


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    The best "cleanse" is performed continuously by healthy kidneys and liver.


    Apparently you are unfamiliar with the "whiskey cleanse"'s all the rage. Tread lightly though, it can be a bit rough if you go all balls to the wall right out of the kinda have to work up to it. Otherwise, just jump right'll probably feel like **** for a day or so afterwards, but lawdy you'll have a good time...
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I was going to post a gif but the internet doesn't even have one crazy enough for this thread....

    Found one for you.


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    What chemical compounds are building up in our internal organs that we need to cleanse? What is going on in there that our kidneys, liver, and digestive system can't handle?
    In my case .. Iron. Iron that I can not cleanse is building up in my organs. If I'm not careful it will damage my liver and pancreas, and give me diabeetus.

    Alas, the only therapy is phlebotomy, as there's no cleanse that can help.

    So basically, too much iron and we're screwed but there's nothing we can do about it?

    Ok, good to know.

    But I think iron would be a difficult thing to overdose on. I struggle to keep my iron levels in my diet high enough to meet my needs.

    In my case, I have hemochromatosis. It's a genetic defect that makes me absorb up to 5x more iron from food than normal people. Most people can absorb 3-5% of the iron they eat. I can absorb upwards of 20%. Normal serum ferritin levels are 50-200 (If I remember correctly). Mine have been as high as 800. The problem is that the spare iron gets deposited mainly in the liver and pancreas, and too much can shut them down.

    The only therapy is to remove a pint of blood once a week, until the levels go down. Needless to say, I try to eat to avoid that.

    But once I'm there .. there's not a cleanse in the world that can help.

    My mother-in-law has this condition as well.
    My husband and children are at a higher risk. Boo!!

    Back to the toxins!!
    This "Doctor" has a nicely written article about the dangers or the toxins and only names one, mercury, but didja know we are exposed to 2.5 billions of pounds of toxins each YEAR? ohmygod!

    If I was desperate and naive, I'd be detoxing it up! haha
    (and yes, I did comment, I'm wondering if it'll be deleted)

    Maybe if I buy his cookbook, I can learn more about all the other toxins.....
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I don't think so many moliculs and things that make a toxin have names that I know of right off the top of my head of more like a type like biotoxins and enviormental toxins.

    Edited because I can't spell today.


    I would simplify it for you but I don’t have the time for that much information exchange right now.

    It gets simplier?
  • Funkenstein7

    So how does a "cleanse" remove the chemicals from second-hand smoke from your body?

    What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

    25 mph. Now what does that have to do with toxins?

    About as much as dietary cleanses. OP asked for toxins to be concerned about that the body doesn't get rid of naturally, so I provided toxins. OP wants to talk about cleanses instead, so Monty Python.

    Fetchez la vache!
    But do not visit Castle Anthrax, it must be full of toxins as it is very perilous!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    just make sure you don't stop consuming dihydrogen monoxide! it's a silent killer, and if you stop consuming it you'll die!!!! everyone I know that's dies has consumed dihydrogen monoxide!

    If I stop consuming it I'll die, but everyone that consumes it dies. There is no hope. :sad:
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Wow--that MUST be what is causing all my "hot flashes", yeah right. :noway:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    What chemical compounds are building up in our internal organs that we need to cleanse? What is going on in there that our kidneys, liver, and digestive system can't handle?
    In my case .. Iron. Iron that I can not cleanse is building up in my organs. If I'm not careful it will damage my liver and pancreas, and give me diabeetus.

    Alas, the only therapy is phlebotomy, as there's no cleanse that can help.

    So basically, too much iron and we're screwed but there's nothing we can do about it?

    Ok, good to know.

    But I think iron would be a difficult thing to overdose on. I struggle to keep my iron levels in my diet high enough to meet my needs.

    In my case, I have hemochromatosis. It's a genetic defect that makes me absorb up to 5x more iron from food than normal people. Most people can absorb 3-5% of the iron they eat. I can absorb upwards of 20%. Normal serum ferritin levels are 50-200 (If I remember correctly). Mine have been as high as 800. The problem is that the spare iron gets deposited mainly in the liver and pancreas, and too much can shut them down.

    The only therapy is to remove a pint of blood once a week, until the levels go down. Needless to say, I try to eat to avoid that.

    But once I'm there .. there's not a cleanse in the world that can help.

    My mother-in-law has this condition as well.
    My husband and children are at a higher risk. Boo!!

    Back to the toxins!!
    This "Doctor" has a nicely written article about the dangers or the toxins and only names one, mercury, but didja know we are exposed to 2.5 billions of pounds of toxins each YEAR? ohmygod!

    If I was desperate and naive, I'd be detoxing it up! haha
    (and yes, I did comment, I'm wondering if it'll be deleted)

    Maybe if I buy his cookbook, I can learn more about all the other toxins.....

    oh yeah that's my other why should we care point. its often obscure knowledge that must be paid for and is not readily available neither in the schools we grew up in which if it were a real thing to be fearful of they might have told us about, but not even in this "information age" of computers and whatnot is that information available in a clear format and for free. which makes it suspect.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    I was going to post a gif but the internet doesn't even have one crazy enough for this thread....

