood.

    I tried nearly every diet known to man. (Curves, Weight Watchers, Slim Fast, etc.) A few of them provided results but none of them lasting. I never have been "thin" or at a healthy weight in my adult life. At the beginning of my journey in February 2013 I stood at 5’4” tall, weighed in at 350 pounds and wore a size 28. My mental and physical health were deteriorating at a fast pace. I had developed type 2 diabetes, hypertension and was taking 2-4 pills per day.

    February 1st 2013 marks the day I changed my life. I started off eating a very low carbohydrate diet. I have a huge sweet tooth and was completely addicted to carbs. My husband and I had to literally remove all of the processed junk from our cupboards and fridge. Any item that was not good for my diet was removed from our home. It was the best gift I could give to myself in order to stick to the goals I laid out.

    For exercise, I committed to walking every day. I found myself getting easily winded; sweating profusely, and my back and knees would start to ache. At first I could only manage to walk one block. I tried to be as active as possible doing yard work, gardening, and cleaning. Meanwhile, working hard on my mental health and accepting the changes into my life.

    The challenges I faced, such as not being able to reach for a bag of chips when I wanted a snack, was new for me. Now I face the snack options of jerky, string cheese, or almonds. I started to surprise myself on how easily I could be satisfied and feel full. It didn’t take an entire fridge of food to satisfy me after all!

    In my first week on my new diet I dropped 11 pounds! My motivation was soaring and my goals to be free from medications and healthy enough to start a family with my husband were starting to feel achievable.

    It's been close to 9 months of sticking to my new lifestyle and the results are astounding. I grin ear to ear as I type these milestones. I never thought them to be possible to achieve!

    I am currently down 90 pounds.
    I am no longer considered diabetic
    I no longer have hypertension
    I do not take any medication
    I can walk 3 miles without struggle
    I currently weigh 259 and wear a size 20/22

    The accomplishments and improvements are extreme given what small amount of effort it truly has taken. I'm not sure if it feels that way because I am in the routine or because I simply had reached the right frame of mind to be able to put all of the pieces together and in motion.

    I do know that since eating low carb I have not succumb to any cravings and have complete control whereas prior I was hopelessly addicted to carbs. Food was my escape. I ate my emotions. I ate from boredom and out of habit. I would sit there eating one meal while already planning my next. That has all changed now. I eat for fuel and ....who am I kidding! I still eat for taste but now I know when to stop. Food no longer governs my life.

    I look forward to getting out and doing things. I use to dread meeting new people and now it excites me. There is this desire inside of me to continually better myself and to make a difference in the world around me. My confidence has improved with every pound I've burned away.

    I realize my journey will truly never end. I have approximately 100 more pounds to lose before I am at what a doctor or BMI calculator would deem as "healthy”, however, for now I am going to continue taking this journey of mine One Pound At A Time. <3

    You can continue to follow my journey at:



    I literally have tears in my eyes! What an amazing story! And very similar to mine!

    Food has always been a comfort to me. I have never been a healthy weight my entire adult life either. I have always been hooked on carbs and salt, and have binge ate pretty much for years and years. I have lost weight, but never lasting. I was in an extremely abusive relationship, and gained a lot of weight during and after.

    I have been using MFP for a month now, and have lost 13lbs. I started out at 220lbs, and am losing until I hit around 160-150lbs. I know that is slightly over what the "healthy" weight is for my height, but I think that would be an amazing accomplishment for me, and I wanna stay a bit curvy.

    There are major mental blocks that I have due to the abuse I went through, and at times food was my only "friend". I turned to it a lot I think because it was the only thing I felt I could control in my life. Now that is not the case. Breaking old habits and stepping out from under that cloud feels amazing!

    You are an inspiration! You go girl! Keep up the amazing work!
  • JilloftheDead
    JilloftheDead Posts: 296 Member
    You look amazing!! Seriously, thank you for the inspiration and congratulations on your path to health!
  • Mjconnelly586
    Mjconnelly586 Posts: 41 Member
    You look amazing! Such an inspiration! Keep up the good work :)
  • MirRee
    MirRee Posts: 3 Member
    You're an insipration!
  • volunteerpd
    Great job!! You are an inspiration. Even as you continue your way to your goal, love yourself, today, exactly as you are. You are beautiful!
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