To share or not to share your food journal



  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member
    Personally I look at everybody's food diary. It's not to be negative though I wonder how some people are under their calorie goal all the time. So I like to see what they're eating and such also it gives me ideas. If they ask for advice then that's another tool I can use to give them advice.
  • lajpeck
    lajpeck Posts: 83 Member
    I share mine with friends and have had nothing but positive feedback. I like looking at friends diary's too get new ideas for other foods to eat.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    no one is going to judge you, but they might be able to use it to help you improve your food choices. I share mine (chocolates and all) when I fill it in.

    There are plenty of people who stalk food diaries to criticize and judge...

    ^^^ This. People kept saying to me "Great job on being under, even with that chocolate bar". Made me feel like I had to hide my treats, so now its private and I can be totally honest with myself.
  • AshleyMeggg
    AshleyMeggg Posts: 148 Member
    I started with mine closed, but switched it to open when I realized that my friends didn't really care what I eat. When I have a really healthy day someone might give me extra props, or people have mentioned that they also like something that I ate, and on days when I've had way to much of something (ie Panera) it feels better to have someone say "Panera always gets me too, you'll get it tomorrow." I've never had anyone berate me unless I asked for advice.
    The reason I like to keep mine open though is because I find that it helps making compatible friends. I accidentally added some people who eat extremely low calories, and that is triggering to me, not helpful, so I have to defriend them.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Mine is open to my friends, isn't that why we are here? If you close your journal and don't want anyone to see it its likely because you are not eating the way you should and are embarrassed.
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    I find I am more honest by keeping my diary closed. No one needs to know how much wine I drink!
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    I came here basically at the end of my weight loss journey.

    Since I didn't lose by following what most here preach, there is no point in allowing others to view my diary (and turning them from the Golden Path). The last thing I'm interested in is an unsolicited message telling me I should be eating back my exercise calories.
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    I have "cheat" food, I once in awhile go over....I log EVERYTHING...."good, bad, ugly and why the hell did I eat that!?!?" My diaryis open, even though once in a great while I do something like do a trial run on the vegan maple pecan glaze I am going to put on a vegan pumpkin cake for a vegan friend of mine, and decide it's so good that I have to eat it....all.....but you know, why hide it? Mine is open to the public, and actually I think only one person has ever commented on anything I logged. I would not be so scared of being judged, if I were you, Most people are concentrating on their own journeys to hard to judge yours.

    Edited: To apologize for the horrible run on sentences. I obviously need more coffee.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I share mine. I consider it a public service to showcase just how much Halloween candy one can eat and still lose weight.

    As for fear of being judged for my choices? Well judge away, my blood labs, weight loss, and strength gains are how I decide whether what I'm doing is working for me, not some sanctimonious stranger on the internet.
  • rednailvarnish
    rednailvarnish Posts: 36 Member
    I share mine but people should not be judging (everyone has different tastes, levels of intake and goals) and only making comments if you have asked for some advice.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I don't share because I don't really need people to comment on it. If I wanted help I would open it, though.
  • Vince_1964
    Vince_1964 Posts: 359 Member
    i share and I don't judge what others are eating. Remember this is about making fitness a lifestyle - not a diet. So, that said, I don't plan to "eliminate" things I enjoy - I just try to consume in moderation and/or step up the exercise if I know we've got something planned where I won't be eating "healthy".

    I also don't really make negative comments if someone goes over a target - it's gonna happen on occasion. However, I WILL comment if I see a friend who is consistently eating under 1200 calories/day.

    That's my 2 cents!
  • TravelDog14
    TravelDog14 Posts: 317 Member
    Mine is wide open to all and always has been.
    I don't want to hide what I eat, as if there's some shame associated with how I live my life.
    I'm just a regular person trying to find the balance of what is best for me to eat.
    Hell, the past few days I've been eating cannoli, I'm pretty sure there's nothing healthy in them!

    Keeping my food diary private would seem to imply it's a secret or bad or something not to be discussed.

    And if some stranger on the internet wants to judge me for what I eat, well that says more about them than it does about my food choices.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I did not at first. I changed my mind because if I'm that worried about what someone will see me eat, then I should share it, as It will hold me that much more accountable. Don't get me wrong, I don't beat myself up if I have a bad day. But if I'm going to be that concerned about what someone will say or think about my diary, then I should do what I can to stick closer to healthier foods and not eat half a big bag of candy in one sitting. I stay honest with it, no sense in not logging something just because I don't want someone to see it. It'll still be something I stuffed in my face, and will still show up on my hips, legs and belly.

    I'll eat what I want, in moderation. My diary is open, please feel free to view it. You'll see candy in my snacks EVERYDAY, lol.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Hell, the past few days I've been eating cannoli, I'm pretty sure there's nothing healthy in them!

    wrong. they are perfectly healthy. You need energy from the carbs and the custard surely has some protein in it ;p
  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member

    And if some stranger on the internet wants to judge me for what I eat, well that says more about them than it does about my food choices.

    I haven't heard it said any better!!
  • lima013
    lima013 Posts: 80 Member
    I share mine with my "friends". Actually it is up to you. But your meals or the meals of others could inspire you or inspire OP.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,013 Member
    I have had mine open since I have been on mfp july 2010 and have not had any negative comments, I did have one person say they were concerned but thsts it. I like to see what others are eating from time to time to get new ideas not to judge.if it works for them why do I care? But do what works for u
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    I did not at first. I changed my mind because if I'm that worried about what someone will see me eat, then I should share it, as It will hold me that much more accountable.

    This is me too. I'm as honest as possible and if I have a really bad day it'll be there.
    If anyone feels uber-critical I think there's a day in there when I only ate biscuits :smile: but for the most part it's me that needs to care what's in it and I don't mind who sees it.
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    Mine is open - I had a 'friend' on here tell me everyday no matter what I ate what I needed to eat more of - drove me nuts.....we are no longer friends....