    Yeah it does. IT has a really fun toxin tampon animation.

    see here it is. so colorful. but alas, it's in french what does it means?


  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    So people like to give their insides a good cleaning...who cares. Seems like you want to pick a fight.

    Because they should use a bottle brush like a normal person.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Can someone, anyone, please name the "toxins" that we all need to be cleaning from our body?

    all of them, duh! are you a moron or something.


    You're on my FL, you should know the answer to that question :laugh:

    Just makin' sure we're on the same page here...
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    I don't believe in all this toxins mumbo jumbo BUT I do feel better after a one or two day "cleanse" --for me thats clear liquids nothing solid for two days and plenty of water. No special products that cost a bundle and I find it easy to do and not harsh on my system.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't believe in all this toxins mumbo jumbo BUT I do feel better after a one or two day "cleanse" --for me thats clear liquids nothing solid for two days and plenty of water. No special products that cost a bundle and I find it easy to do and not harsh on my system.
    You feel better because you're body is sending distress signals that you're starving yourself.

    You don't feel better because what you're doing is GOOD for you. It's actually the opposite. People who starve to death, freeze to death or die from dehydration all experience a sense of euphoria.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Someone once (who apparently was a personal trainer and tossed herself out there as a nutrition expert) told me sodium ...

    Now, obviously, if you have certain medical conditions or seriously overdo it, sodium can be harmful. But it's also a necessary electrolyte that we'd die without.

    But pure sodium explodes in water--clearly this is harmful and can only be prevented through cleanses.


    This is why I avoid drinking water. Only coffee and diet soda for me. :glasses:
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I don't believe in all this toxins mumbo jumbo BUT I do feel better after a one or two day "cleanse" --for me thats clear liquids nothing solid for two days and plenty of water. No special products that cost a bundle and I find it easy to do and not harsh on my system.

    Define "better"

    What specific advantages do you get from this regimen?
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I don't believe in all this toxins mumbo jumbo BUT I do feel better after a one or two day "cleanse" --for me thats clear liquids nothing solid for two days and plenty of water. No special products that cost a bundle and I find it easy to do and not harsh on my system.
    You feel better because you're body is sending distress signals that you're starving yourself.

    You don't feel better because what you're doing is GOOD for you. It's actually the opposite. People who starve to death, freeze to death or die from dehydration all experience a sense of euphoria.

    Well no. A 1 or 2 day fast is certainly not "starving". And it does seem to have some health benefits.

    So - you feel better because what you're doing IS actually GOOD for you. Plus your metabolism runs a little faster on days 2 and 3 of a fast.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't believe in all this toxins mumbo jumbo BUT I do feel better after a one or two day "cleanse" --for me thats clear liquids nothing solid for two days and plenty of water. No special products that cost a bundle and I find it easy to do and not harsh on my system.
    You feel better because you're body is sending distress signals that you're starving yourself.

    You don't feel better because what you're doing is GOOD for you. It's actually the opposite. People who starve to death, freeze to death or die from dehydration all experience a sense of euphoria.

    Not necessarily. First of all, people don't starve in 2 days. And there is evidence that short fasts (which is what a water only 'cleanse' is) are healthy.
  • mmouse90
    The terms "cleanse" and "toxins" are used liberally when it comes to fitness so trying to figure out what people mean by either is going to be a never ending search that just goes in circles. There are medical reasons for cleanses like a colon cleanse before surgery and there are people out there who have GI systems that do not work was well as a healthy persons GI system does so it does not clean out the excess iron or other things in their bodies and the body will view this as a "toxin" even though other people have not issue (the person who posted about how their system does not process iron introduced to their body like your body does and it causes medical issues for them). So certain "cleanses" would help those people keep their GI system function to the best of its ability. Some people find that doing a cleanse helps clean them out when they are constipated; just like some people find that coffee will clean them out. I believe the whole idea of "cleansing to remove toxins" started from real medical reasons and people saw it as a quick way to lose weight and it has gotten out of control. Just because your body does not have a problem processing what is introduced does not mean everyone has a health GI system and to those people what their body cannot properly process is considered a toxin to the body. Example Gluten is a toxin to people who have Celiac Disease but it is not a toxin to majority of people. This is a prime example of how an actual medical condition has become a diet craze; people saw that other people lost weight when they had no choice but to stop eating Gluten (because it is toxic to them) and said "hey if I stop eating Gluten I will lose weight because it is unhealthy" when in reality its only unhealthy to the person who has the allergy. There are different types of "cleanses" and different definitions of "toxins" but the terms are again used liberally a lot.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Are we still waiting?
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    sauna,,, they get rid of all toxins